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Mr. Eric Musco, What is the deal?


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It wasn't just the mat farmers that had something at stake here, and it wasn't like the mats were dropping enough to make a huge impact anyhow.... I can craft 100 times the amount of mats that I could get from 1 hour of slot machine play. The whole time I used that slot machine I was only able to make 5 augments , out of 3-4 days of slot machine use. That's 10 adaptive circuitry, which is 30 jawa junk. Not a big deal. And who cares about the blue and green mats? You can get those fairly easy to begin with. No, the true reason for all the QQ was the fact that people can now buy certain cartel items off certain vendors, and there were people that already had these items for the past few years, and they were no longer obtainable through the CM. You had to spend 6 millions credits to purchase one..


The true reason for all the QQ had little to do with the economy and more to do with peoples ego's and them being able to say , hey look at this cool mask or cool mount I have that cost like 6 million credits on the GTN. That was were all the QQ threads were coming from. These items would have no longer been as rare as they once were, which would have made somebody's cool mask or mount not so cool anymore, except for the fact that it is still just as cool as it was before, but more people have them.


I rarely do this but I am going to blatantly call you out as a liar.


Your opinions and comments are invalid when you start your commentary with an egregious untruth.


You can not now and could never before craft 100 times the amount of mats than you could make with the slot machine in an hour.


Lying doesn't make your point.

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My problem with all of this is that everyone seems to assume everyone with a slot machine had it, and used it, nonstop for a week prior to the nerf. I, like many others I'm sure, didn't get stacks of anything


I'm sure there are a lot of people like myself who saw Eric's post and THEN bought a slot. I had my slot machine less then 24 hours before the nerf, I didn't get stacks of anything. what I got was bent over to the tune of about $25 cash buying packs till I got my slot, then hardly getting to use it before it became a boat anchor.


I saw some guy post he had bought like 35 slots or something like that, he must have spent a ton of cash/credits. How is this remotely fair?


I agree, the drop rate was high but unless you were on the machine 24/7 what did it matter? for any of the items.


as far as I can see, the only persons hurt by the drop rates were the mat farmers, I don't understand why this handful of people trying to control the game economy had any influence over anything?


Nice post. I agree.

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Half of you kids will have forgotten about this in two days. Resigns? You're talking about a man's job because you were too insanely stupid to realise that a single item was breaking the game's economy. It was always going to be changed - there was no maybe, ifs or buts, there were just those smart enough to realise and those stupid enough to think they could get everything for nothing.


It has now been a week...


What happened to 2 days?

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