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So, I'd really like to wear pants on my sin...


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I know the devs said that the Sin is based on Maul, but thats the biggest crock ever. Maul is never shown being either sneaky or particularly proficient in the force.


Everyone looks at the double bladed saber and goes "Maul" but the AC that's closest to how Maul is portrayed in the films is the Marauder. He uses nothing but his saber except when he uses the force to throw some debris at a door panel. He is practically the epitome of the Marauder class: quick, extremely capable of melee combat, well trained in the use of "untraditional" saber fighting styles, and rather lacking in Force powers.


In reality, both Inquisitor AC's appear more like Sidious, just at different points in his life. Sorc is obviously what we see in Ep. 6, using nothing but the Force, while Sin is more like how he acted in Ep.3, mixing saber combat and force powers, albeit with a traditional saber instead of the dual blade.


If you look at it this way then the Sins wardrobe makes more sense.


That being said, I do agree with the OP. Some variety between Sin and Sorc gear would be nice, especially at high lvl.


THANK YOU! Someone who sees as I do on this. Although, the post about Maul actually assassinating people is also very true. He is an assassin because he was Sidious' killer. His actual combat style was that of a Marauder, though. If you read the description of Marauder in KotOR II, it's exactly what Maul was. Anyways, that's my two cents on that.


Now, would someone tell me where I can get ANY pair of orange pants? I looked around all the social vendors I could find and couldn't find anything at all. I don't care if they look awful. I just want some pants to hold me over until I can find the Supreme Inquisitor pair.

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The social vendor on...I want to say dromund kaas, though it might've been balmorra, has formal gear for men. Those are pants.


If you're a woman, the security vendor has "pants" (panties with weird leggings...) or the social vendor on nar shadaa has "pants" (slave girl panties).

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This is Star Wars. Learn about the Lore before you post moronicism (yes, i made this word up). What was Darth Maul wearing in Episode 1? Assassins = Darth Maul. Matter of fact, ALL force-wielding people in Star Wars history are wearing robes and capes. It's just the way it is. I hope to GOD that BW doesn't listen to tripe like this, lest this game become non-Star Warsy.
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So like, what you posted is probably true and all.


I will be the first to admit I know very little of the lore other than the movies, and I'm going to try to not step on any toes here.


But it seems to me, being



a goddamn lord of the sith, with a seat on the dark council



that I would have the authority to shock the nearest tailor until they make me some goddamn pants.


Now, tell me why I can't do that, and you'll get some lightning to the face, and a stern talking to.

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This is Star Wars. Learn about the Lore before you post moronicism (yes, i made this word up). What was Darth Maul wearing in Episode 1? Assassins = Darth Maul. Matter of fact, ALL force-wielding people in Star Wars history are wearing robes and capes. It's just the way it is. I hope to GOD that BW doesn't listen to tripe like this, lest this game become non-Star Warsy.


Read my posts before posting unrelated non-sense and sounding like an idiot. I've nothing against robes and I'd love to look like Maul. If anything, the armor sets in game are very non-Star Wars.

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Maul was an assassin because of what? A poorly written book that most of the playerbase never read? I guarantee that the average swtor player remembers Maul as an acrobatic lightsaber master. He didn't sneak attack Obi and Qui-Gon, he blatantly and brazenly approached them. His was arguably one of the best duelist as portrayed by the movies.


And as far as the movies are concerned, no Force users wore skirts, they all wore pants and shirts with robes over them. If you pay attention in Ep 3 even Sidious is wearing regular pants under his robe.


I'd go so far as to say that aside from stealth, Sith Assassin are closer to a Mage warrior archetype than an assassin archetype.


While it's too late now, they really should have either reversed the mar and sins weapons or allowed both classes to use both.


On topic, I'm not arguing for pants for sins, but for more diversity at later lvls for all classes. My lvl 30 knight is using the first saber you get, albeit with updated mods, just because I like it and everyone else seems to drop it asap. The ease of swapping stays has been one of my favorite things in this game.

