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I'm tired of the assault on crewskills and crafting.


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Precisely on point. I craft everything all my toons use as the prices on the GTN are beyond insane at times. There are deals to be sure but so few and far between as to not make it worth the time to hunt through the entire thing. So sorry you can't make your multi millions of credits as easily. :rolleyes:


I agree whole heartedly

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for underworld trading and treasure hunting, the returning mats are less worth than the invested credits. So it is a Loss and not a "not so good profit".


just stop with that "invested credits" are you going to claim that your monthly sub is "overhead"? slot machines cost 3 to 5 million credits. sped 9 to 12 million over 1 weeks use vs 750k spead over 3 YEARS of missions. 4808 credits per week. big difference...looks like slotters have a lot more invested.

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waaaa 100k for a buff. the slot machine was 4mill+. times 3. when you can show you spent 12 mill on leveling UT, then you can talk. you NEVER lost money. you just werent making what you wanted to make. if UT is unprofitable, go run dailies. no one should cater to your lazy carcass. learn to play the game instead of Star Wars Grocery Shopping


The slot machine is free to use. Just walk into any unlocked Stronghold that has one, or use a friend's. DERP :rolleyes:

The only lazy carcass is yours. You can't be bothered to level up Crew Skill Mission or a few of them so you can sell or trade with other players. Spending an average of about 13,500 credits (2700 x 5) for 2 Doonium that is going for 7k credits each is a loss once the GTN takes it's cut. There is no profit. Now either stop trolling or go back to school.

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waaaa 100k for a buff. the slot machine was 4mill+. times 3. when you can show you spent 12 mill on leveling UT, then you can talk. you NEVER lost money. you just werent making what you wanted to make. if UT is unprofitable, go run dailies. no one should cater to your lazy carcass. learn to play the game instead of Star Wars Grocery Shopping


three machines ? maximum abuse i guess, i am pretty sure you got your 12 mio back and a lot of profit.

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GIANT assumption on your part. Apparently you are the only one that has maxed crew skills? Odd....

As big as a cry baby he is being about the prices, it's obvious he has no crew skills to gather these mats. All you have to do is sell the ones you can get to buy the ones your need, or trade for them.

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The slot machine is free to use. Just walk into any unlocked Stronghold that has one, or use a friend's. DERP :rolleyes:

The only lazy carcass is yours. You can't be bothered to level up Crew Skill Mission or a few of them so you can sell or trade with other players. Spending an average of about 13,500 credits (2700 x 5) for 2 Doonium that is going for 7k credits each is a loss once the GTN takes it's cut. There is no profit. Now either stop trolling or go back to school.


Once again a GIANT assumption on your part. Let me help you with this. You can apply that to your wild guess about my gender. Some people you just can't reach....


......a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.


As you seem to have issues with understanding, no charge. :D

Edited by Ksilvante
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three machines ? maximum abuse i guess, i am pretty sure you got your 12 mio back and a lot of profit.


And the machines were going for 1.5 million before the nerf, plus you don't need to buy your own, plus there was already a system in place for 3 years to gather these materials that was totally bypassed. Instead of adjusting the returns from Crew Skill Missions, they just put something else in the game making the Crew Skills completely optional, and frankly not worth bothering with. Probably to sell more cartel coins.

Edited by Kourage
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The slot machine is free to use. Just walk into any unlocked Stronghold that has one, or use a friend's. DERP :rolleyes:

The only lazy carcass is yours. You can't be bothered to level up Crew Skill Mission or a few of them so you can sell or trade with other players. Spending an average of about 13,500 credits (2700 x 5) for 2 Doonium that is going for 7k credits each is a loss once the GTN takes it's cut. There is no profit. Now either stop trolling or go back to school.


are you really that slow? 500 credits per pull(now 750). If it is selling for a loss DO SOMETHING ELSE. it isnt that hard a concept even for you. run dailies, they almost always show a profit. DONT SET THE PRICE UNDER COST. your 3rd grade math is slipping.

