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Was heroic moment nerfed in 3.0??


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I am just noticing this. Unless I am mistaken..with all companions unlocked did not the cooldown on heroic moment USED to be 15 minutes and it lasted for 2 minutes?


I know show it having a cooldown on 20 minutes and lasting the default 1 minute only.


I could have sworn it used to be 15 mins and 2 minutes once u got to a certain point.


Am I wrong?


Thanks all!

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At this point, just assume that Heroic Moment and any type of legacy perk cooldown modified travel (Emergency Fleet Pass, Quick Travel) will be broken somehow in any significant update of any type to the game.


Honestly, I think I would die of shock if it -didnt- happen :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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OP -- it was broken, used to have a legacy buff to duration and cooldown from having "maxed" companions.



yep. and like many of the legacy buffs bioware seems to have a problem with testing these before things go live.


hopefully they will address it in an upcoming update.

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