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Trooper or BH?


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I'm wanting to start a new character, but I can't decide between the trooper and BH. I feel like I will like the trooper story better, but the reason I'm still kind of iffy is because my main is a Jedi Knight and I don't know if I want to do another republic char as my second. So just wondering what you guys think about both classes, their stories, companions...?
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If you haven't done any Imperial side characters, I'd suggest doing the Bounty Hunter first. But nothing says you have to, it's a bit of a toss up. You could also start one of each, and play both, either simultaneously, or until you decide which one you want to level first.


My opinions (I've gotten both through level 40-ish): In the beginning, bounty hunter is better, but once you hit act 2, trooper improves and bounty hunter loses a bit of steam. I've played a healing merc and a tank vanguard, and I don't find either of them particularly interesting in playstyle, but the merc was slightly better. I know a lot of people enjoy both, though.


If this sort of thing matters to you, bounty hunters get their healer companion earlier than any other class, but you only have to wait until the low twenties on a trooper, so it's not much of a factor. Tanks for hunters take a while to show up, though, and it will be a while before anything besides the healer is available for companions, unless you have treek or HK


Overall, though, just do what you want. :)

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My opinions (I've gotten both through level 40-ish): In the beginning, bounty hunter is better, but once you hit act 2, trooper improves and bounty hunter loses a bit of steam.


I have played both BH and Trooper to 55 and I agree with this assessment.


The Trooper's story is...


that of a soldier thrust into assembling and leading a spec ops squad; exactly what one should expect from a single player RPG story. You get to be Rex/Cody (from the TWC Series)



OTOH, the BH...

starts out very much like a BH should - independent, into the life for the excitement, adventure, and/or money. But that all ends too soon. And in the end, the BH might as well be an "imperial trooper."


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Also keep in mind the personality and background of each class.


As a BH you are a hired killer. Bounty, sure, but you kill most of your targets. You are a paid hit-man/assassin. Even if your first companion and girlfriend doesn't seem to understand that.


You can try to somehow justify how you are not the brutal murdering monster you seem to be. It's a brutal, unforgiving Galaxy and you gotta do what you gotta do to make a living. or whatever justification you have. Or you can try to be the anti-hero. But, in the end, you are a killer, a hired violent hit-man.


As a Trooper, you are a shill for the Republic. You are a pawn for General Garza. You can quietly complain and say how you are not, and pull on your leash, but you are a paid tool of the Republic brass, a jack-booted thug and enforcer of the Republic's will, and in the end, will do what your masters tell you to.


But, as long as you are OK with that, you can be a good guy, a faithful guardian of the Republic. You may hate the hidden corruption, but, ultimately, you will be a good soldier, do your duty and do as you are ordered.


Light-side BH is delusional. You are not the good guy or hero, even if Mako thinks you are.


Dark-side Trooper is a jerk. Kind of like all of these power-tripping cops who beat and murder and then hide behind their badge. Yea, you are now one of them.

Edited by Tyrloch
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Also keep in mind the personality and background of each class.


As a BH you are a hired killer. Bounty, sure, but you kill most of your targets. You are a paid hit-man/assassin. Even if your first companion and girlfriend doesn't seem to understand that.

As far as I remember, you can let almost every target live. Though I guess for most, killing them would be a mercy compared to what would happen if you brought them in alive.

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Do you like the perky, tom-boy rogues that BioWARE keeps delivering from Imoen onward? Are you tired of being a hero who saves the day? Can't stand a thought of playing through Republic Taris just now? Then play BH. Otherwise, the Trooper is more focused, and both the story and the crew stand out as different in the game, because you are not playing a lonely Super-hero with a bunch of hangers-on. You are playing a soldier who goes where s/he is needed and leads a real team. In terms of rank, the only other of my characters I have outstripped as a Trooper was my Agent who remained a Lieutenant by the end of Corellia. :) Edited by DomiSotto
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