BTW..I have 24 55+ toons and maxed every skill. dont make assumptions...



wwwwaaaaaaa I run toborros courtyard for the is5 to sell, level 60 killed my money maker!!! plz nerf so I can stand still while the world evolves around me!!!

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Underworld Trading is ruined by Doonium at 7k credits. it's not worth my time or crew skill slot to take Underworld Trading instead of slicing or another gathering skill, max out my companions affection, buy my droid a 100k credit part to increase underworld trading crit chance by 2%, pay 2500-2900 credits for a 20-22% chance at best, for a couple of Doonium that I could just buy for 7k credits. It's not worth me switching characters just to send companions out for a chance at Doonium, when people are gaining stacks of it from the slot machine & jawa, and selling it for what I might break even at, at best.


The fact is, you are too lazy and you are a parasite for not leveling any Crew Skill Missions. :rolleyes: You can sell your mats and use those credits to buy other peoples mats, but you probably have no skills to do it, so you cry about the price instead.


By the way, the price is set by the players. If Doonium is going for 35k each and someone starts listing it for 25k each, someone buys all the 25k listings and resells at 34k. Why should I sell mine for 25k so the other guy can buy it up and make a profit? I list mine for 1k below what the lowest listing is. I don't sell it for what you think it should be. I still have to pay someone else for mats if I don't have extra. I have a right to profit from my time & investment into Underworld Trading.


This whole deficiency could have been fixed by increasing the crit chance on Crew Skill Missions. Not crafting, just the missions. We already vendor the blue mats because there's far too many of them generated from players trying to get purple mats. The blue mats are listed on the GTN for just above what a vendor pays for them. Increasing the chance to return purple mats would increase the supply and not require me to send every available companion out on every available Underworld Metals mission to keep up with demand.


so sit on your doonium until it goes up in price? it's not that hard.

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  • It had the risk of taking the Grade 11 material costs in the economy, in the long term, to a price below where we would like
  • It created a situation where it could be more profitable to completely ignore crew skills by use of the Slot Machine



I don't have to further argue any of these points, it was already stated by BioWare. :)

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I'm tired of the assault on crewskills and crafting.


us crafters and crewskill runners already have to deal with our materials made almost worthless because of the ridiculous slot machine before they fixed it and now we have to deal with thread after thread demanding they put the slot machine back to give quick and easy resources again.


and if they can't get that then people ask for other ways to basically get free and easy mats.


the slot machine should never have been in the game in it's initial iteration. we should all be glad they fixed it and the crafters and crewskill people have been hurt enough. please stop trying to pour salt in our wounds by suggested more easy mode mats that would only serve to make crewskills and crafting worthless.


Really? I am a crafter and I love the slot machine. I love it even more now that it is nerf, because like every other crafter out there worth their salt, I bought one and raped it. Now I have tons of mats just like every other crafter out there should have. The only difference is I am not hypocritical about it and I want the slot machine tweeked because I see the value in them.


If you claim to not own one because you didn't want to spen RL money fine buy from the GTN. If you couldn't afford one from the GTN then I question if you are truly a crafter.


If you are a crafter you should have been scooping up the the deflated mats anyway, have stacks of those as well.


All in all the whole slot machine debacle has done nothing but help crafters and if you didn't capitalize on it, it is your own fault. For the crafters to get on the forums and complain about the slot machines is disingenuous at best. If anything this has created an opportunity for the crafters to game the market with an iron fist. (more so than we already do)


Set the price at 1k per spin

Set the drops at 1%

Give each machine a 1hr cool down when they crit (purple, cert, walker lol).


price fixed

drop rate fixed

"crafting time" equivalent implemented.

value of the slot machine restored


problem solved.

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The slot machine is free to use. Just walk into any unlocked Stronghold that has one, or use a friend's. DERP :rolleyes:

The only lazy carcass is yours. You can't be bothered to level up Crew Skill Mission or a few of them so you can sell or trade with other players. Spending an average of about 13,500 credits (2700 x 5) for 2 Doonium that is going for 7k credits each is a loss once the GTN takes it's cut. There is no profit. Now either stop trolling or go back to school.


