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Slot Machine: Just rolled 5000 chips


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So the other issue with this is that it has taken Cartel Market out of the realm of "cosmetic" yet again and now firmly planted it into the Crafting game. This thing has eliminated the need to ever run a Treasure Hunting, Slicing, Diplomacy, Investiation, or Underworld Trade mission again.


I know a lot of you will say, "F the crafters! They gouge us!"


Well... once the CM is done replacing crafting, what's left? Will it start to replace PvE or PvP next? Will they invent some newfangled decoration that drops statted armorings or mods? Or tokens to get statted armorings or mods?




Will you care then? Crafters won't be there to lend their voices to yours when that happens. They'll be gone.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Well, I see we are leaving the realm of logic and are now tromping in the land of hyperbole.


Too bad, it was a logical discussion for the most part up to this point.


Hyperbole? Please share with me what part you think is exaggerated or rhetorical?


If it's not clear to you that Mission skills are effectively dead because of this, you are not a crafter.


If it's not clear to you that this is another test of the waters beyond "cosmetic", like they've done several times before, you have not been paying attention to what they've done since CM opened.

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The breakdown for Jawa Scrap from the slot machine that was done is WRONG.


Based on what I'm seeing, just the vendor value of the rep items reduces your cost of tokens by 60%. Once you put the CM certificates on top of that, the tokens actually become more than paid for.


Based on my runs so far, before ever trading in one Jawa Junk for a material, my profit margin on the slots is over 100%.


So, yeah, Jawa Junk is effectively free and immediate with the slots. Credit sellers could macro these things all day, sell CM Certificate personnel for very, very cheap - under 10k, and sell Jawa Junk materials for 500 credits per unit and have plenty of credits to sell to their buyers.


It doesn't matter that the slicing part costs 3 JJ and Midlithe costs 1. 1 x 0 and 3 x 0 equal the same thing, Infinite profit.


Normally I don't mess with broken stuff. You know, stuff that the randomizer or drop rate is off so you can get a bit of an advantage? But this is SO BROKEN that I'm doing nothing but clicking slot machines until BioWare fixes it. And make no mistake: They will fix this as soon as sales of this pack start to falter.


The math was done with the return of 318750 credits on 1000 tokens (500k credit cost), that's 63.75% return rate from the rep chips.


It costs 1800 credits per jawa scrap, which is right in line with what the cost is for Artifact grade mats via sliced missions. You can't add in CMCs because most of the stuff that's obtained with them is bound, and the only stuff that's not bound is hard capped as a decoration limit. Also with CMCs becoming more readily availible, you'll make alot less profit selling those decos on the GTN. Remember the break even point for CMCs is roughly 9k each.


Oh and I paid nothing for Midlithe and Adaptive Circuitry obtained with crew missions. Run slicing lockbox missions until you get sliced mission discoveries. By the time you get the mission discoveries, the lockboxes will have netted you more credits than you would have paid for the sliced missions. In this case, it truly is a profit, and not a credit sink because it actually generated credits as a whole in the game. Obtaining mats via Jawa Junk, to sell on the GTN is a 6% credit sink of the purchase price because of the GTN fee.


So even in the end, the slot machine sinks 6% of the selling price of the mats, and decos in the best case scenario, while the slicing lockbox crew missions are actually a negative sink (in other words a generator of credits).

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The math was done with the return of 318750 credits on 1000 tokens (500k credit cost), that's 63.75% return rate from the rep chips.


It costs 1800 credits per jawa scrap, which is right in line with what the cost is for Artifact grade mats via sliced missions. You can't add in CMCs because most of the stuff that's obtained with them is bound, and the only stuff that's not bound is hard capped as a decoration limit. Also with CMCs becoming more readily availible, you'll make alot less profit selling those decos on the GTN. Remember the break even point for CMCs is roughly 9k each.


