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Confused about Warzone PVP on my trooper.


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Aside from the fact that they are the same AC.... and that you should be welcoming the aid in the arguments if you indeed want help.... i dont know what to tell you here if you dont want the other sides help on the matter


You might want to read the mention of Mercs to understand what I said if you havent been reading. Its not about help. Its about arguing.

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My pvp gear is new. I've been buying it off the vendor on fleet. I'll have to check my expertise while in a warzone. That number was when I was not in one. As far as my accuracy, you are correct. I was looking at that wrong. But it is at 99%. Should I lower that?


From your responses in this thread, and correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that you are wearing 7 pieces of level 60 PvP gear with the rest being level 58 PvE gear. Also, for clarification, you are buying whole armor pieces, i.e. PvP chest, legs, hands, etc., and not individual mods/enhancements correct? If it is the former, what pieces do you have currently? If it's the latter, well, we found your problem.


For a merc/mando, you only need your accuracy to be at 95% for PvP. So yes, you can lower it.


My gear is very augmented. Matter of fact, my pve gear is all purple level 58 mods or whatever they are called.. I've been putting level 58 purple reflex augs on each pvp piece I get. As a vet of other actual pvp mmos, I do see some odd and silly design in this game. I still don't get the point of why they created expertise. Just seems extremely silly.


Expertise was added as a way to separate the gear sets and to keep the PvEers from crying about PvPers using gear equal, or superior, to thiers.


So some questions no one answered.

Right now I use a AC that has a purple level 58 barrel on it. Should I strive to get a level 60 one? Will that help?

Is there a set amount of critical, power, aim, and expertise I should aim at?

I fought a jedi sent last night who was hitting me for 11 to 14k. I sent him a message hen it was over and he said he was all power. Would something like that help me?


Lastly, I would like to say outside of some classes with ignorant amounts of CC, I never have any of these problems outside of arena. Not that it matters I guess.


Does your barrel have expertise on it? If so, do the rest of the pieces, except the augment, in your cannon have expertise on them? One of the thing you ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT TO DO, is have PvE and PvP barrels, mods, enhancements, all mixed on the same piece. For example, if you put a PvP crystal in your cannon and the rest of the pieces were PvE pieces, bolster would see the expertise from the crystal and not adjust the rest.


You want your expertise to be at 2018, that is the max for that stat. If you have all PvP pieces, that is where it will be.


There isn't a set amount for Aim, but if you get all PvP gear, your Aim will take care of itself with only minor adjustments being made once you start to min/max your gear. (i.e. switching out a mod here and there and maybe augments)


Yes, you could go all power once you have your accuracy at 95% and your surge between 70-75%. I personally like having my crit at, or near, 25% but that is just me.


As for the sent, he was doing something wrong as well if he was only hitting you for 14K with you being at 700 expertise. Pretty much any class that has full 2018 expertise is going to hit you a lot harder than that.


Finally, troopers and mercenaries are mirror classes. You take the gear from a merc and put it on a trooper and your stats are going to be exactly the same. (Mostly, anyway, a trooper would have an armoring where a merc would have a barrel) So if mercs are giving you gearing advice, listen to them just like you would if they were troopers. In all likelihood, they probably play both classes. (I know I do.)

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You might want to read the mention of Mercs to understand what I said if you havent been reading. Its not about help. Its about arguing.


i dont see anyone arguing the point here but you. its well known that Troopers and Mercs are in a bad place in pvp, why you would ask us to limit them to one of the other when they are functionally the same thing is silly.


party on, ill leave you to wait for a troopers response

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From your responses in this thread, and correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that you are wearing 7 pieces of level 60 PvP gear with the rest being level 58 PvE gear. Also, for clarification, you are buying whole armor pieces, i.e. PvP chest, legs, hands, etc., and not individual mods/enhancements correct? If it is the former, what pieces do you have currently? If it's the latter, well, we found your problem.


For a merc/mando, you only need your accuracy to be at 95% for PvP. So yes, you can lower it.


