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serious gamers, for a serious game.


Good deal of the hate is coming from transfers though. Even some of the players returning from their stint on pvp servers are more likely to go friggen crazy than they did before they transfered off.


Also Hey Nycci !


Edits: Working on like 8 edits here, dont know what I want to say anymore.

Edited by Haystak
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Frenemys those people who kick my butt so badly I plead for mercy then make it my goal to befriend them. This way i can group with them and have them beat up others instead. 😉


So much drama lately. Makes me a sad panda


NYCCII! we can always be frenemys :)

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Jolly my day was pretty lousy sadly. Soooo much harrassment at work. But i made myself a wonderful peach tranquility tea with vanilla and then spiked it with some hornitos when I got home. However I am going out dancing Saturday to a high maintenance ***** theme. Where I can dress up like a goddess and put on a big spiked dog collar. 😉


I miss vornskr always have. Our community was much closer and friendly conpetition. It was the frenemys such as zoebert arkov amiritio and andilous that made me start playing pub so i could play with them. I got tired of the drama after our server was forced here that manifested on the imp side. I dont know why it is but it seems to me that there are always 2 pvp groups that insist on driving each other nuts.


Anyways those of you i consider friends no matter what goes on i still love ya. Although it sux to get my butt beatin to the ground.... I expect nothing less if i am healing.


Now to get off my lazy butt and work on my darth talon costume ❤

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I miss vornskr always have. Our community was much closer and friendly conpetition. It was the frenemys such as zoebert arkov amiritio and andilous that made me start playing pub so i could play with them. I got tired of the drama after our server was forced here that manifested on the imp side. I dont know why it is but it seems to me that there are always 2 pvp groups that insist on driving each other nuts.


Anyways those of you i consider friends no matter what goes on i still love ya. Although it sux to get my butt beatin to the ground.... I expect nothing less if i am healing.


I still hate Alien and his "im gonna live forever" assassin tank spec. that and getting pulled into the fire inches from the goal-line repeatedly was always infuriating. I think he plays a different toon now, as I havent seen him on his sin or his scoundrel.


Andi and his wife still play....I think arkhov changed his name. Rod still plays, though I dont see him in regs very often. haxx synara, and myself(Macros) still play our toons, except syn now plays his gunslinger(slitch) religiously. We have managed to effectively isolate ourselves from ranked as we all seem to have chosen classes that have never been OP for grouped ranked. So TSO pretty much reg stars it up, at least the early crowd for our guild does.


Thanks for getting me into COVENANT, they were a great guild, but I left the game for about 3 weeks and when I came back they had some sort of mass exodus, and it looked like it was ready to tank, so I went back to TSO. Still met some cool people though when i was there.


Andi and Arli still do ranked I believe, or are atleast still interested in it. So if you need some ranked buddies from vornskr on pub side, Im sure they would like to group up. I would offer too but if memory serves correctly your a late bird, and the game doesnt have the same pull to keep me up late anymore.


Good to see you back though. You gotta be loving the new sorc/sage heals.


There are a few others who still log on though I was never good with names.

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Macros those that still played that were in cov mostly went to wox when it was dying. Same with some of adroit. I had left for a little bit and tried to play wildstar with vara and them. I havent seen alien online in a long time but we might be friends on facebook still. I see andi and arli occasionally. But ya i do play later and rarely on weekends. My new boyfriend makes me have a life outside of gaming. Weird.


Sadly my sage and sorc still sit at 55. Ive played on the sage a tiny bit and ya i think i leveled the wrong healer first. Vara can say he told me so. I have just been so disappointed with that class for so long i didnt want to risk it. But the only toon at valor 100 is still my sorc that i have rarely played in 2 years. I loved that toon. /Sigh those were the days. You backstabbing me to death. Arkov and zoebert with their sabers and alien with his fire pulls.


Need to get off butt. I hate sewing...

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Nycci!! I will always remember playing with you in Aliens. It wasn't until I joined Aliens that I began to get into more competitive PvP. I think there are still some ex-Aliens players around on Imp side. Sadly I have not played on my pub toons much since most of Goof Troop left for Wildstar and pubs are not as good as they used to be.


Always frenemies!! :)

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I still hate Alien and his "im gonna live forever" assassin tank spec. that and getting pulled into the fire inches from the goal-line repeatedly was always infuriating. I think he plays a different toon now, as I havent seen him on his sin or his scoundrel.


Andi and his wife still play....I think arkhov changed his name. Rod still plays, though I dont see him in regs very often. haxx synara, and myself(Macros) still play our toons, except syn now plays his gunslinger(slitch) religiously. We have managed to effectively isolate ourselves from ranked as we all seem to have chosen classes that have never been OP for grouped ranked. So TSO pretty much reg stars it up, at least the early crowd for our guild does.


Thanks for getting me into COVENANT, they were a great guild, but I left the game for about 3 weeks and when I came back they had some sort of mass exodus, and it looked like it was ready to tank, so I went back to TSO. Still met some cool people though when i was there.


Andi and Arli still do ranked I believe, or are atleast still interested in it. So if you need some ranked buddies from vornskr on pub side, Im sure they would like to group up. I would offer too but if memory serves correctly your a late bird, and the game doesnt have the same pull to keep me up late anymore.


Good to see you back though. You gotta be loving the new sorc/sage heals.


There are a few others who still log on though I was never good with names.


Dude, type in "Gfunk Beating Zuhara" on youtube. You're gonna find out that anythings is possible. You just need to know how roles work in the game from each class. And you gotta think like that class in order to beat it. I learned most of this through warzones and the truth is that there's no such thing as an Over powering class, only how good a player can get at it.


"Get good or get wrecked!"


- Clone_Enforcer :hope_05:

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serious gamers, for a serious game.


Good deal of the hate is coming from transfers though. Even some of the players returning from their stint on pvp servers are more likely to go friggen crazy than they did before they transfered off.


Also Hey Nycci !


Edits: Working on like 8 edits here, dont know what I want to say anymore.


Lol, yeah... I'm kind of one of them.... Except I find it Bull if it's a server that would only make one faction win all the time in warzones, it's not fun if the opposing team is losing a lot. Players that find satisfaction from that are really full of crap and hate themselves and their lives that much by taking advantage of that. :D

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Dude, type in "Gfunk Beating Zuhara" on youtube. You're gonna find out that anythings is possible. You just need to know how roles work in the game from each class. And you gotta think like that class in order to beat it. I learned most of this through warzones and the truth is that there's no such thing as an Over powering class, only how good a player can get at it.


"Get good or get wrecked!"


- Clone_Enforcer :hope_05:


I imagine you were reffering to the comment about hating the "im gonna live forever, tank spec".


To add context to the comment. Alien, whose name is now martian, ran a hybrid tank spec back in 1.0-1.9 days. This spec was pretty much a nightmare for scoundrels at the time. I dont really have much trouble with any one spec now. DPS sins, sorcs, and healing sorcs are kind of difficult, but I still do fairly well against them.

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I imagine you were reffering to the comment about hating the "im gonna live forever, tank spec".


To add context to the comment. Alien, whose name is now martian, ran a hybrid tank spec back in 1.0-1.9 days. This spec was pretty much a nightmare for scoundrels at the time. I dont really have much trouble with any one spec now. DPS sins, sorcs, and healing sorcs are kind of difficult, but I still do fairly well against them.


Martian is god. He is the butter to my toast. I wish he'd come back.


I miss the **** out of that amazing guy. That hybrid was unbeatable. I remember a 8v8 novare during 8v8 ranked where Deltus and him fought for like a good 10 mins on the off node and they couldn't kill each other. Good times.

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