Oh and I paid nothing for Midlithe and Adaptive Circuitry obtained with crew missions. Run slicing lockbox missions until you get sliced mission discoveries. By the time you get the mission discoveries, the lockboxes will have netted you more credits than you would have paid for the sliced missions. In this case, it truly is a profit, and not a credit sink because it actually generated credits as a whole in the game. Obtaining mats via Jawa Junk, to sell on the GTN is a 6% credit sink of the purchase price because of the GTN fee.


So even in the end, the slot machine sinks 6% of the selling price of the mats, and decos in the best case scenario, while the slicing lockbox crew missions are actually a negative sink (in other words a generator of credits).


Again, the math is wrong.


Over my sample size, which is now becoming quite large, I find that:


The combined vendor value of reputation items accounts for almost 67% of the purchase price of tokens. If you buy 1,000 tokens, you only effectively paid 165,000.


Out of those 1,000 tokens, you will get (only counting things of value) 30 Cartel Market Certificates and 119 Jawa Junk.


The Cartel Market Certificates can be traded 1:1 for Personnel - decorations. On my server, I have been selling them all day for 40-65k each. But let's say their value is only 10k. 30 CM certs at 10k each is 300,000 credits minus 6% GTN fee is 282,000 credits.


You might remember that above I wrote that after vendoring the reputation items, you only paid 165,000 credits for the tokens.


You just covered that, and then some, in the CM Certificates.


Those 119 Jawa Junk you got from your 1,000 tokens? They were FREE.

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Hyperbole? Please share with me what part you think is exaggerated or rhetorical?


How about these?

Because of this, Cartel Market has just completely replaced the need for mission skills. Treasure Hunting, Diplomacy, Investigation, and Underworld Trading, and even Slicing might as well be removed from the game now.


I can count on the credit farmers to do that for me, then I can go to the GTN and buy all the mats I want for a pittance.



I know a lot of you will say, "F the crafters! They gouge us!"


Well... once the CM is done replacing crafting, what's left? Will it start to replace PvE or PvP next? Will they invent some newfangled decoration that drops statted armorings or mods? Or tokens to get statted armorings or mods?




Will you care then? Crafters won't be there to lend their voices to yours when that happens. They'll be gone.


Ridiculous, irresponsible and exaggerated hyperbole IMO. What I don't understand is that you were making sensible points of contention before you resorted to magic and witchcraft......unicorns and dragons. Perhaps the conversation was not going in the direction you desired? You should have stuck to logic, you might have remained compelling with that. Contentions like these sound desperate and foolish.


If it's not clear to you that Mission skills are effectively dead because of this, you are not a crafter.


If there is one thing I am absolutely sure of, it is that you do not define, by any meaning of the word, who is and who is not a crafter. If the qualifying criteria to be considered a crafter is to agree with your hyperbole, then I would speculate that most of the folks that are forum members, nay perhaps most of the players of the game are not crafters.


If it's not clear to you that this is another test of the waters beyond "cosmetic", like they've done several times before, you have not been paying attention to what they've done since CM opened.


Ah, I think here you give a clue as to perhaps your TRUE intentions. You are part of the "dumbing down the game" crowd I expect.


Which means, if that is truly the case, your entire opinion should be completely disregarded.


If that is not the case, my apologies.


And that is just MY OPINION, of course.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I thought you were smarter than that. Oh well. Live and learn.


Ah, Ad hominem. You disappoint me DarthTHC. I expected better from you.


Might I remind you......


Which means, if that is truly the case, your entire opinion should be completely disregarded.


If that is not the case, my apologies.

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Ah, Ad hominem. You disappoint me DarthTHC. I expected better from you.


Might I remind you......


I know.. But COME ON, MAN. I'm on these forums all the time fighting against the "make the game easier" fools.


Grouping me with them is doing me dirty, man.

Edited by DarthTHC
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I know.. But COME ON, MAN. I'm on these forums all the time fighting against the "make the game easier" fools.


Grouping me with them is doing me dirty, man.


