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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What planet do you think has the best soundtrack?


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Balmorra by far. For many players, "Occupation of Balmorra" and "Balmorra, The Forge" are the favorite tracks from the game, and Makeb and the other more current music don't even come close to that.

Yes, Alderaan also has nice music; it would be my second favorite.

Edited by Jerba
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Balmorra by far. For many players, "Occupation of Balmorra" and "Balmorra, The Forge" are the favorite tracks from the game, and Makeb and the other more current music don't even come close to that.

Yes, Alderaan also has nice music; it would be my second favorite.

Makeb is not part of the "new music." You can tell just via production quality.
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Hoth. It's creepily, beautifully, haunting and elegant.

I usually run around with music on low since sometimes the battle music doesn't end after the battle and I am running around a home base. But I like Hoth. Voss is a pretty world, but it has the creepiest music, IMO.

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Btw, just looking to purchase the original soundtrack for this game is hard. If you happen to find it, expect to pay at least 20/25 dollars, and that's if you are lucky.



Becoming rarer all the time. I just bought one of Ebay, and it took weeks to find it by itself, and not in the CE.....

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Balmorra is my favorite followed by Alderaan, Belsavis, Hoth, Tatooine


Also my favorite cantina tune is the one called carbines in the wind. Sadly its not in any of the soundtracks for some reason

Yeah it seems a lot of the music is not actually on the soundtrack. For instance the song that played when you fight Reven for the first time in The Foundry.
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Balmorra by far. For many players, "Occupation of Balmorra" and "Balmorra, The Forge" are the favorite tracks from the game, and Makeb and the other more current music don't even come close to that.

Yes, Alderaan also has nice music; it would be my second favorite.


I agree. Balmorra is far and away my favorite. I just love pulling into the spaceport and hearing strains of The Forge. It's majestic and awesome. Love it.

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Balmorra, the Forge. That soundtrack stands so far above the rest I feel it should be known to people outside SWTOR as well.


Makeb is the worst one imo, I always sigh when the music starts at the loading screen.


As a sidenote: for cantina music its definitely Smeeleeya Whao Tupee Upee.



EDIT: oh and I like Manaan a lot too for nostalgic reasons.

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There's only one spot in the game I remember stopping in my first run through and going 'wow, this is great'.


The soundtrack that plays on Hoth's orbital station is absolutely magical and sets a really neat tone. It's completely non-indicative of how awful Hoth is.

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Balmorra by far. For many players, "Occupation of Balmorra" and "Balmorra, The Forge" are the favorite tracks from the game, and Makeb and the other more current music don't even come close to that.

Yes, Alderaan also has nice music; it would be my second favorite.


Agree with Balmorra on the Empire side.

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The Stellar Hits Jukebox, on any planet.


It's the only Jukebox that plays two songs with vocals and the songs are both awesome! The language sung sounds like a mixture of Russian and Alien.


No idea where they got these songs but they are the best in the game imo.

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I never cared much for the music of swtor. At some point I turned it off to avoid rights issues with putting game footage on youtube, and having turned it back on a few months ago, it largely seems as forgettable as I remembered it to be. A few bits of content that I never heard the music of yet managed to grab my attention for a few seconds, but the only real exception for me is the first 15 or so seconds of 'The Forge'.


Loading Balmorra on imperials would always give a bit of extra buzz.


(And I even love the music from SW movies--especially the original three--but the game just does not seem to do much of anything for me.)

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