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The Contraband Slot Machine


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# 2000 congratulations you beat the game!



I still can't believe the busiest and most emotion-driven thread in ages in this Star Wars MMO is about a silly *** slot machine decoration.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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# 2000 congratulations you beat the game!



I still can't believe the busiest and most emotion-driven thread in ages in this Star Wars MMO is about a silly *** slot machine decoration.


And on the day that net neutrality passed, the most talked about thing on the internet was a freaking dress.

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I am also waiting to hear some kind of official response from BW on this matter. I picked one (thankfully only 1) of the CSMs up off the GTN pre-orbital nuke. I fully understand that the drops rates were high on purple jawa and certs. I'm still sitting on about 3k tokens I bought before the patch, while there were still 500 credits. I bought 4k, but seeing the drop rates after burning 1k of them, it doesn't even feel worthwhile to sit there for another 3k+ clicks. The walker mount is a joke, you can pick one up on yavin for a small fraction of the theotical cost from the CSM, and IMO, the paint on the yavin ones is better looking.


The green and blue jawa junk didn't really need nerfed. If you run crew missions how many blues do you end up with for every purple mat you are really trying to get? And making my dailies rounds on Yavin I can pick up a large pile of greens without going out of my way. I doubt the CSM really hurt the GTN economy by much on blues and greens. The purples I can see where the drop rates hurt the economy some. I am not a GTN mogul, by any means. But the extra purples were nice for getting mats for augments and even dark projects for my toons. I have 12 60's, not a record I know, and it takes a lot of purples to craft augments for that much gear. Do I need all of them in purple augs? No, but it is nice to have them geared in case someone says, hop on your <class> and come run <FP or OP> with us. About 95% of my crafting is for me, my wife, and guildies. So the extra mats were nice for people like me. I'm not saying they need to be the drop rates of the CSM at launch, but at least give me a little hope that I'll get some. And 0.1% is not a little hope, those odds make it a miracle.


The argument that the certs drop rate lowered cartel pack sales is absurd IMO. I never bought pack praying for certs to drop, I would be surprised if people ONLY bought packs for certs. We buy them for the cool looking armor, weapons and mounts. Even if we don't think they are that cool, chances are someone does and will pay large stacks of credits for them on the GTN.

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Hello, Mr. Musco.


Original machine was annoying. After adjusting it (in your words) still is annoying. Is it working as intended or will it be adjusted once more?


Sorry to have to disappoint you but the Social team are too busy moonlighting for Kim Jong-un, North Korea Supreme leader, to engage in any kind of communication at this time.

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I'd really love to have an adult discussion with the communications and development teams. There are times when admitting you made a mistake is the best answer and this is one of those times Eric/Devs.


I know you took my request for 'beefing up' the CSM while nerfing it by adding unique vehicles. I also know that you took my decimal and made it a percentage just by adding a percent sign on the end and without thinking what this means in math.


.001 means one in 1,000.

.001% means one in 100,000.


This is a significant difference. The Kingpin Rancor was closer to .001 (actually .0009 with the feeling lucky buff) than .00001 (.001%).


You all dropped the ball and that's fine, people are forgiving, especially if you admit to your mistakes and are honest and forthright about them.


Instead, your continued silence and actions have significantly eroded your relationship with a number of your playerbase. The reason this thread went on so long and continues is because people _want_ you to do the right thing. This in itself should be evidence that fixing the problems you created will be welcomed and people wont instead focus on the fact you made the mistake in the first place (twice).


Instead you ignore this thread and others for equally important issues (fps rate with the 3.0 UI.. where the new doodads etc have killed performance) in hopes that it will go away.


Yes, the threads will go away, as will the people who are posting in them when they stop paying for the game.


I get that its hard. I understand that there are concerns about admitting fault, etc. I get all that. But it is your best response.

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I know Bioware is just waiting for this thread to die, but it's not happening.


Hate to tell ya, but they don't care about this non issue.

They've moved on to more important things, which compared to this could be throwing stale french fries at the bum across the street.

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Well I for one have not forgotten about this. EVERY single update I go and gamble 10 tokens to see if they have fixed the abysmal drop rates, and they haven't.


The entire episode has broken trust with me and the game. It won't be repaired until the slot machine is repaired.


I play less, and I certainly spend less in the Cartel Market. Obviously doesn't matter one bit to the developers; I wonder how many others like me are just silent about it?


Make the item fun for my Stronghold again, and trust restored. You DO NOT have to include ANY crafting materials for this to happen. How hard is it to create a few prizes and fix the win rate???

