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Suggestion to Improve Quality of Life for Sentinel/Marauder


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A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, Sentinels and Marauders were the melee dps class to take into Warzones. During this time, they were considered very over powered, and rightly so. Many times, watchman/annihilation would out heal healers.


Fast forward to current day, and this class is lacking in several areas. Combat/Carnage has been ruined by the new Precision Slash/Gore, Watchman/Annihilation is easily kited away from, and Concentration/Fury is bland when it comes to damage output vs durability.


To bring this class back from the ashes, so to speak, I recommend the following changes:


1) Restore the self heals from Merciless Zeal/Hungering back to 2%. (Edited and changed from original suggestion.)


2) Bring the old Guarded By The Force/Undying Rage back. Even if on a longer cooldown, the way that this DCD is currently working is not functional by any means. The health should be taken away at the start of the ability.


3) Extend the length of Precision Slash/Gore to 6 seconds, as was the initial idea of taking it off the GCD in 3.0 beta. As of right now, Precision Slash/Gore is able to be used for at most 2 abilities, not counting in any knockbacks or stuns.


4) Take Transcendence/Predation off of requiring Centering/Fury, and give it a cooldown, thus making it effect only the player. Allow a utility to make it a group effect.


5) Bring back the ranged root for Combat/Carnage.


6) Give sentinels/marauders a 4s hard stun.


EDIT: Realized I left yet another suggestion.


All suggestions and comments are welcome.

Edited by xMaranathax
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Carnage lost deadly throw and had it rolled into crippling slash (with a utility point spent) and got no new ability to replace it whereas the other specs got a fresh new ability added. Give carnage spec some kind of push/knock back to increase pvp viability. It would be nice to be able to push the flying swords away in the Revan fight in ToS without having to rely on other raid group members to do it for you too
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A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, Sentinels and Marauders were the melee dps class to take into Warzones. During this time, they were considered very over powered, and rightly so. Each critical burn healed themselves for 10% of their total health.


1) Bring the self heals from Merciless Zeal/Hungering up from 1% to 5%. It was overpowered at 10%. We understand, but why nerf to such low levels?


Watchman spec originally had 2% healing per critted burn.

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Just curious, I have heard many say that it was 10%. Where did most of the heals come from?


2% per critted burn and zen healing for 1% per critted burn could be combined with a medpack to give around 50% health back very quickly while undying rage was on. That's part of why marauder was complained about so much during patch 1.2. Zen also heals the overall PVP team. Some marauders were running well over 30% crit rating.

Edited by TheCourier-
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I know i am going to get crap for this but, here it goes.

Wouldn't the marauder class be more survivable if they just raised the armor rating to heavy from medium, or is there particular reason why that isn't the case?






Oh yeah.



May 2015 be more Peaceful then the last.......

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During this time, they were considered very over powered, and rightly so. Many times, watchman/annihilation would out heal healers.

Can't remember ever seeing this except in a few rare circumstances where the one healer was focused the entire time and the marauder was ignored. Or bad healers.


2) Bring the old Guarded By The Force/Undying Rage back. Even if on a longer cooldown, the way that this DCD is currently working is not functional by any means. The health should be taken away at the start of the ability.

Undying rage was nerfed because they didn't want a class being healed while "immune". Made sense before we had sorc bubble. I would prefer a modest(~50%) heal in addition to the damage reduction. Would be comparable to other classes oh **** abilities, immunities, etc.


3) Extend the length of Precision Slash/Gore to 6 seconds, as was the initial idea of taking it off the GCD in 3.0 beta. As of right now, Precision Slash/Gore is able to be used for at most 2 abilities, not counting in any knockbacks or stuns.

I would also love to see the cooldown on gore being reset if cc is applied while it is up(root/stun/knockback)


4) Take Transcendence/Predation off of requiring Centering/Fury, and give it a cooldown, thus making it effect only the player. Allow a utility to make it a group effect.

Mixed on this. Nothing is better in huttball than double predation.