Well, I will say it again so its clear man.


I apologize. Just me being a moron.


Just stop with the hyperbole. Its not like you. You are making a compelling argument, stick to your guns, just leave the fantasy out.


We can disagree, but at the length truth will out.

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Well, I will say it again so its clear man.


I apologize. Just me being a moron.


Just stop with the hyperbole. Its not like you. You are making a compelling argument, stick to your guns, just leave the fantasy out.


We can disagree, but at the length truth will out.


I don't think it's fantasy.


You know they have people on staff whose sole job is optimizing cartel market revenue.


You know they've stepped beyond the "cosmetic" definition they put on the CM multiple times in the past and, when players railed against it, they withdrew. That is testing the waters.


This machine clearly, completely, replaces the need to ever run a mission skill again. I'm a "hardcore" crafter. I know this side of the game better than almost anyone else. If this stays like it is, I will never again run a mission for materials. Never. So the machine has replaced that aspect of crafting, totally.


That's beyond "cosmetic" in the CM, right?


A track record of testing the waters plus this new thing that drives further into a non-cosmetic aspect of the game than any ever has... why would anyone NOT put that together as them continuing to push the CM into other areas of the game?


This machine is bad for the game.


My worry now is that there won't be an outcry against it. BioWare's "optimize the CM" team will have won a strong foothold into the "not cosmetic" area... either by fooling crafters ("yay! free mats!") or by tricking people who think 125k for an augment is "too much" into liking this. Once they have that foothold, what do you think they'll do next?


This thing is bad news. I'm using the heck out of it for now, but it's absolutely bad for the game.

Edited by DarthTHC
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I don't think it's fantasy.


You know they have people on staff whose sole job is optimizing cartel market revenue.


You know they've stepped beyond the "cosmetic" definition they put on the CM multiple times in the past and, when players railed against it, they withdrew. That is testing the waters.


This machine clearly, completely, replaces the need to ever run a mission skill again. I'm a "hardcore" crafter. I know this side of the game better than almost anyone else. If this stays like it is, I will never again run a mission for materials. Never. So the machine has replaced that aspect of crafting, totally.


That's beyond "cosmetic" in the CM, right?


A track record of testing the waters plus this new thing that drives further into a non-cosmetic aspect of the game than any ever has... why would anyone NOT put that together as them continuing to push the CM into other areas of the game?


This machine is bad for the game.


My worry now is that there won't be an outcry against it. BioWare's "optimize the CM" team will have won a strong foothold into the "not cosmetic" area... either by fooling crafters ("yay! free mats!") or by tricking people who think 125k for an augment is "too much" into liking this. Once they have that foothold, what do you think they'll do next?


This thing is bad news. I'm using the heck out of it for now, but it's absolutely bad for the game.


"Calls it bad for the game, but uses it anyways."


No point in arguing against it, if you're just going to use it anyways.

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I don't think it's fantasy.


I understand that. That does not make the observation wrong.


You know they have people on staff whose sole job is optimizing cartel market revenue.


I know nothing of the sort. It is likely you do not either. You are assuming they do, and I could assume the same...but it would be an assumption none the less.


You know they've stepped beyond the "cosmetic" definition they put on the CM multiple times in the past and, when players railed against it, they withdrew. That is testing the waters.


Here is what I do know.


They have added certain things to the market that folks called pay to win, like the CM crystals. Some they removed, some they did not, other times they specifically indicated they would NOT do things because it is precariously close to pay to win (like adding another crew member to the ones you can que for missions or crafting) and then did them anyway (we have 6 crew members we can send out now).


Perhaps they are testing the waters. Perhaps not. I DONT CARE either way. To me the motive is irrelevant. The true effect, problems and impact are whats at hand. The rest is simply argumentative fodder IMO.


