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Update 3.1 - New Legacy Perk (Video)


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If they had it as a global Legacy Perk that was 600 coins I would definitely get it. But just for that character you get it on 400cc or 2 mill? I'm probably not going to get it for a long, long time. Eventually maybe. But I can spend those coins or credits on much better and more useful things. I hope they change it to where it's either a lower price or Legacy Global.


Global would just be GREAT! THAT I would pay for.

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The 1 second it saves me is not worth the money.



Reduce the price to a fraction of what theyr'e asking AND make it a global unlock and then maybe it'd be worthwhile because the benefit of this is just short of negligible.

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It might be worth the steep per-character price if it allowed you to mount in combat but I doubt that would ever happen. The QQ from so-called "PVPers" who use various methods to get PVErs on PVE servers involuntarily flagged would be far too immense as the victims might actually be able to escape the gank.


Otherwise this should just be part of Speeder Piloting IV on the trainer (perhaps with a boost up to 120% in line with previous speeder progression, hopefully 120% wouldn't tax the engine so much that it is not technically possible). :rolleyes:

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I'm usually not prone to negativity, but I agree that it is beyond ridiculous to consider this a "perk" or "feature". :eek:


In any other mmo of some renown a tiny QoL change like this would be no more than a footnote in the overal patchnotes, something like "General changes; mounting now works on the move."


Only in the delusional mind of the person(s) behind this idea is this something to be charged money for.


Sad thing is, some people are probably going to pay for it.

Edited by wolfyde
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I have almost 100 characters in multiple servers x 2kk = 200kk :mad:, anyone want to but a useless item for 200kk :rolleyes: ? maybe a discount for people what earn level 50 legacy per server .... ;)


Thanks to 12xp event (8 different class*x number of sever x 20 CC = xxx Cartel Coin earn per level 10 character per class).........


with 100 characters on multiple server.... quickbar shortcut wipe = big headache :mad: .... not to mention settings of individual character.... hint, hint.... (answer: macros)

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i can't believe this is a "perk". Surely this should be the default setting. In case i need to spell it out...no, not worth it.


This should be free for subscribers.


It's completely ridiculous to charge 400 CCs or 2 million credits per character for this.

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Cash grab. Good thing I haven't been spending my subscriber CC so I can have this on a couple toons.


Way to reinforce exactly why we are now charged for almost any improvement or addition to the game, however ordinary.

Edited by arunav
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If and only if this were a legacy wide unlock I would consider it for 2 million credits or 400 CC (maybe even 600) but there is no way I will waste that many credits unlocking it on one character for such small benefit.


Mind you, I think it sounds like a great perk, but not at 2 million credits.

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Maybe it is a mistake and it's actually global. That would make a lot more sense considering the amount of credits and cc it is. I would actually buy it for this many credits or cc if it was global. As much as I love it, I'm going to probably pass on it if it's for one character :( It sucks, cause I love it.
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