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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability delay and the wearing thin of patience


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After weeks of dealing with this I think we reasonably believe that the problem has already been identified by BioWare and the general cause known by now. We all know corporations withhold information from the customers and censor it. I understand the reason for the sake of accuracy but we also know that Eric cannot say anything at all even if he knew what the facts are and what he says even now must be approved by BioWare management.


I think this whole lack of transparency in corporations suck and frankly I get nothing out of these communications other than the feeling of lip service. it's better off if I never come here and read this stuff and just be placated because I get no confidence they know what they are doing and that may be the case here. As a wise man said, it is best to be thought of a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt, so is incompetence the reason no facts are communicated at this late date?

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First off, Happy New Years everyone! I apologize if you feel a lack of communication around this issue. Unfortunately, I haven't provided much since I do not have a status update as of yet.


Here is what I can tell you. We definitely have not forgotten about this and the team is still assessing what the cause is, and how we can begin to address it. What I am going to do is to work with the team to get a status update with as much detail as I can, by next Friday (although hopefully before then!).


Thank you again for your continued patience. We know that dealing with these issues isn't the best experience and we will get them addressed as soon as we can!




And regarding the FPS issues, is there any update ?


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I would like to see more patience from folks on this issue. Naturally that is not a demand, everyone has a right to set their own expectations and limits.


Lets give them until the end of January. If the main issue is not resolved by then, I will join with others in expressing frustration over the persistence of this issue.

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I would like to see more patience from folks on this issue. Naturally that is not a demand, everyone has a right to set their own expectations and limits.


Lets give them until the end of January. If the main issue is not resolved by then, I will join with others in expressing frustration over the persistence of this issue.


NO. The start of Early Access was on December 2, 2014. They had a whole week to see the lag issues in that paid beta. We are over a month into this laggstrocity.....our patience is gone. Fix it. No more platitudes and half truths FIX IT. Time to swallow you pride and do your job. MAN UP!!!! The end of january is unacceptable. The end of this week is more acceptable.

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NO. The start of Early Access was on December 2, 2014. They had a whole week to see the lag issues in that paid beta. We are over a month into this laggstrocity.....our patience is gone. Fix it. No more platitudes and half truths FIX IT. Time to swallow you pride and do your job. MAN UP!!!! The end of january is unacceptable. The end of this week is more acceptable.


Fair enough. But my request still stands.


Also, note....YOUR patience is gone. You do not speak for others.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Fair enough. But my request still stands.


Also, note....YOUR patience is gone. You do not speak for others.


Also, I only speak for myself. If you choose to keep taking the beating thats up to you. I speak up when the time calls for it. And im more than fairly certain everyone is done with the lag and lack of doing anything about it......even you.

Edited by Ferrnitty
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Also, I only speak for myself. If you choose to keep taking the beating thats up to you. I speak up when the time calls for it.


Fair enough again, I didn't mean to indicate that folks do not have the right to set their own expectations, I was under the impression I made that clear.

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DON'T release a huge update 2 weeks before Xmas holidays.


Can't stress this enough. Such a stupid decision, but maybe they have this idea that the christmas sales will be worth more than the loss of people leaving the game over the different issues that an expac naturally brings(ability delay for a month isn't okay).

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Dear god Bioware, it's this simple... Hilarious clip...


It's 5:44 in the morning, I just woke up and saw this video and immediately started laughing and could not stop for at least 5 minutes. Early morning laughters are the best. Thank you.

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For my part I just want to raise some questions:


Why did they name it 3.0? For the disciplines? Usually you increase the version number on a major release like a new game engine or a huge expansion.


Why on earth did they went live at the end of the year? Most companies have a freeze policy for the holiday period to ensure that when they have the most customers they don't have to wade in a sea of potential new bugs.


on a complete different question and personnal preference : when will they shorten the skirts an coats to mid-thigh so we don't have to trip on them while we run? :D

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For my part I just want to raise some questions:


Why did they name it 3.0? For the disciplines? Usually you increase the version number on a major release like a new game engine or a huge expansion.