This machine clearly, completely, replaces the need to ever run a mission skill again. I'm a "hardcore" crafter. I know this side of the game better than almost anyone else. If this stays like it is, I will never again run a mission for materials. Never. So the machine has replaced that aspect of crafting, totally.


False DarthTHC, and this has been pointed out to you many times. It has drastically REDUCED the need to run crew missions, yes. It has NOT, most certainly not removed the need to entirely.


However, you could contend it has removed the need for YOU to ever run missions again....and I would have conceded that. That is certainly plausible.


That's beyond "cosmetic" in the CM, right?


A track record of testing the waters plus this new thing that drives further into a non-cosmetic aspect of the game than any ever has... why would anyone NOT put that together as them continuing to push the CM into other areas of the game?


Again...I don't think your making the point you want to make here and have it stick....I assume most do not care about this point, so your probably wasting your time with any "pay to win" contentions.


Your trying to protect your crafting as you know it. Nothing wrong with that....I disagree with you on almost all of your points, but nothing wrong with making the effort. However, to resort to calling this "pay to win" is a pretty weak move IMO.


This machine is bad for the game.


I strongly disagree. Crew missions are bad for the game. This machine corrected that problem.


My worry now is that there won't be an outcry against it.


A valid concern. I expect it is a minority view.


BioWare's "optimize the CM" team will have won a strong foothold into the "not cosmetic" area... either by fooling crafters ("yay! free mats!") or by tricking people who think 125k for an augment is "too much" into liking this. Once they have that foothold, what do you think they'll do next?


I think they need to have a STRONGER foothold in the "non-cosmetic" area and get with the program. This is the future of MMOs....and that's it. This is how it is going to be.


This thing is bad news. I'm using the heck out of it for now, but it's absolutely bad for the game.


It is bad for crafters that sell top end mats. That is it. It is awesome for everyone else.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I understand that. That does not make the observation wrong.


I know nothing of the sort. It is likely you do not either. You are assuming they do, and I could assume the same...but it would be an assumption none the less.


Dude... they posted the job opening when the CM was being coded, then they posted another one later on. It's not an assumption. It's a fact.


Here is what I do know.


They have added certain things to the market that folks called pay to win, like the CM crystals. Some they removed, some they did not, other times they specifically indicated they would NOT do things because it is precariously close to pay to win (like adding another crew member to the ones you can que for missions or crafting) and then did them anyway (we have 6 crew members we can send out now).


Perhaps they are testing the waters. Perhaps not. I DONT CARE either way. To me the motive is irrelevant. The true effect, problems and impact are whats at hand. The rest is simply argumentative fodder IMO.


False DarthTHC, and this has been pointed out to you many times. It has drastically REDUCED the need to run crew missions, yes. It has NOT, most certainly not removed the need to entirely.


Why would anyone run a mission that has at best a 20% chance to return 3 of the item you're looking for 30+ minutes from now at a cost of 3,890 credits when they can run a stack of coins through a slot machine in 3-5 minutes and be guaranteed 9-12 of those items, plus another few stacks of things to sell that make the whole transaction free?


However, you could contend it has removed the need for YOU to ever run missions again....and I would have conceded that. That is certainly plausible.


Again...I don't think your making the point you want to make here and have it stick....I assume most do not care about this point, so your probably wasting your time with any "pay to win" contentions.


Your trying to protect your crafting as you know it. Nothing wrong with that....I disagree with you on almost all of your points, but nothing wrong with making the effort. However, to resort to calling this "pay to win" is a pretty weak move IMO.


No, really, I'm not afraid of change in the crafting arena. If you knew me better, you'd know I relish the change, I relish being made to think, to figure out new paradigms.


One problem is that this makes raw materials FREE. It therefore requires NO THOUGHT. No creativity. No effort. No... nothing. Just sit there for 3-5 minutes feeding the machine whenever I need a few Midlithe crystals.


Another problem is that it is a CM item that replaces a "playable' aspect of the game. If this thing dropped tokens that got you PvE or PvP gear, these forums would be a firestorm. But since everyone hates crafters, everyone's happy about it.


