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Am i the only one who is tired of this ?


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If i was to be stripped of the items i had gained, i would be fine with this and that woould be the appropiat action taken. But if the decide to give me like a weeks suspencion or something like that, i would leave the game no qustions asked. There have been so many bugs and i believe we have waited enough time for a fix, i pay my subscription and expect to recieve a working game for the money.


That is not justification for your behavior and it is likely you know that. It does not release Bioware from responsibility, and they are partly responsible, but you are EQUALLY responsible.


Any action they take against you, however unfortunate you brought on yourself. That is the only true statement with respect to the exploit.

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In my country in Denmark it clearly states that the selling of a broken item is prohibited, this is the same for many countries, and they are advitising that you can do OPS, play PVP and so on where unless you have a computer 10x better than said in the recommended specs you will lag like hell cause the game is so poorly optimised. so explain to me again how this is legit


Um, okay. It's not broken. If you think it is tell Denmark to arrest the devs and be sure to let me know what they say.

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Someone should collect all the reasons people use trying to justify their exploiting. It could become an interesting read some time in the future. Right now, it is indeed very tiring. Cheating is cheating. Exploiting is exploiting.


Some people effected by bugs decide to cheat. Some people effected by bugs decide to NOT cheat. I marked the difference in capitals and bold, so that it is easier to spot. Bugs do not automatically make you a cheater! You yourself decide to become one. Now accept whatever reaction will come.

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Nope, haven't felt like that at all.
Likewise, As for the Op prepare for what BW is about to do to you :



Execute Order 66.


As stated already Cheating is cheating, and exploiting is exploiting so suck it up and take your punishment :rolleyes:

Edited by Legolose
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Holy .... there are many of you here who think they are the most holy person on the planet, so you are all telling me that because i openly admit i did the exploit you are now gonna flame me like you guys never breaked the rules, this is a GAME and i admited doing the crime and as stated i am ready to do the time, but i can tell you this folks no matter what this is not going to end well, either biofail bans us who did the exploit and they lose all the players who did the exploit where i bet many of them are subs, or either they do nothing like they have done so many times in the past and the people who did not do the exploit get so mad that they leave, well to be honest i have full 192 on all my chars so i gained nothing from actually doing the exploit. In this case i would say and eye for an eye, they make me fail SO many times on the new operations and repair costs are staggering, so i go in and get the items and sell them and make a bit of money, purely fair, and i am not here to ask everyone what they think of the exploit and about the people who used it,


this post is about my dissatisfaction with the game, so from now everyone please just say no more about the exploit since it is only feeding the hate, either i get what i deserve og either i wont only time will tell

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I myself did the exploit and i am happy i did it since it in no way even begins to pay for the wipes i have had with all the buggy operations and what not

As someone else posted (rather amusingly, IMO), "It's retroactive loot!"


Good luck with that.


this post is about my dissatisfaction with the game

Then stop playing it.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I myself did the exploit and i am happy i did it since it in no way even begins to pay for the wipes i have had with all the buggy operations and what not.


A reminder:


You acknowledge that, owing to the complexity of computer technology, as well as the nature of online games themselves and play over a global communications network outside EA’s control, EA and its licensors cannot and do not guarantee that the Software, the Game and any updates, upgrades or expansions Software will run permanently or uninterrupted on your computer.


You agreed to this when you installed the game. It went along with the Code of Conduct that said you wouldn't use exploits.


Now, you're saying that you are shocked that there are bugs, and that you should be allowed to use exploits because bugs exist.


Nope. Still no sympathy.

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As someone else posted (rather amusingly, IMO), "It's retroactive loot!"


Good luck with that.



Then stop playing it.


I dont want to since i like the game the lore and all the hard work that was put in to the game and my characters, but i have set my account up for sale and if the game does not improve drastically soon then yes i will stop playing and sell my account

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I dont want to since i like the game the lore and all the hard work that was put in to the game and my characters, but i have set my account up for sale and if the game does not improve drastically soon then yes i will stop playing and sell my account


You know that trying to sell your account is a violation of the Terms of Service, right? That alone can get you banned.

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