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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability delay and the wearing thin of patience


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I like the fact that the devs and programmers and artists aren't wasting their time dealing with the overblown outrage in all these threads.


It's one thing to be disappointed, or dissatisfied, or unhappy, or bothered. It's OK to complain, or state one's grievances, or list the issues one has with the game.


It's another thing entirely for people to rage like children over these problems and spew demands and ultimatums.

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I like the fact that the devs and programmers and artists aren't wasting their time dealing with the overblown outrage in all these threads.


It's one thing to be disappointed, or dissatisfied, or unhappy, or bothered. It's OK to complain, or state one's grievances, or list the issues one has with the game.


It's another thing entirely for people to rage like children over these problems and spew demands and ultimatums.


At least it gives the devs something to laugh about when they break for lunch.

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As always, the popular thread deteriorates into a fanboy troll fest. Brilliant example of human communication well done... Doing Biowares job for them by taking legitimate concerns from paying customers and covering the logic with flaming and lame trolling attempts.

HEY maybe if you troll enough and get negative responses they will close the thread omg win for the trolls! Some of you people are pathetic lol.

Then again you only get away with it because Bioware let you... which says it all imo.

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As always, the popular thread deteriorates into a fanboy troll fest. Brilliant example of human communication well done... Doing Biowares job for them by taking legitimate concerns from paying customers and covering the logic with flaming and lame trolling attempts.

HEY maybe if you troll enough and get negative responses they will close the thread omg win for the trolls! Some of you people are pathetic lol.

Then again you only get away with it because Bioware let you... which says it all imo.



The irrational, histrionic tone that the more vehement "critics" (one hesitates to credit them with such a legitimate name) bring to bear on these threads makes a fertile growth medium for trolls...

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Do you actually understand what a PR department does? Why they exist? Why they have PR talking to us and not the devs?


I'm actually complaining how the PR is actually bad. From going through the forums a lot the past few days I noticed one thing. Communication is a complete failure.


PR Job to relay and communicate information back and forth. If people don't agree with that then they can go back to their backwards ways and take it like they been taking for years and years of abuse from their lifestyle.


Rise against your oppressors!

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As always, the popular thread deteriorates into a fanboy troll fest. Brilliant example of human communication well done... Doing Biowares job for them by taking legitimate concerns from paying customers and covering the logic with flaming and lame trolling attempts.

HEY maybe if you troll enough and get negative responses they will close the thread omg win for the trolls! Some of you people are pathetic lol.

Then again you only get away with it because Bioware let you... which says it all imo.


It's trolling to want people to stop whining?

Oi oi.

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It's trolling to want people to stop whining?

Oi oi.


It's a clearly labeled thread with a valid complaint. If you don't want to see it you could just not open the thread and read it. The fact that you came into it anyway and insulted people makes you a troll.

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I'm actually complaining how the PR is actually bad. From going through the forums a lot the past few days I noticed one thing. Communication is a complete failure.


PR Job to relay and communicate information back and forth. If people don't agree with that then they can go back to their backwards ways and take it like they been taking for years and years of abuse from their lifestyle.


Rise against your oppressors!



so what does a PR guy do if there's no new information?

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so what does a PR guy do if there's no new information?


First of all, the PR guy needs to be convinced there actually is a problem that can be fixed by the devs, that's the hard part, as people call FPS problems, internet connection issues and server responsibility issues all "lag". They need to filter those that expect shooter fps from an MMO, those that chose to forget that their machines or internet connections are too slow and messed up with trojans, and those that have the bad luck to have masive routing issues.


We get those "lag spikes, disconnects - do something" postings all the time, and it very rarely is Bioware's fault. Usually those problems solve themselves within a few weeks, because whoever was responsible fixed the issues or was removed from the routing. It's understandable that their first reaction is to lean back and wait until the problem solves itself, but this also means they need a lot of complaints to get off their backsides. A forum full of complaints should help the PR guy to convince the devs that there actually is an issue.


The long silence, and yet another post-holidays week without a patch can mean a couple of things:


- They give a @%$& about our problems, we'll pay anyway, it's Star Wars - go buy some cartel packs.

