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Changes Coming in Tomorrow's (1/21) Maintenance


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I have never made mroe than I've spent doing crew missions. Never.


I have, however, gone broke doing them before...


It's not a system problem. If you start a new thread describing your difficulties, I (or someone) can give you advice specific to your situation. There are no *unprofitable* crew skills. Some are *less* profitable than others, but all can make money if done right.

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And what about raising the drop chance of purples in missions? Thanks to slot machines and drop of prices, I was actually able to buy cheap gear, that will help me a lot - non lettered enhancements dropping from 230k to 60, hints from 300k to 80, augments from 130k to 80... That was great, and I didn't have to get bored myself by running dailies daily on multiple chars, but could do flash points and such. Luckily I managed to gear up those chars that I play often, before the sharks will raise prices again
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I have to laugh at all the people that said this nerf happened because of the whining.


No, the nerf happened because if their actual internal data.

You know, the stuff that's not based on hyperbole and speculation?


Every game decision they make is something like, "We want X to happen."

Then when it's released onto the live servers, they have ACTUAL numbers to see what is going on.

Nerfs happen when their numbers show that whatever it is isn't performing within the parameters they expected.


Sure, the whining may cause them to take a closer look at it (and probably did in this case), but their decision to act on it was based on facts (the true data that only they have access to) and not whining on the forum.

In fact, I imagine they'll continue to keep a close watch on this particular aspect for the next couple of weeks to see how their adjustment affects things, again, not based on forum posts but on the hard numbers.



Also, I didn't read through the entire thread but has anybody been slapped in the face yet?

If not, I call dibs.

Edited by Rankyn
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And what about raising the drop chance of purples in missions? Thanks to slot machines and drop of prices, I was actually able to buy cheap gear, that will help me a lot - non lettered enhancements dropping from 230k to 60, hints from 300k to 80, augments from 130k to 80... That was great, and I didn't have to get bored myself by running dailies daily on multiple chars, but could do flash points and such. Luckily I managed to gear up those chars that I play often, before the sharks will raise prices again


If you don't like the prices, craft yourself. Otherwise, if you want the gear you will do the work either to buy it from people doing the work and running the missions or by earning commendations to get stuff from vendors.

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IMO the dramatic hyperbole from some of those that opposed the machine junk drop rates was over the top and complete nonsense. That is the same thing that is happening with some folks opposed to the proposed change.


JUST MY OPINION, wanted to make that clear to our more "opinion challenged" folks in the forum, but I think that this machine has caused some folks to completely lose any sense of self respect.


The impact was not as bad as folks indicated....it is more likely LONG term impact would have been contrary to Bioware's intentions. I also think, even with this change the machine still holds substantial appeal, even against crew missions (because crew missions....well....suck to be frank). I think the machine would have to punch you in the gut for it to have less appeal than crew missions. ;)


At any rate, I think the adjustment would be better if tuned a bit. But as it is now it is not that bad.




I am currently running 2k coins per hour with having three slot machines surrounding me. So basically I was getting 25 jaw a junk every 10 mins. In that hour of grinding I would accumulate two stacks of green/blue junk.


Yet you still have people defending it, hear no evil see no evil. I'm not saying that is you but the complaints against the machine were legit. Had nothing to do with whales protecting their credits, it's about the fundamental concepts in the game were at risk.......meaning no one would run another mission outside of the few people who can't do math.

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Like I said...


But, in case you didn't get it...


I run missions and craft stuff. I wasn't selling any of my purple mats because I was using them to craft items I could sell for more than I could make selling the mats directly. Even at 45K / Midlithe, I was *buying* them to supplement what I could get from my companions because I could sell the finished products for a net profit. Even before the Slot Machine, crafters could make money if they bought mats at the GTN price.


no, you are not getting it.


with droprate prior to jawa vendors change - sure I could make profit selling stuff, and have actualy. problem is - I couldn't afford to USE the stuff I crafted on more then a single character (and even then it was a crapshoot). that is when it became unprofitable and that is an issue for those of us who actualy "gasp" play the game outside of GTN pvp yet don't have unlimited hours to do both.


mission droprates for purples are broken. but sure instead of fixing them, lets just nerf alternate sources >_>

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and you are one of those whining little punks who would rather rape on the gtn than do there dailys..for cash..


It's not rape if its consensual breh... The day I have to do something as menial and demeaning as run a daily for tiny amount creds is the day I uninstall... It's so easy to make millions everyday on the GTN, if you don't do it that's your loss... But your butthurt is extremely amusing and enjoyable to witness...

