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How To Avoid The Underlurker Gltich


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The Underlurker glitch is caused by one or more of the raid members not being knocked back at the end of rage storm (which is a longer cast after collapse).


If anyone uses hold the line, hunker down or other knockback resist abilities at the moment of the knockback (before is fine), the Underlurker will insta-cast the cross and it will fail. If the main tank has their back to a wall or one of the rocks that drops in collapse, the glitch with happen.


The main tank and all others must be knocked back at least 5-10m for the Underlurker to jump and then walk back to the main tank. Most of the other fails on the cross are because someone is not quite inside. Make sure to jump to update your position as soon as you are in.

Edited by chinamike
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I can't comment on how it is since the patch, since tonight and tomorrow are our scheduled runs, but this has been exactly my group's experience with The Underlurker. Any time someone activated a knockback resist he would insta-cast the cross. After we made sure no one would use theirs it stopped happening.
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This seems true for the tanks, but not for the DPS. I use hydraulic overrides on my merc every single time, and we get the green cross for the most part. The things that seem to bug it NOW (as well as a few from before):


1. Old mechanic of having tank across the room at a separate rock no longer works. Underlurker will still track to the tank, but NOW he will drop the cross as he walks to the tank, not wait until he gets to the tank then drop. This will bug the cross. From what I can tell, because he is in movement when the cross drops, the visual in-game cross does not seem to be in the same spot as where the server is reading the cross to be (AKA the visual is lagging behind the actual spot the server thinks it is. SOLUTION: Everyone stack on the same rock, including tank.


2. Cross seems to bug 100% of the time now if the cross is overlapping into a wall. SOLUTION: Grab a rock in the middle of the room.


Things we still do post patch:


1. Main tank does not use CC breaks


2. We still jump when we get to our spots in the cross.


3. We don't walk over a part of the cross that we're not supposed to stand in (mostly. Seems jumping in final locations allows this to happen)


4. In SM, the cross shows a horseshoe of symbols (single plane depicting DPS, heals, or Tank symbol). We make sure during positioning that all members are in the cross, standing between the horseshoe and the boss. Before patch, this was a guaranteed green cross.

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