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Out of Nooberland 2015 Bucket List

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I started the game late. I have grave doubts about my gaming abilities. So, as a result, I have barely done the challenging group play. I think that’s what people collectively keep calling ‘raids’ (?)


My most successful attempt was to run the Flashpoints on a level with a Vanguard tank via GF. That took me through Republic Flashpoints from Esseles to the Jedi Prisoner combo. I grew new gray hair prepping and running through them. But it was worth it while it lasted. Then 12xXP hit, and very soon it was far too late to try the Colicoid War Game for my tank via GF.


I tried the Manadlorian Raiders 7 levels overlevelled, and I did not care for the experience. Elara is still in therapy.

I want a real thing. Group and all. I have no illusions whatsoever about my abilities. I don’t care about the loot! I just want to experience it…


Anyone in the same boat?


2015 Bucket List:


SM Flashpoints :

Boarding party - 9 January 2015, ovelevelled

The Foundry - 10 January 2015, overlevelled

Colicoid War Game – I’ve read the guide. It was clear as mud :confused:

The Red Reaper - 12 January 2015, ovrlevelled

Directive 7 - January 24, overlevelled

Kaon Under Siege

Lost Island - 23 March 2015

Czerka Dailies - 23 March 2015

Czerka Corporate Labs - 23 March 2015

Czerka Core Meltdown - 23 March 2015

Battle of Ilum (Imperial) - 22 May 2015

False Emperor (Imperial) - 22 May 2015


SM 16 m Operations:


The Eternity Vault - 22 April 2015, NiM on L60

Karagga’s Palace - 29 April 2015 NiM on L60 (2M)

Explosive Conflict - May 5th 2015, SM on L60

Toborro’s Courtyard - May 23rd 2105, SM 8M on L60

Scum and Villainy - May 7th 2015 SM 8 M L60 GF

Terror from Beyond - May 6 2015 SM on L60 GF

The Dread Fortress - May 24th, 2015 SM 16M

The Dread Palace - May 9th 2015 SM on L60 8M GF


Was not on the Bucket List, but I did:


SM 8M ToS... in a way of Luggage, lol - March 12, 2015

Ravagers, 8M SM - May 10, 2015

Xenoanalyst , 16M SM/HM May 16th, 2015




Unfortunately, I currently do not have a character in the 40-50 bracket, so I might cheat and try the Boarding Party/Foundry way, way, WAY over-levelled. What to do about the rest, I simply do not know.


OPS, Overall:


I deliberately keep my Sniper on L57 so I can theoretically get into 16m SMs via GF or am eligible for everything 16m SM recruited on the Fleet. Let's see how it goes. :(


Terror from Beyond: I ‘just went’ with a bunch of very nice L60 folks on the fleet, and got as far as the boss called Kephess on January 2, 2015. Then, just when I was thinking it’s all peachy, I caught stupid in the face, and got kicked from the instance. After reading the Dulfy’s Guide am unclear if there was actually a boss after that, called Terror from Beyond. So, just in case there is, I consider it a WIP. Besides, after reading a guide, I now know why we were all turning colorful.


I must have gotten some of those exotic comm thingies, but I doubt the quantities are of any use for anything, as in my experience, you always need them in the hundreds before going shopping!

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You're not in a guild? Grouping up with guildies is the best way to start doing ops and flashpoints, as they are usually happy to teach you all the fights.


Other than that, I would suggest that you keep joining groups that are forming on fleet for the level 55 story mode ops (and level 50 HMs). Do this as a DPS. Tanks are expected to know the mechanics of each fight, so you really don't want to be going into ops with a pug group as a tank until you are very familiar with all the fights. Most pug groups, particularly for 16 man, are pretty easy going and can easily "carry" someone who is there for the first time. But you can't expect pug groups to teach you and it's unlikely that people will bother to clearly explain the fights to you even if you ask, so it might pay to do a bit of research first. There are a few fights where you can make things hard for the whole group if you don't know what to do. If you have a bad experience in a pug group, don't worry about it, it happens. If you make a mistake, don't worry about it, just learn from it so it doesn't happen next time.


Oh, and if you die during a boss fight in a raid, don't hit return to med centre, just lie there dead until either someone rezzes you, or the fight is over. Sometimes new people get caught out with that one.

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Yes, I am in a couple of guilds, but it's not panning out so far. I was kindda hoping for schedules but, well, it's on the 'just ask in chat..." thinggie, and well, that is the same as sitting on the Fleet. In both cases I cannot predict which group will be forming and pre-read a guide. And, no, I am not planing to go on either tank or a healer, as much as I dislike DPSing.


