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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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I'm wondering, people were selling the Nefra bug for months and no one was banned for that, nor were people logging in to find their ill gotten implants gone to the rollback hammer. So why the sudden interest in all of this? It hasn't hurt the economy, running pug group finder ops has gotten a lot easier, and this did not affect anyone's game experience other than the elite few who would have cornered the market on 1 crafting mat and extorted the average player for gross amounts of cash that they probably didn't need since they are usually the ones selling full gear runs in nightmare content or hard modes anyways.


This bug hurt no one, and only bruised the ego's of a very small few.

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there is a lot of things that could happen with action on the exploit. One being that it would cripple the game itself. If you had a decent enough R&D department then this stuff wouldnt happen things get broken in this game almost every patch. Bosses that cant be beaten, animations that get stuck, lag in places that shouldnt be there. just maybe you should work harder on making sure your stuff is working right and pleasing your paying subscribers who spend thousand of dollars on this game a year. They wouldnt be doing this if you took the time to make sure we had quality content that worked properly


If you don't feel that you got your $15 worth of content out of SWTOR last month, you were free to leave the game. You don't, however, have the right to cheat the system for personal gain and/or profit.


Do you think that your $15 entitles you special treatment? Trust me, you're not that special, nor are you irreplaceable.

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LAWLS at people thinking that typing novels on here is going to change or have an impact on anything that happens..we exploited, we cheated, we go'n get effed in the A..shut up and take it


if you didnt exploit..woopty fuggin dooo bazzle...get off your high horse..its a fuggin game not a holy war..



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I've had a good laugh at both sides of this argument.


But the people I find amusing the most are those trying to justify and find excuses for cheating.


You cheated, plain and simple. Stop acting like children and deny you cheated. That's what you did. You got caught, now take your punishment like an adult and move on. If getting punished makes you sulk and quit the game, fine. You're probably the same sooks who leave an operation or flashpoint after the first wipe anyway, so no loss there.


Anyway, that's my 2 cents. Please continue with the tears while I go make more popcorn.

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This bug hurt no one, and only bruised the ego's of a very small few.


It's not about hurting anyone, it's about personal responsibility for breaking the rules.


Try driving down the road at 100+ MPH. Even if you don't hit anyone and nobody was hurt, you're still going to have to pay the price when a cop catches you. Tell the cop you'll drive as you want. Use the excuse that you've driven like that in the past and nobody cared. Tell the judge that if you're punished you'll leave the state forever and never come back.


Let us know how that goes when you get out of jail. Some of us will still be here.

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Wrong. You're not asking Bioware to do anything but allow you to break the rules without consequence.


At no time did I ever say that I didn't expect there to be consequences. I said, if there are consequences, this will happen.


Where should Bioware draw the line?


You guys are talking this *really* freaking seriously. Once again, it's a video game. A video game. Deep breath.


When does personal responsibility and integrity figure into the equation?


IT'S A VIDEO GAME. In the video game I have murdered hundreds of innocent people. "integrity and personal responsiblity" don't figure in at all.


They were slow in dealing with the mistake, but you were wrong for exploiting a game mechanic that you knew was against the TOS.


How do you know what I did or did not know?


Both parties are to blame, but Bioware will eat part of it in (potential) revenue loss. They're going to take a big bite out of that proverbial s*** sandwich... what are you going to do?


EA hasn't lost a thing. I paid my sub for the month. If they ban me, they will lose the revenue - but that's an action they undertook, it's not pain I am creating for them.


This is more than an issue of "it's just a video game." If it was important enough for people to blatantly cheat the system, it's important enough to warrant sanctions.


You're very confused about what the exploit involves if you think it 'blatantly' anything.


Ultimately you took advantage of a known flaw in the system to further you own greed.


Why would I assume that the exploit wasn't intended by BioWare? Was there any communication about it before this thread? And come to that, because it *is* a videogame, and I *do* play an Imperial character - how exactly is this behavior not in keeping with my character? Why am I, the player, forced to play the game morally when the game encourages (and rewards) playing "dark side."


You knowingly broke the rules, so tell me again why you shouldn't pay for your transgressions?


You are great at reading my mind. I don't believe using the exploit *is* breaking anything. I shouldn't "pay" for anything because I already do: I pay $15 a month. I choose to play the game the way I do - just like you choose to play the way you do. BW is within their rights to ban me or take other action; I am simply stating that based on my assessment of the situation, I will cease to pay to play the game and encourage others to do the same. I'm sorry this upsets you.