- They're still not convinced that the problem is on their side.

- The devs are still on vacation.

- The devs that were familiar with SWTOR were laid off or transfered to work on another game.

- The problem is inherently linked to some the 3.0 changes, and they're not sure how to fix it without rolling back.


The PR-guy's job is to convince us that it isn't the first option, even if he isn't allowed to admit that it's the last option, until they're absolutely sure that there is no other way.

Edited by Mubrak
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At least it gives the devs something to laugh about when they break for lunch.


Well sure, it would be a laughing matter.....were it not for the fact that they are taking our money in the process. We are paying them to provide us with a service, which, understandably, many people have found dissatisfactory. This lag has the potential to make some aspects of the game unplayable and is a huge letdown for both new and returning players.


I mean, sure, there might be ways to get around this depending on when, where and what you're playing. But the fact is that there aren't always low population instances available and later planets such as Belsavis, Voss, Makeb etc. can be extremely irritating if the instance has more than 10-20 in it. It is Bioware's own valid interest to make this problem go away sooner rather than later for their own sake. Even if it they think it is currently beyond their ability to fix, they should be forthcoming with that information....instead of just hoping that everyone will get used it eventually.


While personally this alone will not make me unsubscribe, as I'm the veteran of similar horrible lag experiences from 3 years ago at launch, I can fully understand those who opt to cancel their subscriptions. A laggy MMO is not fun to play.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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I recently resubbed (Strongholds just dragged me in) and in general I am enjoying the game a lot.


The game is, IMO, much improved from when I unsubbed a year or so ago.


However, this ability lag is starting to get to me, my patience is wearing thin.


IRL I work in the live entertainment industry, as always this time of year is very busy with Pantomime etc; if we have a problem that impinges on the enjoyment of so many of our customers in the way that ability-lag is doing here we pull out all the stop to get it fixed ASAP. That means all time off cancelled, working through lunch-breaks and staying late at night until the problem is fixed. And while all that behind the scenes work is being done to fix the problem someone, quite often me, gets to be the "public face" of the problem and to man front of house and keep the public and customers informed and up to date at all times. We wouldn't even go 2 hours without a progress update, and here we are 6 days since last contact.


Not acceptable, and very, very unprofessional.


The customer is the wage-payer; they should be the first and last focus of everything that happens during a problem like this.


Even an update that says "Sorry we have no new information at this time" actually says we care enough your custom to keep you in the loop.


All The Best

Edited by DarthSpuds
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Whenever they find a fix there will be a patch...........it can happen on ANY day! So thinking it cant happen shows how much you know. they call em "hotfixes".


Next time, read the post I was replying to before you comment. He said "the patch tomorrow" and there was no word on any patch, nor any hotfix, and there still isn't. Obviously you just want to interject and argue about a comment you obviously know nothing about.


Furthermore, a Hot fix is not a patch either. Hotfix it is done on the SERVER only, it is not a patch. So, this "shows how much you know".


It's trolling to want people to stop whining?.



People's whining about this has become more annoying to me than the lag itself.


No one is forcing you to come here and purposefully read "whining" comments. If you don;t like what people are saying, then don;t come read it. Simple. Logic. I also suggest you people look up the word "whining", because I see none of that here. Just childish replies like yours made for no real reason at all. At least the people "whining" have a reason for being here. But, I guess all the people (me included) should just not say anything about a product we pay for that is not working well for us since the day 3.0 hit? Because hey, that is "whining" and somehow affects YOUR life enough to come on here and read comments that you obviously don't like.


Look in the mirror in regards to trolling.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Tbh! :rak_03:

You are on the right path... throwing **** on each other,and forgot about the problem.. What about the ability delay and lag problem? :)


Well said.


It ruined 55-60 PVP for me today. I was only getting 3-4fps sometimes when near a group and 10-15fps most the rest of the of the time. Some matches just flat out started off with crappy fps from the get go. No. It wasn't just me, the people I was grouped with were having the SAME PROBLEM. Heck, there were a few times our abilities weren't even going off for 3-5 seconds. It got me killed a few times. And yes, we were in completely different parts of the country (west and east coast) so it is not a local thing or our fraking computers. One of the guys computer is BRAND NEW, as in two days old.


