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regarding punishment for exploit


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Wildstar's biggest drawback was its "Rachet and Clank" graphics. Why would anyone take that game serious? Now, if Wildstar had "grown up" graphics like Star Citizen, well, grown ups would have stuck around and the game would have flourished. The devs simply thought that they could bring out the inner 8 year old in MMO players, which clearly wasn't the case.


their graphics is a lot like other games both console and PC. on the PC side its like a lot of MMOs and MOBAs. its a mix of anime and American animation, i dont mean cartoons made for kids i mean animation made for adults (Family guy, American Dad, Simpsons, Beavus and Butthead, Super Jail, Squidbillys and the like) Its graphics was not a drawback. The only real drawback was how grindy it was and how much it was made for the super hard core endgamer.

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their graphics is a lot like other games both console and PC. on the PC side its like a lot of MMOs and MOBAs. its a mix of anime and American animation, i dont mean cartoons made for kids i mean animation made for adults (Family guy, American Dad, Simpsons, Beavus and Butthead, Super Jail, Squidbillys and the like) Its graphics was not a drawback. The only real drawback was how grindy it was and how much it was made for the super hard core endgamer.


For myself Wildstar's visual style was the single greatest (almost the only factor) in my refusal to try it.

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their graphics is a lot like other games both console and PC. on the PC side its like a lot of MMOs and MOBAs. its a mix of anime and American animation, i dont mean cartoons made for kids i mean animation made for adults (Family guy, American Dad, Simpsons, Beavus and Butthead, Super Jail, Squidbillys and the like) Its graphics was not a drawback. The only real drawback was how grindy it was and how much it was made for the super hard core endgamer.


Like I said, the game catered to 8 year old kids.

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the biggest impact was the limited access to raids.

I suppose. But I never even made it to raids.


I bought the game, picked a class, and made it to about level 20 before I just couldn't muster up enough energy to log in anymore. It's still sitting on my hard drive -- but I can't seem to come up with a reason to play it at all.


So -- from where I sit it had more problems than "limited access to raids"

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what are you like 80?? so you think kids are people in their mid 20s to 30s?? :rolleyes:


I understand that there is a big market for adults who enjoy games with childish graphics, but then there are those of us who need to feel a bit more bad*** when we game.

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Wildstar's biggest drawback was its "Rachet and Clank" graphics. Why would anyone take that game serious? Now, if Wildstar had "grown up" graphics like Star Citizen, well, grown ups would have stuck around and the game would have flourished. The devs simply thought that they could bring out the inner 8 year old in MMO players, which clearly wasn't the case.


R&c is a fun and awesome game franchise (mostly). Shame on you for compareing it to that pile of crap






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I understand that there is a big market for adults who enjoy games with childish graphics, but then there are those of us who need to feel a bit more bad*** when we game.
well wow looks like it was designed for 10 year olds so i guess its kind of an exception
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I understand that there is a big market for adults who enjoy games with childish graphics, but then there are those of us who need to feel a bit more bad*** when we game.


I forgot in order to bad *** you can only use Gray brown, black and maybe rust colour. With all the characters being z cup women in stripper outfits or 40 something dudes with 5 Alcock shadow and a scar.

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I don't see the relevance of discussing percentages of raiders, hardcores, and the like.


The only limit on how much of the player base could use the exploit was how many of them had bought Shadow of Revan and where either subs or bought an ops pass. You did not need to be a raider. You did not need the cooperation of a raider. Knowing a guildmate with a friend who had a guildmate who knew a raider with the lockout was easily enough. The exploit was a highly contagious virtual social disease, essentially.


So there's no reason to think "casuals" who had never before entered an ops instance did not exploit the bug.

They could have, and it seems likely some did. How many? Only BioWare knows.


Indeed, it was explained earlier in the thread, but people like going off in their own little tangent waffling about stuff with very little idea.


I went and hung around the entrance and looked at the achieves and there were plenty that hadnt even done EV...

This started as a raid issue, no doubt, but after the 3rd day, every bob and his mangy dog were in there. This was over 3 weeks ago.

On a thursday afternoon I looked and there were 68 instances, cant say how many people as /who only shows 100, and I went out for dinner and around 4hrs later I looked again and there were 92 instances...

