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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware, please consider some PvP Balancing by actual Skilled Arena players.


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There is not enough people playing PVP to have 2 types of Ranked arena simple as that.

this is true, but let's be honest here, if grp is the only option, then you're not going have enough ppl in ranked to make it worth the bother for BW to dev things for. we struggle with that as it is.


on the flip side, soloQ either needs to be changed so that it only pops trinity matches or trinity system need to be eliminated from pvp, cuz as (you?) said, you cannot balance both the way they're currently structured.

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I don't see anything I disagree with.


Listening to the majority would be a very stupid idea for balancing a game.


I'm not going to pretend to know myself how to fix everything, but nerfing dps commandos would be a great start for season 4 - I see way too many of them showing up on my teams and it has to stop.

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@foxmob Guild Wars 2 just got same system you can sign from anything 1-5 people and they have CROSS SERVERS and they abandoned solo q. I want to have option to go alone and I know that I am in disadvantage it would be silly not to be. But I want to have same option to group with friend or two which I do not have not.

That is what kills this game right now this and team ranked not having enough people. System can try to connect teams of 4 vs each other that is basic. It will work I am afraid it is only option, now.


@ Nekrall I am sorry but what you wrote is just silly... really. What makes you feel you are soo good in this game or anybody when we are playing versus so low amount of people. Team Ranked which are only REAL ranked ( Solo Ranked is a joke which never should exist) you are playing like versus 100 teams? Ehm really wake me up when there is about 10000 teams and you are top 10 then you can say how good someone is or not.

From my experience most good players left just before season 2 started and I do not blame them.


So please stop divide already small base of PVP players else your title #1 i next season will best top 1 from 10 teams which left.


Pvp in current state is in bad spot not because of balance. People did not stop playing because of balance which is pretty much similar what it was before.


There is no system and there is not enough people playing. Sole reason for ranking system is so you can play versus people with similar skills. It is not to grow to ep but to make people less frustrated.


If you want to matchmaking system to work first you need proper amount of teams (people) you do not have cross server and you have to different que for same mode of arena. THAT IS WHAT KILLS ARENA IN THIS GAME.

People cannot sign with friends , team of 4 3 or 2 should be allowed.

You will shout but team of 4 will farm other teams... and they should but this way at least all people play in same league and IT WILL MAKE PEOPLE NEED TO GROUP. Now anybody just can go solo and whine. If you are team vs team if you lost oh well you cannot have anybody else to blame then team which you picked yourself.. less stress.

Edited by Raizori
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Somewhat true but just because you are in solo que doesn't mean u shouldn't be expected to know what to do. If u are paired with mara/merc/sniper deeps and you are one of the other so called op deeps you should know your main purpose is to help peel for the m/m/s. U keep them up and they will kill everyone for. U only need assist dps


This response was for the guy talkin bout u can't balance a game with grp and solo que. Like 12 ppl posted while I was typing this

Edited by magnashear
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Been tinkering on the idea of Discharge.



How about this one, just hear me out for a second.. instead of only reading the first sentence:



What if Discharge got buffed and made uncleansable, to do equal or slightly more damage than Creeping Terror. HOWEVER it can now ONLY be up on 1 target at a time. Death field WILL spread a weakened version of the dot that can trigger procs. But that one will do current level damage (or even slightly less) and be cleansable too.



A good middle road, yes? Hatred doesn't get completely ****ed over by cleanses but will defenitely be subject to it.

Edited by Evolixe
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Been tinkering on the idea of Discharge.



How about this one, just hear me out for a second.. instead of only reading the first sentence:



What if Discharge got buffed and made uncleansable, to do equal or slightly more damage than Creeping Terror. HOWEVER it can now ONLY be up on 1 target at a time. Death field WILL spread a weakened version of the dot that can trigger procs. But that one will do current level damage (or even slightly less) and be cleansable too.



A good middle road, yes? Hatred doesn't get completely ****ed over by cleanses but will defenitely be subject to it.

It's a good idea, maybe the best one yet.

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Been tinkering on the idea of Discharge.



How about this one, just hear me out for a second.. instead of only reading the first sentence:



What if Discharge got buffed and made uncleansable, to do equal or slightly more damage than Creeping Terror. HOWEVER it can now ONLY be up on 1 target at a time. Death field WILL spread a weakened version of the dot that can trigger procs. But that one will do current level damage (or even slightly less) and be cleansable too.



A good middle road, yes? Hatred doesn't get completely ****ed over by cleanses but will defenitely be subject to it.


I'd be okay with this if leeching strike damage is nerfed.




Revert back to not even being able to spread dots with deathfield to everybody.

