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Patch 3.0.2 Free 192 Companion Armor?


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Also don't forget that all your companions are no longer unique. They will all look the same as others with the same name unless you can afford to ignore the stat gear and equip them with 198 BiS gear.

That's a very false dichotomy. What, exactly, are you using your companions for that makes putting them in anything better than 186 Basic gear useful, much less necessary?


Heck, doing Yavin with a toon and companion in L55 (180/168/162) gear was a faceroll, so I didn't bother with the free gear. What are you trying to do with a companion that's harder to do than that?

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No you completely missed the point, try again only this time read it and don't just play the troll.


No, actually, I did read your post. Both the one I quoted and the original post. My opinion on the matter hasn't changed during that time nor would it change from rereading it. If you think I missed the point, which I don't think I did, then you should explain your point better. And by all means, please do. Because if you're gonna call me a troll I'd like to at least know what you think you're trying to say before I dismiss you.


Unless, of course, you're calling me a troll simply because I disagree with you. I've seen you do it multiple times in this thread already so it wouldn't surprise me. If that's the case at least I don't have to bother taking you seriously at that point.


I do not like that I will now have to choose between optimizing my companion's stats, which will also make them look like a clone of everyone else's companions, and customizing their looks.


Also, I know this isn't a reason not to make a change, but I've been spending a lot of time with my crew skills to craft gear and mods for my companions. So this is frustrating, and also destroys what I saw as the biggest use for crew skills (crafting stuff for companions that is good, but not top of the line).


I don't see why you have to choose between optimizing stats or customizing their look. The 192 gear actually probably won't be optimized (I'd have to see the rest of the pieces to really say anything but the healer gear's chestpiece didn't seem exactly optimal from what I remember) so gearing them independently would actually provide better results. But if you don't want to take the time and effort to gear them that way you can do it this way. That's where your choice comes in. You can either do it the old way, have more capability to customize not just the look but the stat distribution as well since the companion gear is not moddable, or you can get the companion gear and be done with it. For some people who only use their companions for the necessary stuff like quick daily runs or whatever that could be fine. For others, like yourself, it's not fine and that's your choice. Just don't use it. Optimize your companion's gear with what you can make/buy/get from loot.


As it stands, like I've mentioned before, I doubt I'll be using this full set for my main companion. Definitely not the chestpiece, I can tell you that much, as I like my main companion's chestpiece at the moment. I'll be checking the stats and the look when color matched to his current chestpiece and make my decisions based on that. I make enough comms on my main character that I can gear him up with 186 stuff if I don't use the new companion gear.

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My main companion (Nadia) is always decked out in hand-me-downs from my sage anyway, never running too far behind... since its a continual process until bis and you encounter duplicate pieces etc it means I can make a healer set and a dps set simultaneously for little extra cost - no need to tell me its actually obviously still double, it just doesn't feel that way, ok?!


I see the pair of us as "my character" - its only in ops and gf fps that I don't use her. So, no, it wont stop me gearing up my companion, but it may stop me using THAT piece on THAT comp on THAT char. I t may also affect the order that I gear up my alts, as it would no longer necessarily be a decision informed as much by my legacy gear as it was in the level cap at 55 era.


But as for changing any other part of the game... I cant see it will be huge or significant, sure there will be a hit to the market in certain areas and I can see them in Cybertech - agreed - it will clearly impact end game droid components. There is zero doubt and argument about that. Cybertech is the only current route to them and the droid companions are the only viable users of them. And that does suck, believe me... I have a cybertech and have just bought the schemes (this very weekend) and started grinding them out and have a viable set of purples and meh. Have used two of them so far in the Knight's tank droid and that's it. Bah, oh well. I do have the Augmentation Mk-10's from the grind though at least.


Yes, there always are changes to the economy by "the rest of the game" and this wont be any different to any other minor addition to a part of the game. Who knows... the added interest in the companion part of the game might actually increase demand in certain other areas? There's often unpredictable results. If not, maybe be thankful it was only a fleeting market and you managed to profit from it while it did exist? It could have been one you'd invested many months in developing and then it was gone? At least it was only a few weeks.


I think this addition is of more benefit than the slight market impact it may cause - it does suck for you, but then look... cool gear! I'd be more concerned about the impact of the grade 11 materials being on the Jawa vendors to the market, that's a bigger, wider reaching unknown. How is that one gonna go??



IMHO this has been a part of the game that is due some attention (I loved the weapon/offhand in 3.0) and it will be greatly and warmly received to have a full set for all comps and not just "primary stat synced main comps".

