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New Underlurker Bugs :(

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So my 8 man sm group just tried underlurker. I can confirm that the cross does now cast the full bar.....But wait. The cross in our 8 man sm was set to 16 man and we could not pass the cross because we didn't have enough people. All the icons for 16 man appeared instead of the ones for 8 man. To make it even worse the lurkerlings were doing hm damage. Melee damage at 12k damage a shot. We had no problem taking down the walkers and we were definitely on 8 man story mode. Why can this fight not work properly even after being fixed, I cannot even count the times I have wiped on this fight due to faulty mechanics. I paid for early access and to this day it still feels like I am paying to test this game rather then to actually play what i paid for.
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. The cross in our 8 man sm was set to 16 man and we could not pass the cross because we didn't have enough people. All the icons for 16 man appeared instead of the ones for 8 man. To make it even worse the lurkerlings were doing hm damage. Melee damage at 12k damage a shot.


Sounds like he is just set to the 16m mechanics. Damage would be higher in 16m. Of course, both of the new ops seem to have really wonky damage numbers when it comes to 16m also so who knows which is right anymore.

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Yup just re-tried the underlurker fight again. Reset everything made sure we were on 8 man story mode. Adds are still stuck doing way more damage then last week. Getting hit with between 10k-12k for the meele attack. Can barely heal to survive to the first cross cast. Instead of fixing this fight lets try reverse psychology. Every time its fixed it gets worse, so this time I want you to bug it to hell and maybe then it will finally work.
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It was really badly bugged even before, but now it is much worse.


it has reached whole new level on how badly it is bugged.


Seriously, if you cant fix the stupid bugged mechanic, just remove it completely.

I don't care if that would make it "boring". I'd rather have one "boring" one than be stuck with one bugged one forever and ever for all eternity

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The problem appears to be intermittent. Our team 1 had the 16 man icons when on 8 man, but our second team had no issues running at about the same time (8 CST). So apparently if the RNG gods like you - you clear it - if they don't your run is over.
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So my 8 man sm group just tried underlurker. I can confirm that the cross does now cast the full bar.....But wait. The cross in our 8 man sm was set to 16 man and we could not pass the cross because we didn't have enough people. All the icons for 16 man appeared instead of the ones for 8 man. To make it even worse the lurkerlings were doing hm damage. Melee damage at 12k damage a shot. We had no problem taking down the walkers and we were definitely on 8 man story mode. Why can this fight not work properly even after being fixed, I cannot even count the times I have wiped on this fight due to faulty mechanics. I paid for early access and to this day it still feels like I am paying to test this game rather then to actually play what i paid for.


The adds melee attack gets split between every raid member in melee range, to counter this we have EVERYONE stack on the same add to kill it and moved around to the others. For the cross we found it was automatically failing unless we all went behind the same rock as the visual/script lag made the system place underlurker in a different location to where he really was meant to me.

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The real problem about this boss is that now even if the cross mechanic is done correctly, it turns red and does tons of damage. We did run the 8sm with my guild and i was tanking. I didn't notice the damage of the lurkeling while i attacked it, i have to check it on my parsec.


First thing first, now the cross appears the very moment after he leaps, as said before. We initially tried to apply the tactic we always did (5 dps-es and 1 tank, me attacking the third add with one dps and the most armored dps going in the other tank- arm of the cross). I positioned myself such as he had more space to return to me before doing the cross after the leap. Just after rage storm, he leaped as usual on a random and popped the cross. I have to admit it, it was not red. It could be the mechanic as it is intended, so i want to think that it's up to us now. In fact, we started to hide all behind the same rock waiting for the jump and the cross.


The big problem came when we did this mechanic. Everyone, including me, in our party saw everyone else inside the cross in the right positions, but everytime the cross turned red at the end of the cast. I had clear vision of the side arms of the cross: 3 people in each one. And i'm sure the one on the other tank-arm was there, because he died exactly where it was supposed to be when inside the cross. We even tried to jump both while entering the cross and once or twice while waiting for the end of the cast, but it was pointless.