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And Ambush>FT>Penetrating>FT even better and its from 35m and the autocrat is more controllable.
Don't know how it compares to mercs (who are UP to be honest), but what you wrote down is a (bit burstly) part of a sustained rotation. You open with it because you want to launch your two lazed ambushes before they focus you down, but it isn't even optimal because opening with ambush means you won't have relic procs.


And the burst value of a combination of skills decreases the longer it takes - what you wrote down takes ~6.5s.


Ambush + Takedown on an armor penetrated/marked target is near instant* and a double crit on it can deal 37k unmitigated damage. With mitigation it usually ends up being about 25k. It's only usable on targets already softened though, unlike Trooper bursts.


I never had any problem playing against mercs though, and I don't even remember seeing a good burst from a merc. They cannot survive enough to launch it, unlike my sniper who doesn't have such a problem when the enemy team doesn't have another sniper, two people with Sin/PT on the rival team, and/or operatives who utilise infiltrate well.


So I'd wager sniper is better to play than a merc, and a burst you can launch off is better than a higher burst you can't. Just debating off what you meant by "burst".


* In terms of damage window. Takedown applies immediately and Ambush applies at the very end of channel, so the two together apply within .1s of each other. That's VERY valuable as burst.

Edited by Metthew
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I'd be okay with this if leeching strike damage is nerfed.




Revert back to not even being able to spread dots with deathfield to everybody.


The issue of serenity burst would be another matter entirely. Havn't gotten around that yet.

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Yeah, having the dots + the burst is a bit absurd..


That's the reason why hatred sins outshine sorcs. The addition of two burst abilities, and instant filler.


Hatred sins have everything right now. Dot spread aoe, single target burst, stealth, cc immunity on deflection, cc and force/tech immunity on shroud, taunts, single target soft stun (potentially instant cast).


Whoever is working on balancing sins has some issues. All the eggs are in one basket.


Also, my posts are now being deleted for agreeing with your OP Insomniaq, and stating that the masses should not be considered for balance changes. Didn't say anything offensive, all I said was bioware should not listen to people who have "no understanding of the game".


Seems like a pretty intuitive notion doesn't it? Don't listen to people who have no clue about what they are talking about? Makes sense to me.

Edited by Nekrall
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nerfing is lazy... nerf nobody. Buff toons to match what a sin/shadow/sorc/sage can put out over time, or a PT can do in an instant.


regarding damage - The only class/spec I play that I feel got nerfed too much is the good old backstabbackstab/punchypunchy ops/scoundrel's. I feel like all other classes dmg is mostly ok.


regarding defense - the only class I feel is at a real disadvantage is sent/mara. They have basically the exact same defensive CD's as sin/shadow, but with much more downtime. They either need decreased CD on their defensives, OR they can be added to the list above and given back the 15k autocrit smash/sweep. I've said this before in another thread, if this game chooses to adhere to the holy trinity, then the dps needs to be a dps... a mara has the glass, give him back his cannon.

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nerfing is lazy... nerf nobody. Buff toons to match what a sin/shadow/sorc/sage can put out over time, or a PT can do in an instant.


And this is exactly the reason this thread was made.



Let's have everyone do 4k dps, because queueing regs with a 3-4 sin group doesn't already mean you will pretty much instagib everything. Lets add more on top of that.

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nerfing is lazy... nerf nobody. Buff toons to match what a sin/shadow/sorc/sage can put out over time, or a PT can do in an instant.


regarding damage - The only class/spec I play that I feel got nerfed too much is the good old backstabbackstab/punchypunchy ops/scoundrel's. I feel like all other classes dmg is mostly ok.


regarding defense - the only class I feel is at a real disadvantage is sent/mara. They have basically the exact same defensive CD's as sin/shadow, but with much more downtime. They either need decreased CD on their defensives, OR they can be added to the list above and given back the 15k autocrit smash/sweep. I've said this before in another thread, if this game chooses to adhere to the holy trinity, then the dps needs to be a dps... a mara has the glass, give him back his cannon.


need to recheck because Sentinel/Marauder defensive CDs are longer than Assassin/Shadows.


Now you want to talk about balance? Remove the knock back abilities from all ACs except for Force Push, which is the most iconic force ability.


Sentinel/Marauder don't have a knock back than why should Sage/Sorcerer/Assassin/Shadow/Commando/Mercenary/Sniper/Gunslinger warrant having one?

Edited by Ramtar
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nerfing is lazy... nerf nobody. Buff toons to match what a sin/shadow/sorc/sage can put out over time, or a PT can do in an instant.


regarding damage - The only class/spec I play that I feel got nerfed too much is the good old backstabbackstab/punchypunchy ops/scoundrel's. I feel like all other classes dmg is mostly ok.


regarding defense - the only class I feel is at a real disadvantage is sent/mara. They have basically the exact same defensive CD's as sin/shadow, but with much more downtime. They either need decreased CD on their defensives, OR they can be added to the list above and given back the 15k autocrit smash/sweep. I've said this before in another thread, if this game chooses to adhere to the holy trinity, then the dps needs to be a dps... a mara has the glass, give him back his cannon.