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It is simple. If you don't want the gear sell it or trash it. As far as you not making the big credits from selling. Tough s*it. The game doesn't revolve around you or me. Tor does a good thing for the player base. If you don't like it you have options. Edited by well
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Finally someone who actually gets it and not these ignorant trolls. If people don't get the point they should not post anything.


When you are unable to disagree with people without calling them ignorant and trolls, it sort of paints you in a certain light. If you can't talk in a civil way don't talk!



Ps, the stat budget for the 192 gear is severely lacking in comparison to actual modabable 192 modifications.

Edited by znihilist
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If you make a few million less this year thats too bad for you, but im not going to let your enjoyment of the game, ruin my enjoyment of the game. I say bring on the 192 companion gear!


The needs of the many (us) outweigh the needs of the few (you)


Time to move on.

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Best thing they can do is remove "crafting" all together. No more crying.


You really don't believe that do you? Besides Kleenex depends on the income they make from some gamers. Leave Britney Alone vid is so last year.

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From non crafter point of view. THis is blessed change. Why? Gearing companion in 186 gear (without even optimising mod) is about 1000 comms per set. That's a lot of grinding. YOu can also buy mods, but 186 mods are 160k per piece on my server, so it's 480k per gear piece. So with 24 mod slots to fill, it's very expensive.


Now, I'll be able to use the cash to better equip my character - like buying non-lettered mods. SO all the cybertechs need to do is switch their focus and adapt to market. Players will now have free cash to spend on their own modifications.

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Personally, I'm quite excited about this. All but one of my companions are totally under geared with an odd assortment of hand downs, random gear picked up whilst questing and the occasional piece of companion specific gear chosen as a reward from class missions. Maybe for more more dedicate players it's not difficult for them to gear companions but for a casual player like me there's more than enough grinding for one's own gear. So to be able to pick up a nice set of gear for each companion in this manner is quite the blessing. Some people are arguing it will make the game more uniform, but I feel it will make my game play more varied as I will be using more than the one companion.


I've always thought that you should be able to obtain full sets of companion specific gear as you level through some means other than accepting bits and pieces from the missions - weeklies or a vendor for each planet. Just my two cents.

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Personally, I'm quite excited about this. All but one of my companions are totally under geared with an odd assortment of hand downs, random gear picked up whilst questing and the occasional piece of companion specific gear chosen as a reward from class missions. Maybe for more more dedicate players it's not difficult for them to gear companions but for a casual player like me there's more than enough grinding for one's own gear. So to be able to pick up a nice set of gear for each companion in this manner is quite the blessing. Some people are arguing it will make the game more uniform, but I feel it will make my game play more varied as I will be using more than the one companion.


I've always thought that you should be able to obtain full sets of companion specific gear as you level through some means other than accepting bits and pieces from the missions - weeklies or a vendor for each planet. Just my two cents.


As far as I understand, the OP wasn't so much worried about regular armorings/mods, since the people that equip more than one of their companions are also likely to choose moddable outfits rather than the new non-moddable sets. He is more concerned about droid parts (which currently tend to yield more profit for the same effort than armorings/mods), since droid parts don't affect appearance in the first place.


Therefore, a player who wants to equip HK or any other droid companion can just do the Yavin Weekly without losing appearance options. No need to buy droid parts in this case.


This change does effect me, too. I've sold quite a few droid parts over the last few weeks, but as someone else said, market conditions change all the time and crafters need to adapt. There's nothing wrong with that. Instead of mourning the future lack of profit in that area I choose to be happy about the profits I've made up to today. :)

Edited by Shoraan
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This is the funnest post I've read in ages


Are there truly people out there that need to craft for Companions to min max them so they can survive Yavin!


Lets be honest most of us have Companions in a miss match of items and they don't really fail us, there just here to make things a little easier and quicker. The thought that we no longer need to "Craft" new stuff for Companions has made Cybertech useless is completely laughable.


And feel free to call me a troll so I can laugh at that too.

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This is the funnest post I've read in ages


Are there truly people out there that need to craft for Companions to min max them so they can survive Yavin!


Lets be honest most of us have Companions in a miss match of items and they don't really fail us, there just here to make things a little easier and quicker. The thought that we no longer need to "Craft" new stuff for Companions has made Cybertech useless is completely laughable.


And feel free to call me a troll so I can laugh at that too.


Blue 174 (or is it 172 ?) from the planetary vendor is more than enough to survive (for you or your companions).

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This is the funnest post I've read in ages


Are there truly people out there that need to craft for Companions to min max them so they can survive Yavin!


Lets be honest most of us have Companions in a miss match of items and they don't really fail us, there just here to make things a little easier and quicker. The thought that we no longer need to "Craft" new stuff for Companions has made Cybertech useless is completely laughable.


