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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What planet do you think has the best soundtrack?


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Most of the original music is good in one way or another. Balmorra is great and it makes Republic Balmorra enjoyable since i personally enjoy the Imperial Balmorra a lot more. Alderaan is probably my second. Tatooine and Hoth have some nice background soundtracks. But like I said I enjoy most of the original music especially the first time I played through the game, but god the Heroic Moment music that played and interrupted whatever soundtrack was playing before always pissed me off.
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Tython , Korriban and Balmorra . Mostly old kotor 1&2 recycled music . Hoth music is nice but damn , you combine that with that long boring road and I'm all sleepy...which isn't good !


It's like Manaan . Make me sleepy , and the empty place make it worse .

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Balmorra by far. For many players, "Occupation of Balmorra" and "Balmorra, The Forge" are the favorite tracks from the game, and Makeb and the other more current music don't even come close to that.

Yes, Alderaan also has nice music; it would be my second favorite.


Balmorra Imp side when you arrive in the hanger bay. That should've been the soundtrack for the new order in TFA.

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