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Red Eclipse (GS/Bombers)


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Hello. Im Nemsis and Im GSF addict. Lately playing isnt been as fun it used to. My take on the matter is that I hope

people would learn to be better pilots than taking the easy way out. Imps lately have started forming up GS wall(could be happening or happened on other servers too, I guess its natural cycle).


So this is somekind of plea to players that they would check what ships people fly and pick balanced set ups. This goes for both sides naturally.


Imp side just need few more good pilots that can match the rep aces. Ive been working on that hard on my part and cant really do anymore than try to group pilots together.


Bringing it here cos there isnt really any other way to reach pilots. Hope this would bring out some discussion and stuff.

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Hello. Im Nemsis and Im GSF addict. Lately playing isnt been as fun it used to. My take on the matter is that I hope

people would learn to be better pilots than taking the easy way out. Imps lately have started forming up GS wall(could be happening or happened on other servers too, I guess its natural cycle).


So this is somekind of plea to players that they would check what ships people fly and pick balanced set ups. This goes for both sides naturally.


Imp side just need few more good pilots that can match the rep aces. Ive been working on that hard on my part and cant really do anymore than try to group pilots together.


Bringing it here cos there isnt really any other way to reach pilots. Hope this would bring out some discussion and stuff.


From my understanding, bother Prog and RE are pretty casual solo-queuers. Coordination seems to be lacking. Nothing you can really do besides getting organized, queue as a group, use VOIP, and tell those not in VOIP to stay back. If they don't listen, you will lose.


Evasion scouts + GSs of your own will work wonders. Given where you play though (my personal experience in EU showed me that there is minimal group queuing and voice. I was even asked to leave for taking it so seriously).


Hopefully some of your region's servers regulars can identify this issue and see that isolated policies will not overcome.


Btw, you're asking for an intentional gimp to yourself, hoping b your adversaries do the same. I'm not sure how many stupid real life altercations you've had, but asking for combatants to "fight with honor" doesn't work for the majority.


This is another reason why a seperation casual queue should be instantiated post-server merge, if they ever do something like that, though the fact that ion is back to 2.6 days (or close) shows a lack of proper implementation. Did they not normalize their tables and are pulling redundant data from incorrect sources or what? *petitions vote of no confidence" for bioware


Edit: Mobile

Edited by SammyGStatus
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If you want to counter the gunship spam get at least 3 other buddies to play with you and make Stings with the following build:


Quad Laser Cannons with crit and shield dmg upgrades

Rocket Pods with extra ammo and range upgrades

Targeting telemetry with evasion and extra crit upgrades

Power dive

Distortion field with 9 second evasion upgrade

Lightweight armor

Range capacitors

Regen thrusters

Large shield reactor


Offensive crew Lt. Pierce - more pods, more accuracy

Defensive crew Vector - more evasion, more shields

Tactical crew Salana Rok - WINGMAN!

Engineering RV-R8 - More efficient blasters since your Quads are power hungry


Co-pilot Salana Rok WINGMAN!



Learn to fly evasively by boosting around with powerdive and try to attack the gunships from unexpected angles. When you get around 5500m close to the enemy, pop TT and Wingman and fire both quads and pods. You should be able to kill any average gunships right away by doing this. Even the best gunships will suffer from nearly fatal hull damage and you can usually track them down to finish them off. Or better yet use powerdive to retreat to cover and get one of your allies to make a fresh run at him. As for using your evasion cooldowns -- you'll want to constantly be pressing tab to see if anyone is targeting you. If you are making an attack run and notice that there are several gunships targeting you, pop that distortion field, do some damage, and then use powerdive to retreat to safety behind a pillar or rock. If you do get hit by an ion railgun make sure you use powerdive or pop distortion field and get to safety. It might be a good idea to have one player as a repair bomber so that you can heal your hull before going back into your attack.


If the enemy team has railgun drones try to stay 10000m away from those.




EDIT: You may also find success with the following build which sacrifices a bit of damage for evasion:


Burst laser cannons with armor pen and shield dmg upgrades

Clusters with extra ammo and double volley

Targeting telemetry with evasion and extra crit upgrades

Power dive

Distortion field with 9 second evasion upgrade

Lightweight armor

Range capacitors

Regen thrusters

Large shield reactor


Offensive crew J. Willsaam - bigger arc for BLC and clusters

Defensive crew Vector - more evasion, more shields

Tactical crew Treek - Running interference

Engineering RV-R8 - More efficient blasters


Co-pilot Treek Running interference


Same strategy applies here except you can pop more evasion. You need to get within 2000m for the BLC to be super effective. Overall it does a bit less damage than Quad/Pod but actually may have better finishing abillity with the clusters. You can't go wrong with either build, it's personal preference IMO.



As pointed out, VOIP is very important.

Edited by RickDagles
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This thread wasnt really about to how to counter the GS/Bomber wall but to urge to pilots to think and choose not to play in such way. I belive as pilots we can shape up the game the way we want to.


Im one of the dominant Imp players currently around and the fact Imps use this tactic I dont like. For me this spoils the game pretty much. Usually flying Sting and can kill GS just fine.


Made this thread cos I know many imps who fly and most of them are really nice guys. So that in mind hoping

imps would step up and learn to fly better to counter hard rep teams. Instead of sitting in the GS wall.


Im running premades and we have fair share of winning without this. So it can be done with ease.




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Why would anyone WANT to play games without bombers and gunships? That game sounds awful. May as well just call it scout night.



There's nothing honorable about dropping bombers and gunships. If you are JUST running strikes, sure. But why is scout on your "ok to fly" list? I completely and wholeheartedly call out your class bias: Scouts have crazy burst and they define a lot of the game.


The only ship class that is genuinely weak is the strike, and it's at least fun. If they fixed the tuning on them, we'd be pretty solid. If you think the game isn't fun because of gunships and bombers, I tell you, diverse ship choice is the only reason the game IS fun.

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I hope people would learn to be better pilots than taking the easy way out.


You know what? This is so slanted. Gunships and Bombers aren't "the easy way". If you play anything but a Strike, you are full of it. If you are just running a strike, you are STILL full of it, and also not fighting even half competent scouts.


And I think we know, based on the telltale exhaust burns on those cheeks, that you've been near the backside of a Sting recently...




This is not the battlescout class forum. GSF has four ship classes, and three of them are good.

Edited by Verain
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