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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Jung-ma Only or All Servers...


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Today's PVP has been horrible. Out of over a dozen WZ's I have had only one victory. Here are the possibilities: Either I just got horrible rolls of who was on my team or there is some kind of new exploit that is being used. First of all exploiters need to die a death of fire and brimstone. When the teams were composed of half my guild we were able to combat this horrible force of terrible-teams/exploits but not to a victory.

Example is that my guild captured Snow, but we lost Mid. So one of my own ninja caps Mid. Yet my team could not hold a node to save their lives, meanwhile my guild manages to hold Snow, FYI, there were only two guild members on our team, and two came to attack Snow.

Was today just a bad day of ******* hindering my warzones or is there some new exploit that is being used against me? And I already know of the Ship-Bolster thing which is more proof Bioware can't balance worth a penny. I know it is not me, and I know it is not my guild members. So what is the deal?

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First of all exploiters need to die a death of fire and brimstone. When the teams were composed of half my guild we were able to combat this horrible force of terrible-teams/exploits but not to a victory.

What exploit(s) are you talking about?

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Today's PVP has been horrible. Out of over a dozen WZ's I have had only one victory. Here are the possibilities: Either I just got horrible rolls of who was on my team or there is some kind of new exploit that is being used. First of all exploiters need to die a death of fire and brimstone. When the teams were composed of half my guild we were able to combat this horrible force of terrible-teams/exploits but not to a victory.

Example is that my guild captured Snow, but we lost Mid. So one of my own ninja caps Mid. Yet my team could not hold a node to save their lives, meanwhile my guild manages to hold Snow, FYI, there were only two guild members on our team, and two came to attack Snow.

Was today just a bad day of ******* hindering my warzones or is there some new exploit that is being used against me? And I already know of the Ship-Bolster thing which is more proof Bioware can't balance worth a penny. I know it is not me, and I know it is not my guild members. So what is the deal?


Do you know about Bio Ware bungling bolster? Right now for every piece on your personal ship you get about 500 hp comes out to about 4k hp not a whole lot but something

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Today's PVP has been horrible. Out of over a dozen WZ's I have had only one victory. Here are the possibilities: Either I just got horrible rolls of who was on my team or there is some kind of new exploit that is being used. First of all exploiters need to die a death of fire and brimstone. When the teams were composed of half my guild we were able to combat this horrible force of terrible-teams/exploits but not to a victory.

Example is that my guild captured Snow, but we lost Mid. So one of my own ninja caps Mid. Yet my team could not hold a node to save their lives, meanwhile my guild manages to hold Snow, FYI, there were only two guild members on our team, and two came to attack Snow.

Was today just a bad day of ******* hindering my warzones or is there some new exploit that is being used against me? And I already know of the Ship-Bolster thing which is more proof Bioware can't balance worth a penny. I know it is not me, and I know it is not my guild members. So what is the deal?


What I didn't like about JM was that if a premade was running around on the other faction I was going to get it every game for as long as they were on-line - because there were usually very few max level games happening at any given time. So... 5-10 games in a row vs the same premades or with the same troll sabotaging games (I knew 2 people that did that a lot) and I had to give up on that server. Ebon Hawk and Harbinger have much more variety (and activity) - POT5 wasn't bad the last time I played on it but it may be worse now.

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What I didn't like about JM was that if a premade was running around on the other faction I was going to get it every game for as long as they were on-line - because there were usually very few max level games happening at any given time. So... 5-10 games in a row vs the same premades or with the same troll sabotaging games (I knew 2 people that did that a lot) and I had to give up on that server. Ebon Hawk and Harbinger have much more variety (and activity) - POT5 wasn't bad the last time I played on it but it may be worse now.


was that in pre-order early release? cuz although it's a small server, there are usually multiple max level games going on. tbh, the only issue like that I've seen is that pub community is so small that the often get premades of guardians, shots fired, ghost and systems on the same team whereas the imps are more puggish (cuz there's just a larger population; there are actually more premades on imp side, I would guess).

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was that in pre-order early release? cuz although it's a small server, there are usually multiple max level games going on. tbh, the only issue like that I've seen is that pub community is so small that the often get premades of guardians, shots fired, ghost and systems on the same team whereas the imps are more puggish (cuz there's just a larger population; there are actually more premades on imp side, I would guess).


Not really, it seems to be like he said even now to me.


It's more of a server population issue than anything else, imo.

Edited by Skullbash
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The OP's post is just a *********** rambling mess of incoherence... He's mentions exploits, but only accusatory and vaguely, not really describing anything for anyone to comment on... Then he somehow thinks the bolster bug is a balance issue, I don't know what that's about... I think most of this is a complaint about pug groups, but he's talking about playing with guild members...


I'm not really understanding his point... Does he think since he was with guild members, it's impossible for him to lose a WZ???

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I play on Jung Ma mostly, all my characters are there really. There is a great deal of shady stuff going on with some players, and not just in WZ either. They just do not die, even with several people beating on them that are higher level.


Example 1: Was on my level 21 geared up bounty hunter, went 1v1 on the side with this level 13 mara in wz, and got ripped apart. Ok..good gear, I suck...whatever, then same guy again, getting beat on by a level 25, 28, me again at level 21...level 13, tanked us all no healer, and killed one...then got others from his side join in, so not sure how it would have went if it was just the 2 vs him after he killed the 3rd but he was still 3/4 life.