There are 8 Ops, and multiplied per number of bosses, I am not sure it is feasible to memorize it all. And just sitting on the Fleet in hopes that the one particular Op you studied for and vaguely remember is, well, what I am going to try to do, we'll see how it goes.


And, yes, I have asked already and good folks here explained the whole release thing to me, but I still maintain I clicked no buttons. I suspect that it might activate automatically if you die very early in the fight. And the experienced folks just do not know, because, well, it's been years since they died early in a fight. :o

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Yes, I am in a couple of guilds, but it's not panning out so far. I was kindda hoping for schedules but, well, it's on the 'just ask in chat..." thinggie, and well, that is the same as sitting on the Fleet. In both cases I cannot predict which group will be forming and pre-read a guide. And, no, I am not planing to go on either tank or a healer, as much as I dislike DPSing.


There are 8 Ops, and multiplied per number of bosses, I am not sure it is feasible to memorize it all. And just sitting on the Fleet in hopes that the one particular Op you studied for and vaguely remember is, well, what I am going to try to do, we'll see how it goes.


And, yes, I have asked already and good folks here explained the whole release thing to me, but I still maintain I clicked no buttons. I suspect that it might activate automatically if you die very early in the fight. And the experienced folks just do not know, because, well, it's been years since they died early in a fight. :o


I read your post on the release thing. Sounded like a bug, to me, as one or two other people had experienced the same thing. No clicky, just instant involuntary port you out of the instance.


Let's see what we can do about this bucket list!

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I started the game late. I have grave doubts about my gaming abilities. So, as a result, I have barely done the challenging group play. I think that’s what people collectively keep calling ‘raids’ (?)


My most successful attempt was to run the Flashpoints on a level with a Vanguard tank via GF. That took me through Republic Flashpoints from Esseles to the Jedi Prisoner combo. I grew new gray hair prepping and running through them. But it was worth it while it lasted. Then 12xXP hit, and very soon it was far too late to try the Colicoid War Game for my tank via GF.


I tried the Manadlorian Raiders 7 levels overlevelled, and I did not care for the experience. Elara is still in therapy.

I want a real thing. Group and all. I have no illusions whatsoever about my abilities. I don’t care about the loot! I just want to experience it…


Anyone in the same boat?


2015 Bucket List:


SM Flashpoints :

Boarding party

The Foundry

Colicoid War Game – I’ve read the guide. It was clear as mud L

The Red Reaper

Directive 7

Kaon Under Siege

Lost Island

Czerka Dailies

Czerka Corporate Labs

Czerka Core Meltdown


SM 16 m Operations:


The Eternity Vault

Karagga’s Palace

Explosive Conflict

Toborro’s Courtyard

Scum and Villainy

Terror from Beyond

The Dread Fortress

The Dread Palace




Unfortunately, I currently do not have a character in the 40-50 bracket, so I might cheat and try the Boarding Party/Foundry way, way, WAY over-levelled. What to do about the rest, I simply do not know.


OPS, Overall:


I deliberately keep my Sniper on L57 so I can theoretically get into 16m SMs via GF or am eligible for everything 16m SM recruited on the Fleet. Let's see how it goes. :(


Terror from Beyond: I ‘just went’ with a bunch of very nice L60 folks on the fleet, and got as far as the boss called Kephess on January 2, 2015. Then, just when I was thinking it’s all peachy, I caught stupid in the face, and got kicked from the instance. After reading the Dulfy’s Guide am unclear if there was actually a boss after that, called Terror from Beyond. So, just in case there is, I consider it a WIP. Besides, after reading a guide, I now know why we were all turning colorful.


I must have gotten some of those exotic comm thingies, but I doubt the quantities are of any use for anything, as in my experience, you always need them in the hundreds before going shopping!


What server are you on?:)

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I am on Harbinger :) I've updated my sig, because I am always glad to say hi whenever people walk by :)


Okay, I have given it some thought, printed out a few guides and started a binder. Some random guy on the bus told me that reading a boss fight guide is cheating. I was pondering utilizing some of the lingo the guys taught me in PvP, but chose to put him on ignore instead. He can figure out the color-coordination in TfB on the spot, no skin off my nose.


Here is the plan:


1. I’ll need to step up production on MK-9 augments to finish augging the Legacy 172 suit and cannibalize the remaining cunning 156 augs for it to have my Sniper in a best one can have as a L55 char outfit to be passed down the future alt generations.


2. I am hoping that a level 57 character can handle Boarding party/Foundry in SM solo. So, I am taking my Sniper off the boring track through Voss planetary story-line, and going to get some of those missing kills on either Lokin or SCORPIO that way.


3. I will start (rarely) inquiring Guilds and random people on the Fleet about taking a L57 noob through the Colicoids WG. The Guide is no clearer than the last time I’ve read it.


