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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Contraband Slot Machine


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Since this thread is still going (rightfully so):


I haven't bought a single pack of the new delivery, because of the slot machine disaster. And judging from the very few packs up for sale on the GTN, the lack of any hypercrate on the GTN the last times I checked and the unusual high prices for cheap stuffz like the pets or title, I suppose that many others didn't as well.


I am thankful that BW spoiled my fun in such a way. It saves me a lot of money. And I don't care anymore (which I consider a good thing, because I cared way too much for way too long).


Now I only need to be able to take the next step and finally go F2P. Will I achieve that? I hope so. One day in the future.


Who would have thought that a stupid virtual slot machine would cause so much trouble.


On my server, their still about 62 pages worth of cartel packs, and I bought about 24 of the most cartel packs from the GTN and GC trade and there was still alot more. If there was a drop, I didn't really notice it. Your mileage may vary of course according to your server. Could be a drop due to disinterest, could be a drop due to population, neither is a particular good result.

Edited by Nickious
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On my server, their still about 62 pages worth of cartel packs, and I bought about 24 of the most cartel packs from the GTN and GC trade and there was still alot more. If there was a drop, I didn't really notice it. Your mileage may vary of course according to your server. Could be a drop due to disinterest, could be a drop due to population, neither is a particular good result.


we will have to wait till profit reports are out to see

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we will have to wait till profit reports are out to see


probably so. Competition was up recently on the harbinger so the prices of packs were down. Or maybe we had deflation. Idk, I don't really spend credits.


Btw, what is the word on the refund progress?

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Refund progress? If there is any actual reparation (be it through CC, items, etc.) I will be so shocked I will literally enter a catatonic state. Yes, some of you spent real world money on the chance to win one of these things, but if you think the temper tantrum will amount to anything more than (or at this point, even up to) a PR apology, you're deluding yourselves.
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Refund progress? If there is any actual reparation (be it through CC, items, etc.) I will be so shocked I will literally enter a catatonic state. Yes, some of you spent real world money on the chance to win one of these things, but if you think the temper tantrum will amount to anything more than (or at this point, even up to) a PR apology, you're deluding yourselves.


I do have to say "thank you" for helping keep this on page 1. making sure it stays in people memory is important.

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I too have noticed a reduction of packs on The Progenitor GTN. Well the newest pack especially. Still lots of the older packs out there.


Im just glad I didnt pay aything credits or cash for that slot machine and just mooched off whatever public stronghold had it. The bait and switch done by bioware is disgusting and the paying customers should rightly punish them where it hurts - by not buying those sill cartel packs

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I too have noticed a reduction of packs on The Progenitor GTN. Well the newest pack especially. Still lots of the older packs out there.


Im just glad I didnt pay aything credits or cash for that slot machine and just mooched off whatever public stronghold had it. The bait and switch done by bioware is disgusting and the paying customers should rightly punish them where it hurts - by not buying those sill cartel packs


Additionally this latest pack is one of the must dull ever.

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I don't want a refund. I just want the slot machines to be profitable enough to attract people to play them! An accumulated ticket system of some sort would be cool! If players get enough slot tickets, they could turn them in for prizes, that would be awesome! LOL!!!
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I too have noticed a reduction of packs on The Progenitor GTN. Well the newest pack especially. Still lots of the older packs out there.


I just saw that I forgot to mention in my last post that my observations were made on The Progenitor, too. This morning, there were 2 hypercrates of the new delivery up for sale and one guy just had added a good amount of single packs for 300k each. But that was it.


The armors are all very expensive - an indicator that there aren't many available.


On a plus side, someone sold some of the weapons for 5 credits. Sometimes it's good if your alarm rings at 6 a.m. and you just don't want to go to work and try to delay your departure by checking the GTN for a little while. ;)


And yes, plenty of old packs as well as stuffz from old packs still up for sale. It's the first time ever that I see such a lack of offers for a new pack. Of course, it might be just a coincidence (as someone else mentioned: not very exciting pack) or maybe there have been simply too many packs lately, but I am convinced that the slot machine disaster is at least partially responsible. I would like to see the sales of packs to Progenitor players. I have a very good overview on the market. I say: This is very likely the worst selling pack ever on the server.