Unless you're Bioware, you don't make the rules... they do. Don't like it, go play another game.


No; don't like it, talk to BW and try to get them to change their behavior - which is exactly what you are trying to do here. If they refuse, don't give BW money anymore. The game fails, and Vix loses his toons. Not what I want; what I want is for each of us to enjoy the game as we like. But you insist on my being 'punished' for using a bug that BW has chosen to label an exploit. So I can't say I feel bad if you suffer because I quit paying for the game.


Denial of wrongdoing doesn't absolve one from guilt. You know that what you did was wrong. Please stop blaming others for your lack of judgement.


What number am I thinking of?

Edited by Kebrin
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This sums it up nicely. My guildies and I were chatting tonight about what game we will all move to if they are heavy handed here (not because we all used the exploit but the server pop will die - even if they are too short sighted to see that). The game has been getting stale, the quality has been embarrassing... there are other things to spend money on. We like the game, mostly because of the license, but if they make it more painful than it already is... If they really put in the man hours now to reverse engineer all the possible ways that people could have gained from this when they didn't put in the man hours to fix it on the PTS or shut it down over the last 3-4 weeks or to fix the hundreds of quality of life things that are missing or not working but they will invest dev time in a witch hunt punishing people for Bioware's lazy mistake... like I said other games to play... things to do.



Eh the groups that exploited will be replaced by new players looking to do end-game, and new subs will be gained and replace any financial damage. Eventually it will all be a fart in the wind.

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LAWLS at people thinking that typing novels on here is going to change or have an impact on anything that happens..we exploited, we cheated, we go'n get effed in the A..shut up and take it


if you didnt exploit..woopty fuggin dooo bazzle...get off your high horse..its a fuggin game not a holy war..




the point of eric releasing that post was to get people to stop talking about com reductions and start tearing out each others livers over the exploit.

Edited by ivanhedgehog
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the point of eric releasing that post was to get people to stop talking about com reductions and start tearing out each others livers over the exploit.


Or maybe the comm reduction decision was made in direct response to the number of people who took part in this. Too many people are running around in 198 gear. How do you slow this train down? You make it harder to gain ultimates and slow progression. If that's the case, then yes, the exploiters actually did harm to the greater community, all of whom must grind more regardless of whether we were involved or not.

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Or maybe the comm reduction decision was made in direct response to the number of people who took part in this. Too many people are running around in 198 gear. How do you slow this train down? You make it harder to gain ultimates and slow progression. If that's the case, then yes, the exploiters actually did harm to the greater community, all of whom must grind more regardless of whether we were involved or not.






Don't you have church to attend or something?

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Don't you have church to attend or something?


Who goes to church? Sure as hell not me.


Like it or not, my insinuation certainly is possible, maybe even probable. You may not like to hear it, but like the exploiters say, "I'll play this game how I want to play." :)

Edited by LadyVix
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Who goes to church? Sure as hell not me.


Like it or not, my insinuation certainly is possible, maybe even probable. You may not like to hear it, but like the exploiters say, "I'll play this game how I want to play." :)


You're almost as annoying as the credit spammers -__-


sure hope you carry a ladder to get off your high horse

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It's not about hurting anyone, it's about personal responsibility for breaking the rules.

Do you ever drive at 65MPH in a 55MPH zone? Do you do it because all the other cars are doing it too? If a cop decided to give only you a speeding ticket when you were only going as fast as everyone else, how would you feel?


Cops generally do not give people speeding tickets when all the traffic is doing 65 in a 55 zone. And there are good reasons for that. Enforcement of the rules all the time never happens, not in a game, and not in RL. Nor should it.


Do you never exceed the speed limit, always come to a full stop at a stop sign, never change lanes without signalling, and never jaywalk? Or do you break those rules sometimes because you figure you won't be punished for it?

Edited by BuriDogshin
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We'll make a bad girl out of you yet! :cool:


That would be a hell of an undertaking.


Growing up, from grade K-12 I attended a Catholic all girls school. The nuns were strict, the rules enforced with an iron fist, and corporal punishment was the rule rather than the exception. Everything revolved around discipline and taking personal responsibility for our actions. If you messed up, whether it be cutting class or failing an exam, you would wait until just after lunch on Tuesdays/Thursdays, when you were called to Sister Regina's office for "counseling." The buildings all surrounded an open courtyard, so when one of us got beat, the whacks, screaming and crying echoed through the entire school as a reminder and warning to all.