4. I’ll do random visits to the Fleet over the weekend with my Sniper to see if I can weasel my way into a TfB group. I am starting to think I died in the TfB fight, rather than the Kephess one. I should check my achievements log. I think they record the bosses names there.


Fingers crossed I can start striking the items off the list!

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It's good to see you growing this bold, Domi. Refreshing. :)


It's a pity I won't be able to help you in that regard, as I play on Progenitor... :o

But I wish you the best of luck, regardless. :D


And as for Ops Boss Guides, I found Dulfy's ones to be great. Pity it's hard to find those for lvl 50 and 55 now, but... Yeah. :rolleyes:

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And as for Ops Boss Guides, I found Dulfy's ones to be great. Pity it's hard to find those for lvl 50 and 55 now, but... Yeah. :rolleyes:

There is a tiny little magnifying glass on the top right of dulfy's site that when you clilck on it opens a search box, it is pretty good at finding the right page if you type the name of the FP/op


I think key to your bucketlist success will be finding a suitable guild, shop around till you find one with helpful like minded star wars fanatical fans in it :)

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There is a tiny little magnifying glass on the top right of dulfy's site that when you clilck on it opens a search box, it is pretty good at finding the right page if you type the name of the FP/op


I think key to your bucketlist success will be finding a suitable guild, shop around till you find one with helpful like minded star wars fanatical fans in it :)


Oh. Thanks, I didn't notice it among Facebook and the other thingies... :o

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Did the boarding Party this morning. Yeah, these 4 flashpoints definitely something that BioWARE crafted with love. Really regret that my play group fell apart right before we did these. Would have been very nice to do it on a level with the girls. :) But it was a good loot romp on an immortal character. Still took 40 min, added 200 kills to Lokin, got a bunch of mid-30'is equipment for my younger alts and Bondite and Fibremsh are actually expensive on the GTN by whatever reason, so I will actually get some earnings from the run.


I think I can do Foundry that way as well. :)


Crossed out!


I do use Dulfy, and basically just search for Dulfy+Name of the FP/Op, it generally brings the right guide up.


My lonely Bounty Hunter is still on Progenitor, at L30, but I like playing with the full Legacy on Harbinger. It’s amazing how much support that system lands to each individual character. :)


I have installed the MK-9 and purple 156 on 5 pieces of the Legacy 172 set (2 more to go!) and will craft 186s and MK-10/purple 36 augment the left side and the weapons as soon as she hits L58. I still need to practice her play.

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Just went through the Foundry, overlevelled. Took just about an hour, but I missed the Bonus where you fight the Burrower Matriarch, since I was running through that area. I really hate korslugs, always did, so... missed the bonus popping up to disable the shield, and once I was inside the building, I was not going back, nuh-huh.


Overall, I like the Republic side duo of these flashpoints much better, the setting, and the dialogues. Moff Kilran is certainly a big draw, and so is the Exile. Revan's expose made me keep my fingers even crosser that we never have to hear his ravings again. Did they switch the VA for the HK-47? He seems to sound a boit different from what I remember, but it has been a loooooong time.


Loot was peculiar. I got a purple droid datacore, a bunch of Juggernaut bound blues (?) and from all things a speeder (?). Diatium and resinite are cheapo, so no winnings from this run, save for the story.


What I can see however, is that I am fumbling on the character, so I am not going to worry about the Ops for now. If I can't get anyone to play Colicoids with me, I will try the Red Reaper, etc overlevelled, if they do not have the group mechanics. Once I feel more confident I can actually execute a rotation, I'll worry about the Ops.


Also, once the HM FPs are in the GF for L60's, that might be an option so I could go level to L60, and try again.


I also can see now that he Battle of Ilum and False Emperor are different on the imperial side. Zut. Updating the list! How I can get into those, I dunno, since I have never stepped on the Imperial Ilum, and frankly not too too sure I want to. But, if I have to, I guess. :(

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A few pointers:



  • You don't have to worry about getting your sniper to 60. You can still access all the sub-60 content at that level, and at least on Red Eclipse there are still groups forming on fleet for just about all the ops. The level 55 ops still drop elite and ultimate comms, which are still relelvant at 60, and the level 50 ones are naturally a little bit less common, but it still happens. And since most groups will have level 60's anyway, limiting groupfinder options shouldn't be an issue.
  • At 60 you should be able to solo all of the level 50 Flashpoints, even in HM if you have 186-ish gear and know what you're doing. So if all you care about is getting to experience the content (and getting those mats!), you shouldn't have a problem. You can even solo the CZ tactical flashpoints, but those are a little trickier. A duo of 60's can blast through them with ease.
  • My first guild was very similar to what you described - nothing beyond random chit-chat. Definitely no opsing. I then pugged into a guild run of DF, they were all friendly and helpful. I asked to join their guild and I've been opsing with them ever since. I hope you will also find a guild that suits you eventually.
  • Don't be afraid to say that you don't know what to do in a certain encounter before it begins. It's much better than mentioning that after you accidentally got the group wiped, and most players will be happy to explain the essentials to you. Some won't, but you don't want to waste your time on such people anyway! ;)

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I spent 20 minutes on Quesh trying to click the lever from the inside the room to release the gas to get the Datacron that the Guide said was tricky but possible to do solo. Never managed.


