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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Patch 3.0.2 Free 192 Companion Armor?


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Whats wrong? Assuming they are also giving out free droid armor they are making cybertech crafting completely useless. What main character do you have wears droid armor? Only alts wear them. I also screws all the work ive done the past few weeks crafting gear for my alts. A complete waste of time.

Oh, well.


This thread is proof, as if we needed any more, that no matter what it is, someone will complain about it.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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My point is: why is it all or nothing? Why is it "If you cannot achieve X WITHOUT a well geared companion"... that is not why I gear my companion... the reason I gear my companion is because there is better gear exists and I want to put in my companion. The reason I do that is because there is content out there that is challenging for me and my companion and when that content is done, there is the next set of gear, next level of content, next companion, next alt and so on. I like to try to keep the content fresh rather than just re-queueing for ops and pvp.


"Gearing up" starts at the end of the story (ie: Yavin) and when you've hit the level cap, not in order to get through it. Before then you are just using what comes along - that isn't gearing up, that's just being judicious and economical.


So you point it that you gear your Companion up because you like to have the newest gear on them. So in this case you will still be buying Cybertech items from the OP if its something you want for your companion.

So on that basis I'm right, so why are you arguing a point with me!

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So you point it that you gear your Companion up because you like to have the newest gear on them. So in this case you will still be buying Cybertech items from the OP if its something you want for your companion.

So on that basis I'm right, so why are you arguing a point with me!

He paid his 5 pounds.

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For me the complainers are just mad their "clothing store" had the YMCA/YWCA move in next door and say they will give people clothes if they do some work for them. (Do the weekly) The posts about droid armor really show this.


"Nooooooooooo people dont -have- to buy my droid parts waaaaa!" Sorry, but i cant see it any other way...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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So you point it that you gear your Companion up because you like to have the newest gear on them. So in this case you will still be buying Cybertech items from the OP if its something you want for your companion.

So on that basis I'm right, so why are you arguing a point with me!


Read the posts man - don't skim, read them. Thats the whole point, here, Ill break it down for you:


1. "Are there truly people out there that need to craft for Companions to min max them so they can survive Yavin!" - that's what you said... where the hell are you getting that from in any post in this thread? Nobody does this in order to survive... they do it because it's there and available.

2. Linked to above: "... so they can survive Yavin!" which implies Yavin is the highest content for companion play??

3. "there [sic] just here to make things a little easier and quicker." - are they? Maybe its about play style... doing something with a bit of flair, testing yourself, any or all of the above.. not merely cleared with 1+ hp left, done, loot obtained (which is the only objective??) and move on.


Those are the three assumptions you gave in your post - I think you miss the point entirely on all 3. And yeah, given what else you wrote.. I think the reason you are laughing is because you don't get it... that's fine, move along.

Edited by leehambly
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If someone is satisfied with nonmoddable generic pieces, fat chances they spend millions on comp gear anyway, so...

Also, if OP would've investigated gear more, he'd have found that 192 droid armor is actually pretty crappy, so cybertech shines again (in fact each part has lower stats that even 178 crafted gear).

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For some reason i really like it that Bioware gives something out , like candy, "but understand i do not" yoda would say. I just geared my comps and augmented them with my old stuff....then i read that crazy news !

But, i learned to breathe ! To relax and just keep my mind patient and "hate-free" !

So, np. Its like in the good old days where Biochem was ok and i could use my stuff, then maxed 2 new chars on biochem and one week later 3.0 hit !

But no problem. Yoda was here ! ;-)

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I remember when I bought the game. It distinctly said my only purpose was to spend credits so others would make tons of in game currency. Due to the free companion gear I will fail my task. Oh the shame....sniff:(
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What do the purple outfits look like? Is it the companions' original gear or something new?


It actually seems to be the Elite gear available for players at the moment. Checked several sets (Republic's Cunning and Strength sets, Imperial Cunning and Strength sets) and they all match up to the Elite gear. I haven't checked *all* the sets so don't quote me, but, definitely seems like the trend.

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I think alot of people who reply in this thread are missing the point of the OP.

I know a lot of people invested time and resources on getting the new purple droid part schematics that were available from cybertech, which are now obsolete.

I can agree that the prices for these crafted droid parts were rather high, but so are certain other crafted items.

The point is that these droid parts (which were demanded for a while) were finally available from crafting now became obsolete because they are now given away for free in the quest reward, so no point in crafting those parts anymore, thus a loss of time and resources spent getting the right schematics.

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I think alot of people who reply in this thread are missing the point of the OP.

I know a lot of people invested time and resources on getting the new purple droid part schematics that were available from cybertech, which are now obsolete.

I can agree that the prices for these crafted droid parts were rather high, but so are certain other crafted items.

The point is that these droid parts (which were demanded for a while) were finally available from crafting now became obsolete because they are now given away for free in the quest reward, so no point in crafting those parts anymore, thus a loss of time and resources spent getting the right schematics.