You nailed it. I now, as of last night, have all six armor pieces of err i forget the name set of trooper pvp gear. Which is all level 60 but as of yet, all of my other gear is still using level 58 purple comms. I'll low my accuracy.


Does your barrel have expertise on it? If so, do the rest of the pieces, except the augment, in your cannon have expertise on them? One of the thing you ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT TO DO, is have PvE and PvP barrels, mods, enhancements, all mixed on the same piece. For example, if you put a PvP crystal in your cannon and the rest of the pieces were PvE pieces, bolster would see the expertise from the crystal and not adjust the rest.


My AC components does not have expertise on it at all. Right now I have a level 58 reflex barrel and was debating getting a level 60 to help but I wasn't sure how much of a dps difference in pvp that will make. There is a pvp AC on the vendor but I don't like the look of it and really lacks compared to my current weapon. Instead of swapping, I was just gonna use my current weapon with a level 60 barrel once I get it.

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Ugh now I'm hoping I didnt do all that pvp farming only to get the wrong gear since I can use the merc stuff.


Merc stuff is the same as the Trooper stuff. It's all going to be Exhumed Eliminator/Combat Tech/Combat Medic. The only difference between the two are what they look like from your respective factions.


Also, yes you should replace your weapon with a level 60 PvP weapon.

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Ok good news about the armor, I was concerned.


Also, yes you should replace your weapon with a level 60 PvP weapon.


Now this part sort of doesnt make sense to me. Looking at my current AC and the PVP AC, there are only two differences.


1. The pvp weapon has 140 points of expertise. (If I remember correctly)

2. My current weapon has way better overall stats.


I was planning on working towards getting a full pvp setup since I have the suit now. From the relics, earpiece, etc. But at best temp changing out the power gem I have for a expertise one when Im in pvp. I know I'll have about 100 expertise less in comparison to the cap once I get that high but overall I don't see why getting a pvp weapon is a must. I didn't see any procs like the suit has when all pieces are grouped. It doesn't have better dps. Don't get me wrong, I really am grateful for your input so far. So i guess a better response would be, what exactly would I really be gaining outside of the expertise for the pvp weapon? What am I missing? Even the pvp AC has the same current level barrel I have right now. Which is a level 58.(unless I read it wrong) I plan on buying a 60 tonight for my main weapon.


Are there level 60 pvp barrel comms somewhere? Ive only seen enhancements and mods.

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Ok good news about the armor, I was concerned.



Now this part sort of doesnt make sense to me. Looking at my current AC and the PVP AC, there are only two differences.


1. The pvp weapon has 140 points of expertise. (If I remember correctly)

2. My current weapon has way better overall stats.


I was planning on working towards getting a full pvp setup since I have the suit now. From the relics, earpiece, etc. But at best temp changing out the power gem I have for a expertise one when Im in pvp. I know I'll have about 100 expertise less in comparison to the cap once I get that high but overall I don't see why getting a pvp weapon is a must. I didn't see any procs like the suit has when all pieces are grouped. It doesn't have better dps. Don't get me wrong, I really am grateful for your input so far. So i guess a better response would be, what exactly would I really be gaining outside of the expertise for the pvp weapon? What am I missing? Even the pvp AC has the same current level barrel I have right now. Which is a level 58.(unless I read it wrong) I plan on buying a 60 tonight for my main weapon.


Are there level 60 pvp barrel comms somewhere? Ive only seen enhancements and mods.


Just consider the expertise stat a must have for PvP and that it is superior to your 158 barrel PvE.


The reason for this is because of a poorly written and implemented bit of coding called "Bolster"


If your PvE gear is beyond a certain rating then Bolster will not boost it properly. This is also why you never mix PvE and PvP mods/enhancements/whatever in the same piece or weapon. Bolster reads the little expertise on the item as it having full expertise and doesn't boost it.


Here is a thread from the PvP forums that will help a bit. Granted, it's old but its general information explaining how the system works is still good.