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You're assuming the change was made solely because whining on the forums.


What if they made the decision based on metrics they analyzed themselves? :eek: :eek: :eek:


metrics from less than a week that were complicated by existing supplies of jawa junk? they didnt care about metrics

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Sackless wonders, devs here are giving STO/Craptic goobers a run for their money in a race to see who can suck more.


You're not even in the ballpark of reality... STO is so far into its own world of cash grabbing and P2W that to make this statement and be serious you have to be considered legally mentally handicapped...

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metrics from less than a week that were complicated by existing supplies of jawa junk? they didnt care about metrics


One week of data culled just from the slot machines. One week of watching materials prices fall to a sixth of their previous levels. One week of being able to tell exactly how many Jawa Junk were "created" via the slot machine.


They were watching the metrics and could easily see the issue.

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Am I the only one that is genuinely pissed off the slot machines are even a thing? I don't care about mats and stuff, that is whatever and it can stay there, but why the hell are cartel reputation tokens and CM Certs in there? You are screwing over people that bought your silly damn cartel packs in the first place. I'll admit it, I'm salty as hell because I was an idiot and spent more money than sense when they first came out, and this just throws more salt on the wound. Who the hell thought "Hey, we know we made a TON of money from the first cartel packs. I KNOW! Let's have a slot machine that people can use to get things from those initial packs! Screw those guys that spent money on the packs initially, who cares!"


At the end of the day, I am rapidly losing patience with Bioware. They seem to care more about fixing stupid things like the slot machine or adding in a new mount or decoration instead of fixing existing content. Way to have your priorities straight.

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Well the slot machines are a waste to buy unless you need rep and are a complete waste for those of us that have the rep to begin with. I understand decreasing the drop rate but then increasing the chip amount by 250?? What for? You've already decreased the drop rate, especially on all scrap not just jawa, why increase the price?? One or the other would've sufficed.


the devs ALWAYS over nerf. and you can expect the operations to be bugged for another 2 months+. when they lose enough accounts they might consider actually fixing something. assuming they have programmers that know how. what other reason could they drag their feet this long for?

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Am I the only one that is genuinely pissed off the slot machines are even a thing? I don't care about mats and stuff, that is whatever and it can stay there, but why the hell are cartel reputation tokens and CM Certs in there? You are screwing over people that bought your silly damn cartel packs in the first place. I'll admit it, I'm salty as hell because I was an idiot and spent more money than sense when they first came out, and this just throws more salt on the wound. Who the hell thought "Hey, we know we made a TON of money from the first cartel packs. I KNOW! Let's have a slot machine that people can use to get things from those initial packs! Screw those guys that spent money on the packs initially, who cares!"


At the end of the day, I am rapidly losing patience with Bioware. They seem to care more about fixing stupid things like the slot machine or adding in a new mount or decoration instead of fixing existing content. Way to have your priorities straight.


Oh, quit your whining. Why should I have to pay 7 Mil instead of 100k for a Revan Mask just because I don't have a ton of money to spend on a game?

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...meaning no one would run another mission.


That's more of a problem with the current state of the crew missions isn't it, especially since the increase in mats was part of their intent.

In fact, that official line has me scratching my head;

Let’s talk about the changes coming to the Contraband Slot Machine. When we were going into 3.0.2, we wanted to make Grade 11 materials more accessible to more players than they were at the time.


They could simply have altered return rates on crew missions if they wanted to achieve that, and not have added any of the jawa stuff to the machine at all.

Crafters would have been happy with the increase in mats, and (mostly) everybody would have agreed what a fun new addition the Slot Machine was for a chance at getting some old rep and cartel certs.

So there is a very tiny, suspicious, part of me, that can't help but wonder if the initial frenzy and possible consequent rush on Acolyte pack sales wasn't a teensy-weensy bit intentional. :)

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Oh, quit your whining. Why should I have to pay 7 Mil instead of 100k for a Revan Mask just because I don't have a ton of money to spend on a game?


It's a very simple thing to understand: Exclusivity


Let's explore this shall we? I love running about in my Champion armor, because no one has it. People love driving a Korrealis Baron because they were lucky or have a billion credits. Screwing people that had an item that was going to be pretty much exclusive is a dick move. How pissed would people be if they started offering the Baron's again for 1.5mil? Extremely. They run upwards of 300+mil on the GTN regardless of server. If you don't have it, that sucks. The point is, SOMEONE spent REAL CASH to unbox that item from a crate and bring it into the game, in the case of the Revan Mask, so them deciding the real money people spent getting crates means nothing, they can piss off with that line of thought.

