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Force Barrier issue?


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This has happened to me quite often, and now I feel the need to post this here to see if anyone else is experiencing this issue.


There have been many instances where my Force Barrier was off cooldown, but sort of grayed out and unable to activate. I know this is not the cooldown timer, as there have been many instances where in ranked matches I have not activated it and have been unable to do so.


I do not know of any reason why this could happen.

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Was there a merc in the opposite team? If yes then he must have e-netted you preventing you from using barrier. In order to use it you have to use your cc-breaker to cancel the effects of e-net and then you can barrier.


Having said that e-net animation has bugged on me a lot of times, basically it doesn't appear on my char which severely causes confusion and delayed reaction till I look that it is grayed out and assume I am invinsibly netted.

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This has happened to me quite often, and now I feel the need to post this here to see if anyone else is experiencing this issue.


There have been many instances where my Force Barrier was off cooldown, but sort of grayed out and unable to activate. I know this is not the cooldown timer, as there have been many instances where in ranked matches I have not activated it and have been unable to do so.


I do not know of any reason why this could happen.


I have seen this multiple times with the electro net ability. You may likely need to try breaking the stun and then use your big bubble.

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It works the other way too.


You get Force Barrier up before a net lands the net is destroyed.



A net is a type of special CC and can be removed only with your CC break.


If you play ranked you need to know this because a merc on the other side is fairly likely to net you to cripple your Force Barrier and their side as a whole will attempt to nuke you while you can't Barrier.


You have to know that the answer is to CC break the net which then allows Force Barrier (or Force Speed, whatever you think you can get away with).


Yeah you used your CC break but if you stand there with net on and Barrier disabled you cant run or hide. You get another chance and this time there's no net (for another 90 seconds).

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There actually is 1 more thing that can believe it or not. Rescue (think its Extract for Sorcs) IE: Sage/Sorc Yank can actually pull you out of Barrier. I've a had a few "friendly" people kill me that way thinking they are helping me. NOTE TO SAGES/SORCS: DO NOT USE RESCUE IN A WZ/ARENA ON SAGES, YOU WILL KILL THEM!


That is all.

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Well, a bit of overgeneralization, use it with care is how I would express the issue.


I had healer sorcs yell at me because I didn't extricate them when they were in trouble as well. Overall it's a matter of reading the game. If the sorc already used his barrier, do your best to extricate him when he's hard pressed, or if the healer is surrounded by melees who are likely to interrupt and stun him and he's not already low on HP and likely to use his barrier.

It's of course better if you're on voice comms and you can announce you're going to extricate them. In sRBGs I usually talk about it before the round starts: "want me to extricate you from tight situations?"

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Also another hint:


If you play arena games, always analyze your opponents, if they field a merc/mando, ALWAYS save your stun breaker until you need to use barrier. Good enemy teams will use this to their advantage by putting you into CC right away, if you break that, you're dead as you won't be able to use barrier when they use e-net on you. So you're forced to endure the full duration of the CC and are a lost asset to your team.

As mercs/mandos can dish out decent damage and can be killed relatively easy, they are often chosen as early targets also as to remove the threat of e-net.

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Well, a bit of overgeneralization, use it with care is how I would express the issue.


I had healer sorcs yell at me because I didn't extricate them when they were in trouble as well. Overall it's a matter of reading the game. If the sorc already used his barrier, do your best to extricate him when he's hard pressed, or if the healer is surrounded by melees who are likely to interrupt and stun him and he's not already low on HP and likely to use his barrier.

It's of course better if you're on voice comms and you can announce you're going to extricate them. In sRBGs I usually talk about it before the round starts: "want me to extricate you from tight situations?"


Sorry the overdramatic felt needed. Hehe :) You are exactly right.

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  • 2 months later...
Sages and sorcs should not have bubble period. It was given to you due to a lack of mobility you have mobility. Now more times than not it is used as an extra stun break or they wait till they're almost dead pop it and instant heal.


Barrier in and of itself isn't a problem as it functions well as a short anti focus button (bastion + corrupted barrier is really what makes it powerful). If anything should be changed it is mobility.

Edited by Saikochoro
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