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I hate the chancellor


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When she took office, she made a passionate speak calling for the eradication of the Sith Empire.


Take it for what you will. :p


I think she and the Revan from the Foundry would have gotten along just fine.


Oh cool, I don't recall the speech upon taking office. Was that in the BH ending or somewhere else?

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Oh cool, I don't recall the speech upon taking office. Was that in the BH ending or somewhere else?


We don't get to see it. It is covered in her codex entry: ;)

The Supreme Chancellor of the Republic serves as both political arbiter and leader of the free galaxy–and no one is better suited to the honor than Leontyne Saresh. Enslaved by the Empire as a young child, the charismatic, ambitious and fiercely intelligent Saresh escaped her captors to become a passionate opponent of Imperial injustices. After Imperial forces sacked the Republic capital of Coruscant to end the war, Saresh launched an illustrious political career that would win her a seat on the Republic Senate, governorship of Taris and a fearless reputation. When war erupted again, Saresh was elected by the Senate to replace Supreme Chancellor Janarus. Surrounded by ardent supporters and loyal political allies, she delivered an impassioned speech on the steps of the Senate tower calling for the eradication of the Sith Empire. Saresh’s rousing words inspired millions and gave birth to a new age in which the Republic would stop at nothing to win the conflict and ensure the galaxy’s freedom.
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Ah, ok! To me that isn't enough to say she supports genocide, but rather that she wants to destroy the Empire as an organization.


She's still mean, though, but I'm alright with that.


I don't think she would endorse it publicly, but I find it hard to believe she'd take an issue with it, privately.


If it happened, it happened. Main goal -- namely the eradication of the Sith Empire -- had been achieved.


That's my interpretation at any rate.



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  • 2 weeks later...
~Personally, I think the Republic would be better off appealing to the Imperials to stage a revolution. If the Imperials are disillusioned as to what the Sith and revolt,~

This is not a Sith Empire, like Darth Revan's or that of the Triumvirate, this is the Sith Empire. It's roots going back to the days of King Adas. It's people, non-Force sensitive and Force sensitive alike share the long cultural heritage of Korriban. Unlike the many disillusioned Republicans and Jedi who followed Revan and Traya.

I find it disappointing the writers don't emphasise this more. Good luck planning a revolution by trying to peel away the very cultural identity of members of a proud and millennia spanning society.

Considering she seems the type to all too easily repeat the mistake her predecessor made at the end of the Great Hyperspace War, ie genocide ~

This. The Sith Empire faced near extinction before. It's resolve to conquer the galaxy is, unlike Revan's and Traya's empires, to ensure everlasting survival.

When she took office, she made a passionate speak calling for the eradication of the Sith Empire.~

The need to ensure survival took a few steps up after taking note of this.


And for Leonthyne Saresh, was she not a political rival of Dorian Janarus and Elin Garza after the death of Supreme Chancellor Paran Am-Ris?

I'd like to see Garza as Chancellor :)

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When she took office, she made a passionate speak calling for the eradication of the Sith Empire.


Take it for what you will. :p


I think she and the Revan from the Foundry would have gotten along just fine.


The Sith Empire and its people are different. I interpreted that as she wants to tear down the political and power structures of the Empire. Anybody who gets in her way dies, but otherwise, I don't get the sense she wants to kill Sith just because they are Sith.

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The Sith Empire and its people are different. I interpreted that as she wants to tear down the political and power structures of the Empire. Anybody who gets in her way dies, but otherwise, I don't get the sense she wants to kill Sith just because they are Sith.


As I said afterwards:

I don't think she would endorse it publicly, but I find it hard to believe she'd take an issue with it, privately.


If it happened, it happened. Main goal -- namely the eradication of the Sith Empire -- had been achieved.


That's my interpretation at any rate.



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I figure Saresh will do whatever it takes to end the threat of the Sith Empire to the Republic. That doesn't mean she'll go in with the explicit goal of genocide, though. Just that, if the Sith refuse to surrender or seek peace, like what happened at the end of the Great Hyperspace War, well... they had their chance.


I definitely don't think she'd accept a peace treaty with the Empire, even one signed at the barrel of a gun. I mean, after everything that happened after the last peace treaty... how could you ever trust the other side to play fair?

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Did you see her strong arm those construction workers who didn't want to go out and get eaten by Rakghouls? If she can do that to a bunch of random joes who are on her side I imagine she would have zero problems inflicting atrocities upon 'the enemy' (though I'm not sure she would gratuitously hand out genocide of every imperial just for the hell of it).
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After what she suggested to my trooper(first completed story) after what I had to do to get that damn General, I wanted to giver her a Galactic sized B-Slap.


Want all those troopers released, you have the best commando squad in the galaxy at your call. Send us to free those troops, problem solved! Idiot.