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Maul was an assassin because of what? A poorly written book that most of the playerbase never read? I guarantee that the average swtor player remembers Maul as an acrobatic lightsaber master. He didn't sneak attack Obi and Qui-Gon, he blatantly and brazenly approached them. His was arguably one of the best duelist as portrayed by the movies.


And as far as the movies are concerned, no Force users wore skirts, they all wore pants and shirts with robes over them. If you pay attention in Ep 3 even Sidious is wearing regular pants under his robe.


I'd go so far as to say that aside from stealth, Sith Assassin are closer to a Mage warrior archetype than an assassin archetype.


While it's too late now, they really should have either reversed the mar and sins weapons or allowed both classes to use both.


On topic, I'm not arguing for pants for sins, but for more diversity at later lvls for all classes. My lvl 30 knight is using the first saber you get, albeit with updated mods, just because I like it and everyone else seems to drop it asap. The ease of swapping stays has been one of my favorite things in this game.


Maul was assassin because he was killer.. He was sent to assassinate those jedi.. Assassin does not necessarily need to be sneaky... Assassin is personal killer no matter what technique he use.... AI, SW or Bounty Hunter may do assassinations to (means somebody send them to kill somebody else)... But it is not their main theme... But assassin should stand behind his name and his mane theme should be assassinating... Darth Maul was personal Assassin of Darth Sidius no matter if he use stealth or not... Assassin does not have to be sneaky... Assassin is about what you are doing not how do you do it... Assai ventress is Dooku´s personal assassin... Even if she is not sneaky she is assassin... Because she do assassinations... Anyway assassins are mostly very acrobatic too... Look at Ninja from Japan and similar kind of assassins... They are very acrobatic...

Edited by Allblackmusic
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This is Star Wars. Learn about the Lore before you post moronicism (yes, i made this word up). What was Darth Maul wearing in Episode 1? Assassins = Darth Maul. Matter of fact, ALL force-wielding people in Star Wars history are wearing robes and capes. It's just the way it is. I hope to GOD that BW doesn't listen to tripe like this, lest this game become non-Star Warsy.


We are not talking about robes (means chest piece that looks like cloak) but about skirts (leg piece that wears mostly some women)...

Well look at this... Do you see any skirts? I see only robes over tunics and pants... But I see no skirts like in SWTOR...


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Maul was assassin because he was killer.. He was sent to assassinate those jedi.. Assassin does not necessarily need to be sneaky... Assassin is personal killer no matter what technique he use.... AI, SW or Bounty Hunter may do assassinations to (means somebody send them to kill somebody else)... But it is not their main theme... But assassin should stand behind his name and his mane theme should be assassinating... Darth Maul was personal Assassin of Darth Sidius no matter if he use stealth or not... Assassin does not have to be sneaky... Assassin is about what you are doing not how do you do it... Assai ventress is Dooku´s personal assassin... Even if she is not sneaky she is assassin... Because she do assassinations... Anyway assassins are mostly very acrobatic too... Look at Ninja from Japan and similar kind of assassins... They are very acrobatic...


Lol, what? A killer is a killer, regardless of whether or not someone is payed to to or not. An assassin kills people to make a statement, often political. You kill someone on the street, payed to or not, and you are a murderer. You kill a powerful politician because you don'r agree with what he says or are paid to by someone who doesn't like what he says then you are an assassin. Killing a couple of insignificant Jedi was not an assassination attempt, Palpatine could care less about Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. He wanted them dead so they couldn't interfere with his plans for Naboo and his power plays that were dependent on it. He used Maul in the same way he used Dooku and Vader, and the same way most Sith Masters used their apprentices: as enforcers of their will, be it commanding armies, killing specific targets, or just keeping people in line. Hell, if you play the Warrior's storyline then warriors are used more as assassins than the assassin's are. Nearly every quest is either killing someone important or finding them so you can kill them.