The third problem is the ease with which this can be abused by unscrupulous players - credit sellers.


I strongly disagree. Crew missions are bad for the game. This machine corrected that problem.


Crew missions were not optimal, I'll give you that. The low chance of return sucks. The low number returned when it does return sucks. The long wait for return sucks. The "travel dance" to get the missions you want sucks.


But if this was trying to be the solution, it went way too far in that direction. Guaranteed, free, and nearly instant is bad. Especially free.


A valid concern. I expect it is a minority view.


I think they need to have a STRONGER foothold in the "non-cosmetic" area and get with the program. This is the future of MMOs....and that's it. This is how it is going to be.


That would be unfortunate. I don't play P2W games. I don't want to have to shell out another $5 or $10 on top of my subscription to raid effectively, like you have to shell out more money to get past certain levels in other EA games.


If this stays as it is, it's another step closer.


It is bad for crafters that sell top end mats. That is it. It is awesome for everyone else.


Wal-Mart is not awesome for everyone, regardless how low their prices are. We all pay one way or another, even those who don't shop there.


The price we will pay for this, if it stays, is increased gold seller activity and reduced number of crafted goods for sale.

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Dude... they posted the job opening when the CM was being coded, then they posted another one later on. It's not an assumption. It's a fact.


Ok, fair enough, I will not argue that point.


Why would anyone run a mission that has at best a 20% chance to return 3 of the item you're looking for 30+ minutes from now at a cost of 3,890 credits when they can run a stack of coins through a slot machine in 3-5 minutes and be guaranteed 9-12 of those items, plus another few stacks of things to sell that make the whole transaction free?


You have already been told why multiple times. You like a dog with bone on this point, are you not?


No, really, I'm not afraid of change in the crafting arena.


I don't believe you.


If you knew me better, you'd know I relish the change, I relish being made to think, to figure out new paradigms.


Again, I don't believe you. I have ALREADY adjusted my crafting. I made a slew of credits selling kits. Kits is my new focus now....kits and augs. Both of which will remain profitable....for now.


And when they are no longer profitable...I will find something else. I stopped selling mats the moment that they put the level 11 mats on the Jawas. I could see the way the wind was blowing already.


One problem is that this makes raw materials FREE


Raw greens were already free. Raw crafting mats, and blues and purples COULD be free if you did things right. That was already in place.


It therefore requires NO THOUGHT. No creativity. No effort. No... nothing. Just sit there for 3-5 minutes feeding the machine whenever I need a few Midlithe crystals.


It is easier...I will give you that.


Another problem is that it is a CM item that replaces a "playable' aspect of the game. If this thing dropped tokens that got you PvE or PvP gear, these forums would be a firestorm. But since everyone hates crafters, everyone's happy about it.


Oh come on now. People dont hate crafters. They hate greed.


It just so happens most crafters are greedy ;)


The third problem is the ease with which this can be abused by unscrupulous players - credit sellers.


That is not a concern with respect to this subject, should not be a concern, and is the recourse of those with a weak argument. You make a compelling argument...there is no need to resort to these type of silly notions.


Crew missions were not optimal, I'll give you that. The low chance of return sucks. The low number returned when it does return sucks. The long wait for return sucks. The "travel dance" to get the missions you want sucks.


Exactly. The very reason why the machine is popular in the first place. If crew missions were designed as they should be it would not even be an issue, because folks wouldn't care either way. The markets will end up having lots of materials, and that material value will drop....this is inevitable.


it happened with level 6 mats. It happened with level 9 mats and it will happen with level 11 mats.


But if this was trying to be the solution, it went way too far in that direction. Guaranteed, free, and nearly instant is bad. Especially free.


I agree that it is sad that the solution to the problem of crew missions ends up having to be a decoration for a stronghold....that is pretty pathetic when you think about it.