You left the sale of the blues out of your calculation.

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By the way, the price is set by the players. If Doonium is going for 35k each and someone starts listing it for 25k each, someone buys all the 25k listings and resells at 34k. Why should I sell mine for 25k so the other guy can buy it up and make a profit? I list mine for 1k below what the lowest listing is. I don't sell it for what you think it should be.


And that right there is exactly what the people are raging about. It's why people are calling you guys "mat barons" and gougers. It's artificial inflation. It doesn't have to do with demand it has to do with you guys maximizing profits.


I've read about entire guilds claiming that they try and corner markets on some mats, by buying up anything under their price and reselling at the higher price.


That has nothing at all to do with the costs to get the mats, or the cost of crew skills. It's only about getting as much credits as possible.

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And that right there is exactly what the people are raging about. It's why people are calling you guys "mat barons" and gougers. It's artificial inflation. It doesn't have to do with demand it has to do with you guys maximizing profits.


I've read about entire guilds claiming that they try and corner markets on some mats, by buying up anything under their price and reselling at the higher price.


That has nothing at all to do with the costs to get the mats, or the cost of crew skills. It's only about getting as much credits as possible.


sounds like most of you guys who are for the easymode mats from slot machines are basically socialists who can't stand someone else providing a service for a profit. you are jealous beyond belief but you won't do the work necessary to achieve the same goals in game.

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sounds like most of you guys who are for the easymode mats from slot machines are basically socialists who can't stand someone else providing a service for a profit. you are jealous beyond belief but you won't do the work necessary to achieve the same goals in game.


You didn't actually understand or comprehend anything I wrote, did you?

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And that right there is exactly what the people are raging about. It's why people are calling you guys "mat barons" and gougers. It's artificial inflation. It doesn't have to do with demand it has to do with you guys maximizing profits.


I've read about entire guilds claiming that they try and corner markets on some mats, by buying up anything under their price and reselling at the higher price.


That has nothing at all to do with the costs to get the mats, or the cost of crew skills. It's only about getting as much credits as possible.


Except players who PURCHASE items on the GTN determine the actual selling price, not players who sell items.


If you want to blame people for high prices, blame the players who pay the high prices.


If players refused to pay 'high' prices, people posting to the GTN would keep undercutting and relisting at lower prices, until eventually the price falls to a 'reasonable' level.


The problem is no one can agree on what 'high' or 'reasonable' means, and thus what you find 'high', someone else may find 'reasonable', and thus they will pay prices you find 'high', ensuring people who post continue to do so at 'high' prices.


I actually leveled more alts with more mission skills simply because some players are too stupid and too focused on immediate gratification to understand this concept, and thus prices stayed higher than I was willing to pay.


On the flip side, having done so means I have the capacity to gain enough mats for myself and guild, and after using them as needed have mats to spare which I sell on the GTN, which I do by undercutting the lowest price over and over until I sell mine, though more than likely, at a price you would consider 'high'.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Time to get a mat with slots = a few seconds

Time to get a mat with crew mission = on average 75 minutes


Using a slot machine to get mats means you can't do anything else but use the slot machine. Using Crew Skills to get mats means you can do anything else you like, including log off the game.

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I'm tired of the price gougers assaulting the people who like the slot machine.


Seriously... crafters weren't complaining, because they had access to materials at reasonable prices.


Someone made a short study of over 1000 missions run and he found out that the average cost per purple mat was around 4000 credits, so don't tell me that people weren't making a profit and that crew skills were "useless".


Sure, you could get more mats per hour on the slot machine (and IMHO you shouldn't, but that's another story). But you'd also have to sit there and play, you couldn't play the game while doing that.

And it was hellishly boring to do. (And don't give me the "people were macroing it" because people can macro all kinds of stuff in the game and they get banned for it. BW banned a whole bunch of people during the casino event for macroing and they'd do it here too)


No, what it did was bring down the prices on the GTN so you couldn't make outrageously high profit margins on your purple mats any more.

And that's what got "ruined".

Nothing else.

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