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For the PvPers....


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Hello fello pvpers.. I have toons that I enjoy both mid and at level 60. I wanted to start this thread about gearing to give a little help as I have noticed.... for instance that even at level 50,some folks don't have relics. If you google Matrix Shards you will see that if you go to a few planets you can pick up a couple of shards. After only collecting three, you can go to your capital planet and make a lvl50 purple relic with your main stats on them. I have a guardian that I am leveling up mostly through pvp and will be getting both the purple Str and Willpower relic simply by collecting shards inbetween pops.


As you well know by now, even if you just want to pvp, if you get your ship through a tiny amount of questing you will get a companion. Relics up to level 50 pretty much require a light or dark rating. I highly recommend picking up the diplomacy skill and pick the small inexpensive missions to level up you dark or light status. Putting something in those slots is always better than nothing.


The purpose of this thread is to help with gearing and bolster to make you a better pvper. This game does rely heavily on the proper gear and I want you to have an enjoyable experience so you keep coming back. Just like tweaks for pve and gearing for ops and raids, so here are a couple of items to help you in pvp.


If anyone else has some good tricks to help the community, this is a pretty good place to provide some advice. Have a great pvp day.

Edited by durhame
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The way the bolster works in the lowbie brackets, it's that something needs to be in the slot but the stats themselves really don't matter, right? If that's the case and I'm not misunderstanding how it works, there are also relics you can get from the Rackghoul event for level 25, 35 and 45 if you have the rep (it's really low) that are bind on legacy. And yeah, they have the presence stat on them which is useless for PVP (although nice for leveling through a planet with a companion) and endurance which is sort of useful, but it being the lowbie bracket and with bolster, I don't really think that matters terribly much. As a bonus, they don't require grinding lightside or darkside diplomacy missions for rating. Edited by Prisoner
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When you first hit level 60, keep a set of the Rishi purple gear... don't wear the Yavin gear (And under no circumstances should you wear tiered raiding gear) into WZ's it doesn't bolster. A person with 2018 expertise will have a 60% damage boost, 37.5% damage reduction, and a 20.38% healing boost over a person who gimps themselves with gear that doesn't have any expertise and doesn't bolster.


Remove any LVL 28 augments until you get LVL 36 ones. You will automatically bolster to the LVL36 blue fortitude augment stats as long as you don't have any other augments in the slots.

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The way the bolster works in the lowbie brackets, it's that something needs to be in the slot but the stats themselves really don't matter, right? If that's the case and I'm not misunderstanding how it works, there are also relics you can get from the Rackghoul event for level 25, 35 and 45 if you have the rep (it's really low) that are bind on legacy. And yeah, they have the presence stat on them which is useless for PVP (although nice for leveling through a planet with a companion) and endurance which is sort of useful, but it being the lowbie bracket and with bolster, I don't really think that matters terribly much. As a bonus, they don't require grinding lightside or darkside diplomacy missions for rating.


Thanks for this tip. I didn't know this event gave you those since I don't really pve minus the Gree event and class quests. Good stuff.

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For the love of everything don't wear Yavin or gear above it in WZs. Please.


I'm tired of seeing 3 PvE Heroes get obliterated in an instant because of 1.2k Expertise.


Well, if they're trying to farm their PvP set, you have to start somewhere unfortunately. It may be the only gear they've maintained until deciding to PvP.

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Well, if they're trying to farm their PvP set, you have to start somewhere unfortunately. It may be the only gear they've maintained until deciding to PvP.


Which is why we are posting easy ways to get the gear you need for pvping maximizing bolster. Using the green gear you get (162) mods and such do better than raid gear. And since most pvers do all the quests, you just need to hold on to them and swap out befor you queue or in the wz before it starts.


My 55 guard is using lvl 53 purple mods and doing quite well. If you have a cyber in your guild he or she can make your life really easy. Or just run a few dailies or do the quest line. Just presenting a few options so you can be competitive in a wz...

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Don't wear anything that is an item level above the highest PvP gear. Currently it's 174, if it's above that, do not wear it, your bolster will sink, augments are the exception. You will take way more damage if you wear your Yavin gear, you will feel like you're losing stats by equipping other gear instead, but in truth you're not. You're gaining expertise, 2018 max gains you 60% damage, 30% damage reduction and about 12% bonus to healing VS players.