I don't know if they can even FIX crew missions. I certainly hope they can, otherwise this machine has seriously reduced their appeal....which I do not see as a bad thing, anything that gets us away from having to run those john-awful missions is a good thing.


That would be unfortunate. I don't play P2W games. I don't want to have to shell out another $5 or $10 on top of my subscription to raid effectively, like you have to shell out more money to get past certain levels in other EA games.


If this stays as it is, it's another step closer.


I understand, and I will not try to sell you P2W games. I will only say this......


How much did something generally cost in 2004? How much does it cost now? Through that entire time, for most MMOs, the price of subscription has remained at 15 bucks.....generally one can thank WoW for that.


Though costs rise, everything rises.....subs stay the same price. Right now subs should be 18 to 20 dollars...and that is taking only inflation into account....not other costs.


In actuality we should be looking at 30 dollars per month right now. But instead we still sit at 15 bucks.


So....they have to make the money somehow. Casuals were willing to spend it, hardcore players were not...guess who took over. Money talks.


Wal-Mart is not awesome for everyone, regardless how low their prices are. We all pay one way or another, even those who don't shop there.


Wal-Mart IS awesome for everyone. Unfortunately some folks prize tradition, small town charm, yada yada and the high prices and price fixing that comes with it....plus quality...i have to admit.


So for them, not so much. For traditional hardcore MMO players that were happy in 2004...definitely not so much. But they are the minority now. Casuals rule the market. This is simply a reality that everyone must embrace if they wish to play an MMO.


Because this is how it is. Simple as that.


The price we will pay for this, if it stays, is increased gold seller activity and reduced number of crafted goods for sale.


False. This will not increase or decrease gold seller activity, gold sellers did not need this mechanic to generate plenty of credits, nor will this decrease crafted goods.


it will decrease the price on high end mats, and eventually reduce the price on all high end crafted items to some degree. It will likely correct the market.

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This is getting long and you're not taking me at my word so it's getting pointless but I do want to educate you on one thing...


Actually, I'll PM you because mods won't like it.


Wait a minute....I may not believe that you are open to change, and I also may not agree with most of your views with respect to crafting....but that does not mean I do not take you at your word.


You and I are involved in a discussion, and we have opposing viewpoints. You and I are also obviously pretty stubborn in our views.


So it is likely it will continue this way for a while....but at least your views and mine have been seen. That is what is important.

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Wait a minute....I may not believe that you are open to change, and I also may not agree with most of your views with respect to crafting....but that does not mean I do not take you at your word.


You and I are involved in a discussion, and we have opposing viewpoints. You and I are also obviously pretty stubborn in our views.


So it is likely it will continue this way for a while....but at least your views and mine have been seen. That is what is important.


See, that's the problem. I said I'm open to change and you say you don't believe it. That is, by definition, not taking me at my word.


I have no reason to lie, especially about that.


What I've done is that I see this change in the market. I understand it for what it is. And I'm taking advantage of it, hardcore.


I'm not sitting back and stubbornly running missions. Nope. Because the situation changed. Now the best way to get those materials is to play the slot machines. So that's what I'm doing.


See? The market changed, I realized it, and I changed with it.


I am absolutely, totally open to change. I recognized it, I analyzed it, I made a decision, I changed my behavior. In that regard, I'm way out ahead of most.


Heck, most of the people touting this change are doing so because THEY don't want to change their behavior for 15 minutes a day so they could easily afford crafted stuff.


Anyway. Where was I?


Oh. Change.


Yeah, see, I could roll with this change. I could use it to my advantage. And I am, right now, doing that, by playing the heck out of these machines. I absolutely know how to wring this change's neck to make it absolutely a win for me. In fact, I think I will come out farther ahead because of this change than I would have been had this slot machine never come into the game, or come in with the drop rates that it will have after they adjust it.


I mean, look at what's happening here.


