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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So Underlurker is BROKEN AGAIN.


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This fight is broken AGAIN, really? If you do the PROPERLY mechanic you'll die, it's unkillable doing the right mechanic..


I could kill it after 10 tries I came to the forums and saw a post saying "the main tank has to stack with the raid"...

Well that worked for 3 cross, then we got 2 fail cross EVEN with everybody in the right position.


So, can you at least TEST your own content before releasing??? I play this game since release and I'm really tired of bugs and bugs and broken mechanics with random unintended stuffs happening. No, I won't unsub, you can't has my stuffz, I'm just pissed that every time they just release broken things.


Also, I didn't exploit Ravagers but I'm starting to think that I should exploit anything that is broke.

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Coratanni bugs not fixed either, door was missing for us as usual when we reached her (16 sm GF run). At least she graciously decided to go into pod for once but I'm not sure if that is fixed or we just got lucky Edited by Pietrastor
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Coratanni bugs not fixed either, door was missing for us as usual when we reached her (16 sm GF run). At least she graciously decided to go into pod for once but I'm not sure if that is fixed or we just got lucky


Yes Coratanni bug happend with me tonight.


Also, ZERO improves to FPS in warzones, 16m and 8m Operations.

Ability delay is better on Yavin now.

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Yes Coratanni bug happend with me tonight.


Also, ZERO improves to FPS in warzones, 16m and 8m Operations.

Ability delay is better on Yavin now.


Yeah the FPS in 16man Ravagers was a joke, especially on Torque. That boss in particular was so clearly designed for 8 man and never tested on 16 lol. Tiny room, cram boss, 16 players, adds and repair droids.

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In my raid group we encountered Coratanni bugging once, and then it worked the second time.


But Underlurker, in 4 pulls, we only had the boss register a successful cross once. We can heal through it sometimes, but not every single one. It just seemed to be completely bugged. The boss also wasn't consistently doing his normal "walk back" to the tank after his leap. Sometimes he was just dropping cross in the middle of the room. (before getting to the tank). Other times he was rubber banding back to the main tank, nearly instantly.


This needs serious fixing...and I want my credits for repairs due to this bug! (submitted request to CS).

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got past cortani just fine


however can confirm the underlurker is a mess right now. whatever they did to fix this fight seems to have made it much much worse


unknown attacks for 30k while in a green cross, jumping, not jumping, missing rock toss phases, or not, dropping instant cross, or not, good times

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we had 2-3 times the red cross even if we were in right position, if you are topped you can heal through, but if one guy is low it's a wipe, coratanni still bugs a lot..i've yet to understand how to stop/prevent that from happening

Note this is Before 3.0.2. - To not have Cortanni bug on you, dps both her and Pearl from the start of combat, and keep them relatively even. If you get Deck Guns around 80% (don't quote me on that), it won't bug; or it shouldn't bug. Never get em, its bugged. Get them way late, and well its a 50/50.


Still Underlurker; should be renamed Undertroll for the amount of trolling the ****er does.

Edited by Dropfall
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coratanni is sstill bugged; if door doesnt spawn you reset


and yeah, underlurker was still failing crossses that shouldn't, and randomly killing raiders with falling rocks 10 seconds after they fell.


thanks bw, keep chasing down exploiters


i'll occupy myself with the other content available to end game...oh wait i cant do any operations for comms anymore

Edited by Pagy
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Coratanni bugs not fixed either, door was missing for us as usual when we reached her (16 sm GF run). At least she graciously decided to go into pod for once but I'm not sure if that is fixed or we just got lucky


We got the same bug too. Door missing, Coratanni never taking the escape pod. We were not able to complete it last night.


Rather disappointing.

Edited by Quraswren
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We got the same bug too. Door missing, Coratanni never taking the escape pod. We were not able to complete it last night.


One on run she even went nuts and started attacking the escape pod at the point she was suppose to get in it.