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I know my purchasing of the new packs dropped big time (half) when I noticed no new slot machine or a fix on the old slot machines. The decorations weren't all that good in the new pack. I was hoping for more neon lights AND banners. Maybe even a new chandelier... Edited by Krixten
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Stubborn they are. It's not like the refunds would actually cost them anything or break the game. Mine is just 2M creds... It would just restore some faith in their business practices.


I would never expect a refund of credits. Credits are worthless, and you lost virtually nothing. I buy tons of CM **** with credits and I don't ever expect refund of credits if something isn't as promised because I lost no currency worth any actual real world dollars. Only people I would even consider a refund is those who bought with CC.

Edited by Nickious
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I would never expect a refund of credits. Credits are worthless, and you lost virtually nothing. I buy tons of CM **** with credits and I don't ever expect refund of credits if something isn't as promised because I lost no currency worth any actual real world dollars. Only people I would even consider a refund is those who bought with CC.


But they wouldn't get a CC Refund because they didn't buy the slot machine with CC, they bought cartel packs. So they got what they paid for.

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But they wouldn't get a CC Refund because they didn't buy the slot machine with CC, they bought cartel packs. So they got what they paid for.


I've said the same thing. That maybe the one thing they wanted but when purchasing cartel packs you know very well there is a possibility its not what you are going to get. I would say those who asked for it, should have the slot machine removed and a few hundred CC added from the pack it came from but meh. I don't expect it.

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But they wouldn't get a CC Refund because they didn't buy the slot machine with CC, they bought cartel packs. So they got what they paid for.


I'm the customer, I purchased a pack with CC for the sole purpose of obtaining the slot machine.


You don't have to agree, Bioware doesn't have to agree... but as the customer, if they don't refund the CC, I'll never buy more CC ever.


It really is that simple.

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I'm the customer, I purchased a pack with CC for the sole purpose of obtaining the slot machine.


You don't have to agree, Bioware doesn't have to agree... but as the customer, if they don't refund the CC, I'll never buy more CC ever.


It really is that simple.


The funny thing in all of this is I'm pretty sure you were one of the people going on about how your guild hoarded up 100's/1000's of purple jawa junk ( and who knows how many certs ) so it's not like you actually lost anything from this slot machine, in fact the majority of players came out WAY on top.


If you get a refund for your slot machine packs then I want a refund for all the packs that I bought chasing cartel certificates since this originally bugged pack completely ruined the value of the cartel certificates. Where as you made more in terms of credits and materials than you ever would have off any other pack or item I've actually lost value in terms of my inventory.


I fail to see what you have to whinge about since you came out a head and I did not. Give me my refund before you get yours.


For what it's worth I'm not actually asking for a refund, I think the whole concept is ridiculous and you and everyone else who thinks they deserve a refund for the slot machine the most ridiculous argument of all.

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I'm the customer, I purchased a pack with CC for the sole purpose of obtaining the slot machine.


You don't have to agree, Bioware doesn't have to agree... but as the customer, if they don't refund the CC, I'll never buy more CC ever.


It really is that simple.


As the customer, you didnt purchase a pack with rl cash at all. You purchased CC with rl cash. That is all. Essentially what you are attempting to say is because I bought a lottery ticket and didnt win anything I'll never buy another lottery ticket

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The funny thing in all of this is I'm pretty sure you were one of the people going on about how your guild hoarded up 100's/1000's of purple jawa junk ( and who knows how many certs ) so it's not like you actually lost anything from this slot machine, in fact the majority of players came out WAY on top.


The irony is that you're right, the nerf has made me very wealthy in the game indeed, it has perhaps added a hundred million credits to my net worth.


Had the machine not been nerfed, that would not have happened. You know what? I'd rather they took the hundred million back and gave everyone the drops back. Why? Because I continue to encounter players who are poorly geared and cheap purple mats would make it much easier to gear people up. Heck, I'd just be giving away 186 augments to guildies if the machine had been left alone.


