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Apologizes to the Assault Mando/IO Merc community


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In the past few weeks I've talked a lot about my model and optimal gearing for IO.

120 alacrity, 650 crit looked BiS with what I had under my hand... I kept working on my model, refinning it, adding pieces that wouldn't change the final DPS by more than a hundreth. Yesterday I've checked how I implemented relics procs to also adds Adrenals and I found an irregularity. I implemented the relic proc in two different parts for crits which was raising average crit and bonus damage way over the real number... This corrected, I've run the calculations again, but they are non-conclusive for now.. I must have another issue in my numbers since the average DPS I get to no matter what stat combinaison I try, is 200-300 under what would be expected of IO.


Despite this, the 'BiS' numbers appears to be 120 alacrity/600 surge but thoese numbers are completely unreliable.


I'll keep working on the model and update the thread if I find where my mistakes are.

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In the past few weeks I've talked a lot about my model and optimal gearing for IO.

120 alacrity, 650 crit looked BiS with what I had under my hand... I kept working on my model, refinning it, adding pieces that wouldn't change the final DPS by more than a hundreth. Yesterday I've checked how I implemented relics procs to also adds Adrenals and I found an irregularity. I implemented the relic proc in two different parts for crits which was raising average crit and bonus damage way over the real number... This corrected, I've run the calculations again, but they are non-conclusive for now.. I must have another issue in my numbers since the average DPS I get to no matter what stat combinaison I try, is 200-300 under what would be expected of IO.


Despite this, the 'BiS' numbers appears to be 120 alacrity/600 surge but thoese numbers are completely unreliable.


I'll keep working on the model and update the thread if I find where my mistakes are.


No worries man, you could have screwed up a lot worse but you didn't.


e.g. My Vanguard stat optimization formula was using the level 55 crit formula instead of the level 60 one (it wasn't accounting for level at the time), so it was telling me "POWER + CRIT AUGMENTS, ITS A 100DPS INCREASE!" when it ended up being a tie.


Either way, looking forwards to seeing the fixed version of it

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No worries man, you could have screwed up a lot worse but you didn't.


e.g. My Vanguard stat optimization formula was using the level 55 crit formula instead of the level 60 one (it wasn't accounting for level at the time), so it was telling me "POWER + CRIT AUGMENTS, ITS A 100DPS INCREASE!" when it ended up being a tie.


Either way, looking forwards to seeing the fixed version of it


Yeah... I keep landing at 4800 DPS... So I mut have something wrong with my coefficients AGAIN. I'm also working on Rage Jugg and end up with like 4700 DPS which is absurdly high.

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How dare you???!!



Nah just kidding. Everyone makes mistakes.

You could always share your models for others to check. That's how the Ideal Tanks Stat Distribution project became what it is today.


I'm using Excel spreadsheets (fortunately everything is in English not in French).. I just don,t know exactly how to share that kind of data on the forums. And my works can end up being confusing.. I'm good with Excel but have no knowledge whatsover with VB prog so I didn,t macro it.. Everything is only math averages (which will make working with Annihilation or Lethality very painful).

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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650 crit, are you serious? That is far behind the dimnishing return border, is not it?

Not sure about it, give me some explanations, please.


The diminishing returns start immediately on all stats. People usually don't consider the point of bad returns on it though until the "Half Point" - where 1 point of stat is worth half of what it originally is.


With Surge, this value is ~300. With Alacrity, this is ~1700.


With Crit rating, people mistakenly think its ~400. Its ~1100 Crit Rating before you reach the half point of it.


Crit's issue is poor original returns in comparison to power. However, this isn't 100% true anymore, as people have tons of bonus damage already.


And since crit is improved by the stacking of bonus damage, as well as higher surge, a spec like Assault Commandos who lack auto-crits and have upwards of 110% surge on everything without effort means that ~650 crit is actually quite believable for said spec.

Edited by TACeMossie
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And since crit is improved by the stacking of bonus damage, as well as higher surge, a spec like Assault Commandos who lack auto-crits and have upwards of 110% surge on everything without effort means that ~650 crit is actually quite believable for said spec.


