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Corruption Sorcerer Sabers Toggle Switch


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I was playing the other day on my Corruption Sorcerer, and thought why do I even pull out my lightsaber? I mean really? I NEVER use it...OK well not never never but I never use it if I am in any kind of real content. Yeah I use it when I'm Korriban and messing around with the worm things for shiggles, he is LVL 60 BTW. However that said really in any Daily, FP, Op or level relevant content I don't swing that thing around at all. I just hold it in my hand. So WHY? I understand that for game mechanics, I need to have one equipped because that is how healing and DPS are calculated, but just like we can toggle off our helmet or headgear, and that doesn't remove the gear from the calculation.


Could we get a lightsaber toggle button on Sith Corruption Sorcerer's, please? Not sure how relevant this is to the DPS versions of the Sorcerer Classes, as my current DPS Sorcerer is not leveled very high. (Other DPS Sorcerers want to chime in on this?)


Make it so if I ACTUALLY use a lightsaber attack it does the animation for pulling it when I attack, then the actual attack animation. However; otherwise it leaves it on my belt. I always feel stupid standing there holding my saber when I KNOW I will not be using it in a fight. I'm not sure why but it just feels really clunky to me. I know the ability it there as you can do it with your helmet or headgear, so please let me leave my lightsaber on my belt unless I actually need it, OR decide to use it. Oh and once I pull it out and swing it, it toggles off the "Leave it on my belt" toggle for the rest of the fight. So I would not have to constantly have to re apply the toggle during a Flash point or whatever content I am playing, at that time.


It would kind of give me that Darth Sidious feel, as he only pulled his saber when he wanted to and was still VERY lethal with out a lightsaber in his hand. So there is some cannon reasons that this could be implemented. I think Darth Nox should be able to choose when he/she pulls their saber!


TL/DR Give us a toggle like you have with helmets and headgear for Corruption Sorcerer (Maybe DPS) to leave our sabers on our belts, unless we actually use a direct lightsaber attack. PLEASE!

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I agree with this and in the past I have commented on removal of the light saber when doing casting spells verse melee attacks. It's really annoying when you look at the jedi counselor doing his force quake and his light saber is tucked away but when the sith sorcerer is doing force storm their saber is waving in the air trying to slice off the other hand or when you do innverate, your again trying to slice off your other hand.
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Maybe we should make it that the Sorc and Scoundrel healers get the option? I thought the DPS versions of Sorc didn't really use it but couldn't remember. I did mention it in the post.


Yeah, I'm pretty much in agreement that it'd be nice to not have my saber out while channeling Force Storm, at least.


With most of the other attacks it doesn't really matter since they just use their offhand in the animation.

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It'd look awesome, but you'd need a passive block animation to replace the animation that plays when you deflect an attack and stuff.


Couldn't the dodge animations work for this? But even cooler look if they just caught it with their hand, kind of a nod to Darth Vader?

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They could simply ignite their saber in order to deflect/parry attacks. Then, after a few seconds of not needing to anymore, they retract it once more.


But even cooler look if they just caught it with their hand, kind of a nod to Darth Vader?


Easy to do when your hand is made of metal.


... Then again, in both Knights of the Old Republic II and Force Unleashed, characters have proven to be able to use the Force to deflect laser fire with their bare hands. So, it's a possibility.

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