60k damage potential for hitting one button? Give this guy a gold star.


Marauders do a ton of damage, it's very easy to pull 2k plus. Without mobility and defensive concerns, you would see their overall damage increase on the boards. Can't do damage if you cant hit the target.

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60k damage potential for hitting one button? Give this guy a gold star.


Marauders do a ton of damage, it's very easy to pull 2k plus. Without mobility and defensive concerns, you would see their overall damage increase on the boards. Can't do damage if you cant hit the target.




So what if their "overall damage increased on the boards"? It figures, that of all the people, you'd actually be the one that doesn't think mara/sents need a buff for pvp. You, the only one that understands the game.


Share some more wisdom with us, oh wise PVPer of swtor! rofl. What else do you have to say about some of the other classes? How about PTs and VGs burst, I bet that is working just perfectly well too, right? :p


On a side note, if it's so easy for marauders to pull 2k plus a match, how come we don't see more of them in the warzones accomplishing such an easy task? I hardly even see marauders in pvp now at 60, so just witnessing such uber DPS from them is actually hard atm.


Just curious, do you main a marauder? Is that where you speak from, how it's "very easy to pull 2k plus dps"? I am sure you do, of course that's how you speak so freely for marauders, right?

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So what if their "overall damage increased on the boards"? It figures, that of all the people, you'd actually be the one that doesn't think mara/sents need a buff for pvp. You, the only one that understands the game.


Share some more wisdom with us, oh wise PVPer of swtor! rofl. What else do you have to say about some of the other classes? How about PTs and VGs burst, I bet that is working just perfectly well too, right? :p


On a side note, if it's so easy for marauders to pull 2k plus a match, how come we don't see more of them in the warzones accomplishing such an easy task? I hardly even see marauders in pvp now at 60, so just witnessing such uber DPS from them is actually hard atm.


Just curious, do you main a marauder? Is that where you speak from, how it's "very easy to pull 2k plus dps"? I am sure you do, of course that's how you speak so freely for marauders, right?


Just dinged 60 on my sentinel, running in mostly 158 gear (some 162/168) I can break 1400-1500 dps as combat popping trance the majority of the match; in either watchmen or concentration hitting 1600-1800 isn't "hard" unless I'm being focused by most of the enemy team (which usually means that the rest of the people in my warzone are *******s... like dps sages who pull half my overall damage). If I can pull 1500-1800 dps using gear that is ~three grades behind the new ranked gear it's definitely possible to pull 2k+


Nekrell has stated that maras/sents need minor buffs in other threads, but he would be underplaying himself (and other good maras/sents) if he cried about the class as much as the whiners do.

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So what if their "overall damage increased on the boards"? It figures, that of all the people, you'd actually be the one that doesn't think mara/sents need a buff for pvp. You, the only one that understands the game.


Share some more wisdom with us, oh wise PVPer of swtor! rofl. What else do you have to say about some of the other classes? How about PTs and VGs burst, I bet that is working just perfectly well too, right? :p


On a side note, if it's so easy for marauders to pull 2k plus a match, how come we don't see more of them in the warzones accomplishing such an easy task? I hardly even see marauders in pvp now at 60, so just witnessing such uber DPS from them is actually hard atm.


Just curious, do you main a marauder? Is that where you speak from, how it's "very easy to pull 2k plus dps"? I am sure you do, of course that's how you speak so freely for marauders, right?


You need to learn some reading comprehension. Maybe looking at my signature would help a bit too.


Marauders do great damage, the issue is mobility and defensive concerns.


Deadly throw needs to be put back in the game, with a masterful utility to root for 3 seconds.


Undying rage needs to be reverted to before it was nerfed. Cooldown remaining the same, but the health needs to be taken off on activation instead of after it wears off. It is a death sentence instead of a cooldown which entails recovery from a bad situation.


Predation needs to be taken off of the fury system, and put on a cooldown. Every marauder spec is heavily dependent on berserk now, so they are currently the only class which needs to decide between doing damage, or having mobility. Berserk is integral to every spec, this is why marauders are falling behind.


Expunging Camo also needs to actually purge all effects as it was advertised. It is a heroic utility for a 45 second root break. I believe this was reverted the second day of early access since you could remove electro net with force camo. A bug, which led to another marauder nerf.


You may want to learn some mechanics before talking to the big leagers in your awful tone.

Edited by Nekrall
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