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16-Player Story Mode Loot


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So now that you actually officially acknowledge this rather than just responding to me during your community streams, should we resubmit all of our tickets that were returned with the absolutely asinine response that it was "working as intended"
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I've stayed out of this for long enough now.


If you people have such a big issue with 16-mans, why continue to do it? It is obvious you have the resources to do two 8-mans instead, so why don't you? It's not hard to gear up a couple more tanks or healers and do 8-man. Instead you'd rather whine and rant and rave and play the blame game, make a dozen tickets to people who can never make EVERYBODY happy no matter what they do.


They fix one thing, you're just going to find another thing to rant about - and that, dear players, makes you whiners. How about finding your own solutions instead of relying on loopholes, exploits, or outright being handed things?


there is this neat invention called "group finder" it comes to us from the latin "groupus finderus" which means "gives coms as a reward" it was first discovered long time ago in a galaxy far away. 16 man raids are the home of this elusive effect.

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there is this neat invention called "group finder" it comes to us from the latin "groupus finderus" which means "gives coms as a reward" it was first discovered long time ago in a galaxy far away. 16 man raids are the home of this elusive effect.


Completely ignoring the fact you can do 8 mans. 14 Ultimate comms are really that important to you? I thought the gear was more important? Oh wait, WHINE WHINE WHINE.


Oh, and don't even presume to claim GF is the only way people can PUG operations because there are PUGs going day in and day out, and most of them have no issues completing the content...

Edited by Loomi
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I've stayed out of this for long enough now.


If you people have such a big issue with 16-mans, why continue to do it? It is obvious you have the resources to do two 8-mans instead, so why don't you? It's not hard to gear up a couple more tanks or healers and do 8-man. Instead you'd rather whine and rant and rave and play the blame game, make a dozen tickets to people who can never make EVERYBODY happy no matter what they do.


They fix one thing, you're just going to find another thing to rant about - and that, dear players, makes you whiners. How about finding your own solutions instead of relying on loopholes, exploits, or outright being handed things?


^^ It's TAIT's alternate account!!

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Hey folks,


We completed the investigation into the 16-Player Story Mode loot drops, and it does appear that they are not correct. We are aiming to get this fixed in 3.1.



Tait, it's not *just* story mode that have these incorrect drops. 16-man Hard Mode has the same issues, please don't overlook this while making the fix.

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Completely ignoring the fact you can do 8 mans. 14 Ultimate comms are really that important to you? I thought the gear was more important? Oh wait, WHINE WHINE WHINE.


Oh, and don't even presume to claim GF is the only way people can PUG operations because there are PUGs going day in and day out, and most of them have no issues completing the content...


Try adding 4 ultimate comms per boss killed plus the daily group finder reward... good math skills though.

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Don't get me wrong I agree with you 100% and, for what its worth, I have seen and viewed the links in your sig and have wished the team was more transparent about what was taking a long time and was overall more accountable. But the level of hate in the first few posts was staggering. I normally just lurk and when I post it's to try and stir the pot or for comedic relief. But even I felt the need to interrupt the diatribe that was going on.

Yes.. Tait is still my FAV CM, but this one should have been fixed as fast as HM was (First week).


The time lag for BW to "FIX" this was just very unacceptable and stinks of "Accidentally done on purpose" to me. :mad:

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Try adding 4 ultimate comms per boss killed plus the daily group finder reward... good math skills though.


I wouldn't know because I don't bother. Sorry you feel forced to do things that are completely optional, and then feel entitled to complain about it when it doesn't work out for you. Oh wait, no I'm not.

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I wouldn't know because I don't bother. Sorry you feel forced to do things that are completely optional, and then feel entitled to complain about it when it doesn't work out for you. Oh wait, no I'm not.


Lol based on your signature enjoy being bitter about pvp, also a completely optional part of the game:rolleyes:

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Actually & this is coming from someone who runs 2-3 16 man ops every week, I believe that the slot machines were more damaging to the game as a whole than the missing loot in 16 mans. While it would have been nice to get that fixed this patch, at least it has been acknowledged & is being fixed in a fairly short time from now.


Oh my god with you people thinking a freakin' in game slot machine actually DAMAGES a video game. If you actually believe that you need therapy.


So people could craft their own stuff because of Jawa Junk, plus. Zero negative.

So people can get rep they never could before, plus. Zero negative.

So people spent credits on the slot machine, plus. Zero Negative.


But, yeah, thank you for ruining all that. Great job. Thanx for ruining the fun for the rest of the majority of the games population who actually ENJOYED the slot machine and being self sufficient crafters.


You few little babies throwing tantrums on the forums because you cant make a few more million off the GTN. :rolleyes: Flat out ridiculous. It's nice to see the minority of a games population ruining it for the majority.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Good to know they "appear" to be looking at it. Would be nice if they can give people gear they rightfully earned, especially since they seem to be able to track such things...contrary to claims made previously. My guild gave up on 16 man runs about 3 weeks ago, more work for less reward. No thank you.
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What a lot folks seems to be missing is that fixing bugs isnt as simple as making a list and crossing them off, like santa does for the naughty and nice. Any IT shop has a limited quanity of folks with the right skill sets to fix issues. They have to prioritize most likely on a ITIL system of P5-P1, basically how many folks is it impacting, and what is the ease of fixing the issue. The slot machines most likely was just adjusting the backend drop rates which once they decided what they wanted it adjusted too would be short in time to fix it. Other stuff takes more work, frame rate improvements would be a prime example of that as there are a lot of variables involved there. The fact is that they are working on cleaning up their mess for bugcember and it's already resulted in improvements for a lot of folks
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Hey folks,


We completed the investigation into the 16-Player Story Mode loot drops, and it does appear that they are not correct. We are aiming to get this fixed in 3.1.