On the first try, it worked: green cross, no damage at all. On the successive tries, it did not and we changed nothing on what we did in the only successfull try. Beside i have fun raiding, i'm starting to think that is all a matter of chances. If you're lucky cross turns green, or else you're doomed to wipe for hours and hours?


It's fine by me that where he jumps, there he pops the cross. It's a change of tactics, nothing more. But for fun sake, make this damn cross work fine, because it's frustrating to do a raid hoping for Luck Goddess to smile upon us. It's just ridiculous

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So what we encountered yesterday was even more fun:


As 8M failed horrible due to the mechanic so we combined our raids and switched to 16sm.


As we werent totally sure about how to organise the groups we just attacked and hadnt nearly no incoming damage from the lurklings ( ~300 per tick) and where already quite happy.


Last Add dropped and instant cross - yeah well not new this feature and we were still able to handle it, but now the fun started:


The Cross demanded us to have 2 Tanks in front, 3 DDs + 2 Healers left and right, 1 DD in the back and.. here we go 3 tanks !

-> red cross and 10 man died, but still enough people around to come to second cross phase:


1 tank 2 healers in front, 3 DDs & 1 Healer left and right, 2 tanks and 3 DDs in the back.


I have absolutely no idea how our group is suppose to change roles within a fight !?! I sadly dont have any screenshots but we discussed the issue within our group and we are quite sure, that the amount and distribution of the people changed within the two crosses.


After the second cross we ragequited and didnt even bother to try this nightmare again. Although i can image a constant swapping of people between the different crosses as a nightmare component to increase the difficulty even further, still the amount of people per class should stay constant.


And what me really really bothers: some groups are simply lucky and can clear underlurker in 8m without any troubles (at least two friends cleared this week in a first-try-run)

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  • 2 weeks later...
We had the same issue last night, with the fight giving a 16-man cross for 8-man SM. We were low health going into the cross (not sure if that was due to mechanics, as occasionally we are low, and we had some odd rock placement) but then over half died when we failed the 1st cross as we didn't have 16 people (pretty hard in an 8-man raid).
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Are you suppose to take damage even if you're hiding behind the rock? Its seems to hit me for 11kish and knockback whether i'm behind a rock or not.


And when we "fail" a cross sometimes only one person takes damage. That doesn't seem right.


With only two end game raids (and not much else to do) you'd think they'd get these right. Bugs are gonna be bugs, I don't blame the coders. I'm sure the QA, if they have one, finds these bugs and reports them so I don't blame them either. But whoever is saying "good enough, put it out"....that person needs to be fired.

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Sounds like he is just set to the 16m mechanics. Damage would be higher in 16m.


Yes this makes sense. Twice as many people means the boss should hit twice as hard right?

Since there are twice as many people that means I will have twice as many hit points and deal twice as much damage.

why would having more people mean he should hit harder? what difference does that make? That's like saying i have the best of the best gear ok... now if i walk in to this 1 man dungeon i will have the proper stats but if i walk into a 4 man i will have 4 times the stats.


dun Dun DUNNNNNN!!!! WTH i don't?! oh.. because common sense ruled that out.

The only changes would be slight mechanics, maybe a tiny bit more damage but the major change would be how many HP the boss has.

Edited by AvatarNL
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Yes this makes sense. Twice as many people means the boss should hit twice as hard right?

Since there are twice as many people that means I will have twice as many hit points and deal twice as much damage.

why would having more people mean he should hit harder? what difference does that make? That's like saying i have the best of the best gear ok... now if i walk in to this 1 man dungeon i will have the proper stats but if i walk into a 4 man i will have 4 times the stats.


dun Dun DUNNNNNN!!!! WTH i don't?! oh.. because common sense ruled that out.

The only changes would be slight mechanics, maybe a tiny bit more damage but the major change would be how many HP the boss has.


What are you babbling about? Yes 16m damage is much higher than 8man. Especially in HMs.

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