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Parse program?


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So I've done HM ops up to the new the ones and have never used a parse program. But last night while running TOS the other heals kept bugging me "what's your hps" I told him I don't use a program but he kept asking and asking me to download. I told him hey we are in the middle of an ops we aren't wiping Im not going to stop and download it for you.


I've been playing off and on since launch I've played WoW regularly also and never used recount. Do most people who run ops use a program? Some of my guild does but it's not required. I didn't get a chance last night after our run to ask them but what program do people use? Are more and more people using it? Why would another healer be so worried about my hps when we weren't struggling at all?

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A lot of the people who run Ops are a little insane. I ran Hard Mode Dread Fortress + Terror from Beyond pretty well as a DPS, but when when I got into a group for -Story Mode- Ravagers someone absolutely tore into me for not having TeamSpeak. :rolleyes: Edited by Djiini
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He probably just wants to waive his willy, sorry greater heals per second in your face. Just tell him to get lost and ignore it if you're not interested in joining his epeen contest.


Or if you are interested there's a thread in the flashpoints section that will help.

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Parsec was the standard for a while, now it seems my particular raiding groups are moving more towards StarParse.


Both are easily obtainable and work pretty well if you want to keep track of how things are going.


Hard Mode level 60 operations, yeah you should probably have your entire group in it. Story mode? Nah.


I wouldn't sweat it, though lots of people do like it if you have the normal Voips. I would never expect a pug to go out of his way to get a certain one for a story mode though. They just aren't that hard.

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He probably just wants to waive his willy, sorry greater heals per second in your face. Just tell him to get lost and ignore it if you're not interested in joining his epeen contest.


Or if you are interested there's a thread in the flashpoints section that will help.



Yeah your probably right thanks for the link.

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I use Parsec and MOX.


I enjoy using them as it gives me an idea if changes in gear have made a difference or not.

I also enjoy playing with a guild group when some of us are parsing, it really gets you trying to beat your team mates DPS, which can only be a good thing. I have guildies who love to see the DPS of my Sage Healer.

When your DPS is similar to everyone elses you know your doing something right, if it's less then you can discuss with your friends and see what they are doing, which may help you to play better.

While Parser's could be used to be elitest or for braging rights, in my opinion, it's generally not used in this way by the majority of players. I wish there was an in game parser, they must have one for them to test class balance. But there are to many misguided haters who believe it causes elitism

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Hard Mode level 60 operations, yeah you should probably have your entire group in it. Story mode? Nah.


The story mode ops are just hard enough that they can be helpful though. My team has cleared Ravagers SM, and is working on ToS. Our strategy is down pat on Sword Squad, but we're still hitting enrage. Parses were able to let me know that it's just a matter of low DPS, and who to encourage to practice their rotations before next week.

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There's no harm in getting a parse program. If you know how to play your class, there's nothing to hide. Too many times people go "Oh I don't need to parse, I've done lots of ops just fine", and then they end up doing 1k DPS and were just carried in the old ops by the people in 180s.
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There's no harm in getting a parse program. If you know how to play your class, there's nothing to hide. Too many times people go "Oh I don't need to parse, I've done lots of ops just fine", and then they end up doing 1k DPS and were just carried in the old ops by the people in 180s.


I can understsbd why some may think that way but like I said I'm heals and pretty confident I do pretty good. The reason I'm interested in a program is to get better and make improvements.

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I can understsbd why some may think that way but like I said I'm heals and pretty confident I do pretty good. The reason I'm interested in a program is to get better and make improvements.


Good to see you have answered your own question.


Most people use tools such as a parse program to measure their performance and compare their performance against others and / or baselines, as well as to use in group settings to improve group performance or find and adjust their group strategies by using data.


Are there idiots who just want to compare numbers just for bragging rights? Sure. Just ignore them.


But most groups I've run with that use parsers do so to help the group succeed through access to actual data rather than 'I feel we are doing enough dps' or 'wow incoming damage seems to be a bit high'.


Anyways, good luck on your efforts to measure and improve your own performance.

Edited by DawnAskham
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You PuGed Underlurker?


I've full cleared the entire op in just pugs quite a few times now, in fact I've had more success in good pugs put together on fleet than I've had filling spots for some guild runs.


As for the subject I think parsing should be a personal thing, yes you should parse just to find out what you're doing right/wrong and how to fix it and maybe share results with your guild but shouldn't be used as a way proving to randoms you are capable of your role in a story mode pug.


In pugs especially the only programs you should be prepared to join is voip, asking to join parsec in a pug group is just silly.

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I haven't really used a parse program. But since I have started more serious HM ops and am a healer, it would be nice to know how effective I am being.

I don't want to be one of "those guys" in fleet smelling their own farts (south park reference) but after watching the starparse youtube vid, I can see the usefulness of it.

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A lot of the people who run Ops are a little insane. I ran Hard Mode Dread Fortress + Terror from Beyond pretty well as a DPS, but when when I got into a group for -Story Mode- Ravagers someone absolutely tore into me for not having TeamSpeak. :rolleyes:


To be fair, if you're not on VOIP for Temple of Sacrifice, I do not want you in my group. That requires far too much coordination to have someone not in VOIP.


Especially since Bioware keeps making it worse. ;_;

Edited by Kirazy
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