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SWG returning??


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Well I wanted to ask on here since I've been hearing so much about this. I have been hearing many people talking about SWG is returning and being revamped. Has anyone heard this?? I mean can these people be talking about Swgemu or is this game coming back??
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I doubt it but there are rumours of a second GCW era game on the way (not Battlefront). Otherwise you have SWGEmu and Project SWG, Project SWG is how the game was when it closed. Atmospheric flight etc but not sure how far they have come.


Would be great to see SWG 2 though, if they don't mess it up. :)

Edited by Hendar
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it's not. fact.


it will only exist in emu format.


EA has the rights to SW games for the next...decade or so at least. Even IF SWG was "coming back" it would be made by EA (probably BIo)


but even that isn't happening. And why would it? why would EA make another game to directly compete with SWTOR? it doesn't make sense.



you're hearing the typical bs from SWG fans. Don't fall for it. It's not coming back.

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There is unsubstantiated rumor of a SWTOR 2, and there is of course the various SWG emulators out there. I haven't heard and am very doubtful that SOE would bring back SWG. I don't think they even can considering EA has the rights to Star Wars games for the next decade.
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Perhaps they were referring to the fans of SWG who are attempting to toss together their own bootleg server so people can play it again despite the official servers having been shut down?


That is the big problem with MMO's, once all the servers go down because the owner decides they don't want to fool with it anymore the game is gone. That is the number one reason I am still not entirely happy with the fact that SWTOR is an MMO, unless Bioware makes a herculean effort to make some sort of true single player version for posterity or dedicated fans with computer chops bite the bullet and take up the burden of operating some servers that can run it someday I will be unable to play it.


Edit: Oh, or a bunch of super crazy dedicated fans could code a new game from the ground up with the intent of perfectly mimicking the game (and, in context, with the goal of emulating SWTOR pre 3.0 overhaul) like those SWGemu guys are doing.

Edited by dcaleb
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I do believe what ya said but with the new movies coming out I can see them bringing another one out. I can see them making one that will be the same time era as the classic movies and the new ones


EA has the rights. They're not going to fund another SW MMO that will compete with their own product. We will, in FACT, get SW GAMES set in that time-frame...but not an MMO.


Not while EA has the rights..which they do..for a very long time.


And Sony can't "bring back" SWG...they didn't renew the license when it was up..and now (again) EA has it. Sony couldn't even if they wanted too.

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First things first, EA owns NO RIGHTS to anything. Lucasarts owns all rights to anything Star Wars, which is also now owned by Disney. The only thing EA has is a license to use the Star Wars name, and I bet money it says nothing about competing franchises but then again what do I know...
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EA has announced a deal with Disney to publish future Star Wars games. As announced today, the two companies have established "a new multi-year exclusive licensing agreement to develop and publish globally new games based on Star Wars characters and storylines."


According to the announcement, EA "will develop and publish new Star Wars titles for a core gaming audience, spanning all interactive platforms and the most popular game genres, while Disney will retain certain rights to develop new titles within the mobile, social, tablet and online game categories."

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First things first, EA owns NO RIGHTS to anything. Lucasarts owns all rights to anything Star Wars, which is also now owned by Disney. The only thing EA has is a license to use the Star Wars name, and I bet money it says nothing about competing franchises but then again what do I know...


You're arguing semantics. Possessing the license essentially means that they own the rights to publish SW Games for a determined amount of time.

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I would think EA is well positioned to make a new SW MMO, built from the ground up as an F2P based on SWTOR's mechanics.


Updated engine of course, all the new graphics bells and whistles. But the cartel market has been pretty successful. If it were to be timed for release during the run of the new trilogy they'd have a surefire hit on their hands, at least for the short term. And if the game was actually good, who knows?


Perhaps a twist on the model would be to make it a F2P shooter like a planetside or Overwatch, with elements of persistence. The planetside model in particular, with Star Wars assets, would be pretty intriguing. Set it during the GCW. Would be pretty awesome actually.

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a new MMO would directly compete with SWTOR which would be foolish at best sure everyone subscribes to both games, but most realisticly they just dilute whose playing what leading to smaller player pools and more money spent for the same cut of the pie.



Disney retained the rights to develop MMOs going by what was posted earlier in this thread, so Disney could possibly get more money out of the Starwars MMO pie if they make their own MMO instead of taking whatever cut they get from EA/Bioware out of SWTOR.

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Disney retained the rights to develop MMOs going by what was posted earlier in this thread, so Disney could possibly get more money out of the Starwars MMO pie if they make their own MMO instead of taking whatever cut they get from EA/Bioware out of SWTOR.


Disney wouldn't. The reason they retain "certain rights" to the online game category is for browser based stuff, Minecraft kinda stuff etc. That's why it says "certain rights" and uses the term "online". This was basically a renegotiation. Disney was locked in on the Lucas Arts Contract that EA signed. When you buy something you assume its obligations (unless the other side agrees otherwise). There is NO way in heaven or heck a Company like EA would sign away the exclusive use of the IP of an MMO with the hundreds of millions they have invested. They likely got the original agreement signed with Lucas extended in terms of where they already have the foot print in return for the stuff about mobile/social media etc. Those, Minecraft and browser based games are a growth thing that Disney likely wanted to keep open for them and in return for saying " sure" EA got an extension.

Edited by Ghisallo
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  • 8 months later...

SWGEmu is based at pre-NGE.


SWGEMu is about reverse engineering the code so in fact all of the server code is their own, It is now at a stage where it is very playable. I started up a character on teh SWG-Europa server just to give it a try and it really felt liuke I was back at pre-NGE SWG.

They do still have to iron out some bugs and these are all documented on their forum @ swgemu.

Would be nice to get more people on the servers, It really is strange to see the planetscape with so few buildings and harvestors :)


Love or hate the game, I still think the Crafting system while complex was the best I have seen in any mmo. It made for diversity, and the ever striving for perfection.

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Meet the DRM swamp. It's that metaphorical place you have to drag programs out of if you ever want to use them after the original publisher forgets how to activate them.


Your copy of Windows is going to have that problem. The last version of Windows to not have that problem was Windows 2000-if you have hardware it will run on. Windows ME and XP both have to be activated.

This game is going to have that problem, made a lot worse by the detail that your copy of the client isn't a complete working copy of the game, and will require serious reverse engineering to be made to work at all unless Bioware releases a working copy of the server software and a way to instruct the client on which server it should connect to.

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As long as swtor is alive there will won't be any other star wars MMO, it wouldn't make any sense at all to compete with yourself.


Hopefully swtor will be around for very long time, personally I think it's a a far higher quality title than SWG ever was.

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