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Is SoR a joke?


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I can hit 60 with any toon without ever even setting foot on Rishi, what's your point? That you're a bad player? Ok, cool.


You were complaining about being done with Yavin and only level 58. You were calling folks bad players because they were dinging 60 before going to Yavin. Now suddenly this has all changed...

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You were complaining about being done with Yavin and only level 58. You were calling folks bad players because they were dinging 60 before going to Yavin. Now suddenly this has all changed...


I was being called a bad player first, I only responded with the same idiocy. Good to see you're keeping up the trend though.

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Then why bother explaining yourself over and over? After the first few started to repeat previous comments I figured it wouldn't be long till the thread degenerated into a repeatfest anyway, hell we're nearly at 30 pages on this lol


I think folk are thinking you are angry and raging because that's how your writing is coming across, hindrance of a the written word I guess


Because showing how moronic these forum heroes are is alot funnier than grinding dailies on Oricon just so I can grind dailies on Yavin.


As for my demeanor, I blame it on being Finnish. We have a habit of being blunt and direct.

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You were complaining about being done with Yavin and only level 58. You were calling folks bad players because they were dinging 60 before going to Yavin. Now suddenly this has all changed...


As the player at whom the original insult was aimed at - it's changed after 28 pages of discussion and the difference between FA pre-SoR and Solo FA after launch. Lets not go back to name calling, it was dealth with already. Me and the OP aren't going to agree on the XP part and what constitutes new but "I'm better than you" comments are pointless at this point.

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Because showing how moronic these forum heroes are is alot funnier than grinding dailies on Oricon just so I can grind dailies on Yavin.


As for my demeanor, I blame it on being Finnish. We have a habit of being blunt and direct.


Yeah I'm Scottish and sometimes my Sarcasm gets the better of me, which it did at the beginning of all this

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I really hope this is the most active thread in the forums today...again...:rolleyes:


I give you a lotta credit Jandi for sticking with it...you've handled yourself well and you're sticking to your guns...I admire that.

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I really hope this is the most active thread in the forums today...again...:rolleyes:


I give you a lotta credit Jandi for sticking with it...you've handled yourself well and you're sticking to your guns...I admire that.


Still wrong though ;)

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Still wrong though ;)


Not exactly....I think that his main issue is that there isn't enough quest XP alone (not NPCs, not daily quests, just from 3.0's 'new' stuff) to reach 60...being that this was a $20 expansion, I think he's of the belief that there should have been a way to reach 60 via just the added content (quests)...and there isn't.


We can tell him to do year+ old content to reach it, but that is kinda silly tbh...I didn't have any problem hitting 60 on my toons, but...I also went out of my way to make sure I grabbed everything I saw that could possibly give me XP (NPCs, bonus missions, buffs, guild boost etc)...I don't think he believes that that is how it should have been...in which case, he's right...that's his opinion...so it can't be wrong.


I'm not defending him or suggesting he's right, but I do believe he has a valid point...it's an expectation of his that was unmet...I didn't have the same expectation.

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Not exactly....I think that his main issue is that there isn't enough quest XP alone (not NPCs, not daily quests, just from 3.0's 'new' stuff) to reach 60...being that this was a $20 expansion, I think he's of the belief that there should have been a way to reach 60 via just the added content (quests)...and there isn't.


We can tell him to do year+ old content to reach it, but that is kinda silly tbh...I didn't have any problem hitting 60 on my toons, but...I also went out of my way to make sure I grabbed everything I saw that could possibly give me XP (NPCs, bonus missions, buffs, guild boost etc)...I don't think he believes that that is how it should have been...in which case, he's right...that's his opinion...so it can't be wrong.


I'm not defending him or suggesting he's right, but I do believe he has a valid point...it's an expectation of his that was unmet...I didn't have the same expectation.


What level did Makeb get you? 53 or something. With your first chr. No rest and no stockpile pending quest that was about it.

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Not exactly....I think that his main issue is that there isn't enough quest XP alone (not NPCs, not daily quests, just from 3.0's 'new' stuff) to reach 60...being that this was a $20 expansion, I think he's of the belief that there should have been a way to reach 60 via just the added content (quests)...and there isn't.


We can tell him to do year+ old content to reach it, but that is kinda silly tbh...I didn't have any problem hitting 60 on my toons, but...I also went out of my way to make sure I grabbed everything I saw that could possibly give me XP (NPCs, bonus missions, buffs, guild boost etc)...I don't think he believes that that is how it should have been...in which case, he's right...that's his opinion...so it can't be wrong.


I'm not defending him or suggesting he's right, but I do believe he has a valid point...it's an expectation of his that was unmet...I didn't have the same expectation.


I was being slightly tongue in cheek though saying he's still wrong.


I do understand that it was the OPs expectation to hit level 60 by the end of the expansion having to do no dailies and just "new content" where as I didn't want to hit 60 and be done on one run. We are just on two different sides of the argument and I even agree with a couple of points that were raised by him, but the core complaint about XP is something I cannot agree with.


It is his opinion and he is more than entitled to it and I will defend his right to have that opinion, and fair play to him for sticking it out after his initial post which was the one I had a problem with in the first place (and the thread title).

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What level did Makeb get you? 53 or something. With your first chr. No rest and no stockpile pending quest that was about it.

I've only done Makeb once, but I know I was 55 when I finished...but again, I go out of my way to kill every freaking thing I see...so Makeb probably took me 9 moths ;)

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Not exactly....I think that his main issue is that there isn't enough quest XP alone (not NPCs, not daily quests, just from 3.0's 'new' stuff) to reach 60...being that this was a $20 expansion, I think he's of the belief that there should have been a way to reach 60 via just the added content (quests)...and there isn't.