I used to run missions across over a dozen characters, doing the log in, travel-dance, pick missions, see what the results are, organize the results, move them into legacy storage in an organized fashion... all across a dozen mission-running characters so that I could keep my 5 or 6 crafting characters busily making tens of millions of credits per week.


But this slot machine, that removes the vast majority of that pain. I don't have to log through a dozen characters to run missions any more. I can use ONE. It doesn't need 500 skill. Heck, it doesn't need to have any crafting skill at all! I don't have to raise its companions' affection to 10k to be as efficient as I can possibly be. It just has to be able to get to my stronghold.


And I don't have to travel-dance any more or wait for mission returns to see if I got something of value. I don't have to move mission discoveries from my slicers to my treasure hunters or underworld traders or whatever. I don't even need slicers or underworld traders any more! I don't need to think about any of that garbage!


I can just clicky clicky the slot machine and BOOM I have a green stack, a blue stack, and a purple stack. And all that clicky clicky got me twice as many mats in half the time as launching all those missions, doing all that travel-dancing, organizing returns, and such.


On top of that all, those three simple, beautiful stacks can go neatly into my legacy bank. Simple, organized, 3 types of things on one tabl instead of many dozens of types of things across all tabs to keep straight.


Whenever one of my crafters needs something, they can withdraw a purple, blue, or green stack, saunter on over to the right Jawa, and turn that stack into raw materials, boom, just like that.


This totally simplifies my life as a crafter. Totally.


So you might find yourself asking, if you've read this far, after all that great stuff I wrote about the change... why don't I like it?


And to believe my answer to that question, you would need to understand who I am, how I act, and what I find important. And you never, ever will get that here, on these forums, especially since you've made the clear decision not to take me at my word. Writing the answer now, writing why it's my answer, won't matter.


So there's our impasse.


But please do read that PM I sent you. It contains important knowledge I think everyone should have.

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I used to run missions across over a dozen characters, doing the log in, travel-dance, pick missions, see what the results are, organize the results, move them into legacy storage in an organized fashion... all across a dozen mission-running characters so that I could keep my 5 or 6 crafting characters busily making tens of millions of credits per week.


Same here.

but not only I stopped doing that I stopped crafting at all.

with current issues due to slot machine prices drop so much everyone sell their stock in a loss price...

also I wonder which other change will be implemented to crafting system next which render it more different then now.



know what..

pre-this patch which added the slot machine I was playing around having fun once this patch was added I lost all desire to play the game.

I just..

go inside and wonder what else they screw up...

not going to renew my sub.

Edited by lironBD
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Same here.

but not only I stopped doing that I stopped crafting at all.

with current issues due to slot machine prices drop so much everyone sell their stock in a loss price...

also I wonder which other change will be implemented to crafting system next which render it more different then now.



know what..

pre-this patch which added the slot machine I was playing around having fun once this patch was added I lost all desire to play the game.

I just..

go inside and wonder what else they screw up...

not going to renew my sub.


So you're not going to renew your sub because you can't make as much money as you used to.


That's rich... (pun intended).


People are not selling their stock at a loss price.

Because a loss price would be a stupidly low price.


If you're a gatherer, you have to take the cost of running the missions (and maby buying the missions if you did that) and deduct the earnings from all non-purple mats from that and then divide that by the number of purple mats to get what your loss limit would be.

And I can assure you that limit would be very low.

If you're a crafter, you would have to deduct the cost of buying the mats (or running the missions if you were self-sufficient like most are) from the price you sell the items for, and that'd be your loss limit.

And that would be very low too.


Unless the rare mats are selling for a few hundred credits each, you're still not selling at a loss.


You are just selling at a lower profit than before.


But then, if this game is only about maximising profits from crafting for you, then maby you shouldn't be playing the game anyway.

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See, that's the problem. I said I'm open to change and you say you don't believe it. That is, by definition, not taking me at my word.


I have no reason to lie, especially about that.


What I've done is that I see this change in the market. I understand it for what it is. And I'm taking advantage of it, hardcore.