Learn how resolve works, many people don't know how that works. When it is full (white barred) a player cannot be CCed. (Hence the immunity if you didn't understand that before.) Punts fill it about a 4th of the way, a stealth sap, flash bang, Awe/Intimidating Roar will fill it about 3/4ths of the way. Your 4 second stun will fill it about the same just a bit less. Do not over CC someone for the sake of it, especially in either huttball map, use your CC/pulls/punts to put them into the hazards, fire or acid pipes. Other warzones, use them to help capture objectives or kill healers. There are other points as well, but you'll figure that out as you go. (in Huttball as well)


Lastly I would like to add to please fight on the node, simple: "Nodes, not roads." Don't be a road warrior, nobody likes you. lol Watch the node, be willing to guard the node if it comes to it. (Stealthers I'm looking at you.) If it's hyper gate, do not stand on top of the node unless you are a PT/VG with a shoulder cannon else you will get sap capped. Sap is 8 seconds, cap is 6, math. Don't just waste your CC breaker on a sap if they haven't come out of stealth yet.


That and please call out if you have incoming, call east, west, snow, grass. Don't call "HELP" or "OTHER SIDE" No one has time to try and figure out what side you're on or what help means.


There are several others I could list, but my post is already getting too long. lol Hope this helps.

Edited by Bastrus
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I thought it was don't wear anything higher than last expansion gear. I think the highest was 162?


You're fine as long as you don't go over 174. So 162 will be fine, once you go over 174, your bolster will REALLY start dropping. You won't be fully expertise cap with numbers close to 174, but you'll be close enough that you'll be fine. I ran in 172s and was just fine, I hit Immortal on my first game at 60. All I'm saying basically is just don't go over the limit. Once you do, you're making your life and your team mate's lives miserable. lol

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Well co-ordinated focus fire seems to be a lost art nowadays. I see very few doing this effectively anymore. Even 4-man premades quite often seem disorganized and attacking whomever/whatever. This is sloppy play Leads me to 2;


Quit focusing the damn tanks! I see 2-3 healers standing back and free casting like wild tornadoes while half the team is chasing the guy with 50k health around the map.


Beware the tunnel. I see so many that will just sit there and tunnel a single target. Doesn't matter if you are getting capped, other team is scoring at leisure, whatever. If you bombard a target for several seconds with everything you got and they are still at 95% health, guess what, they are getting heals from somewhere and you are not going to get them to drop, EVER. Identify a new target and move on.


Know not just your own class but all the others as well. You cannot anticipate what your enemy is going to do if you have no idea yourself what is coming your way. Know their typical rotations, biggest threat hits, cc and root abilities, etc.


Do not break cc the instant you get ccd, especially if you are guarding a node. Unless you have an ability that can be triggered while stunned (#shouldercannonrocks), you are going to get re-ccd and the node is likely lost.


Count your enemies. It never ceases to amaze me when I see 7 members of a team fighting one frickin guy. In an 8v8, if 7 are fighting 1, then the other 7 are also fighting 1 potentially, right? Awareness is huge in pvp, especially in an objective-based map.


Not trusting anyone but a friend or guildie with guarding nodes, I make it a habit to know the toon that is guarding a node and I watch their health steady, in case they are not going to call. You have no idea how many caps I have stopped by seeing their health start to drop and heading to their rescue.


Hope that helps someone out. Cheers!

Edited by Briggleworth
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That and please call out if you have incoming, call east, west, snow, grass. Don't call "HELP" or "OTHER SIDE" No one has time to try and figure out what side you're on or what help means.


To add to this:

Pretype '1 (insert guarded node here)' . That extra few seconds away from typing and defending the node could be the difference between a successful defense and a cap. If there are more that pop out of stealth, then all you need to do is call out a single digit.


Numbers are important. I can tell you for a fact that if your other teammates have a clue, many more would respond to a 'WEST' call than a '1 west' call. You don't want you teammates to over-commit and risk loosing what the're already trying to cap or defend.

Edited by CaptMurphy
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There are a bunch of sticky threads in PvP forum that would be of help, but careful for that surprise wall of text 10k crit before you read it.


Very true but, with typing info here you get really good up to date info and like you said .... Less trolls. Already in two pages of tips we can eliminate about 2/3 of the posts in the pvp forums. Love it. Great community.

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