We can tell him to do year+ old content to reach it, but that is kinda silly tbh...I didn't have any problem hitting 60 on my toons, but...I also went out of my way to make sure I grabbed everything I saw that could possibly give me XP (NPCs, bonus missions, buffs, guild boost etc)...I don't think he believes that that is how it should have been...in which case, he's right...that's his opinion...so it can't be wrong.


I'm not defending him or suggesting he's right, but I do believe he has a valid point...it's an expectation of his that was unmet...I didn't have the same expectation.


And I have no problem with your view, either.


As for Makeb, you could hit 55 if you did the macro/seeker misisons, which most people didn't cause it took you back to your capital, and if you did the quest chain after. 0 repetition required without any xp boosts. That's part of the reason I assumed it would be the case in SoR as well.


I was mostly disappointed, hence the thread title.

Edited by Jandi
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I've only done Makeb once, but I know I was 55 when I finished...but again, I go out of my way to kill every freaking thing I see...so Makeb probably took me 9 moths ;)


When first released, Makeb was so thick with mobs that you HAD to kill a path through them... it felt like the XP from mobs alone was enough to level up, never mind the quests.


When I went back with a newer character more recently, it was something of a letdown how much they've thinned out the mob population. Of course, said character was also close to level 55 just from the original class/story content through the end of Corellia, so hitting 55 happened less than halfway through Makeb without any effort.


That's the same thing that's going to happen with SoR -- the XP was tuned for future characters who come in above 55 because you have to make a conscious effort to not over-level in this game.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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I've only done Makeb once, but I know I was 55 when I finished...but again, I go out of my way to kill every freaking thing I see...so Makeb probably took me 9 moths ;)


The no rest xp hurt. Still it really didn't seem to take that long to get thru. I ran a GS thru in the old 146 WH gear. Not the Elite. Poor Corso was in the 132.

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The no rest xp hurt. Still it really didn't seem to take that long to get thru. I ran a GS thru in the old 146 WH gear. Not the Elite. Poor Corso was in the 132.


There's another issue -- rest bonus.


Players who are in a mad rush to finish the new content probably end up doing most of it without the rest bonus.


I'd rather slow down, go do dailies on another character for a day, and let the rest bonus build up a bit before heading out to kill stuff.

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There's another issue -- rest bonus.


Players who are in a mad rush to finish the new content probably end up doing most of it without the rest bonus.


I'd rather slow down, go do dailies on another character for a day, and let the rest bonus build up a bit before heading out to kill stuff.

It's been 18 months since the last increase...I think everyone had full rested XP bars (unless you're thinking new toons from the 12xXP thing?).

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Not exactly....I think that his main issue is that there isn't enough quest XP alone (not NPCs, not daily quests, just from 3.0's 'new' stuff) to reach 60...being that this was a $20 expansion, I think he's of the belief that there should have been a way to reach 60 via just the added content (quests)...and there isn't.


From 55 to 60, I'd agree there (if doing just the quests). From 0 to 60... I think there would be more than enough. Not rehashing the FA before or after release... but just in general.


We can tell him to do year+ old content to reach it, but that is kinda silly tbh...I didn't have any problem hitting 60 on my toons, but...I also went out of my way to make sure I grabbed everything I saw that could possibly give me XP (NPCs, bonus missions, buffs, guild boost etc)...I don't think he believes that that is how it should have been...in which case, he's right...that's his opinion...so it can't be wrong.


I'm not defending him or suggesting he's right, but I do believe he has a valid point...it's an expectation of his that was unmet...I didn't have the same expectation.




Now, While I can't necessarily agree with the tone of some of his responses. He is unhappy with the the value he received for the money spent... there are hundreds of other threads surrounding the same premise. He did (and no i don't recall the page) clarify early on that it wasnt that he didn't know HOW to gain XP and level to 60. I initially felt that was his complaint as well. I though he had missed some content, which he didn't. There are others (in this thread, and others) that had the exact same issue as the OP. So, yes... obviously it is possible while still completing all quests to not hit 60 by the time you are done with Yavin.


Whether or not you (not directed at you Tux) did, or did not really is immaterial. I think its a legitimate complaint. I didn't have the issue, doesn't mean it others didn't.


While Jandi hasn't said he has hit 60 on this particular character (although he may have, and I just missed that response)... I'm sure he has...

Edited by Drockter
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From 55 to 60, I'd agree there (if doing just the quests). From 0 to 60... I think there would be more than enough. Not rehashing the FA before or after release... but just in general.


I absolutely agree. I think this "issue" will be one that only impacts the people who were here during the 2014 content drought...those who are new to the game or new to FA's, should have no issue.

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'content drought'




It's absolutely how I classify 2014. GSF and GSH were great additions, but they came at the price of traditional content...you know, the stuff I actually play the game for. GSF and GSH could be removed tomorrow and nothing in my play style would change.

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It's absolutely how I classify 2014. GSF and GSH were great additions, but they came at the price of traditional content...you know, the stuff I actually play the game for. GSF and GSH could be removed tomorrow and nothing in my play style would change.


And this game and its content needs to be designed solely around yourself, of course.


It's amusing how people hand-wave away content that they personally don't like and then complain about a 'lack of content.'


What they mean to say is 'A lack of content that I like. The rest of you don't matter.'

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