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Plus, I would like to see what a some what leaderless Republic would be like


It's a republic.

It would be the same, but led by the Senate as a whole assuming that there aren't legislative powers for the Vice-Supreme Chancellor to take over in the event of the Supreme Chancellor's death in office.


And planning a war by committee has always worked out well in the past... :jawa_tongue:

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This is not a Sith Empire, like Darth Revan's or that of the Triumvirate, this is the Sith Empire. It's roots going back to the days of King Adas. It's people, non-Force sensitive and Force sensitive alike share the long cultural heritage of Korriban. Unlike the many disillusioned Republicans and Jedi who followed Revan and Traya.

I find it disappointing the writers don't emphasise this more. Good luck planning a revolution by trying to peel away the very cultural identity of members of a proud and millennia spanning society.

If the Empire's Sith overlords where removed I'm sure their immediate underlings would be be more than happy to take authority, and the rest of the civilian population would follow. So only the Sith really need to be "cleansed."


But whose to say the population won't want an end to war? This conflict has been going on for over 30 years, an entire new generation has been born into an age of war and violence whereas their parents only knew peace.


I don't think the Empire's hatred towards the Republic is as deep seated as you believe, among the Sith perhaps but for the citizens of the Empire the Great Hyperspace War is ancient history, bygones can be bygones.

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If the Empire's Sith overlords where removed I'm sure their immediate underlings would be be more than happy to take authority, and the rest of the civilian population would follow. So only the Sith really need to be "cleansed."


But whose to say the population won't want an end to war? This conflict has been going on for over 30 years, an entire new generation has been born into an age of war and violence whereas their parents only knew peace.


I don't think the Empire's hatred towards the Republic is as deep seated as you believe, among the Sith perhaps but for the citizens of the Empire the Great Hyperspace War is ancient history, bygones can be bygones.


Actually, the was has only re-started and been going on for a few years.

On Dromund Kaas, you can actually see citizens rally, yelling for war and defeat of their enemy, the Republic. The ensure their safety.


I think there can be no doubt that the Republic is actually led by filthy and corrupt politician, the perfect example of the democracy's weakness. Marr(Imperial top dog), unlike Saresh, stands for something. The Republic stands for nothing. (The Jedi doesn't count). Their leaders are corrupt, as was Janarus before her. It's a corrupt system, and people believing the Republic to be "good guys" because of the Jedi are purely biased. The Jedi are good, but their republic is more corrupt than the Empire. And I'm looking forward to the moment when we (hopefully) get to kill Saresh, just like I enjoyed killing Janarus.


I'm sure lots of people in the Republic would be more than happy to join the Empire as well, just like most people in the Empire would not mind joining the Republic. If the choice was that or death. On Ord Mantell, the Justicars, a number of people that want to end corruption and live disciplined lives actually support the Empire. Just like some freedom-loving people on Dromund Kaas might be prefering the Republic.


In the end; Saresh is probably not against genocide, and she's not against treason, she's not against leaving her own troops to die and she'd force workers to get eaten be rakghouls for her own personal glory.

And the hatred towards the Republic are likely to be very high when they hear about their own "eradication". Keep in mind that they're proud to be Imperial.


*Part of this post is just a general rant against the corrupt Saresh, obviously.*

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't think about her much, but it is impressive that she advanced her political power exponentially in a short amount of time. With the uneasy truce subsiding and the war back on, she campaigned for revenge instead of promising peace like her competitors. Republic worlds were falling and the people wanted a fight against the Empire. Saresh was the leader that promised to take them down.


Say what you want about her, but being where she's at given her actions seems logical.

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I don't think about her much, but it is impressive that she advanced her political power exponentially in a short amount of time. With the uneasy truce subsiding and the war back on, she campaigned for revenge instead of promising peace like her competitors. Republic worlds were falling and the people wanted a fight against the Empire. Saresh was the leader that promised to take them down.


Say what you want about her, but being where she's at given her actions seems logical.


I"m going to quote Wicked about how she rose to power, and it doesn't have anything to do with what she promised as a leader. It is very consistent with the way she treats non-combatants on Taris.


I know I've said this before, but again...

There are hints here and there, suggesting she cooperated with the GenoHaradan to have the previous Chancellor removed.


Plus, her link with the GenoHaradan has been picked up during the intro for S&V, in addition to a dev blog entry.

The stage for her downfall is set ever since the Vanilla release truth be told.

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I"m going to quote Wicked about how she rose to power, and it doesn't have anything to do with what she promised as a leader. It is very consistent with the way she treats non-combatants on Taris.


I'm not much a buff around the cause of her rising to chancellor, there is a lot of lore I'm unaware of in SWTOR. My comment is more based of an excerpt from Star Wars: Annihilation on her ascendance to supreme chancellor. Though I suppose it was based on the perspective of one of the characters.