Welcome to crafting. I have chrs with all the skills. Since people are getting all this spiffy gear for companions I won't be selling as much. So frelling what. The game doesn't revolve around me. No one forces you to craft or put out the expense and effort to gain the skills. You aren't owed jack.

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Welcome to crafting. I have chrs with all the skills. Since people are getting all this spiffy gear for companions I won't be selling as much. So frelling what. The game doesn't revolve around me. No one forces you to craft or put out the expense and effort to gain the skills. You aren't owed jack.


That wasn't the point i wanted to make, and i didn't say i was owed something..

Just pointing out what the OP said in contradiction to what everyone was assuming incorrectly in the thread.

you says 'not selling as much' i say 'not selling at all', who'd buy something, even for just a fair price, if you can get it for free.

and it's true, no one forces me to do anything, 'in my opinion' it's just a bad decision by bioware to add these free droid parts when they had just made an added value to one of their crew skills.

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That wasn't the point i wanted to make, and i didn't say i was owed something..

Just pointing out what the OP said in contradiction to what everyone was assuming incorrectly in the thread.

you says 'not selling as much' i say 'not selling at all'

That is simply not true. There are plenty of people who are still going to want their companions in moddable armor. Not as many, but not none. Therefore "not as much," not "not at all."

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That is simply not true. There are plenty of people who are still going to want their companions in moddable armor. Not as many, but not none. Therefore "not as much," not "not at all."


... the Cybertech droid parts aren't moddable ... which is what the discussion was about

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Whats wrong? Assuming they are also giving out free droid armor


Wait... so what's on the CZ-198 vendor then? :eek:


It's nothing new, and if they're giving companion gear sets as a reward, then it makes equal sense to include droid armour. Nothing is stopping you going into OPs and winning gear / learning new schems / selling higher end armouring or mods is it?


Or selling nades for pvp. Or crafting those new mounts.


Sheesh. :rolleyes:

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... the Cybertech droid parts aren't moddable ... which is what the discussion was about


You get one moddable for each slot though. But that's way before you hit Cybertech 400. Ones that have "Custom" in their name.

Edited by Halinalle
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You get one moddable for each slot though. But that's way before you hit Cybertech 400. Ones that have "Custom" in their name.


well, that isn't the case for the latest ones, that came with the expansion, those are like the czerka ones, not moddable. Which is what the point of the OP was about.. I haven't compared the stats with the companion legacy gear from the Yavin quest yet, so i couldn't tell if the crafted ones are better or not, someone in another thread said the crafted ones were better, but wtill, why buy a crafted one when you can get a set free, even if there's a minor difference in stats

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well, that isn't the case for the latest ones, that came with the expansion, those are like the czerka ones, not moddable. Which is what the point of the OP was about.. I haven't compared the stats with the companion legacy gear from the Yavin quest yet, so i couldn't tell if the crafted ones are better or not, someone in another thread said the crafted ones were better, but wtill, why buy a crafted one when you can get a set free, even if there's a minor difference in stats


If the new companion armor sets were moddable you could easily get full sets of 192 for all your characters.

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If the new companion armor sets were moddable you could easily get full sets of 192 for all your characters.


true, but again, that's not what the thread was about, the op basicly wanted to say that the implementation of those legacy companion sets is a slap in the face for the cybertech crafters that invested time and resouces in getting the purple droid part schematics.


But i agree that this isn't the downfall of cybertech crafting, there's plenty of other things to be crafted that benefit the choice of having the cybertech crew skill.

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The armour isn't modable can someone correct me I heard try were equal to 192s so really as you gear and gain ultimate comms you will want to switch it out plus is that companion gear the best compared to mon maxing yourself?


Also te appearance of the gear a lot if people will want to custom make an outfit for their companions which they will still need mods. This just makes it simple and easy for the people who aren't picky

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The armour isn't modable can someone correct me I heard try were equal to 192s so really as you gear and gain ultimate comms you will want to switch it out plus is that companion gear the best compared to mon maxing yourself?


Also te appearance of the gear a lot if people will want to custom make an outfit for their companions which they will still need mods. This just makes it simple and easy for the people who aren't picky


^This. So much this. If you're picky about what your companions wear or want them to be unique, then this doesn't change anything. You'll still be wanting to craft or buy mods to equip on your companion. The armor is really for those who don't really care how their companion looks, only that they are geared up to do Dailies or Heroics/Flashpoints.


I personally don't care how my companions look except my character's love interest or if I want my companions to be wearing all the same armor (EX: MY trooper has all his companions wear the same armor because they are a unit). I especially like the fact that I can max out HK in 192 gear without grinding away on my cybertech. I'll still get the mods for the sniper rifle I want him to use, but that's about it. I say that this is a plus. Means you can gear up your companion Tank or Healer and survive longer when soloing Heroics or Flashpoints.

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