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I believe at this point this thread has served its purpose. What folks like ivan fail to understand is that BioWare did answer the question they wanted answered, they just wont accept the answer is no. More bumping of this is likely necroing a dead thread as the last few bumps I've seen have been lets keep this alive with no real content or value added to the discussion
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I believe at this point this thread has served its purpose. What folks like ivan fail to understand is that BioWare did answer the question they wanted answered, they just wont accept the answer is no. More bumping of this is likely necroing a dead thread as the last few bumps I've seen have been lets keep this alive with no real content or value added to the discussion


Where exactly was this said, if I may ask? Was it the Cantina Tour by any chance? Because I've read what they said there and nothing in that said "No further changes will be made." or "This is final, deal with it." or anything close to that. A lot of people kept quoting it as such and it's been repeated over and over, but it was never said as far as I can tell.


And in fact, the things they talked about didn't even touch on the entire issue, such as the drop rates for Certificates being nerfed into the ground and the loss chance being increased alongside the nerfs to the jawa scraps (which probably shouldn't have been included in the first place). These are things I'd love to hear them talk about, give a reason for, or anything really. The silence is what's annoying to me and the Cantina Tour almost made it worse due to ignoring those issues mentioned above.


At the end of the day, as I've said numerous times to other people, if you don't like the topic and would prefer it die: stop reading it and replying to it. But don't try to silence those who want their issues addressed simply because you don't care. Nobody's forcing you to read this topic, nobody's forcing you to respond, and if it's truly not an issue then it will die down right? Because if it doesn't die down then to those that aren't letting it die down, it's an issue.

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Where exactly was this said, if I may ask?


The fact that it's been two months kind of implies they're not planning to take a look at it, and the fact people need it to be outright stated is astounding.

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The fact that it's been two months kind of implies they're not planning to take a look at it, and the fact people need it to be outright stated is astounding.


The fact that you refuse to see the point here is what's astounding to me. If it taking two months implies they're not going to even respond to this 200+ page topic on the issue, that's a problem in my book. There was a lot of posts a while back about communication and how they were going to try to make it better and etc, but then this happens and their response is to gloss over the issue at a Cantina Tour and play radio silence on the forums despite the topic staying alive for almost two months. Is that a good thing? And if it's not, if you agree it's not a good thing, why should we be silent about it? Why should we just drop the issue? To tell them that's ok? To tell them it is a good thing? No.


I realize that some of you don't like seeing this topic anymore. You think there are bigger issues (and I'm not disputing that) or you agreed with the changes or you just don't care. Again, that's perfectly ok. Just don't read the topic then. Those of us that aren't ok with taking radio silence as an answer can continue to discuss the topic here. If what other people discuss bothers you, well, that too would be astounding.

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I'm honestly thinking were all just blowing wind in these forums. The response from CM's and Dev's is at its lowest of all time. They say they are reading the forums but I sincerely doubt it.


Originally all I wanted in regards to the Slot Machine is for them to buff it somewhere in the middle to make everyone happy. I doubt that will ever happen. So now all I want is some confirmation that their will be future Slot Machines that drop rep for the other vendors in the Cartel Market. Couldn't care less what else they drop cause I'm sure they will be set to the same dismal drop rate they left the current one at.


As long as we know that the only intention of the slot machine was to increase rep, then fine. So be it. The problem with the original Slot Machine is they didn't say that. They said in some words or less, 'Look at all this great stuff you can get off this decoration and it's not an exploit or bug', provoking many of us to spend extra real dollars to buy the pack it comes in and then they pulled a switch and bait, resulting in what still surprises me that no one has filed a class action lawsuit against them regardless of their own TOS. Not here anymore to get into the semantics.


Just acknowledge that we will or will not be getting future slot machines please.

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As much as I'd love the easy Rep, I doubt they'll release more after this incredibly moronic backlash.


Also, a lawsuit? Really?


They only nerfed it because people whined about the drop rates being too HIGH! Why does everyone act like that didn't happen?!

Edited by Djiini
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I'm honestly thinking were all just blowing wind in these forums. The response from CM's and Dev's is at its lowest of all time. They say they are reading the forums but I sincerely doubt it.


Originally all I wanted in regards to the Slot Machine is for them to buff it somewhere in the middle to make everyone happy. I doubt that will ever happen. So now all I want is some confirmation that their will be future Slot Machines that drop rep for the other vendors in the Cartel Market. Couldn't care less what else they drop cause I'm sure they will be set to the same dismal drop rate they left the current one at.


As long as we know that the only intention of the slot machine was to increase rep, then fine. So be it. The problem with the original Slot Machine is they didn't say that. They said in some words or less, 'Look at all this great stuff you can get off this decoration and it's not an exploit or bug', provoking many of us to spend extra real dollars to buy the pack it comes in and then they pulled a switch and bait, resulting in what still surprises me that no one has filed a class action lawsuit against them regardless of their own TOS. Not here anymore to get into the semantics.