Example 2: 58 Scoundrel on aldearon, teleporting around the world ganking low level 30s. Had 4 of us level 60s hunting him, he was at one location to kill someone, then seconds later same guy on the other side of world killed again, then seconds later on the other side of the world to kill again. He logged and got on his IMP char, mocking us and laughing how he was trolling the 30s.


Example 3: (this happened on Balmora PvP server) level 33 mara in WZ, she was camping our spawn. I jumped down on my level 41 mara and attacked, she wrecked me. Ok..fine..better gear, I suck...whatever...after I die before she can recharge a level 48 something attacked her, she wrecked him with 1/3 life left. I was respawned and jumped back down and attacked, full health buffed 41 vs 33 @ 1/3 health both mara...got this..nope...tanked me like I was nothing, to kill me and still around 1/3 life mark.



...not sure if good gear can explain these, but I know if I tried something like this it would be all done in seconds. level 13 Mara vs levels 21/24/28 same time, and a level 33 mara vs two level 41 mara and a level 48 one after the other without any heals. Shady business, is all I have to say and a turn off to PvP.



@ howieloader: Been playing MMOs and online shooters for over 10 years now, people that spaz like you just did when someone brings up a possible exploit usually hack...just saying, he was not even saying it did happen, just asked if it was possible and you already swearing and insulting. I got 1 million credits on Jung Ma server, says you hack yourself. Hackers always get pissed off when someone calls hacks, even when it is not against them, so they can 1. belittle person so others think he is a whiner and not taken seriously or 2. brow beat him so much he backs off...so end of day, you can go on hacking and others like you without any red flags being called on you.

Edited by Elitestartrooper
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@ howieloader: Been playing MMOs and online shooters for over 10 years now, people that spaz like you just did when someone brings up a possible exploit usually hack...just saying, he was not even saying it did happen, just asked if it was possible and you already swearing and insulting. I got 1 million credits on Jung Ma server, says you hack yourself. Hackers always get pissed off when someone calls hacks, even when it is not against them, so they can 1. belittle person so others think he is a whiner and not taken seriously or 2. brow beat him so much he backs off...so end of day, you can go on hacking and others like you without any red flags being called on you.


I do not, nor have I ever, hacked in any way shape or form in any game ever... I don't work in IT or have any deep knowledge of computer technology and I don't have the first idea as to how to manipulate clients or implement hacks...


As for him not saying it happened, he said "Either I just got horrible rolls of who was on my team or there is some kind of new exploit that is being used"... It's the classic person blaming everyone and everything else but themselves to the point of making up stuff... Sometimes you get ****** teams, it's not worth making a thread over... And sometimes the other team is better than you, also not worth making a thread over... But this guy is so eager to blame someone else for his losses, by the third sentence he's throwing out exploits as one of the only 2 possible scenarios for how he could lose a WZ...


Get *********** real...

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Quit if its a premade, Ill never understand why solo quers just ride it out till then end when your facing premades on vent with optimal tactics and perfect class comps. Just quit, stop feeding premaders egos and hope your next one is an actual solo que grp.


I'll say it again, before people say , how you gonna lrn if you don't play against better players? You aren't going to learn crap when your getting face stomped into your starting area..just quit, it's just regs, don't waste your time and fun going against perfected comp ventrilo'd premades.

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Quit if its a premade, Ill never understand why solo quers just ride it out till then end when your facing premades on vent with optimal tactics and perfect class comps. Just quit, stop feeding premaders egos and hope your next one is an actual solo que grp.


I'll say it again, before people say , how you gonna lrn if you don't play against better players? You aren't going to learn crap when your getting face stomped into your starting area..just quit, it's just regs, don't waste your time and fun going against perfected comp ventrilo'd premades.


Premading is fun. Tbh all it is pretty much "no way you got a blow*** from your girl last night?" "Ya man it felt...SNOW!!! Good that I was thinking of buying her a gift". Premades in regs that is super duper pooper scooper serious is kinda lame... I save that for ranked.

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Premading is fun. Tbh all it is pretty much "no way you got a blow*** from your girl last night?" "Ya man it felt...SNOW!!! Good that I was thinking of buying her a gift". Premades in regs that is super duper pooper scooper serious is kinda lame... I save that for ranked.


Are you still hung over?

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Premading is fun. Tbh all it is pretty much "no way you got a blow*** from your girl last night?" "Ya man it felt...SNOW!!! Good that I was thinking of buying her a gift". Premades in regs that is super duper pooper scooper serious is kinda lame... I save that for ranked.

dem bath salts

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Not really, it seems to be like he said even now to me.


It's more of a server population issue than anything else, imo.


yeah. I don't see it. late night, you're likely to hit a 4m of <imperial guard>, but 90% of those matches are same faction, so you're as likely to play with them as against them. outside of the wee hours of the morning though....nah. not my experience. it's the same as any server. I may fall into a rotation with the same guys, but if I hold off Qing for a minute or two, I'll end up with different ppl. iunno. ever since I came back to the game and swapped to JM, reg pops have not been an issue (outside of 3AM-7AM or crazy hours like that).


I do recall problems getting 60s matches during pre-release. but...that was rather self explanatory.

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