I am pretty fed up with this since 3.0. :mad: My game ran JUST FINE the day before 3.0. If this is not either fixed or we get a decent informative dev response to this I am honestly going to unsub until it is fixed. I am flat out sick of it. I don't pay 15 bucks a month to get 3-4fps for something I got 30+fps in a month ago. We deserve better, or at least an informative reason why and what is being done about it. That is not too much to ask .

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Well sure, it would be a laughing matter.....were it not for the fact that they are taking our money in the process. We are paying them to provide us with a service, which, understandably, many people have found dissatisfactory. This lag has the potential to make some aspects of the game unplayable and is a huge letdown for both new and returning players.


Then stop paying them. These posts have ventured into hyperbole and tantrum-throwing by spoiled children who think the universe is centered on their inflated egos. Last weekend the power went out here twice, for multiple hours each time. I didn't run out the battery on my cell phone posting rants on facebook about how unprofessional the electric company is for daring to interrupt my activities, I found something else to do until the power came back.


The situation is not as dire as some pretend it to be, and efforts to identify and fix the issue continue whether you get hourly updates or not. If it bothers you that much, find something else to do for a while and come back when the problems are fixed. Throwing a tantrum and calling the devs unprofessional because they didn't fix the problem ten minutes ago is not helping anyone, they are already aware of the problem so you can stop telling them there is a problem.

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Then stop paying them. These posts have ventured into hyperbole and tantrum-throwing by spoiled children who think the universe is centered on their inflated egos. Last weekend the power went out here twice, for multiple hours each time. I didn't run out the battery on my cell phone posting rants on facebook about how unprofessional the electric company is for daring to interrupt my activities, I found something else to do until the power came back.


The situation is not as dire as some pretend it to be, and efforts to identify and fix the issue continue whether you get hourly updates or not. If it bothers you that much, find something else to do for a while and come back when the problems are fixed. Throwing a tantrum and calling the devs unprofessional because they didn't fix the problem ten minutes ago is not helping anyone, they are already aware of the problem so you can stop telling them there is a problem.




It's not the end of the world, and while it is something very annoying to deal with, the matter has been voiced and that's pretty much all we can do right now. Daily posts about the same grievances over and over again isn't going to help fix the problem. It really doesn't work that way, or else, it really would've been working.


I mean, if only I could scream at the refrigerator to make me a sandwich and it worked...I'd be one happy camper...

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I recently resubbed (Strongholds just dragged me in) and in general I am enjoying the game a lot.


The game is, IMO, much improved from when I unsubbed a year or so ago.


However, this ability lag is starting to get to me, my patience is wearing thin.


IRL I work in the live entertainment industry, as always this time of year is very busy with Pantomime etc; if we have a problem that impinges on the enjoyment of so many of our customers in the way that ability-lag is doing here we pull out all the stop to get it fixed ASAP. That means all time off cancelled, working through lunch-breaks and staying late at night until the problem is fixed. And while all that behind the scenes work is being done to fix the problem someone, quite often me, gets to be the "public face" of the problem and to man front of house and keep the public and customers informed and up to date at all times. We wouldn't even go 2 hours without a progress update, and here we are 6 days since last contact.


Not acceptable, and very, very unprofessional.


The customer is the wage-payer; they should be the first and last focus of everything that happens during a problem like this.


Even an update that says "Sorry we have no new information at this time" actually says we care enough your custom to keep you in the loop.


All The Best

Holy crap, someone gets it!

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I recently resubbed (Strongholds just dragged me in) and in general I am enjoying the game a lot.


The game is, IMO, much improved from when I unsubbed a year or so ago.


However, this ability lag is starting to get to me, my patience is wearing thin.