Just acknowledge that we will or will not be getting future slot machines please.


There are Zero Legal grounds to file a bait and switch law suit, that was covered quite throughly by a poster some where in this morass. All BioWare has ever sold is subscriptions and cartel coins

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The fact that it's been two months kind of implies they're not planning to take a look at it, and the fact people need it to be outright stated is astounding.


Yeah, kinf of reminds me of the 12xp threads that stay on the homepage. With people constantly whining about their gameplay being ruined because of what amounts to a silly promotion.

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The fact that you refuse to see the point here is what's astounding to me. If it taking two months implies they're not going to even respond to this 200+ page topic on the issue, that's a problem in my book. There was a lot of posts a while back about communication and how they were going to try to make it better and etc, but then this happens and their response is to gloss over the issue at a Cantina Tour and play radio silence on the forums despite the topic staying alive for almost two months. Is that a good thing? And if it's not, if you agree it's not a good thing, why should we be silent about it? Why should we just drop the issue? To tell them that's ok? To tell them it is a good thing? No.


I realize that some of you don't like seeing this topic anymore. You think there are bigger issues (and I'm not disputing that) or you agreed with the changes or you just don't care. Again, that's perfectly ok. Just don't read the topic then. Those of us that aren't ok with taking radio silence as an answer can continue to discuss the topic here. If what other people discuss bothers you, well, that too would be astounding.


The fact that you're still subbed tells them it's okay. Staying quiet until a problem goes away is the name of the game at BW Austin, and it has been since day one. Sometimes it bothers me, but I enjoy the game too much to quit, and so I choose to be a realist about their communication.


While I think your crusade is indeed silly, I'm willing to bet that you could keep up your ranting for the rest of the year and never be acknowledged again. Right or wrong doesn't really matter if you're not voting with your wallet. In the end, I'm sure their metrics say that the backlash in subscriber numbers from this don't hurt them. So, post away, don't post away - but if you hold out hope that you're going to actually accomplish something at this point, I've got a bridge to sell you.

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Staying quiet until a problem goes away is the name of the game at BW Austin, and it has been since day one.


That's EA SOP right there. Just look at SimCity. Every time someone at EA or Maxis opened their mouths about the fiasco, they got called out on their BS and caught on their own lies. The ultimate solution was complete silence and looked what happened. Within weeks, everyone stopped writing and talking about SimCity except on the Facebook page, which went silent almost a year ago, and the game is still a mess.


In all honesty, and I hate to say this having been in certain positions and knowing certain people, this tends to be the de facto response in the gaming industry for the most part - if you can't explain or excuse your F-ups, don't mention anything at all related to it and it will eventually go away.

Edited by TravelersWay
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The fact that you're still subbed tells them it's okay. Staying quiet until a problem goes away is the name of the game at BW Austin, and it has been since day one. Sometimes it bothers me, but I enjoy the game too much to quit, and so I choose to be a realist about their communication.


While I think your crusade is indeed silly, I'm willing to bet that you could keep up your ranting for the rest of the year and never be acknowledged again. Right or wrong doesn't really matter if you're not voting with your wallet. In the end, I'm sure their metrics say that the backlash in subscriber numbers from this don't hurt them. So, post away, don't post away - but if you hold out hope that you're going to actually accomplish something at this point, I've got a bridge to sell you.


What crusade? I'm giving my opinions on the topic and I refuse to hold my opinions back simply because nobody thinks Bioware cares. I guess you'll have to forgive me for not taking the pessimistic approach but I like this game enough that I'll put forth those opinions to try and make it better. I genuinely want Bioware to listen and take the feedback, that's kinda the point of the forum in the first place, so I'm making the effort on my side. I don't see why it has to be either deal with it or quit, if I enjoy the game (and I do quite a bit, it's the first MMO I've ever even considered subbing for) I'll give my feedback and criticisms to hopefully see it improve.

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What crusade? I'm giving my opinions on the topic and I refuse to hold my opinions back simply because nobody thinks Bioware cares. I guess you'll have to forgive me for not taking the pessimistic approach but I like this game enough that I'll put forth those opinions to try and make it better. I genuinely want Bioware to listen and take the feedback, that's kinda the point of the forum in the first place, so I'm making the effort on my side. I don't see why it has to be either deal with it or quit, if I enjoy the game (and I do quite a bit, it's the first MMO I've ever even considered subbing for) I'll give my feedback and criticisms to hopefully see it improve.


You had your feedback heard, they said no more changes to be expected now your at the point of are we there yet are we there yet

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