Edited by TravelingNomad
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It's a very simple thing to understand: Exclusivity


Let's explore this shall we? I love running about in my Champion armor, because no one has it. People love driving a Korrealis Baron because they were lucky or have a billion credits. Screwing people that had an item that was going to be pretty much exclusive is a dick move. How pissed would people be if they started offering the Baron's again for 1.5mil? Extremely. They run upwards of 300+mil on the GTN regardless of server. If you don't have it, that sucks. The point is, SOMEONE spent REAL CASH to unbox that item from a crate and bring it into the game, in the case of the Revan Mask, so them deciding the real money people spent getting crates means nothing, they can piss off with that line of thought.


I personally don't care what anyone else has, I care what my character has. But that's me.

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I snagged up several stacks of Adaptives at 13k each. The Crystals aren't moving as quick as I'd like, but hey, I'm hoping I can drive the Mid Crystals down to 7k again and then buy up another several stacks


That's some pretty wild speculative buying right there. You have no idea of the sheer amount of this stuff that's out in the wild.

If you're using it yourself, its fine, but as for making creds from it? I can think of safer and far more lucrative bets. ;)

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So the drop rate on Cartel Market Certificates will not be reduced.



Perfect, I really wanted to have 50 Rutian Twi'lek dancers in my Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace, and now I still can:)


and once you have your 50 you are capped out...the certs will saturate the market real quick

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I personally don't care what anyone else has, I care what my character has. But that's me.


Right, you want everything just for you, and argue just so you can have it. Who cares if you have it? The point is it was EXCLUSIVE. Did you keep your Columi armor?


Let me put it in better terms. Let's say you go to a store that is offering an exclusive thing you really want. You get there, and you are the first in line. You get your thing and are happy that you are the proud owner of a special thing, you showcase it, make it a centerpiece in your house, shine a light on it, or whatever. Then that company decides that they are going to sell them freely to anyone that wants it for a vastly cheaper price than you originally paid. Pennies on the dollar. You would be pretty mad they did that because it was originally promised as an exclusive thing.


You are obviously a person that only wants what you cannot get, so your opinion is invalid as you are creating a situation in which other peoples actual money they spent for microtransaction items means nothing. That is not at all a healthy attitude and I pray that Bioware doesn't think like you since it will surely be the end of the game for collectors such as I.

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Right, you want everything just for you, and argue just so you can have it. Who cares if you have it? The point is it was EXCLUSIVE. Did you keep your Columi armor?


Let me put it in better terms. Let's say you go to a store that is offering an exclusive thing you really want. You get there, and you are the first in line. You get your thing and are happy that you are the proud owner of a special thing, you showcase it, make it a centerpiece in your house, shine a light on it, or whatever. Then that company decides that they are going to sell them freely to anyone that wants it for a vastly cheaper price than you originally paid. Pennies on the dollar. You would be pretty mad they did that because it was originally promised as an exclusive thing.


You are obviously a person that only wants what you cannot get, so your opinion is invalid as you are creating a situation in which other peoples actual money they spent for microtransaction items means nothing. That is not at all a healthy attitude and I pray that Bioware doesn't think like you since it will surely be the end of the game for collectors such as I.


That's not really how opinions work.


Just because someone else having something cool ruins it for you doesn't make that the same for all people.

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I am totally appalled that BW spends the time to nerf a slot machine (that has no need to be nerfed and that people paid real money to obtain) but can't fix the Coratanni fight that effects everyone trying to run the op and we paid good money to be able to play. BW has it's priorities all sorts of backwards.


Eric, when is BW going to actually fix bugs instead of fixing something the crying gougers are the only ones upset about?

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It's a very simple thing to understand: Exclusivity


Let's explore this shall we? I love running about in my Champion armor, because no one has it. People love driving a Korrealis Baron because they were lucky or have a billion credits. Screwing people that had an item that was going to be pretty much exclusive is a dick move. How pissed would people be if they started offering the Baron's again for 1.5mil? Extremely. They run upwards of 300+mil on the GTN regardless of server. If you don't have it, that sucks. The point is, SOMEONE spent REAL CASH to unbox that item from a crate and bring it into the game, in the case of the Revan Mask, so them deciding the real money people spent getting crates means nothing, they can piss off with that line of thought.


Blah, blah, I have shiny that you don't, so ha!


That is what I hear...


I suspect a lot of the people who bought packs back then aren't even playing anymore. You might be, but a lot of them aren't.


At some point in time, enough time has passed that not enough people care anymore.

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