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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Initial 3.1.1 Patch Notes are up...


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Calm down peeps. These are initial patch notes. They're good changes for PvP and PvE with the UR change. Baby steps yes, but more to come I'm sure. Plus other ACs look like they'll be getting hit with the nerf bat over the next few patches too which will be fun to watch. I'd suggest jumping on the 3.1.1 PTS if you really wanna help the devs improve our class. We've all shared enough on the forums already
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Calm down peeps. These are initial patch notes. They're good changes for PvP and PvE with the UR change. Baby steps yes, but more to come I'm sure. Plus other ACs look like they'll be getting hit with the nerf bat over the next few patches too which will be fun to watch. I'd suggest jumping on the 3.1.1 PTS if you really wanna help the devs improve our class. We've all shared enough on the forums already

I agree that it's a bit premature to be freaking out at this point, and I think the removal of the health drain on Guarded by the Force/Undying Rage is a wonderful change in keeping with the new meta.


That said, the new meta simply isn't a place where Sentinels/Marauders will ever be at home unless more serious changes are made.


As it stands this AC simply cannot compete with Guardians/Juggernauts at this point. The new meta is DoT-spread, mobility, and mobility control.


The sad reality is that Sentinels/Marauders are absolutely broken with respect to mobility and target uptime. If they're going to remain as easy to snare/root as they are now, they're going to need a serious buff to survivability and the change to GbtF/UR simply isn't enough. Don't get me wrong, it's a GOOD change, but - as it stands - it simply delays the inevitable for 4 seconds.


Personally, I think the answer is to give Sents/Maras better ways to counter mobility control. Let Guardians/Juggernauts have the tanky DPS specs, and let Sentinels/Marauders have the mobility. You know, since the 'Pub-side class description says that "precision and control are the hallmarks of the Sentinel". Give them their skirmish back, guys.


Anyway, that's my 2 credits. These changes are a step in the right direction. But I'm advocating for a bit of an overhaul as opposed to tweaks, since the meta has left Sentinels/Marauders in the dust wondering what the heck happened.



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The bottom line is cc immunity is where its at. Especially for melee classes that are inherently more disadvantaged in a cc heavy game like this one...the classes that have the better cc immunity tools...vigi guards, serenity shadows, tactics VGs, etc. are the ones that are alpha tier now...if they want to be serious about making sents/maras competitive, cc immunity - in some form - is what it is going to take, period...
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I have a message to the devs in charge of marauder changes:


*self censored* that Crippling slash *self censored*


So now one is supposed to have TWO utilities to somehow make it work when previously one could make do with just deadly throw and ONE mid-tier talent? Why not just give old deadly throw back for ****s sake. Every utility for that ******* crippling slash is away from stuff that marauder needs just to survive. I think I rather just not play this epic fail.

edit: now that I think of it, how can I make a swipe with lightsaber and it has range of 10 meters? I don't understand why it couldnt be a throw..


On a related note: my subscription runs out in 11 days.

Edited by Karkais
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The added range to crippling is fine, still could just bring deadly throw back and not need to waste a utility point.... But at least this is a step in the right direction. The root is very strong now, since with crip slash you could keep someone rooted for a long time..... given many classes have root breaks on short cds(no idea why this was added to basically everyone), but with leap ravage and crip its 8 seconds if you are able to land them all and crip can reset everyone 10 seconds and allow for another root shortly after...


The problem with it is that it is a heroic utility..... Which makes it tough since giving up either brooding aoe cc cd reduc and full stacks every fight or expunge on camo since anyone worth their salt is taking unbound anyway. Does the root give as much utility as the other 2? maybe but I doubt it, moving it down a tier or adding another benefit to another skill could make it an actual tough decision.


Finally the UR/GbtF change is much needed! Thank you devs, but once again you nerfed it to 3min cd..... It grants no CC immunity, last 4 seconds-6 with heroic utility which is nice but 1 stun or root shuts it down completely. Given it is a fantastic oh **** button, but for 4 seconds the cd should be 2 min.


Just a comparison

Evasion 3 sec-immune to white dmg 1min cd(75% force tech on snipes, ops shorter cd with specs/utility)

Shroud 3-5sec-immune to cc and force/tech/yellow dmg 1min cd

UR/GbtF 4 sec immune to both but just dmg, 3 min cd!? really does that justify that extra 2 min? I think 2 min was fine when compared with other classes skills


Jugs heal to full is 2min, Sorc bubble is 3 min but thats 8 seconds of absolute immunity/cc breaker plus the stupid bastion at the end.


If you make UR/GbtF usuable while cced/cc immunity I will accept a 3min cd but right now it is not worth that.

Edited by calamatiesend
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i have some suggestions for 3.1.1



this "no penalty" change on "Guarded by the Force" with no restriction on health level makes sents invincible, or like most people said: FoTM. My main is sent and i love playing sents so much but dont want to be invincible either.


Yes the penalty is absurdly much and it should be corrected but pls at least change it with a restriction like "only usable below %25 of max health" and/or reduce the penalty to %20 or something like that... Otherwise it will break the class balance very bad.


Moreover i would like to say somethings in my mind:


* change the pvp gear passives please, they are so ineffective together.


* Transfer Blade Strorm effect of concentration's "Momentum" to combat dicipline (with an ataru form change, of course). concentration players dont really need it. But keep the other effects of Momentum same pls.


* you took our wings by nerfing our offhand, so pls increase the ofhand damage or its accuracy or give back our crippling throw.


* many said concentration is still a good dicipline, i agree with that but it is heart-breaking to see the unofficial symbol of the dicipline "force sweep" is now a junk. i personally dont like those changes, never wanted "focused burst". instead give our force sweep back pls. u can direct its surge to targeted opponent only. i think it will balance the situation.


Afterall, thank u so much for hearing us at last and for considering some changes:)


İ wrote these to another thread but it seems this one is more appropriate

Edited by erdems
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CC immunity without better defensive CDs for the classes reliant on CC needs to stop. They are handing it out like it is candy and as someone pointed out those with said immunity are alpha. When your defense is CC and x class can become immune to that defense there is little you can do. It is illogical since it does not work in reverse. The classes suffering don't get to become immune to death field, saber reflect, ravage, impale, etc...
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Finally crippling throw is back except it needs utility points which is a bit of a bummer considering how we need to put 2 points into obfuscate to make it useful in pvp so was hoping for it to go back to the way it was but it's a step in the right direction =]


Doesn't the sin force shroud have a 1 min cooldown? Why does it have to go up by a minute? Don't get me wrong i am glad it has been redesigned so it is useful again so big thankyou :D


The biggest issue about our class hasn't been addressed, which in my opinion is how easy it is to stun/control/root/laugh-at/slow. For instance: can we activate Undyingrage/GBTF while stunned? I think that is what we really need because we get stunned and we die, there is no other way of looking at it.


I know most classes die when they get stunned but we use breaker and get stunned again anyway. We might be able to use breaker then undying rage but then we use 2 big DCD and most of the time people will just stun and wait through undying rage anyway.

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