I am certain that people who know what to do can do L50 content solo on L60, and consider it a cakewalk. I am not one of those people :o particularly when there is something that has to be clicked at the exact time or together, or when you have to cleverly CC this or that to get through.


I just don't have this level of sophistication and foresight as a player.


Seriously, I thought we'd do all the flashpints with my husband, following the 3 simple rules of not pulling before tanks, not standing in stupid and shooting what's the other DPS is shooting. Well, we went for Athiss, with a full group through pug on L23 or so, and we wiped on the Beast and the adds. After that I thought we'd 2 man it with my husband and companions no problem, if we only do the right strategy and won't pull too many adds like our blessed tank did, but we still wiped. On SM Athiss! So... seriously, I am as humble as it gets.

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I obviously don't recall all the flashpoints off the top of my head, but apart from Lost Island I don't think there are any significant mechanics to those fights, especially in storymode. And you're going to resist practically all incoming damage simply by being at a higher level than the mobs.


I wish you success in your quest to do all the things! :)

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TY! I am thinking about Colicoids. The guide makes one person stand at one shield, while, as far as I understand the rest progress from shield to shield, leaving 1 person behind every time to advance to the next shield. Or something like that. It sounds insanely complicated.


Even in Belsavis Heroic, all 4 people had to channel simultaneously at 4 different objects. :(


Fingers crossed, there is nothing like that in the other FPs.

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Yeah, that's the only one that really requires a group. It was also the only FP you couldn't queue for at level 55. Sheer brilliance. I think it might be soloable with a class that has a leap, like Jugg or Jedi Knight, because it lets you bypass the force fields.
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I have been able to try Colicoid with a few different classes, like Guardian, Sorc, Sniper, Merc... But alas, that's not soloable at all. :rolleyes:


The least I was able to go with is 2 people, and not because of hte fights, but because you'll need not only to charge in, but to open forcefields.

To do that you need to stay still, which makes it impossible to reach the final console and unlock the passage, regardless of your lvl. :(


I think there are videos on the matter around, but sadly I can't link them. :o

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TY kindly :) I will add the names for the characters I am playing on now, and see if I can touch base. :)


I am also thinking I don't have to get too too obsessed over the Colicoids, maybe, seeing that my new Knight is growing up. Maybe the fact that I am getting zero pops on Level 15 will not translate into zero pops in 30-ies and 40ies.

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Well, I guess today's announcement about the Ultimate comms drops my chances of ever joining an Op group like a stone. Fingers crossed though the FPs will be more popular eventualy.


Decided to try out the Red Reaper today, on my level 59 Sorcerer. I thought about taking out the big lightsabres, with a L60 Mara, but the Sorcerer did fine, taking no damage still. Even after reading the Guide, I have to say "Hats Off!" to people who do this one on a level! That last battle with lining the lightening bolts and interrupting simultaneously would have been extremely hard under pressure, as the hitpoints were melting off you. Wow.


I loved the short story behind the Flashpoint itself. BioWARE certainly is very creative in those instances, and I am totally happy doing them.


Put 100 or so kills on Xalek to add to his body count to 1,000, and haven't checked yet if the scavenging was worth anything :) Also, seeing the pretty fights (all the purple lightning!) kindda shook my resolve a little to rob all my Imperial toons, give everything to the Republic ones, and collapse the Legacy to the 4 Republic toons. But he is nowhere near the Basic count to get a full set of 186 gear, and there is no way I can build a Legacy suit that fits both a Sage Healer and a Lightning Sorc. :(


Cheers, folks, and I am really sorry to see the Ultimate comms go, they sure revitalized the whole Op running industry!

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I will say that I haven't played for a long time, think about the time before the servers merged. I loved doing all the old HM's and the flash points in general leveling up. If you were on The Shadowlands I'd gladly run them with you. I was able to run a story mode EV last night, and even though I was with some level 60's a few of them managed to die. It's quite sad since I 4 manned it at 50, but thats another story.


I hope that you manage to experience all of the content, thats the main reason I'm coming back after such a long time. I just need to find a guild thats semi decent on The Shadowlands.


OP what's been your favorite flashpoint yet?

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