I once left campus to visit my boyfriend at another school, only to get nabbed by their truant officer (we actually had those back in the 50's and 60's) and dragged straight to Sister Regina's office. OMG did she ever bruise my ***, then she gave me 20 hrs of detention and like 2,000 hail marys. (and I wasn't even Catholic!) That punishment was compounded when i fell asleep in the chapel doing my pennance, got beat again, and my pennance doubled.


Regardless, my point is that personal responsibility and honesty were values that were preached, stressed, then beaten into our souls when I was growing up. It's how I was raised, and it's how I've lived the last 60+ years. I talk the talk because I really am that way. Those moral values are a part of me, and I just can't understand anything else.


That aside, I'm really not a prude, I've done things that would make the 30 and under crowd gasp, and I can hang in an argument with the best of opponents. I can certainly be a bad girl, but an honest and responsible one. :)

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"That aside, I'm really not a prude, I've done things that would make the 30 and under crowd gasp, and I can hang in an argument with the best of opponents. I can certainly be a bad girl, but an honest and responsible one. "


Lol, 7 years children in my country will make you gasp :D not you )))) Sorry for offtopic though... :(

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Do you ever drive at 65MPH in a 55MPH zone? Do you do it because all the other cars are doing it too? If a cop decided to give only you a speeding ticket when you were only going as fast as everyone else, how would you feel?


Cops generally do not give people speeding tickets when all the traffic is doing 65 in a 55 zone. And there are good reasons for that. Enforcement of the rules all the time never happens, not in a game, and not in RL. Nor should it.


Do you never exceed the speed limit, always come to a full stop at a stop sign, never change lanes without signalling, and never jaywalk? Or do you break those rules sometimes because you figure you won't be punished for it?


Unfortunately I suffer from Parkinson's disease, and voluntarily surrendered my driver's license rather than imperil those around me. It was the responsible thing to do.


Have I done those things? Yes I have, but if I were ever caught doing so, I would admit my error and accept the consequences of my actions. I once got pulled over after leaving a club. Yes I was drunk, but when the officer asked me, I admit that I had been drinking knowing well that the proverbial **** was going to hit the fan. I just got lucky that the cop who pulled me over was cool and that my uncle was his watch commander, so I got a free ride home rather than to the county jail. I skated out of that one, just as some skated out of punishment from the previous exploit episodes. The difference is that I learned from my mistake and never did it again.


We're all adults. We know what's right and what's wrong. I just want the cycle of dishonesty in this game to stop. Unfortunately, based on the comments here, the only way that people will "man up" and take responsibility is going to be through enforcement of the rules. (for once) I think It'll result in a better game for all in the long run.

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Or maybe the comm reduction decision was made in direct response to the number of people who took part in this. Too many people are running around in 198 gear. How do you slow this train down? You make it harder to gain ultimates and slow progression. If that's the case, then yes, the exploiters actually did harm to the greater community, all of whom must grind more regardless of whether we were involved or not.


ult gear is too much crap to be used in progression raiding for very long

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It's not about hurting anyone, it's about personal responsibility for breaking the rules.


Try driving down the road at 100+ MPH. Even if you don't hit anyone and nobody was hurt, you're still going to have to pay the price when a cop catches you. Tell the cop you'll drive as you want. Use the excuse that you've driven like that in the past and nobody cared. Tell the judge that if you're punished you'll leave the state forever and never come back.


Let us know how that goes when you get out of jail. Some of us will still be here.


Im still actually waiting for the cop to arrest me see...I was doin a buck twenty, oh and my tail lights were out...what are they gonna do? no one witnessed it. Hell I could have even made it up, but the cop still cant arrest me.

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Unfortunately I suffer from Parkinson's disease, and voluntarily surrendered my driver's license rather than imperil those around me. It was the responsible thing to do.


Have I done those things? Yes I have, but if I were ever caught doing so, I would admit my error and accept the consequences of my actions. I once got pulled over after leaving a club. Yes I was drunk, but when the officer asked me, I admit that I had been drinking knowing well that the proverbial **** was going to hit the fan. I just got lucky that the cop who pulled me over was cool and that my uncle was his watch commander, so I got a free ride home rather than to the county jail. I skated out of that one, just as some skated out of punishment from the previous exploit episodes. The difference is that I learned from my mistake and never did it again.


We're all adults. We know what's right and what's wrong. I just want the cycle of dishonesty in this game to stop. Unfortunately, based on the comments here, the only way that people will "man up" and take responsibility is going to be through enforcement of the rules. (for once) I think It'll result in a better game for all in the long run.

Damn LadyVix, now I feel like an a**! Sorry :(

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