There is no barrel vendor and you will have to buy your main hand/off hand from the vendor.


Lastly, when you buy relics, make sure you get the Exhumed Relic of Focused Retribution and the Relic of Serendipitous Assault. The first adds main stat when it procs, the second adds power.

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Not saying it is not a gear issue but gear only gets you so far as a merc or commando op. So ill try to fill in the blanks.

The rotation for gunnery right now is a bit more tricky then before 3.0 but with allot more dps added to it.

Prime shot, will give you a free instant tracer missile/grav round. This in turn has a high chance of finishing your cool down on the new full auto/unload abilities, but they also effect the old full auto/unload abilities in the same fashion. Then you got a tech ability that can give you another free instant grave round/tracer missile that will result in the a fore mentioned statement. With gunnery/arsenal you want to make sure you have fired your tracer/grave round twice at your target before using missile/demo round, high impact bolt/rail shot. Doing this with your rotation constantly will enable you unload large amounts of dps. It should also be noted that the grav rounds/tracer missile has a high chance of finishing your cool down on full auto/unload abilities if fired normally without the instant cast proc. This is the good news.


The bad news we are no Jedi, no sith, no agent, and no smuggler. My point is you have to fight smart in pvp as a commando/merc. Do not run up the gut try to stay near line of sight objects if at all possible. Stay on the move. These two things will save your hide more times then you will be able to count.


As for your absorb issues/health issues with enemy players. Well most posters will chock this up to gear a few things have happened recently. The first is sorcs/sages can actually be a real threat now, good for them, but this also means your going to be dealing with the Force barrier ability allot more. If its up save your ammo, dont run your heat up as you will just be wasting your time. The other thing is smuggler/operative healers, they are slippery bastards, and difficult to spot. So when your attacking someone and you see no damage start looking for that operative/smuggler healer hiding in a corner somewhere.


Other posters have already pointed you in the right direction on gear. One last thing right now the economies are in flux so if you haven't already id pick up MK-10 augmentation slots now for when your ready. Oh and if anyone has already mentioned this my bad, I didst feel like reading extremely long posts tonight, Ironically that is what I just wrote.


I hope this helps op.

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Not saying it is not a gear issue but gear only gets you so far as a merc or commando op. So ill try to fill in the blanks.

The rotation for gunnery right now is a bit more tricky then before 3.0 but with allot more dps added to it.

Prime shot, will give you a free instant tracer missile/grav round. This in turn has a high chance of finishing your cool down on the new full auto/unload abilities, but they also effect the old full auto/unload abilities in the same fashion. Then you got a tech ability that can give you another free instant grave round/tracer missile that will result in the a fore mentioned statement. With gunnery/arsenal you want to make sure you have fired your tracer/grave round twice at your target before using missile/demo round, high impact bolt/rail shot. Doing this with your rotation constantly will enable you unload large amounts of dps. It should also be noted that the grav rounds/tracer missile has a high chance of finishing your cool down on full auto/unload abilities if fired normally without the instant cast proc. This is the good news.


The bad news we are no Jedi, no sith, no agent, and no smuggler. My point is you have to fight smart in pvp as a commando/merc. Do not run up the gut try to stay near line of sight objects if at all possible. Stay on the move. These two things will save your hide more times then you will be able to count.


As for your absorb issues/health issues with enemy players. Well most posters will chock this up to gear a few things have happened recently. The first is sorcs/sages can actually be a real threat now, good for them, but this also means your going to be dealing with the Force barrier ability allot more. If its up save your ammo, dont run your heat up as you will just be wasting your time. The other thing is smuggler/operative healers, they are slippery bastards, and difficult to spot. So when your attacking someone and you see no damage start looking for that operative/smuggler healer hiding in a corner somewhere.


Other posters have already pointed you in the right direction on gear. One last thing right now the economies are in flux so if you haven't already id pick up MK-10 augmentation slots now for when your ready. Oh and if anyone has already mentioned this my bad, I didst feel like reading extremely long posts tonight, Ironically that is what I just wrote.