To put this in perspective, around 6 months ago, sat night at prime time on Harbinger, there were 29 DFs and 12 DPs, and DF was in the GF.

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Well, Tuesday is almost here. What will happen is going to happen in silence. There will be no perp walk. Let it die, besides this is yesterdays topic, all the cool kids are now arguing about the removal of ult comms from sm 16 man raids, and how its a nail in the coffin of the game!!! Oh the hyperbole will be sweet.


EDIT: Earlier I made a post about hearing people talking about receiving punishment emails from BW already. While yes at the time I thought they just meant like infraction points against the account, to be sure I went back and asked. Now just like before, I'm not saying this actually happened, just that people are relating it to others. What was said is that those people mentioned received a one week suspension, and no they were not relating it themselves but their guildmates were talking about it. Again just second hand information but I wanted to clarify since some earlier didn't know what I meant.

Edited by jrwellworth
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Well, Tuesday is almost here. What will happen is going to happen in silence. There will be no perp walk. Let it die, besides this is yesterdays topic, all the cool kids are now arguing about the removal of ult comms from sm 16 man raids, and how its a nail in the coffin of the game!!! Oh the hyperbole will be sweet.


Wasn't the final nail in tortanic supposed to be a few months after release or the lack of new pvp or makeb? It's hard to keep track of how many final nails there is. Heck at this point final nails in the coffin of tortanic is probably about the most wrong use of final since that one other game you know something fantasy I think.

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Well, Tuesday is almost here. What will happen is going to happen in silence. There will be no perp walk. Let it die, besides this is yesterdays topic, all the cool kids are now arguing about the removal of ult comms from sm 16 man raids, and how its a nail in the coffin of the game!!! Oh the hyperbole will be sweet.


That to me is more of a slap in the face then someone that went and abused a loop hole in the system. Let us not forget that even Eric once commented on a exploit and how amazed he was that low levels level 10+ where running around bolstered on Ilum to I think 50 or 55 at the time, punishment for exploiting that, none but a hey thanks for showing us how ingenuity you where. To me removal of ultimate commendations just made it harder for the non-progressive player not be able to gear out as easier as the progressive raider.


I know one of my guild mates that's on a team is glad its being done. He says the ultimate gear was crap anyways, and he wants to see distinction from those that can raid current content and hard modes while those that can't sit in the back of the bus like its 1950 again. In the 6 weeks that the raids have been out, I've only done Ravengers twice and ToS once and that included not doing Boss 3 stupid cross issue. Pugging the current content is easier in 8 man barely and 16 man just sucked hard. And god forbid you catch me in a NiM DF / DP raid to get ultimate commendations.


Basically all that oncoming change did was make SM TFB, S&V, TC, DF and DP obsolete raids much like EV, KP and EC became except for rare achievements or mounts. Heck even the HM versions might be obsolete because not everyone is going do the classic HM raid for 10 ultimate since mechanics are still mechanics and S&V took to long anyways unless there where ultimate on the plate.

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It makes me laugh that I'm simultaneously seen as both a carebear and a complete troll / jerk...


We took a vote. Troll/Jerk won by a overwhelming number. So if someone calls you a carebear tell them to make like sheep and flock off.

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It took me until your second paragraph to realize you were talking about that thing with comms and not the deadly serious business of making sure every last cheater has their account taken and their internet shut off. ;)


Actually I started with the loop hole but transitioned into the ultimate conversation because that was what I quoted someone before me that mentioned the new story is ultimate commendations.

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Well, Tuesday is almost here. What will happen is going to happen in silence. There will be no perp walk. Let it die, besides this is yesterdays topic, all the cool kids are now arguing about the removal of ult comms from sm 16 man raids, and how its a nail in the coffin of the game!!! Oh the hyperbole will be sweet.


EDIT: Earlier I made a post about hearing people talking about receiving punishment emails from BW already. While yes at the time I thought they just meant like infraction points against the account, to be sure I went back and asked. Now just like before, I'm not saying this actually happened, just that people are relating it to others. What was said is that those people mentioned received a one week suspension, and no they were not relating it themselves but their guildmates were talking about it. Again just second hand information but I wanted to clarify since some earlier didn't know what I meant.


One week? LOL BW once again caved in to the kiddies and the lowest denominator,think i am going to say adios i do not wish to play a game that has this low of integrity.

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