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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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He was referring to this comment:


A good analogy would be an extremely hot chick walking naked down a dark alley at 03:00 filled with drunk inmates from the local prison... Sure it would be illegal to take advantage of her, but would you really be surprised? And who would you blame more?

his example was ridiculous but that doesnt make him a sociopath. in fact he's expressing a very common belief, whether you or i agree with it or not.
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Oooo people are coming up with analogies, I wanna try one!


So there's an apple tree with an infinite number of apples. You are paying the owner of the tree for access to its apples, and all the owner says is "follow the rules", without specifying what they are. Normally there's a guy in front of it that will say "no you can only take one" if you try to take more than one. Then, for 3 weeks, that guy wasn't there.


What to do?


Transplant the tree and make millions off a magic tree... Did I get it right?

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A good analogy would be an extremely hot chick walking naked down a dark alley at 03:00 filled with drunk inmates from the local prison... Sure it would be illegal to take advantage of her, but would you really be surprised? And who would you blame more?


um the inmates since they still violated that chicks personal rights! she would of course be cited for public nudity but what the inmates did is WAY WORSE!!!


and why would inmates from a prison be out in a dark alley drunk? I mean did they escape from the prison, and if so, why are they getting drunk when they should be focusing on fleeing to Canada or something?


you analogy has holes!!


edited 2.0 analogy:


You see a rich guy has something in his back pocket. It is a small bundle of $500 in cash, it is loose in the guys pocket and looks like it might fall out. You think you can grab it without him noticing. And whats the harm, I mean, after all, the guy won't miss his money will he? I mean he is wearing a nice suit and everything so he must be loaded. You have the option of telling this guy he is about to lose his money, or taking it for yourself and walking away in the opposite direction.


but if you take it for yourself you do not realize a bank security guard sees you do it and try to walk away. Its very clear what you were going to do and he grabs you and calls the cops, and his partner grabs the rich guy just as he is about to cross the street and explains what you were doing. You say that you should not be punished because that guy did have it hanging their haphazardly. Who do you think the cops will blame, the guy who just put it there loose by mistake, or the guy who was going to steal it for himself?


yeah Bioware made a mistake that resulted in this exploit, mistakes do happen, but the people who used the exploit did so of their own choice and were aware that this was not intended. If they pay the consequences, its their fault and no one elses.

Edited by Sangrar
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wow, hypocrisy at it's best. there are no warnings in this game whatsoever about what you can and can not do, show me if I am wrong. I have reported many issues to bioware only to be told find my own solution. admit your mistake for putting a product online without it being ready. bioware encourages ganking, trash talking, stalking, bullying, win trading, and other things that players all take advantage to the max. this is not a do good game where morals are upheld, that is bull crap. the only reason why people complained is because either they weren't invited by others, or couldn't afford items sold by those who acquired these items. there was no warning of any kind to let people know "hey stop that, what your doing is wrong. i'm going to tell". this is a big time double standard by bioware. if this bothered them so much, why haven't they fixed other issues ? I just don't get it.
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I have to admit, I don't see how the pitch forks need to even be out on this issue. The whole needing to draw blood from the guilty many or few is a bit dramatic. Just close the exploit, and move on. If it has caused such a huge problem with the release of new things release the next tier of armor a week earlier or two weeks earlier, or just don't release a new set of armor at all when the next change happens. My perspective is that this is a video game for fun, and that may make me almost uncaring towards players taking advantage of a short term problem. As long as it gets fixed I don't really care all that much. So what if these players have gear? I'll get gear when I get gear anyway.. My only interest revolves around the opportunity to run the operation when I get there. I'm working under the assumption that closing the exploit will secure what I hope is still a high level of interest for when I think I'm geared enough to start hitting that Operation hard. So that's what I want. But, to really CARE that people have more gear than me is absurd.


After all, I'm pretty sure this is nothing new. Companies try to make their products take the longest amounts of time to get through, and player bases try to get through things as fast as possible. This just seems like a total over reaction. If you care that much, ask yourself why? Do you REALLY need to have X before the person next to you? Does it REALLY matter? Just close the loop hole, learn how to prevent it in the future, and move on.


Do I wish that I had more 198 set pieces in the time frame that I've played...sure! I'd love to not worry about my gear, and still be able to experience new content at will! Of course I'd be happier at that point. I'd be able to enjoy the content without any issues. Outside of my personal preference to gain some gear a little faster, people seem to be so hurt over some sort of fabricated rat race they've placed themselves in when no rat race really is needed or even in existence. Whoever came up with this idea that we're all in competition with each other when no competition exists has to be the world's biggest jerk.