I'm not sitting back and stubbornly running missions. Nope. Because the situation changed. Now the best way to get those materials is to play the slot machines. So that's what I'm doing.


See? The market changed, I realized it, and I changed with it.


I am absolutely, totally open to change. I recognized it, I analyzed it, I made a decision, I changed my behavior. In that regard, I'm way out ahead of most.


Heck, most of the people touting this change are doing so because THEY don't want to change their behavior for 15 minutes a day so they could easily afford crafted stuff.


Anyway. Where was I?


Oh. Change.


Yeah, see, I could roll with this change. I could use it to my advantage. And I am, right now, doing that, by playing the heck out of these machines. I absolutely know how to wring this change's neck to make it absolutely a win for me. In fact, I think I will come out farther ahead because of this change than I would have been had this slot machine never come into the game, or come in with the drop rates that it will have after they adjust it.


I mean, look at what's happening here.


I used to run missions across over a dozen characters, doing the log in, travel-dance, pick missions, see what the results are, organize the results, move them into legacy storage in an organized fashion... all across a dozen mission-running characters so that I could keep my 5 or 6 crafting characters busily making tens of millions of credits per week.


But this slot machine, that removes the vast majority of that pain. I don't have to log through a dozen characters to run missions any more. I can use ONE. It doesn't need 500 skill. Heck, it doesn't need to have any crafting skill at all! I don't have to raise its companions' affection to 10k to be as efficient as I can possibly be. It just has to be able to get to my stronghold.


And I don't have to travel-dance any more or wait for mission returns to see if I got something of value. I don't have to move mission discoveries from my slicers to my treasure hunters or underworld traders or whatever. I don't even need slicers or underworld traders any more! I don't need to think about any of that garbage!


I can just clicky clicky the slot machine and BOOM I have a green stack, a blue stack, and a purple stack. And all that clicky clicky got me twice as many mats in half the time as launching all those missions, doing all that travel-dancing, organizing returns, and such.


On top of that all, those three simple, beautiful stacks can go neatly into my legacy bank. Simple, organized, 3 types of things on one tabl instead of many dozens of types of things across all tabs to keep straight.


Whenever one of my crafters needs something, they can withdraw a purple, blue, or green stack, saunter on over to the right Jawa, and turn that stack into raw materials, boom, just like that.


This totally simplifies my life as a crafter. Totally.


So you might find yourself asking, if you've read this far, after all that great stuff I wrote about the change... why don't I like it?


And to believe my answer to that question, you would need to understand who I am, how I act, and what I find important. And you never, ever will get that here, on these forums, especially since you've made the clear decision not to take me at my word. Writing the answer now, writing why it's my answer, won't matter.


So there's our impasse.


But please do read that PM I sent you. It contains important knowledge I think everyone should have.



You don't like it because you feel that you haven't worked for it.

Well, that and the fact that you're getting less of a profit.

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I have a suggestion:

Lets make slot machines drop operation tokens.

I mean if everyone love those slot machines so much that even won't run daily missions in order to make money...

What the point of running ops then?

Just put tokens in slot machine and everyone will be happy)))

Especially those with slots in their SH))))


Welcome to the first Gambling MMO!!! Star Slots Online! :D

Edited by Kingsbount
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I have a suggestion:

Lets make slot machines drop operation tokens.

I mean if everyone love those slot machines so much that even won't run daily missions in order to make money...

What the point of running ops then?

Just put tokens in slot machine and everyone will be happy)))

Especially those with slots in their SH))))


Welcome to the first Gambling MMO!!! Star Slots Online! :D


nailed it.

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nailed it.


No he didn't.


Running an op actually involves playing your character.


Running crew skills is something that happens in the background while you play something else with your character.


Not the same thing at all.


But it was a nice try at using hyperbole to prove a point (alas, as most attempts to use hyperbole to prove a point, it fell flat)

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