But you are missing the point. The class in game is very heavily dependent on Force powers, shock, Discharge, Electrocute, the charges on the blades, etc, while Maul is shown to be first and foremost a Duelist. I'm not bad mouthing the class or Maul, just stating that Maul was a bad example to use for the class.


Finally, ninjas? Do some research. Regardless of what you may have seen in movies, ninjas didn't run around in all black doing flips and kicking everyone they saw. They would most likely be dressed as everyday peasants and not something that people would see and automatically say "hey, it's a ninja!" They were also more often employed for espionage and sabotage than actual killings. They also weren't necessarily great fighters, they just used cheap tricks that were considered dishonorable by most Japanese.

Edited by Dcayd
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Lol, what? A killer is a killer, regardless of whether or not someone is payed to to or not. An assassin kills people to make a statement, often political. You kill someone on the street, payed to or not, and you are a murderer. You kill a powerful politician because you don'r agree with what he says or are paid to by someone who doesn't like what he says then you are an assassin. Killing a couple of insignificant Jedi was not an assassination attempt, Palpatine could care less about Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. He wanted them dead so they couldn't interfere with his plans for Naboo and his power plays that were dependent on it. He used Maul in the same way he used Dooku and Vader, and the same way most Sith Masters used their apprentices: as enforcers of their will, be it commanding armies, killing specific targets, or just keeping people in line. Hell, if you play the Warrior's storyline then warriors are used more as assassins than the assassin's are. Nearly every quest is either killing someone important or finding them so you can kill them.


But you are missing the point. The class in game is very heavily dependent on Force powers, shock, Discharge, Electrocute, the charges on the blades, etc, while Maul is shown to be first and foremost a Duelist. I'm not bad mouthing the class or Maul, just stating that Maul was a bad example to use for the class.


Finally, ninjas? Do some research. Regardless of what you may have seen in movies, ninjas didn't run around in all black doing flips and kicking everyone they saw. They would most likely be dressed as everyday peasants and not something that people would see and automatically say "hey, it's a ninja!" They were also more often employed for espionage and sabotage than actual killings. They also weren't necessarily great fighters, they just used cheap tricks that were considered dishonorable by most Japanese.


You can see also on wookipedia that Maul is stated that he was sent on assassinations... You can find it there.. I just checked it again to be sure... Doing assassination = assassin...

In clone wars is assai ventress many times stated as assassin and Opress too and they do not use stealth...

Vader was more general like than assassin like...

insignificant Jedi??? As far as I know that one of them raised Vaider and than Luke... Two main characters of SW... If Maul would kill Obi than many things would drastically change...

Well you are right with ninjas but it does not mean that those in black did not exist... lol many of theme were well trained professionals... I dont talk about stuff from movies... I talk about normal stuff... And it nothing change about the thing that they did assassinations also... So ninja´s also assassins... and they are acrobatic.. And it is clear that I mean it in the limits of our world.. so not force users... But Ninjutsu is acrobatic style...

Well and also Dart Sidius is not know for using Revivification and all kind of healing stuff... Well because in Star wars they use only pushing, throwing, and lightning... So I dont think is the best way to take it by skills... Because most of sorc. skills Sidius never used... Same as Maul did not used a lot od assassins stuff... It is clear that those example of known persons from SW movies is just visual thing and to make people more excited.. So they can say "I want to be like Sidius"... But those classes are only little bit like their examples.... And Maul was assassin because he did assassinations so he can be example of that class... That he does not know lightning? Sidius does not know healing...

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You can see also on wookipedia that Maul is stated that he was sent on assassinations... You can find it there.. I just checked it again to be sure... Doing assassination = assassin...

In clone wars is assai ventress many times stated as assassin and Opress too and they do not use stealth...

Vader was more general like than assassin like...

insignificant Jedi??? As far as I know that one of them raised Vaider and than Luke... Two main characters of SW... If Maul would kill Obi than many things would drastically change...