And feel free to call me a troll so I can laugh at that too.


What a way to miss all the points in a thread.


Yeah - not sure anyone who gears companions is doing it to enable them to survive Yavin. Why is Yavin the benchmark for anything? Is that because it is the planet at the end of a story thread and you think its the hardest content for a solo player? I would say, currently, the hm 55's and tfp 60's are the benchmark for companion gameplay - and hence I think you are entirely missing the point here... which might account for why you have your comp in a mismatch of items?


My view is the toon and the comp are part of the same "overall character" - and when you figure that presence impacts the comp about 25-50% as much as the gear, it makes sense.


They aren't JUST there to make things a little quicker and easier... they are also there to make some things achievable at all - it is an alternative game play style to pvp and queueing for ops/fps on fleet. Fine, you don't do this, maybe... but very many others do.


And finally, yeah, 3 out of 3 aint bad... its not that we wont craft and cybertech will be useless - its that the OP wont sell what he has just unlocked and crafted.


Well done, nice work all round, let's do this again some time.

Edited by leehambly
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People buy gear for their companions?


I was wondering the Same thing. I went on the GTN to look up the crafted HK parts and the prices were so outrageous.


I don't see the point of buying gear for your comp when you have all those free commendations laying around. I have treek and Nadia in 186 Yavin gear.


Another player and I did battle of Rishii with our comps because the other two players bailed. I had Malavai in 168 strenth stuff, and we completed the FP with no problem and I was level 58.


I guess players who buy these expensive driod parts (which am sure is what the OP is refering to) are the players that solo Hard Mode flash points.

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What a way to miss all the points in a thread.


Yeah - not sure anyone who gears companions is doing it to enable them to survive Yavin. Why is Yavin the benchmark for anything? Is that because it is the planet at the end of a story thread and you think its the hardest content for a solo player? I would say, currently, the hm 55's and tfp 60's are the benchmark for companion gameplay - and hence I think you are entirely missing the point here... which might account for why you have your comp in a mismatch of items?


My view is the toon and the comp are part of the same "overall character" - and when you figure that presence impacts the comp about 25-50% as much as the gear, it makes sense.


They aren't JUST there to make things a little quicker and easier... they are also there to make some things achievable at all - it is an alternative game play style to pvp and queueing for ops/fps on fleet. Fine, you don't do this, maybe... but very many others do.


And finally, yeah, 3 out of 3 aint bad... its not that we wont craft and cybertech will be useless - its that the OP wont sell what he has just unlocked and crafted.


Well done, nice work all round, let's do this again some time.


Yavin would be the benchmark because you are getting 192 gear for completing the "erm" Yavin quests, the simple fact that people have not needed the gear to complete the mission points to the fact it's not necessary and makes very little difference.

If you cannot achieve things in the game without a well geared Companion then this is a blessing, so I don't get your point!

The simple fact is people buy items for themselves, as this market is not effected by companions the OPs whole post is nonsense.


But well done for making no points and truly very little sense :)

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If you cannot achieve things in the game without a well geared Companion then this is a blessing, so I don't get your point!


My point is: why is it all or nothing? Why is it "If you cannot achieve X WITHOUT a well geared companion"... that is not why I gear my companion... the reason I gear my companion is because there is better gear exists and I want to put in my companion. The reason I do that is because there is content out there that is challenging for me and my companion and when that content is done, there is the next set of gear, next level of content, next companion, next alt and so on. I like to try to keep the content fresh rather than just re-queueing for ops and pvp.


"Gearing up" starts at the end of the story (ie: Yavin) and when you've hit the level cap, not in order to get through it. Before then you are just using what comes along - that isn't gearing up, that's just being judicious and economical.

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Also don't forget that all your companions are no longer unique. They will all look the same as others with the same name unless you can afford to ignore the stat gear and equip them with 198 BiS gear. I already took offense to having to remove the Cartel Market weapons from my companions for the Devoted Allies weapon. It's like they are trying to force you to reduce the number of skins and textures in the game to either reduce rendering load or server database by using repetitive textures based on only a few models because not a lot of us are going to have a comp with unique looks.


The news in this game just keeps getting better and better, it's like you either log in to raid or not at all.


Really ? My scoundrel took the the Devoted Allied Sniper Rifle for Risha. Tried it for 10s, tucked it away somewhere in my legacy store. It looks like crap. I just let on her the WL-29 from CM with a 172 barrel. Once I update my weapon, I'll give her the 186 I have.

Would I like a 192 for Risha ? Of course, but I'm not engaging a HM boss with a tight enrage timer using my companion. It's just some dailies on Yavin 4 and the 172s are enough....

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