I'd rather have better geared players to have more people to play with than to be really wealthy in the game and have nothing left to spend the credits on. I used credits to buy "Improved mounting" for example, a lot of people don't have 2 million laying around to just click "oh sure, why not" on something like that, but when you have everything, you click it without being too concerned.


I'd give it all back in a heartbeat to have the machine returned to how it was. Not for me, I have 22 alts, all of them in great gear... it would be for the average player who could use help getting into better gear...




But you miss the point... What Bioware did was wrong... treating customers this way is not to be rewarded, and so I won't. Everyone will make up their own mind as to how to handle it, mine is to never spend anything on CC again, ever.


Will Bioware care? Probably not... but it will remove perhaps a thousand dollars, give or take, over the next year or two from their sales. Do that enough times to enough people and it adds up. Many of the people posting about this have said that this issue by itself wasn't the real issue, it was more the "final straw". It was the last in a series of bad choices and poor decisions.


The slot machine is a reflection of bad management and poor testings and a lack of care for the customer. That is the real problem.

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Well, you would be the biggest example of failure of critical thinking. You have failed to present any solid data points backing your point, besides your personal angst. Cartel packs are lottery tickets just in the game. That is critical thinking. The failure you have is to realize that what you are arguing you bought for rl money is not related to what you did buy. F in critical thinking for Heat-wave


At least you get an A+ in defending Bioware's business model.

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Had the machine not been nerfed, that would not have happened. You know what? I'd rather they took the hundred million back and gave everyone the drops back.


I don't really believe that. Even at their lowest the Midlithe for example were 8K each and selling almost immediately. That's 792K per stack or 10 minutes works. Whilst those were so low though mytags, corusca's etc. were selling 15Kish each ( no idea what other crew skills were like ) so nerfed/un-unnerfed you still would have easily made what you have made so far if not more.


Why? Because I continue to encounter players who are poorly geared and cheap purple mats would make it much easier to gear people up. Heck, I'd just be giving away 186 augments to guildies if the machine had been left alone.


186 gear is a breeze to get and can be obtained just by playing the game. Augmentation takes a bit more work but there needs to be something for people ( mostly the non progression players ) to aim for and save for that will benefit them game wise. Also the whole concept of "under geared" has been completely skewed since Ravagergate and Bioware not properly fixing those that benefitted.


Trying to justify keeping an economy breaking feature just because it makes gearing easier for everyone is hardly justified.


I personally feel the gear progression works fine if you ignore the amount of people running around in 198/192's - that doesn't mean the 186's won't get the job done - it just means a lot of the 198/192 people may pass over a 186 geared person.


But you miss the point... What Bioware did was wrong... treating customers this way is not to be rewarded, and so I won't. Everyone will make up their own mind as to how to handle it, mine is to never spend anything on CC again, ever.


I disagree. What Eric did was wrong, completely wrong and for all we know he is on a final warning in his employment for it. They certainly aren't about to discuss that with us. Nor would they discuss what may or may not have happened to the people involved in releasing it to begin with with such a lack of QC ... was it even on the PTS?

They also aren't about to not fix an economy breaking item because of something the community manager said in a forum post.


I think the biggest crime in all of it is that Eric hasn't posted some sort of retraction and apology for his previous statement and admitted to it being his stuff up in how he worded his statement and that he will be much more careful in the future and also as more attention is paid to QC in general by Bioware in lgiht of recent major issues.


Heck had he originally said "Yes the machine is working as intended, it's not an exploit as some believe however we do have some concerns over the drop rates of the Jawa Scrap and Cartel Certificates ( or just drops as a whole ) so these are currently being reviewed and may very well change soon" then almost everyone's point on this issue would be moot.


The slot machine is a reflection of bad management and poor testings and a lack of care for the customer. That is the real problem.


Agreed but again we really don't know what actions were taken in this regard. They generally don't announce anyone moving on or any internal punishments within their company ( privacy laws play a big part here I'm sure ).


Still any lack of follow up after the nerf even to say it was now working as intended beyond the cantins event was rather slack.

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