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Is SoR a joke?


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And this game and its content needs to be designed solely around yourself, of course.


It's amusing how people hand-wave away content that they personally don't like and then complain about a 'lack of content.'


What they mean to say is 'A lack of content that I like. The rest of you don't matter.'

OMG LOL!!! Holy hyperbole. I didn't say any of that. Lie more please....i find it amusing how many things you make up.

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And this game and its content needs to be designed solely around yourself, of course.


It's amusing how people hand-wave away content that they personally don't like and then complain about a 'lack of content.'


What they mean to say is 'A lack of content that I like. The rest of you don't matter.'


To be fair, that is not what Tux was saying. I think you are reading too much into it. I've played all types of content; even enjoyed decorating my GSH (noone was more shocked as I when I realized I spent several play sessions as an interior decorator)), got horribly beaten many many times in GSF, got horribly man handled in PvP (although I (imo) improved... but still find myself sitting gingerly after some solid butt beatings). Still, there were times that I felt there was nothing to do. Or rather, longing for something "new" to do.


Content droughts are inevitable in MMO's, no company can keep up with the content demand. Its simply impossible... it takes months and months to plan, design, code, and test new content... much longer than even the most casual player will take to complete said new content.

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OMG LOL!!! Holy hyperbole. I didn't say any of that. Lie more please....i find it amusing how many things you make up.


Not in those words, but that was your meaning. You dismissed whole new features and stated that if they were gone, your game play wouldn't change a bit. You, you, you, your. Concerned just with your own play.


So, at least be honest enough to own it.

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To be fair, that is not what Tux was saying. I think you are reading too much into it. I've played all types of content; even enjoyed decorating my GSH (noone was more shocked as I when I realized I spent several play sessions as an interior decorator)), got horribly beaten many many times in GSF, got horribly man handled in PvP (although I (imo) improved... but still find myself sitting gingerly after some solid butt beatings). Still, there were times that I felt there was nothing to do. Or rather, longing for something "new" to do.


Content droughts are inevitable in MMO's, no company can keep up with the content demand. Its simply impossible... it takes months and months to plan, design, code, and test new content... much longer than even the most casual player will take to complete said new content.


A 'content drought' means a 'lack of content.' It doesn't mean 'a lack of content that I personally like and prefer.'


Stating that 2014 was a content drought is idiotic. We had 2 new features and several new FPs added in 2014.


A real content drought would be better represented by WoW's end of MOP content where nothing new was added for over a year, of any kind at all. Even the holiday events were just recycled from the year before.

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Not in those words, but that was your meaning. You dismissed whole new features and stated that if they were gone, your game play wouldn't change a bit. You, you, you, your. Concerned just with your own play.


So, at least be honest enough to own it.


You know what other people mean more than they do? That's amazing! Why are you farting around on the internet when you could be solving global problems?

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Not in those words, but that was your meaning. You dismissed whole new features and stated that if they were gone, your game play wouldn't change a bit. You, you, you, your. Concerned just with your own play.


So, at least be honest enough to own it.

No lol. I'm not going to "own it"...those are YOUR words, not mine and you completely misrepresented my statement (which is still there for you to read in its entirety).


And I am one of the least selfish players you'll ever meet. To suggest I am only concerned about myself is absolutely ludicrous...especially coming from you. You know me better than that. I'm 100% about keeping players happy (not just myself). THEY are why I play. If I was only concerned about myself, I'd play a single player game and cheat, because those are meaningless time sinks. MMOs are ALL about the collective whole and improving the community.


Now man up and own your own lies, because those are YOURS alone.

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It says I have no rested XP at all, and I know I was in the green when I hit 60.

Makes sense.


I seem to recall my first toon through SoR (right after 3.0 went live) had only a tiny bit of rested xp, though I don't have a screenshot so I can't be 100% sure.

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There's another issue -- rest bonus.


Players who are in a mad rush to finish the new content probably end up doing most of it without the rest bonus.


I'd rather slow down, go do dailies on another character for a day, and let the rest bonus build up a bit before heading out to kill stuff.


Mad rush? *** you talking about. It isn't a rush to see what you paid for.

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If I spend $20 on something to entertain me, I'm going to savor it, not wolf it down.


Some of us would actually like to play new content...wait for it..because its new content. Just because some people have to wait for others to do it so they can get the info on it doesn't mean others are afraid to go at it.

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If I spend $20 on something to entertain me, I'm going to savor it, not wolf it down.


So if you buy a movie, you watch 10 minutes of it a day?


Don't even try.


Besides, there is no objective right way of playing. Some people also only read one chapter at a time when they get a book. Me? I prefer audio books cause I can lay down and listen the entire thing, lounging on the couch and waste a day immersed in the book.

Edited by Jandi
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So if you buy a movie, you watch 10 minutes of it a day?

Do you skip past the first part of the movie because you saw it in the trailer and shouldn't be forced to see it again? :cool:

Edited by Khevar
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Beta?! I had early access...I am almost certain I did...that Tuesday...day 1.


I was early access also. First group and I don't believe we had rest. How long ago has that been...memory is a wonderful thing but the only I have left is on my computer. Note to self upgrade comp memory.

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1) No, but then I also don't fast-forward through half the scenes, either. :rolleyes:


2) Movie or book =/= video game.


You have to get to the scenes to watch them. A good story no matter if it is book or video game will draw you in. It has you wanting more.

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