On the other hand, a spec like Rage with ton of surge (87%) and ton of autocrits (one every 9s and another every min) won't want much more than 125 crit (don't use the number.. My calculations aren't viable for some reason)

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I just recently woke up from my nap, so I only had time and energy to look at the first tab for now. :o


Here's some feedback:


Abilities Damage tab, Column T and U:

In T you calculated the bleed elemental boost if i'm correct. And in U the execute phase damage, but without the bleed damage boost. Intentional or not?

Electro-Net is affected by Relentless Assault, no? (it does count as periodic afaik) But you didn't calculate it's execute phase damage in Column U.


PS: Do you want feedback in PM or here where everyone can see (for better or worst)?

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I just recently woke up from my nap, so I only had time and energy to look at the first tab for now. :o


Here's some feedback:


Abilities Damage tab, Column T and U:

In T you calculated the bleed elemental boost if i'm correct. And in U the execute phase damage, but without the bleed damage boost. Intentional or not?

Electro-Net is affected by Relentless Assault, no? (it does count as periodic afaik) But you didn't calculate it's execute phase damage in Column U.


PS: Do you want feedback in PM or here where everyone can see (for better or worst)?


I don,t really mind. Better here so people don't repeat themselves.

I forgot the execute for E-Net. T is with the elemental boost, U is the execute with elemental boost if applicable... But now looking at the formula.. i didn,t include the elemental boost in U.. Damn.



EDIT : I've found a few mistakes about the 6p... Correcting them and posting updated files.

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Yes, that's what I meant.


Was supposed to use T not S as base for the multiplication /facedesk... And don,t look at the 2p setbonus.. It's horrible on both.. And 6p Asault is aweful. I'm changing the 6p right now.. the 2p will take a little more job to check which ability always end up in it and all.

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Well SB used once every 15sec exactly (in a perfect rotation) and 2pc has 30sec icd. Rotation is 15sec as well so everything should have 50% uptime of 2pc.


But EN will ALWAYS falls into it... But I was more refering to the Rage spec. The 6p tho is aweful in Assault... I just made so much mistakes...

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But EN will ALWAYS falls into it... But I was more refering to the Rage spec. The 6p tho is aweful in Assault... I just made so much mistakes...


Hmmm, yeah forgot about the longer cd abilities. Like SCC where to falls is interesting as well. When EN is on cd and you don't use PG as filler it has 50sec "cd" so it will alternate between the 2pc blocks.

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Hmmm, yeah forgot about the longer cd abilities. Like SCC where to falls is interesting as well. When EN is on cd and you don't use PG as filler it has 50sec "cd" so it will alternate between the 2pc blocks.


Yes. The model needs a lot of corrections to take SCC into account correctly. I just went with a 1 SCC every 45s approximation and called it a day. But It's obviously flawed.

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With the 2 filler 1 CB proccer rotation you get 3 stacks every 15sec, which is 10 every 50sec. This is delayed by PG, ER and EN, but since PG, is only better than CB when you can't get another SCC before the end of the fight and that's execute phase where you don't really have the cells for it, it can be ignored.

EN on the other hand will delay it by ~5sec every 90sec. (Bah, why can't they have symmetrical cooldowns :mad:)

If you can use ER on "cd" in execute phase that means 2 stack in every 15sec and an effective cd of 75sec.

Edited by cs_zoltan
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With the 2 filler 1 CB proccer rotation you get 3 stacks every 15sec, which is 10 every 50sec. This is delayed by PG and EN, but since PG, ER is only better than CB when you can't get another SCC before the end of the fight and that's execute phase where you don't really have the cells for it, it can be ignored.

EN on the other hand will delay it by ~5sec every 90sec. (Bah, why can't they have symmetrical cooldowns :mad:)

If you can use ER on "cd" in execute phase that means 2 stack in every 15sec and an effective cd of 75sec.


Nice to know. I'll have to see how to put it in the models.. and to correct it so I can use the 2p correctly in both models... More works for me...


By the way, what do you think of my coefficients.. Just want to make sure they are correct.

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