I hope this helps op.


This poster is trying to give good advice, but let me clarify it in regards to Gunnery. We don't have "Prime Shot". Our skill is called Vortex Bolt. This makes the next Grav Round free and saves you about 1.4 sec case time. Grav Round will then pop Full Auto and Boltstorm. It should be noted that once you gain Boltstorm, you should take Full Auto off your toolbar. Boltstorm does more damage and shares the same cooldown as Full Auto. It does seem odd that Full Auto gets replaced by another skill, but hopefully this will get modified at some point in the future. If just seems like one skill shouldn't completely replace another. If anything the two skills should work together instead of one replacing the other.


This is not a full rotation as you have other attacks such as Demolition Round, High Impact Bolt, and Plasma Grenade (among others). And people will tell you to shoot Grav Round twice before using your other skills.


Once you have done your initial rotation, Grav Round will pop Boltstorm after first or second shot unless you have a miss and by third rotation, you should be able to pop Vortex Bolt again and start the process all over again.

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Not saying it is not a gear issue but gear only gets you so far as a merc or commando op. So ill try to fill in the blanks.

The rotation for gunnery right now is a bit more tricky then before 3.0 but with allot more dps added to it.

Prime shot, will give you a free instant tracer missile/grav round. This in turn has a high chance of finishing your cool down on the new full auto/unload abilities, but they also effect the old full auto/unload abilities in the same fashion. Then you got a tech ability that can give you another free instant grave round/tracer missile that will result in the a fore mentioned statement. With gunnery/arsenal you want to make sure you have fired your tracer/grave round twice at your target before using missile/demo round, high impact bolt/rail shot. Doing this with your rotation constantly will enable you unload large amounts of dps. It should also be noted that the grav rounds/tracer missile has a high chance of finishing your cool down on full auto/unload abilities if fired normally without the instant cast proc. This is the good news.


The bad news we are no Jedi, no sith, no agent, and no smuggler. My point is you have to fight smart in pvp as a commando/merc. Do not run up the gut try to stay near line of sight objects if at all possible. Stay on the move. These two things will save your hide more times then you will be able to count.


As for your absorb issues/health issues with enemy players. Well most posters will chock this up to gear a few things have happened recently. The first is sorcs/sages can actually be a real threat now, good for them, but this also means your going to be dealing with the Force barrier ability allot more. If its up save your ammo, dont run your heat up as you will just be wasting your time. The other thing is smuggler/operative healers, they are slippery bastards, and difficult to spot. So when your attacking someone and you see no damage start looking for that operative/smuggler healer hiding in a corner somewhere.


Other posters have already pointed you in the right direction on gear. One last thing right now the economies are in flux so if you haven't already id pick up MK-10 augmentation slots now for when your ready. Oh and if anyone has already mentioned this my bad, I didst feel like reading extremely long posts tonight, Ironically that is what I just wrote.


I hope this helps op.


Thanks again.

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I'm level 60 Trooper/Gunnery with five pieces of pvp gear with roughly around 700 expertise and 109% accuracy. I fully accept I might be doing something wrong but my frustration is getting to me. Starting to second thought this game. So here is my problem. I run into one of a few encounters.


1. My target absorbs every damn thing I use on them.


2. Suddenly my target won't be taking any damage.


3. The damage is low their health barely moves.


When this occurs, I'm getting better at trying to find the healer and attempt to blast them down. Only for someone else to attack me and destroy me in seconds. Not to mention always at the bottom of the chart or at best mid way. The funny thing is if I'm out on a planet somewhere, the fights go completely different. So I'm up for tactics, tips, or anything to stop losing so much.


Should I go all power? Is there a Aim cap? Will things get better when I get a full suit with expertise? I currently have a level 58 barrel(reflex), will a level 60 one do better? Should I follow some sort of set use of abilities in combat? :confused:


Please help! Hopefully I'll get some mature responses.


