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Cartel Collections at 100% - something to recognise your loyal customers.


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Presently when one visits their collections by each shipment and the packs available under the shipment you have a number to the left showing how complete your collection is for items in that shipment.


My suggestion would be, that if you acquire 100% for a pack, all items in that pack automatically unlock for every member of your legacy.


Well less desirable to the player, alternatively if they unlock the 100% for the whole shipment and not just a pack, you could then unlock the whole shipment for the legacy.


As these items can not be summoned and sold, and achieving 100% in a category usually represents a significant amount of income received by EA/BioWare (no matter if the player earned the 100% by buying packs with CC or buying them from the cartel market, most all of them were purchased with CC's at some point) and it seems fair to give the player a reward for contributing as much as they do to the bottom line of the financials of the game. I would estimate that anyone who achieves a 100% completion rating for a pack (Not an entire shipment, just a pack) likely represents at least $200 dollars of purchased CC's.


Players could still choose to unlock individual items with CC's if they do not have 100%, but would have incentive actually to purchase more items to obtain 100% if they knew they would receive an automatic legacy unlock for all items.


In the long run, its a very small reward to those people who are contributing the most to the financial health of the game.

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As someone who has spent WAY TOO MUCH actual cash on cartel coins, I am 100% in favor of this idea. As a matter of fact, I think it would be cool if the only way to unlock dye packs in your collection was to obtain 100% on 3 packs for each dye you want to unlock. I know Black/Black would be my first. I buy lots of those things every time they go on sale.
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I know Black/Black would be my first. I buy lots of those things every time they go on sale.


I think you answered your own question. ;)


I buy the black/black off the GTN, I have never and will never pay actual money for it... but thank you for doing so. :)

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Dye's aren't part of collections and so would not be covered by this idea. I do not agree and would not support that 'consumables' be unlocked to a legacy and allowed to be generated at will. I believe some things should remain available only through the gtn as 'luxury' items.


This idea covers only those items that are part of obtaining 100% achievement for a Cartel Pack or a Cartel Shipment.

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As someone who spends a lot of money on the CM and tends to buy things to complete collections even if I don't like the items, I fully support this idea :D


That was my thought as well. I've spent a significant amount of 'real' money buying packs, and then time and money trying to find rare pieces I missed from prior packs, in order to have a complete set of not jus one set of gear, but unlocking a whole shipment. It seems a small 'thank you' to the consumer to then allow the player to use those items on any of their characters considering the financial investment in represents. As I mentioned above, even a player who doesn't spend any CC's on packs but gets 100% represents a player who did spend on the cartel packs, so its a decent amount of cash already earned.


I'm still a little twisted that they added the collections after they had added the first cartel packs and as such, there are many things I would have complete sets of, but tossed out of my inventory because I didn't have room for them.

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They could even add a unique item(armour set, mount, etc.) to a pack or wave that only unlocks when you have 100% completion and is not obtainable through any other means.

EQ2 had an in-game collectible system that rewarded you like that, with a unique reward.

It's not entirely the same of course, but it would add incentive, and potentially boost CM sales, either directly or indirectly.

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I want them to give a title when you get 100% of each cartel collection. That would be something that you could 'show' off so to speak but lots of these ideas sound great.


I too spend more money than I should on CC mostly because of all the cool housing items but now I've gotten the completionist bug and nearly got all my packs at 100%. So I'd very much like to see some reward for that achievement.

Edited by Sazigirl
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