Rather disappointing.

Well, you advocate BioWare spending resources chasing down and banning exploiters, when those resources could instead be helping fix these show-stopping bugs, so welcome to the bed you asked to be made for you.

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This is really getting pathetic.


These new Operations are some of the most creative and interesting and challenging Operations put into the game, and have so much potential, yet the tuning, glitches, bugs, and unbalanced rewards are ruining the fun for lots of players from progression types to the more casual types who are content running SM.


My main group has been able to clear all of this on SM and a lot on HM, though even for us, some of the SM fights have absurd damage and enough random glitches and bugs to make them feel more like HM fights.


For pug groups, I can't see the majority getting past the first few bosses in Temple, and most likely not past the third boss in Ravagers if doing it through GF 16 player mode.


Add in the removal of commendations from older content (which honestly never should have been left in for 3.0), and I could see a large number of players ending up bored and frustrated and ultimately leaving the game.


They need more relevant options at 60 for players to progress their characters, gain commendations, and gain gear.


Commendation gear needs to have at least some pieces with optimal or close to optimal mods and enhancements, and / or dropped gear in HM FPs and SM Ops needs to have some as well.


SM content needs to be tuned for the average Fleet / GF pug groups wearing average comm gear, not guild groups with min / max gear using voice comms.


And the new Operations need a lot of polish so the actual mechanics and fight encounters perform at a level that matches that of the creativity shown in the environment and encounter design, and are tuned appropriately for their difficulty level versus their intended audience.


Lastly, I feel Bioware needs to start communicating with the player base specific to their intent with the current tuning and playability of the new Operations along with their intent as to difficulty and their intent with commendations and general level 60 gearing and progression.

Edited by DawnAskham
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If you leave the instance and come back in the door appears. At least that's what we had everyone do last time it bugged.


We tried that and the door was there but the cannons didn't show up and she started attacking the escape pod.


We're going back in tonight to try again. Maybe resetting the instance, clearing the trash again will set things right. We had 1 group clear the instance and 1 group that didn't. So for us it was hit and miss.


Well, you advocate BioWare spending resources chasing down and banning exploiters, when those resources could instead be helping fix these show-stopping bugs, so welcome to the bed you asked to be made for you.


I'll take what I can get as a case by case basis. I advocate action being taken against cheaters and exploiters. If it's a ban, I wont lose any sleep.


However, I am smart enough to know the ones that handle ToS enforcement are not the coders of the game. You'd do well to realize its different departments.

Edited by Quraswren
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If you leave the instance and come back in the door appears. At least that's what we had everyone do last time it bugged.


What we do is just bring Coratanni down till she runs away and then start on the bird and heal through the enrage. Once the bird is down you have all the time in the world to do stealth resses if needed. The bird's enrage is not so bad we've found and it hasn't bugged once as far as going to the next room in that way.

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Too many wipes on Underlurker last night. It was a sad night. :(


Yeh, we had the same. Some people apparently still managed from what I heard but it seems a bit sad that you have to follow a whole other set of mechanics to be able to make the boss mechanics work. It's like a double boss fight at the same time.


Don't use speed boosts, don't do this, don't do that or the boss will bug....seriously, that's what it's come down to?

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What we do is just bring Coratanni down till she runs away and then start on the bird and heal through the enrage. Once the bird is down you have all the time in the world to do stealth resses if needed. The bird's enrage is not so bad we've found and it hasn't bugged once as far as going to the next room in that way.


Hmm, my group hasn't really had any transitional issues with that fight. Our strategy has been to DPS them down at the same rate. The only time we sort of had an issues was just when Coratanni waited until 9% to leave. Not sure if it makes a difference, but she doesn't jump around the room for us, and we're pretty sure that's because the ranged on Pearl, and her tank and healer stand by the ramp and the escape pod. If they stay over there then Coratanni doesn't seem to move until it's time to transition.

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