1) our class survivability is the worst in game. anyone that says otherwise is trolling. if you plan to keep playing mando/merc get used to it and try to learn to kite glow stick users.

2) you have to learn the defense abilities of other classes. find a friend and duel him until you learn his defense CD's

3) optimize your gear, the 174 gear from vender is not the best. you have to get rid of the crap enhancements and get new ones from the ranked pvp vender between the other two pvp class venders. do this and you will be a little better off until the classes are balanced, if ever

4) never white bar your enemy, so many new pvpers stun and stun again as soon as its off cool down. this is a mistake, if you cant los your target slow it down and use all your skills to escape if you can and never stop shooting. but you will probably not escape though.

5) attack healers and free casters first from the side and behind them, if you get a shot or two in on them and they ignore you for a few seconds they will not last and that gives time for your melee group members to finish off whats left.


pvp as a mando/ merc is still fun however, just know that if you get surrounded your screwed!

Edited by Aurthorian
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Ok good news about the armor, I was concerned.



Now this part sort of doesnt make sense to me. Looking at my current AC and the PVP AC, there are only two differences.


1. The pvp weapon has 140 points of expertise. (If I remember correctly)

2. My current weapon has way better overall stats.


I was planning on working towards getting a full pvp setup since I have the suit now. From the relics, earpiece, etc. But at best temp changing out the power gem I have for a expertise one when Im in pvp. I know I'll have about 100 expertise less in comparison to the cap once I get that high but overall I don't see why getting a pvp weapon is a must. I didn't see any procs like the suit has when all pieces are grouped. It doesn't have better dps. Don't get me wrong, I really am grateful for your input so far. So i guess a better response would be, what exactly would I really be gaining outside of the expertise for the pvp weapon? What am I missing? Even the pvp AC has the same current level barrel I have right now. Which is a level 58.(unless I read it wrong) I plan on buying a 60 tonight for my main weapon.


Are there level 60 pvp barrel comms somewhere? Ive only seen enhancements and mods.


Someone explained this to me. With expertise you not only get bonus damage but also bonus damage reduction. Flat DR! Because you know, lot of damage is armor penetrating or internal. Armor is worthless in that cases. PvP DR not.

When you take a PvE weapon you might gain overall damage but you will lose bonus damage and DR!


the bonus damage from the PvE weapon might be higher than the bonus you get through expertise, idk, but you will lose important DR. Especially important for a first target merc!

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  • 2 weeks later...
To the OP, welcome to the wonderful world of Gunnery Commando PVP.


I play one myself.


The class is highly disadvantaged in PVP. Check these forums and you will find the primary focus is all Merc. You hardly get any comments dealing with this class because I honestly think hardly anybody plays it. Especially in PVP and talks about it. In my previous posts I might have gotten a few responses, but nothing overly helpful with this class in PVP.


This has 2 reasaons :


1. Merc being the - supposed - mirror class to Commando.

2. The obvious imperial faction dominance of SWTOR. At least in PvP.

In PvP the republic faction is in the clear minority - which is why peiple are alrrady used to completely ignore Republic-side classes. Especially in the PvP forums. My cynical guess is that some fools there don't even realize that there exists a thing called "mirror classes".

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Well I now have 2018 expertise, I might have that number wrong, and I am getting more kills now but I am still running into problems. Might be some of the difficulty I've seen some of you post about. So I have a few other questions.


1. Is there a set or best pvp rotation? I'm using one which I think works well with my pvp armor but I keep wonder if there is a better way.


2. What in the hell is up with all the damn, absorb absorb absorb dodge dodge reflect reflect etc, nonsense? I find myself wondering why on earth someone would design something like this. I mention it to some former players and they laugh stating that's one of he reasons they cancelled. Whats even more frustrating are these same players would I basically can't hurt are tearing me apart. What in the hell? Is there anything I can do about that?


Currently, I'm saving up for my 174 pvp assault cannon. I'm hoping that will put me on the path to enjoying this more because if this keeps up, come renewal time in a few weeks, I'm history.

Edited by DarthHarlem
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