Why on earth did they went live at the end of the year? Most companies have a freeze policy for the holiday period to ensure that when they have the most customers they don't have to wade in a sea of potential new bugs.


on a complete different question and personnal preference : when will they shorten the skirts an coats to mid-thigh so we don't have to trip on them while we run? :D


3.0 is expansion you paid for, this follows rather standard model of MMOs.

It released at start of December, and the few game-breaking bugs that somehow appeared after testing (reportedly, the final fight for example was fine during closed testing) were fixed next week. Ability delay is not something you can fix by waving a magic stick, as it is probably not an issue with the game code itself, but something with hardware the game is hosted on.

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What, uh, what exactly is the problem with the final fight, by the way? Is it only in the Ops version, or?


Because the only bug I've run into in the solo VS Revan fight is the weird nonsense that Satele's Battle Meditation causes with the Bounty Hunter's heat mechanics. Besides that, my Powertech and Sorcerer fights with him both went smoothly.

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What, uh, what exactly is the problem with the final fight, by the way? Is it only in the Ops version, or?


Because the only bug I've run into in the solo VS Revan fight is the weird nonsense that Satele's Battle Meditation causes with the Bounty Hunter's heat mechanics. Besides that, my Powertech and Sorcerer fights with him both went smoothly.


On release, the solo fight tended to bug out, making it impossible to win. Revan trapped everybody in Whirlwind, and you could not break them out (orbs did not spawn). He also did not remain in center and kept hitting you for quite a lot of damage.

Edited by Aries_cz
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Hm i reinstalled the Game with deactivated BitRaider.

3 KDY Runs to test it, at first it seemed a bit better... i only got the ability Delay on every other Enemy Pack.

Last Boss fight was extremely Laggy... especially the Sith Boss (took ages to activate a Healing station, dodging the red circles is extremely easy, but with that damn lag sometimes its still gets me when im already 3 seconds out of it...)


i guess there is no real difference.

playing with this ability delay even if its not ALL THE TIME is just not worth my time.

And wth is with this really long loading screen for KDY?

And after the loading screen there is a Black screen for 5-10 Seconds with ppl standing around and i'm unable to move. I guess thats also Lag related.


But i have to agree that in SWTOR the Casting/Attacking always felt abit weird since Release.


BUT im talking about 3-5 seconds delay here!!!! 3-5 SECONDS! while my Latency is still OK.

Thats not a normal/acceptable "lag"


Well for now i'll keep the Game closed, to bad for my 60 days gametimecard, its like throwing Money out of the Window. (And yeah thats Sad even if it only would be 1$, i work for my Money unlike some Bioware ppl...)

Edited by Mili
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I've just come back to the game after a year away from it, looked forward to trying out the new stuff and re-subbed straight away. Noticed the server lag straight away - done some testing and can confirm (like all other players) that this is not to do with our internet connection. (I'm on Red Eclipse server for the developer's info).


Sometimes it isn't too bad - starting planets don't seem as heavily affected as others. At the moment Coruscant is almost unplayable - anything upto 10 seconds delay between using abilities, companions standing still because the server hasn't registered the player's movement, even registering an enemy death long after I aactually killed them - I kept getting "stuck in combat" for 30-40 seconds with no enemies around me so couldn't heal or use crew skills.


Don't know about anyone else but it does seem to get worse when the planet population exceeds around 140 players. I was on coruscant last night with 120 players on and it was fine, now it's unbearable and there's 170 on. Tython earlier had 130 and was fine but once it hit 142-145 it started lagging a little bit (but nowhere near as bad as Coruscant).


I hope BW getsthis sorted out - I don't enjoy paying a subscription for a game that's not enjoyable to play due to issues at the developer's side. (As I'm sure every other player feels too).

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