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You know what her rise reminds me of...a little...Churchill. England is still hurting a lot with the memory of all the loves lost in WWI. Chamberlain is cutting deal after deal with Hitler to avoid a war the public at the time has no stomach for. Then just shy of 1 year after his "Peace in our time speech" Hitler invades Poland. Churchill thought the 1930's was politically "in the wilderness" in part because he took the lead in warning against Nazi Germany. Then when war breaks out he rapidly rises to being Prime Minister (from "banished" to PM in 8 months.). Saresh is much the same...she is in essence "banished" to Taris, the sentiment against war is made clear by the protests that follow the exposure of Pub involvement on Balmorra (Imp agent story) BUT once war goes full tilt she rises to the position of Chancellor, all along having been a rapid anti-Imperialist.
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I'm not much a buff around the cause of her rising to chancellor, there is a lot of lore I'm unaware of in SWTOR. My comment is more based of an excerpt from Star Wars: Annihilation on her ascendance to supreme chancellor. Though I suppose it was based on the perspective of one of the characters.


Awww is the little Mandalorian upset that there is an order of Assassins out there that are potentially MORE dangerous and that the Republic has a leader with a spine? Heaven forbid. ;)

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I think that was actually my favorite part of the expansion on Republic side: Finding out that the Saresh was evidently kept completely in the dark about what was happening, and Satele's response to her angry ranting being, "That's nice dear, but Commander Malcom and I know what we're doing.".


It's probably not the wisest response, particular given that relations between the Order and the Republic aren't at a tremendous high point, but man did it feel good seeing her put in her place. :p

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I think that was actually my favorite part of the expansion on Republic side: Finding out that the Saresh was evidently kept completely in the dark about what was happening, and Satele's response to her angry ranting being, "That's nice dear, but Commander Malcom and I know what we're doing.".


It's probably not the wisest response, particular given that relations between the Order and the Republic aren't at a tremendous high point, but man did it feel good seeing her put in her place. :p


That actually bothered me. For good or bad Saresh is an ELECTED leader. According to the rules of the Jedi Order they serve not simply the Republic but democracy and thus the Senate. As such it is NOT Satele's place to put Saresh in her place in such a manner. Saresh was absolutely correct in her anger. The the head of the Jedi Order, with the knowledge of the Supreme Commander, acted without approval of the Senate. That is likely an illegal act as everything I have read says the military in the Republic, like that in the US, is subordinate to the elected Civilian Gov't.

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That actually bothered me. For good or bad Saresh is an ELECTED leader. According to the rules of the Jedi Order they serve not simply the Republic but democracy and thus the Senate. As such it is NOT Satele's place to put Saresh in her place in such a manner. Saresh was absolutely correct in her anger. The the head of the Jedi Order, with the knowledge of the Supreme Commander, acted without approval of the Senate. That is likely an illegal act as everything I have read says the military in the Republic, like that in the US, is subordinate to the elected Civilian Gov't.


I suspect the obvious defense, assuming they were ever to have it out, would be:


1. On top of the usual political drag, it would also have involved the Jedi having to explain to/convince the Senate and Saresh that the Sith Emperor is actually some kind of deathless Force monster capable of devouring the entire galaxy.


2. AFAIK the information you get on Rishi is only about the Revanites active in the Republic and Imperial command fleets. There is no way of knowing whether or how deeply the Senate might be compromised. Or even if Saresh herself is.


3. With the above in mind, they were acting on time sensitive information. I mean as is you don't actually manage to stop the Emperor's return entirely, but if Revan had been given time to actually activate the machine while the Senate is busy arguing, or while you're trying to convince the aggressively anti-Imperial Saresh that cooperation is necessary, it's game over for everyone.

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Oh I am not saying there are not defenses. The situation was clearly very fluid and so Satele's military action could be justifiable. That said when you do something that is technically actionable you don't slap down the person pointing it out...especially if they are the boss you did an end around on. You say "my apologies but it was necessary. I will provide you with a full debriefing upon my return."


That said, imagine the following. Gulf War. Once Iraq is taken Iran fires shots across the border. Without bothering to give the Presidents and various Prime Ministers of the Coalition a call, and letting them know what is happening, the Theater commander simply orders an invasion of Iran.:eek:


Ultimately in such a situation all Satele would have needed to do is call Saresh, say "the battle against the Imperials is over, Marr and his forces have withdrawn (not really a lie). We found out this was a diversion. Revan has gone crazy and is on Yavin trying to revive the Emperor. I am en route there to prevent the Emperor's return." With how fervently anti-Imperial Saresh is the minute she hears "revived emperor" she would have said "go". Then later Saresh just gets cranky because you didn't tell her you were strategizing with Marr.

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