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um the inmates since they still violated that chicks personal rights! she would of course be cited for public nudity but what the inmates did is WAY WORSE!!!


and why would inmates from a prison be out in a dark alley drunk? I mean did they escape from the prison, and if so, why are they getting drunk when they should be focusing on fleeing to Canada or something?


you analogy has holes!!



I believe a better and less graphic analogy would be that you see a rich guy drop something just as he is walking out of the bank. It is a small bundle of $300 in cash, and you think that no one else noticed. And whats the harm, I mean, after all, the guy won't miss his money will he? I mean he is wearing a nice suit and everything so he must be loaded. You have the option of returning the guys money, or taking it for yourself and walking away in the opposite direction.


but if you take it for yourself you do not realize a bank security guard sees you do it and try to walk away. Its very clear what you were going to do and he grabs you and calls the cops, and his partner grabs the rich guy just as he is about to cross the street and explains. Who do you think the cops will blame, the guy who just dropped it by mistake, or the guy who instead of telling the rich guy was going to steal it for himself?


That actually wouldnt be illegal, unethical...sure, but not illegal.

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We know what post he was referring to, we just aren't so thick that we took it literally.


The apple tree analogy is better and basically the same thing go check that one if this one offends your weak mind.


When you start having compassion for other people other than yourself, you will see how that analogy is wrong. I work in a hospital and have seen the people that come into the hospital because of this and it is not something to use as an analogy nor is it something to joke about .

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When you start having compassion for other people other than yourself, you will see how that analogy is wrong. I work in a hospital and have seen the people that come into the hospital because of this and it is not something to use as an analogy nor is it something to joke about .


Compassion clouds the mind. His analogy still sucks though.

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When you start having compassion for other people other than yourself, you will see how that analogy is wrong. I work in a hospital and have seen the people that come into the hospital because of this and it is not something to use as an analogy nor is it something to joke about .

Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's a corollary to Godwin's Law that says if an online argument invokes rape as an analogy, it's time for that discussion to end.

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When you start having compassion for other people other than yourself, you will see how that analogy is wrong. I work in a hospital and have seen the people that come into the hospital because of this and it is not something to use as an analogy nor is it something to joke about .


Just what offended your delicate sensibilities so bad? And how does it feel to be that soft and weak that mere words offend you so greatly that you feel the need to incessantly drone on about it... the stupid analogy was meant to inflame and offend your just giving it power by dragging it out..

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um the inmates since they still violated that chicks personal rights! she would of course be cited for public nudity but what the inmates did is WAY WORSE!!!


and why would inmates from a prison be out in a dark alley drunk? I mean did they escape from the prison, and if so, why are they getting drunk when they should be focusing on fleeing to Canada or something?


you analogy has holes!!


edited 2.0 analogy:


You see a rich guy has something in his back pocket. It is a small bundle of $500 in cash, it is loose in the guys pocket and looks like it might fall out. You think you can grab it without him noticing. And whats the harm, I mean, after all, the guy won't miss his money will he? I mean he is wearing a nice suit and everything so he must be loaded. You have the option of telling this guy he is about to lose his money, or taking it for yourself and walking away in the opposite direction.


but if you take it for yourself you do not realize a bank security guard sees you do it and try to walk away. Its very clear what you were going to do and he grabs you and calls the cops, and his partner grabs the rich guy just as he is about to cross the street and explains what you were doing. You say that you should not be punished because that guy did have it hanging their haphazardly. Who do you think the cops will blame, the guy who just put it there loose by mistake, or the guy who instead of telling the rich guy was going to steal it for himself?


yeah Bioware made a mistake that resulted in this exploit, mistakes do happen, but the people who used the exploit did so of their own choice and were aware that this was not intended. If they pay the consequences, its their fault and no one elses.


the part your missing is that the money was laying on the ground for 5 weeks before you picked it up

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I think the point these sociopathic idiots are trying to make with their *** backwards analogy is best described by the word "entrapment" And no it was not entrapment. Read the terms agreement you signed before installing the game.


Good word and the correct one. Also right on the TOS. Might be one of the few intelligent people in here.

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I guess we can tell who used the exploit by the stuff they say about ppl being banned and making excusses lol


BAN THEM ALL is what i say ........no need for cheating in any game


/Burn the Witch




take your meds kid..

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I have to admit, I don't see how the pitch forks need to even be out on this issue. The whole needing to draw blood from the guilty many or few is a bit dramatic. Just close the exploit, and move on.


Without punishment, the cycle will never end. People went unpunished last exploit, and they're using it to justify their ill deeds this time too. It's time to stop the cycle and quit giving preference to the people who break the rules.

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