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Armor to make merc look like a mobile weapon platform?


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The quote from the holonet says "Heavily-modded blasters and deadly heatseeking missiles make the Mercenary a mobile heavy weapons platform." (link) This description has always appealed to me, but it focusses on the weapons. I've always thought a weapons platform needed a good base to start with, but have never really found a good chest armor to suit. Something that is big, heavy, either has lots of ammo or large armor plates, you know, kinda like a walking APC.


Up to now I have worn the Contract Hunter set from bounty broker rep (with different helm), and it has sufficed, but time for a change with 3.0, so the search is on.

Have considered Stalwart Protector, Section Gaurdian, even Star Forager, but they just don't quite get there.


Current preference is chest, legs, boots from the War Hero Eliminator set (crafted off GTN), with the helm from the TT-16B set.


Anyone got any other thoughts?

Edited by Oxidsed
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I think everyone's concept of a "mobile weapons platform" is going to be slightly different. I've seen some wearing Trooper-like armour and loving it, while others are wearing the typical Mandolorian look, and others are even going for a more Jedi look in robes.

So the best bet for you is to check out Tor Fashion and see what styles work for you.


For what it's worth, I went with a Mandalorian Clansman chest piece, some Mandolorian Hunter other pieces, and the new level 60 basic helm (looks somewhat Mandalorian). Hands I think are the old Boltblaster style, and his waist is crafted (forget the name, but it's skill 440 armormech and has little grenades on the back). All in all, I like the look. During jet boost or healing phases, the jet pack on the back is used instead of the "foot rocket" look most other classes are forced using, which is really what sells it for me. If you can't find Manda Clansman chest pieces any more, there's an almost identical piece made with armormech (also 440 skill - exceptional powered assault).

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During jet boost or healing phases, the jet pack on the back is used instead of the "foot rocket" look most other classes are forced using, which is really what sells it for me.


Agree, love the chest pieces where the jet pack "works", as far as I know, this only happens on BH specific gear, mainly from class quests or other places. Unfortunately for me I cleaned out my bank of a lot of stuff a while back and got rid of most of my BH specific stuff... hence the search for new gear!


Thanks for your suggestions, they are helpful. Agree there are many different looks, I like to see what others think and hoping someone will point something out that I haven't found yet on Tor-Fashion that catches my eye!

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Have been using this one (http://tor-fashion.com/cz-13k-guerrilla/), with black market replacement for hands. Problem is, it's cartel only, rarely seen on GTN and doesn't go into collection. http://tor-fashion.com/savage-hunter/ uses almost the same model, bu I like the overall looks much less

The Savage Hunter reminds me of Predator, so I'm using that on my AP Powertech (retractable blade). :D


For blaster pistols, I'm using the Czerka CZX-4 from the Cartel Market.

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