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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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So you didn't read the whole thing. This exploit is just icing on the cake. We aren't okay with the bugs and glitches and the fact that the game as it stands right now sucks on ice. But they can concentrate on fixing that and still clean up their game and enforce their rules.


Neglect in general has turned this game into a cess pit. The only time I log in any more is to do things with guildmates. There is no other reason to play at this time.


Likewise. And if our irritations are equal in regards to the rather horrible state of the game at the moment, then it comes down to numbers.


Do the number of exploiters and their attached friends and family and companions surpass the number of people who would be irked by a slap on the wrist to players who aren't them?


Because I'll be honest with you. I absolutely refuse to believe that there's anyone in this game...at all...who is seriously thinking "If they don't punish those exploiters, I'm done with this game!"


Well, I take that back. Maybe there are a few people who've thought it and maybe a handful who actually said it, but I straight up refuse to believe that anyone is petty enough or childish enough to actually go through with it.

Edited by Infernixx
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I'm going to purposefully and brazenly ignore your lies about the subject. The only BS is what is being spouted by exploiters and their defenders in order to avoid the punishments they deserve.




Thank you for offering up a fine example of what we've been talking about. Thank you.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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You think?


I happen to know quite a few people, myself being one of them, that are getting tired. Tired of watching hacks in WZ's continue, tired of bugs not getting fixed, tired of a company that promises communication and then doesn't and tired of playing a game where exploiting is given the go ahead through inaction.


We all have other options. If EA/BW doesn't straighten out its house, it'll be time to go.


can I have your stuff? (had to be said or bingo would explode)

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Exploited gear/credits/recipes removal from people who acually exploited is something that needs to happen. (am not talking about people who bought stuff from exploiters via gtn, they had no way to know how it was acquired, are not guilty and should not be punished in any way)




According to bioware only few took part in exploit, so if FEW cheaters quit over finding their toons naked i don't think it will be to bad for the game.


Unless Musco lied like he did with the slot machine post, and it was actually hordes of players cheating, then the game will die :p


On Harbinger you can randomly inspect any PUG or PvP group and find at least 50% or more people in any group who used the exploit. When you see a guild gathering outside an instance you will usually find everyone within that guild used the exploit. (Either that or none of them used it.) It may not be widespread when you total all of the player base on every server but it sure as hell was used by more than a "few" people.

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I'm going to purposefully and brazenly ignore your lies about the subject. The only BS is what is being spouted by exploiters and their defenders in order to avoid the punishments they deserve.


As to Infernixx...you'll lose people if nothing is done as well, and those non-exploiters are much better people...the kind you'd rather have in a game instead of cheaters who will be given carte blanche to continue their cheating ways if nothing is done.


so...do the defenders deserve punishment for some reason?

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I did not use the exploit, but if the encounter was truly broken and they used a trick to get around the broken mechanic, I don't understand who was hurt by it.


I suggest in the future that the devs disable broken content until they actually can fix it.

Edited by halcyon_havoc
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I did not use the exploit, but if the encounter was truly broken and they used a trick to get around the broken mechanic, I don't understand who was hurt by it.


I suggest in the future that the devs disable broken content until they actually can fix it.


The broken mechanic was that Coratanni would reset and the fight wouldn't move to phase 2.


The exploit was the ability to loot the chest after the Coratanni/Ruugar fight, therefore the exploit wasn't a way to get past a broken mechanic, it was to flat out loot the boss without having to do a fight at all. People some of the people who did it, couldn't even get past the first boss in Ravagers so it's not like they would have even had a shot at finishing the last boss to get the loot. Yet they were able to loot it using the exploit.

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After the screwup the last weeks with the slot machine etc. the best thing EA can do just now is let this thread die silently.

And no, I didn't get easy gear.


I'm actually contemplating quitting, not just bc of the slot horror show but there is many small drops which has collected the last months...Founder since beta.


I know the feeling

Red Zone Infiltrator since July 27th 2011. (Thanks for smuggling me in Amazon)

And the only thing keeping me here is duty to my guildmembers. (Heavy is the head that wears the crown)

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I did not use the exploit, but if the encounter was truly broken and they used a trick to get around the broken mechanic, I don't understand who was hurt by it.


I suggest in the future that the devs disable broken content until they actually can fix it.


If they disable it then people would complain they had nothing to do.


As far as people being hurt by it, that's more difficult to say. But let's see here.


Let's say that you wanted something and the price is 100 Euros or Dollars. So you get there and and buy it. Then you go to a friend to show your new acquisition. At that moment your friends starts laughing and says: you're not gonna believe it. I went to that store and bought the same thing, except they mislabeled them so I bought 10 of them for 10 bucks each. It was hilarious. Of course they found out so now it's fixed.