Wow, that was fast.... not!


Well at least you said aiming, and not 'SOON™'. ;)



But, yeah, thank you for ruining all that. Great job. Thanx for ruining the fun for the rest of the majority of the games population who actually ENJOYED the slot machine and being self sufficient crafters.


You few little babies throwing tantrums on the forums because you cant make a few more million off the GTN. :rolleyes: Flat out ridiculous. It's nice to see the minority of a games population ruining it for the majority.


Now who is throwing tantrum?!?


And, i can guarantee that you aren't speaking for the majority of the games population!

Edited by PeterGun-SWE
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Well if anything with all the bugs and glitches and overall lackluster performance, maybe do something to repay those who have remained subscribers to say thanks for you patience. What I mean by that is maybe give lock box that gives a random 192 or 198 unassembled token piece (excluding main hands) since you have basically screwed loot for over 2 months. The other thing could be a complementary Matter Transubstantiator so that people might be able to get something crafted and they likely missed out on this drop.
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Well if anything with all the bugs and glitches and overall lackluster performance, maybe do something to repay those who have remained subscribers to say thanks for you patience. What I mean by that is maybe give lock box that gives a random 192 or 198 unassembled token piece (excluding main hands) since you have basically screwed loot for over 2 months. The other thing could be a complementary Matter Transubstantiator so that people might be able to get something crafted and they likely missed out on this drop.


Or maybe give unnerfed slot machines to people that didn't use the Ravager's exploit!

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Maybe you can get around to fixing massasi mk-2s not dropping at all, while you're at it. Wouldn't mind getting some decent enhancements before next year, given my luck on loot rolls so far.


And also review how you're handing out ultimate comms and matter transubstantiators between 8-man and 16-man.


Or is that also working as intended, until it's not ? It's hard to tell these days.

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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Maybe you can get around to fixing massasi mk-2s not dropping at all, while you're at it. Wouldn't mind getting some decent enhancements before next year, given my luck on loot rolls so far.


And also review how you're handing out ultimate comms and matter transubstantiators between 8-man and 16-man.


Or is that also working as intended, until it's not ? It's hard to tell these days.


Who wants Massassi implants when they're so bugged anyway? Better off with 178s if ur a sorc healer.

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Sometime ago, my raid team defeated Revan in ToS 16 man mode, and loot chest contained only one mainhand.

I sent a ticket about it, and here what i get as a response from Customer Service:


"I've checked this and I can advise that the Story Mode version of 16 man Temple of Sacrifice only drops 1 Mainhand Weapon token."


Can someone clarify this for me please?

It's intended for 16man operations drop same loot as 8man? If so, somewhere somehow developers explained it for 3.0 and i'm beeing stupid and ignorant, missed it?

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"We completed the investigation"


Wow, this is like the best and richest line of the still young 2015 xD Investigation? You mean you found 16 able human being (or mammals, with opposable thumbs) who are capable of understanding how to log in the game, handle a keyboard and mouse, and finally dropped one boss in one of the instances to take a quick peek at the drop and IMMEDIATLY realize that its not quiet right?


I mean, this is an insult to anyone, who has common sense. What took you seven weeks to investigate? Or you just assume, that the hunder plus people complaining are just lying? Somebody had problems double clicking the endless supply of tickets? Somebody had the trouble comprehending the english language and the posts on this very forum about the messed up loot table? If you are employing monkeys, or other animals as part of a wierd employer stunt or somekind of a tax scam please let us now, so we don't have any expectations in the future when it comes to competent intervention.


But i stick with my monkey theory, because lately, the handling of this game feels like a bunch of apes throwing faeces at each other and at the constumers. And again, nobody is apologizing for how they made the 16 man raid centric guilds lives a lot harder. Not to mention the players, whose only way to gain gear is the 16 man groups forming on the fleets. Nobody says nothing, nobody apologizing.


Let me do it then. My fellow SWTOR gamers, i am really sorry that you had to wait for this long for answer to your tickets and posts. And im sorry that your ingame spent time, your precious free time, the time you had to relax and unwind got tainted by incompetency.

Edited by MokiDono
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What a lot folks seems to be missing is that fixing bugs isnt as simple as making a list and crossing them off, like santa does for the naughty and nice. Any IT shop has a limited quanity of folks with the right skill sets to fix issues. They have to prioritize most likely on a ITIL system of P5-P1, basically how many folks is it impacting, and what is the ease of fixing the issue. The slot machines most likely was just adjusting the backend drop rates which once they decided what they wanted it adjusted too would be short in time to fix it. Other stuff takes more work, frame rate improvements would be a prime example of that as there are a lot of variables involved there. The fact is that they are working on cleaning up their mess for bugcember and it's already resulted in improvements for a lot of folks


7 weeks to walk into the instance point at the boss(bang your dead) and see what drops? that isnt 7 weeks of work, more like 5 min. if itil is such an impediment to getting things done, get rid of it.

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