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PvP Hack or Working as Intended?


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Bit of a brouhaha on Bergeren today about a pvp incident in a pve area. I'd like to know if it's WAI or if this is something players are using as a hack to up their pvp scores.


Here's how it happened. Player A was in a republic PVE area and NOT flagged for PVP.

Player B - imperial - asked to duel and Player A refused.

Player B asked again and was refused again.

Now here's where it gets fuzzy for me-


Player A put Player B on ignore and went back to questing.

When Player A pulled a group of mobs to fight them, Player B stood near Player A's companion and flagged himself for PVP.

The PVP flag on Player B triggered Player A's companion to attack Player B.

This attack automatically flagged Player A for PVP.

Player B then went and mowed down Player A as Player A was still fighting off the mobs.


On one hand, this forces PVP onto Player A whether they want it or not. It was not a PVP flag zone, there was no duel agreed to, and it was a pretty basic PVE area.


However, Player B stands by their actions and considers the mechanic fair play. It's how they up their PVP scores.


What are your thoughts? Is Player A just a squishycore carebear (yes, it was a healer) or is Player B a borderline hacker? Or something completely different?


Please don't go the "hey it's part of the game" route. I know it's used in the game, my question is about whether it's a hack type of a move or if it's WAI.


Thanks PVP experts!

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Enemy player flagged near you, and you didn't turn off companion ae attacks. Seems more like a L2P.


Please reread the original post. Player B was not flagged at all for PVP. The companion did not AOE attack him.


Player B stalked Player A until Player A engaged a group of quest mobs.


Player B waited until Player A was in the middle of combat with quest mobs then turned on his PVP flag during the fight while standing near the companion. The actual turn on of PVP was what triggered the companion to attack. This mechanic is confirmed actually by Player B - it's a common way for him to get PVP rank in a PVE zone.


Hope this clears this up.

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The PVP flag on Player B triggered Player A's companion to attack Player B.

This attack automatically flagged Player A for PVP.


1) Player B is a douche who is trying to abuse game mechanics (Your comps AOE attacks will get him to hurt and attack B if B flagged) to flag you. Report the ****er and the incident. BW has actively tried to prevent such involuntarily flagging from happening.


2) My experience is that it would not flag you, IE your companion attacking B UNLESS you actively help your companion after that. Did you heal him? If so, that counts as buffing the comp, being a volunterly move to help you indirecttly attack player B and will flag you. Player B is still a douche though because for healers it's near impossible not to get flagged in such incidents as you rely on healing your comp.


(I've had my comp gettting tied up in such skirmishes and starting to attack flagged players, WITHOUT me getting flagged. Mostly because I dont run healing spec. I put him on passive when it happens, and leave)


My opinion: Mechanics wise it's working as intened. Gameplay style, B is harrassing.

Edited by vennian
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It's not a hack. Its a game mechanic. That being said, player b is a douche. I think you said you are on beregon which is a PVE server. This makes him a double douche. If he wants to duel someone open world he should have rolled a toon on a PVP server. Probably afraid of attacking geared players.
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Please reread the original post. Player B was not flagged at all for PVP. The companion did not AOE attack him.


Player B stalked Player A until Player A engaged a group of quest mobs.


Player B waited until Player A was in the middle of combat with quest mobs then turned on his PVP flag during the fight while standing near the companion. The actual turn on of PVP was what triggered the companion to attack. This mechanic is confirmed actually by Player B - it's a common way for him to get PVP rank in a PVE zone.


Hope this clears this up.


Exactly what rank is he getting from this?

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Exactly what rank is he getting from this?


I think he means OW player kills for the achievements/titles. He said he comes from BC, which is PVE-RP, so I'd cut him some slack about that. Ranked PVP is almost completely unheard of on BC and pretty much has to be organized either through guild meetings or recruiting for same-faction kickball ranked on fleet.

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I think he means OW player kills for the achievements/titles. He said he comes from BC, which is PVE-RP, so I'd cut him some slack about that. Ranked PVP is almost completely unheard of on BC and pretty much has to be organized either through guild meetings or recruiting for same-faction kickball ranked on fleet.


I see, I was totally unaware of this.

Ty for clearing it up.

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It is clearly not a hack, ignorance is bliss for some people clearly.


The stalker was being an arsehole, sure, but again, people need to learn how to control their own (including companions) actions.


Not a "Hack" no, but it could be considered an exploit simular to training mobs towards another player imo, Ie: Using an in game mechanic in a way not intended for personal advantage.


Or it could be considered harassment/griefing since this was on a PvE server in a PvE area, and Player B obviously intended to disrupt Player A's gameplay.


All depends on BW's stance regarding the matter.

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Did you consider switching an instance or logging on a different character for a while? When someone is that determined to spoil your game, it's best to get away. It is, unfortunately, easy in this game to be harassed as the flag is not confirmed. I hope it is not going to happen again.
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Not a "Hack" no, but it could be considered an exploit simular to training mobs towards another player imo, Ie: Using an in game mechanic in a way not intended for personal advantage.


Or it could be considered harassment/griefing since this was on a PvE server in a PvE area, and Player B obviously intended to disrupt Player A's gameplay.


All depends on BW's stance regarding the matter.


After 3 years, you should know the answer to your own question.

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After 3 years, you should know the answer to your own question.


Well, techically there wasn't any question in my post ;)


And yes, i do indeed know BW's usual passive stance on pretty much everything (Except moderation of forum posts, which appearantly is srsbsns!).


I was just stating what is "fact" to me and what goes in other games ive played, even if BW won't do a thing about it.

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That is a hack. A should not suffer for B being a dick. B's dick should be wrenched in the vice of the BW customer service.


I agree. However, if someone kept dodging my heels, sending me endless duel invites, I’d switch character, rather than give him/her the satisfaction of an easy kill or waste time dodging and micro-managing the companion/targeting/looting. A griefer is normally PvP equipped, and has his/her companion equipped to ensure ganking. The player obviously had a lot of time on his/her hands to pursue idiocy… well, s/he can have that patch of MMO-land.

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Thanks all for the input. Appreciate the clarity! Bergeren is actually a pretty mellow place so for a number of players (myself included) this type of behavior is indeed a surprise.


However, live and learn and thanks for the information.

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