I think most people would feel cheated or not so excited about their purchase anymore at that price. Did you get hurt? Well, you paid a fair price for it and got the product but at the same time I can imagine people will not feel good about having to spend 100 bucks while others got the same stuff for virtually nothing.


Now in this game it's not just something you purchase but a reward that you may or may not get and the agreement is per the EULA that if something is "mislabeled" that you do not exploit it but let BW know and leave it alone. If you don't and it comes out, would you not want BW to take action or would you say "oh I don't mind if others break the rules I am still happy here". I think you'll find that a lot of people will find this unfair and will be angry with BW for setting rules and then not caring about their own rules.


Is that being hurt?


I'll leave that to you to decide but even though I don't feel hurt as such by it, I do understand the sentiment and more importantly to enforce fair play rules. In the end it is still gear progression in this game.

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Hopefully they are smart enough to use a downtime to clear out those that exploited.

No, they are not or did not. I am afraid your glee in the misery of others will have to come from somewhere else.

But then, many exploiters I know won't care anyway. They've had enough of BioWares failures.


I myself just subscribed to FFXIV, as did my wife and the friend of ours who introduced us to SWTOR.

We are quite enjoying it, it's a high-quality product. Look beautiful, runs smooth.


And Square Enix recently publicly announced a permanent ban of over 5000 players for exploiting.

BioWare won't do that. So, maybe you should try FFXIV?

Edited by BuriDogshin
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So you didn't read the whole thing. This exploit is just icing on the cake. We aren't okay with the bugs and glitches and the fact that the game as it stands right now sucks on ice. But they can concentrate on fixing that and still clean up their game and enforce their rules.


Neglect in general has turned this game into a cess pit. The only time I log in any more is to do things with guildmates. There is no other reason to play at this time.

you survived the great social injustice that was the nefra exploit; you'll survive this one.


and how did you survive it?


because the gear other people have has no impact on you. it didnt have an impact then. it doesnt now.

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totally not witch-hunting, right? haha


And totally not accusing "defenders" being of being "exploiters scared to admit it", you know?


It's funny how you just need to post something about how they're mirroring witch trials and McCarthyism, to get quite a few of them wound enough to unintentionally post something that mirrors witch trials and McCarthyism.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Serious, honest question - What is "Ravagers"? I don't want to know what the exploit is/was, but I would like to know what "Ravagers" is/are.


EDIT: ...because I'm way to lazy to trawl through 200+ pages to find out! :)

Edited by Toxxo
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Serious, honest question - What is "Ravagers"? I don't want to know what the exploit is/was, but I would like to know what "Ravagers" is/are.


EDIT: ...because I'm way to lazy to trawl through 200+ pages to find out! :)

its a 8/16 man sm/hm operation, lvl 60. new in expansion
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Serious, honest question - What is "Ravagers"? I don't want to know what the exploit is/was, but I would like to know what "Ravagers" is/are.


EDIT: ...because I'm way to lazy to trawl through 200+ pages to find out! :)

We're lazy too. Time to have a lazy contest, like Homer Simpson and the Teamsters.

Who is too lazy to summarize Ravagers for Toxxo?

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The broken mechanic was that Coratanni would reset and the fight wouldn't move to phase 2.


The exploit was the ability to loot the chest after the Coratanni/Ruugar fight, therefore the exploit wasn't a way to get past a broken mechanic, it was to flat out loot the boss without having to do a fight at all. People some of the people who did it, couldn't even get past the first boss in Ravagers so it's not like they would have even had a shot at finishing the last boss to get the loot. Yet they were able to loot it using the exploit.


considering the number of people STILL not getting loot it all balances out. maybe biowart should get someone that knows how to program this

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We're lazy too. Time to have a lazy contest, like Homer Simpson and the Teamsters.

Who is too lazy to summarize Ravagers for Toxxo?


big op on rishii,,,go in fight dog with and kill the dog's dogs. bunch of off guys and crabs and dogs to kill...and droids



fight their shop keeper..he has a shotgun that shoots nuclear weapons...throws brandy at you..brandy seems to like this...oh and some pirates commit suicide


fight a wookie with a hidden flame thrower(you dont want to know where) he has psycho droids with laser beams on their frikken heads..die a bunch because of odd glitches and lots of lag


kill some more stuffs


Biiiiig redneck robot trying to kill you. at some point his boss(a small droid) shoots out his butt and attacks you with fire and lazers. lots of booms and dont touch the fence..its electric(what this would do to someone in power armor is questionable


more dudez die



jump in a big hole



fight a psycho woman with a psycho bird with teeth. at some point she runs to an escape pod...you gotta kill her friend that has those cute little mouse droids that blow up all over you.. now she is dead..get your lootz


the end



and they all lived happily ever after..except for the guyz that died and the guyz that had a thermonuclear bomb strapped to their slot machine

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