Well you are right with ninjas but it does not mean that those in black did not exist... lol many of theme were well trained professionals... I dont talk about stuff from movies... I talk about normal stuff... And it nothing change about the thing that they did assassinations also... So ninja´s also assassins... and they are acrobatic.. And it is clear that I mean it in the limits of our world.. so not force users... But Ninjutsu is acrobatic style...

Well and also Dart Sidius is not know for using Revivification and all kind of healing stuff... Well because in Star wars they use only pushing, throwing, and lightning... So I dont think is the best way to take it by skills... Because most of sorc. skills Sidius never used... Same as Maul did not used a lot od assassins stuff... It is clear that those example of known persons from SW movies is just visual thing and to make people more excited.. So they can say "I want to be like Sidius"... But those classes are only little bit like their examples.... And Maul was assassin because he did assassinations so he can be example of that class... That he does not know lightning? Sidius does not know healing...


EDIT: SW is than assassin if you sent him on assassination...

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Lol, what? A killer is a killer, regardless of whether or not someone is payed to to or not. An assassin kills people to make a statement, often political. You kill someone on the street, payed to or not, and you are a murderer. You kill a powerful politician because you don'r agree with what he says or are paid to by someone who doesn't like what he says then you are an assassin. Killing a couple of insignificant Jedi was not an assassination attempt, Palpatine could care less about Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. He wanted them dead so they couldn't interfere with his plans for Naboo and his power plays that were dependent on it. He used Maul in the same way he used Dooku and Vader, and the same way most Sith Masters used their apprentices: as enforcers of their will, be it commanding armies, killing specific targets, or just keeping people in line. Hell, if you play the Warrior's storyline then warriors are used more as assassins than the assassin's are. Nearly every quest is either killing someone important or finding them so you can kill them.


But you are missing the point. The class in game is very heavily dependent on Force powers, shock, Discharge, Electrocute, the charges on the blades, etc, while Maul is shown to be first and foremost a Duelist. I'm not bad mouthing the class or Maul, just stating that Maul was a bad example to use for the class.


Finally, ninjas? Do some research. Regardless of what you may have seen in movies, ninjas didn't run around in all black doing flips and kicking everyone they saw. They would most likely be dressed as everyday peasants and not something that people would see and automatically say "hey, it's a ninja!" They were also more often employed for espionage and sabotage than actual killings. They also weren't necessarily great fighters, they just used cheap tricks that were considered dishonorable by most Japanese.





Go read Ninjutsu: History and Tradition by Soke Masaaki Hatsumi please. He is the current head of the Bujinkan(real ninjutsu).

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Go read Ninjutsu: History and Tradition by Soke Masaaki Hatsumi please. He is the current head of the Bujinkan(real ninjutsu).


well it is acrobatic... I said in the lmits of our world... It is still more acrobatic than many other martial arts... For example I did thai-box... Ninjutsu is acrobatic compare to thai-box...



btw we are offtopic

Edited by Allblackmusic
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Ninjutsu is a real martial arts form, I won't deny that, but whether it is the "true" ninja martial arts is dubious at best. You have one guy saying he's the grand master of this ancient tradition, and a bunch of people who are saying "well, there's not really anything but this guy's word to go on. " I don't feel strongly either way, but I naturally take everything with a grain of salt.


It's easy to have the view of the entire Star Wars saga and say that Obi was important, but from Sidious' perspective they were just a couple of meddlesome Jedi that needed to be eliminated. And how was Vader more of a general? His first act as Sidious' apprentice was to assassinate the Jedi. Prior to the destruction of the death star he acted more or less as the emperor's hand, hunting down and eliminating Jedi and other threats to the empire. It was only after the death star that he really took a large role as a commander of the imperial forces, and that was largely do to his search for Luke and the destruction of the rebels.


Finally,what wookiepedia says is largely based on EU, which the vast majority of Star Wars fans don't get involved with, outside of the games. More people playing this game know him as the guy with the double bladed saber that killed Qui-Gon and would have killed Obi if he wasn't so arrogant. The point I'm trying to make but you're missing is that Maul was the prime example of a Sith warrior, favoring saber mastery and physical prowess over displays of power using the force.