5) Bring back the ranged root for Combat/Carnage.

Agree. They should have layered everything into crip throw.


6) Give sentinels/marauders a 4s hard stun.

Personally I am pleased with what they did with choke, and I imagine they can't do away with the channeling entirely without a lot of work.



Why would a melee dps class want an ability that moves the target out of weapons range?

People have been pushed off ledges or into traps and think it would be cool. Granted if they made it reset our leap as well like jugs it would be acceptable.

Edited by Moosestick
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Can't remember ever seeing this except in a few rare circumstances where the one healer was focused the entire time and the marauder was ignored. Or bad healers.


Pre 1.2 days, back at launch. I have seen YouTube vids of matches where a sentinel would do over 1 mil dmg and about 600k healing, level 50, in crap gear.


As for sentinels/marauders getting heavy armor, I disagree. The idea behind this class, from my understanding, is to give a knight/warrior class more damage output at the cost of survivability, but where this class is now, its ridiculous. As many of stated, CCd til death do us part.


Some sort of CC immunity, such as unstoppable, would be sufficient. Less cooldown time on defensive cooldowns would also be nice. Saber Ward has a 3 minute cooldown. Even a 2 minute cooldown comparable to a shadow's Deflection would be nice.

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I think you're exaggerating on the 600k heals thing... and 1 million was pretty rare unless it was a civil war stalemate or something. Most youtube vids from back in the day are still around i challenge you to find one with those stats :p Edited by AngusFTW
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I think you're exaggerating on the 600k heals thing... and 1 million was pretty rare unless it was a civil war stalemate or something. Most youtube vids from back in the day are still around i challenge you to find one with those stats :p


I held the record for sentinel DPS record on Jedi Covenant all the way until around patch 1.7 with 1.227 million damage. The highest healing that I reliably did while playing my sentinel was 200-250000 healing.

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2% per critted burn and zen healing for 1% per critted burn could be combined with a medpack to give around 50% health back very quickly while undying rage was on. That's part of why marauder was complained about so much during patch 1.2. Zen also heals the overall PVP team. Some marauders were running well over 30% crit rating.


Part of this was that overload/deadly saber was bugged for much of 1.0 and 1.1 and did double the damage and healing that is was supposed to.

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I'd like these changes, although I don't think we need a 4s hardstun, choke how it is right now will suffice.


Going off of what some people have said about the Predation change, I think if they made it to where Frenzy/whatever it is for sentinels would reset the CD of Predation, then that would be nice, so we could still do a "double predation" in huttball or whatever.

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I held the record for sentinel DPS record on Jedi Covenant all the way until around patch 1.7 with 1.227 million damage. The highest healing that I reliably did while playing my sentinel was 200-250000 healing.

Sure, i didnt say the dmg wasn't believable just that it wasnt a regular thing usualy in civil war stalemates or whatever... 600k healing on the other hand... :p

If they increased merciless zeal back to 2% it might be possible NOW (and would probably make people QQ).. :p i have done 450k heals as watchman in the current game now cause of the increased hp pools etcetc.. but in 1.1? hell no that was kinda average healing for a HEALER back then.

Edited by AngusFTW
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Sure, i didnt say the dmg wasn't believable just that it wasnt a regular thing usualy in civil war stalemates or whatever... 600k healing on the other hand... :p

If they increased merciless zeal back to 2% it might be possible NOW (and would probably make people QQ).. :p i have done 450k heals as watchman in the current game now cause of the increased hp pools etcetc.. but in 1.1? hell no that was kinda average healing for a HEALER back then.


I'll have to dig some more, but that was the issue. Sents back in the day could out heal healers.

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They really couldn't :p

and if they did it was because the healer was terribad


This. We could have decent self healing like classes can currently, but we never outhealed healers. People just used to get pissed because with a well time medpac/berserk and broken overload saber we could heal close to 50% during UR/GBtF. Although this was way back when other classes had no where near the abilities/utilities they do now to deal with us.

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