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Great game -- Very polished! TY BW!!!


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The content is great, but the engine running it (UI, NPC AI, etc) makes me sad.


. NPC AI Spazzing;

. Smugglers auto Cover broke between Beta and Launch, now that's annoying when its the base of the gameplay for a class;

. Slew of graphical bugs at early level all documented since the first beta not fixed;

. Basic features missing, like guild bank, gkick from the guild UI (thank god /gkick works), damn rift cost peanuts, was develop over less time and has tonnes of features;


I fell like they just MMOized their Mass Effect engine while doing the least possible work...


Do no get me wrong, the content is A.W.E.S.O.M.E., the platform presenting it is not.


( Check LOTRO or Rift which are features rich MMO in comparison, and that at launch )


I can sum it up this way:



They painted the Monalisa on the backside of a Horse.



I still hope that after the holidays they start pumping out those upgrades...


As a long time LOTRO player there hasn't been anything good coming out of that game in a couple of years. Their 'features' rich MMO' to which you refrain have long gone by the wayside. I will admit there are some features that LOTRO has right when it comes to UI, windows, stacking and the like which are small fixes that I bet within not too far away Bioware puts in here, especially as it gets suggested. LOTRO has also 'improved' some features which are actually worse than they used to be and as a whole the game is now riddled with more bugs and glitches than its ever had. I'm so glad that the small things I've been encountering here in TOR are trivial and easily ignored as compared to LOTRO.

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You guys makes me want to laugh, if you didnt know it already SWTOR is made by using the Hero Engine, do you know what that is? No? Well it's an engine that makes it so much easier to add things to the game, and that means we will get more future goodies than other games.


Hopefully what they will add is fixes. I don't have nearly the issues I read about thankfully and I can't blame them. So let's hope they can easily add 'fixs' too.

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Fix the frame rate and resource hogging, if someone was looking at the box/min specs and bought this game I feel bad for them.


Odd thing is? Outside of bugs? I don't have MOST of those issues gfx wise.


3.0 intel duo core, 9800GT caed and 2 gigs (yes 2) gigs of ram. Seems everyone having issues are the super rigs with 4 gig plus.


I would LOVE more optimization tho and options to change gfx wise.

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You guys makes me want to laugh, if you didnt know it already SWTOR is made by using the Hero Engine, do you know what that is? No? Well it's an engine that makes it so much easier to add things to the game, and that means we will get more future goodies than other games.


Its not you guys, its me.


*feels like their MMOized the engine they used being Mass Effect* is not hyperbolic.


Now being a fanboy and defending their delivery of the awesome content is.



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As a long time LOTRO player there hasn't been anything good coming out of that game in a couple of years. Their 'features' rich MMO' to which you refrain have long gone by the wayside. I will admit there are some features that LOTRO has right when it comes to UI, windows, stacking and the like which are small fixes that I bet within not too far away Bioware puts in here, especially as it gets suggested. LOTRO has also 'improved' some features which are actually worse than they used to be and as a whole the game is now riddled with more bugs and glitches than its ever had. I'm so glad that the small things I've been encountering here in TOR are trivial and easily ignored as compared to LOTRO.


You can't make the difference between the feature and the content... just to support your point. This ain't politics.


I'm talking about less successful MMO having better feature at launch.


LOTRO had some good content patch, but it is in no way comparable of what EA/BW achieved.


I just hoped they'll have a better platform for the amount of time and money they invested into this project.


Remember: Content and platform are not the same thing.

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Memory leaks where?

Perhaps one of your drivers have a memory leak, since most players doesnt have any experience with any memory leaks.


How exactly would a driver have a memory leak?


Have any friends who get massive lag in WF's? Have them relog then pvp with a fresh restart and suddenly they get smooth frames.


Notice your computer getting bogged down when alt tabbing after a few hours of play? Memory leak.


I build and maintain my own pc's for over 10 years now and I know when a game has problems.


The game has issues with people using 32 bit systems.


Personally i have a 64 bit system and I run the game flawlessly except for the excessive Tatooine and Alderaan load times.


I have at least 2 guildies with powerful pc's who are getting crappy FPS in pvp WF's. Sorry but people with I7's and 6 gig's of ram should not be bogging down. There are issues with the games coding that I'm sure engineer's are frantically working on now I would think.


Yeah, memory leak.

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Odd thing is? Outside of bugs? I don't have MOST of those issues gfx wise.


3.0 intel duo core, 9800GT caed and 2 gigs (yes 2) gigs of ram. Seems everyone having issues are the super rigs with 4 gig plus.


I would LOVE more optimization tho and options to change gfx wise.


You can have a 100k computer, but if you can't set it up correctly you'll get bad result.


My gaming putter cost less than 1k. Has only a 3Gbps SATA controller (recycle crap from a old server), i7 at 2.9Ghz, 6GB RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate, a GTX 560 TI and its fine.

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