I'm not saying sins should be renamed or anything like that, aside from maybe some animation fixes ( their melée abilities don't really blend together that well, as compared to warriors, and voltaic slash looks hideous). I'm just saying Maul was a poor choice to use as an icon for the AC.


If killing people is all it takes to be an assassin then my warrior is a prime example of one. Almost all my class quests have been about killing some Rival Sith or important republic leader.


Also, what robes are there that are easy to get? All the ones I have gotten so far stop at the waist and look weird if I use the formal pants, like I'm wearing a blouse and leggings.

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Ninjutsu is a real martial arts form, I won't deny that, but whether it is the "true" ninja martial arts is dubious at best. You have one guy saying he's the grand master of this ancient tradition, and a bunch of people who are saying "well, there's not really anything but this guy's word to go on. " I don't feel strongly either way, but I naturally take everything with a grain of salt.


It's easy to have the view of the entire Star Wars saga and say that Obi was important, but from Sidious' perspective they were just a couple of meddlesome Jedi that needed to be eliminated. And how was Vader more of a general? His first act as Sidious' apprentice was to assassinate the Jedi. Prior to the destruction of the death star he acted more or less as the emperor's hand, hunting down and eliminating Jedi and other threats to the empire. It was only after the death star that he really took a large role as a commander of the imperial forces, and that was largely do to his search for Luke and the destruction of the rebels.


Finally,what wookiepedia says is largely based on EU, which the vast majority of Star Wars fans don't get involved with, outside of the games. More people playing this game know him as the guy with the double bladed saber that killed Qui-Gon and would have killed Obi if he wasn't so arrogant. The point I'm trying to make but you're missing is that Maul was the prime example of a Sith warrior, favoring saber mastery and physical prowess over displays of power using the force.


I'm not saying sins should be renamed or anything like that, aside from maybe some animation fixes ( their melée abilities don't really blend together that well, as compared to warriors, and voltaic slash looks hideous). I'm just saying Maul was a poor choice to use as an icon for the AC.


If killing people is all it takes to be an assassin then my warrior is a prime example of one. Almost all my class quests have been about killing some Rival Sith or important republic leader.


Also, what robes are there that are easy to get? All the ones I have gotten so far stop at the waist and look weird if I use the formal pants, like I'm wearing a blouse and leggings.


Well it is not important what Sidius thought about those Jedi.. But he sent Maul to assassinate them... Assassination doesnt have to be on VIP targets... But simple targets of some value... So even if they were not so important in that time Sidius sent Maul to eliminate (assassinate them)...


I am saying that Assassin class should be assassin like or renamed...

And if you would not take Maul as assassin who would be better fitting that model from movies? Maul is the best candidate from movies... Even if he is not the best example from SW universe than he is the best example from Movies...


Yeah well I would say that your character is assassin... The thing is that those subclasses are made up... There is nothing like that in movies... There are just Jedi and Sith.. they do not separate each other on subclasses like in SWTOR... But assassin is actually thing that exist... That is actually specific profession... but SWTOR used that name just to get a little bit of that assassin idea... Because if you would specify assassin than Sith warrior would be assassin too... And the same way it is meant with Maul... He is not the specific example of assassin... He is just an a bot of that idea he is just somehow close to that... maybe because of that saberstaff or whatever... But you cant expect him to be fine example...


I did not said it is easy to find robes in game.... Pretty much it is hard for SI... Well we have only one robe set... I am talking about that in other forums... I would like for SI to have more robes... and robe in this game is only this:





That is closest to the robes from movies... Nothing in game looks more like robes from movies... It is not ideal but other stuff is further less robe... Other stuff (that they call robes) are only tops and skirts... But robe (like from movie) is not top and skirt but robe that goes from chest to ground in one piece.... I am really upset that those robes are not more for SI because we have only one set like that... Everything else is just top and skirt...

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