IRL I work in the live entertainment industry, as always this time of year is very busy with Pantomime etc; if we have a problem that impinges on the enjoyment of so many of our customers in the way that ability-lag is doing here we pull out all the stop to get it fixed ASAP. That means all time off cancelled, working through lunch-breaks and staying late at night until the problem is fixed. And while all that behind the scenes work is being done to fix the problem someone, quite often me, gets to be the "public face" of the problem and to man front of house and keep the public and customers informed and up to date at all times. We wouldn't even go 2 hours without a progress update, and here we are 6 days since last contact.


Not acceptable, and very, very unprofessional.


The customer is the wage-payer; they should be the first and last focus of everything that happens during a problem like this.


Even an update that says "Sorry we have no new information at this time" actually says we care enough your custom to keep you in the loop.


All The Best


If you honestly think that people would be satisfied with that as an answer, you're more optimistic than I am. lol


As far as the customer being the first and last focus...while it may be true, it still wouldn't change that problem wouldn't get fixed any faster. I mean, customers unsub the game (or games in general) all the time for various reasons and sometimes, reasons that are very, VERY trivial compared to this.


To put it another way, what makes a customer who unsubs because of one issue more important than another customer who continues to play despite that very same issue existing?


On my end, I've played with one toon on Belsavis (or I like to call it 'Lag-savis') and it was nerve-wrecking to say the least. I pretty much decided to switch to another toon on another planet an went about my business.


Yes, 'the customer is always right', so to speak, but there's an extent to that where it just becomes them trying to get noticed for notice's shake. Not saying the person I'm quoting is doing that; it's just a general thought that I see constantly in games.

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If you honestly think that people would be satisfied with that as an answer, you're more optimistic than I am. lol


Yes, 'the customer is always right', so to speak, but there's an extent to that where it just becomes them trying to get noticed for notice's shake. Not saying the person I'm quoting is doing that; it's just a general thought that I see constantly in games.



In my experience customers tend to be happier that you cared enough to have contact with them, even if they are not over the moon about the specific message.


The important thing is that the Customer feels that they are important enough to the company that the company wants to keep them in the loop.


I'm certainly not saying the customer is always right, but even when they are wrong they should still feel valued as customers.


If I were the person tasked with keeping the community up to date on this issue I'd make my first job every day a call to the team tasked with identifying and fixing this issue; and I'd make sure that I updated the community at least once a day.


And while I don't agree with type of response that players give demanding free sub time because of this (although I do think an extension to a sub may be the appropriate response to some issues) I would certainly be looking at ways to compensate players in some way, even if all that was was an in-game title demonstrating their resilience in continuing to play through this period.


When customers stop feeling valued and respected they start taking their custom elsewhere; there isn't a single valid business model I can think of that would see that as acceptable.


All The Best

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In my experience customers tend to be happier that you cared enough to have contact with them, even if they are not over the moon about the specific message.


The important thing is that the Customer feels that they are important enough to the company that the company wants to keep them in the loop.


I'm certainly not saying the customer is always right, but even when they are wrong they should still feel valued as customers.


If I were the person tasked with keeping the community up to date on this issue I'd make my first job every day a call to the team tasked with identifying and fixing this issue; and I'd make sure that I updated the community at least once a day.


And while I don't agree with type of response that players give demanding free sub time because of this (although I do think an extension to a sub may be the appropriate response to some issues) I would certainly be looking at ways to compensate players in some way, even if all that was was an in-game title demonstrating their resilience in continuing to play through this period.


When customers stop feeling valued and respected they start taking their custom elsewhere; there isn't a single valid business model I can think of that would see that as acceptable.


All The Best

Again, -this- I played ESO for 6 months, before I unsubbed because of financial problems, and the devs were very very vocal, and constantly kept the players up to date. When we saw there was an acknowledgement of us, we were happy.

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You all know this is inherent in the engine right? They will band aid it like they have been for the last 2 years, because they didn't even acknowledged it year 1.


They will fix it over the next few months and then re-break it with the next substantial update and the cycle begins a new.


To actually fix it, its going to take a new engine which will never happen.


So please Bioware get to making that Band aid and tell us about it. Its been almost a week!

Edited by Toweleeeie
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