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lets talk Socerer's! Seriously, no hat just realy come on now?


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The people defending sorcs are simply laughable and plain ridiculous.

Everybody and their mothers plays a sorc now and they dominate the charts in both DPS and healing.

Gimme a break and get real. Easy kills? They are harder to kill than most classes.

Commandos, gunslingers and sentinels would like to have a word with you.

Keep dreaming, they are gonna get nerfed soon, it's an obtuse class and pisses everyone off, except said sorcs (which is mostly everyone).

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The people defending sorcs are simply laughable and plain ridiculous.

Everybody and their mothers plays a sorc now and they dominate the charts in both DPS and healing.

Gimme a break and get real. Easy kills? They are harder to kill than most classes.

Commandos, gunslingers and sentinels would like to have a word with you.

Keep dreaming, they are gonna get nerfed soon, it's an obtuse class and pisses everyone off, except said sorcs (which is mostly everyone).


I know right there like a frost mage and a shamy had sexy times and make a retared invincible baby.

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Make force barrier a cast so I can interrupt it and keep it the same other then that nerf aoe damage and increase single target damage. Get rid of spreadable dots this was a bad idea it is free damage for non targets its an win button with out ever targeting.


I dont think force barrier needs to go away completely. Nor should it have a cast. Enduring bastion needs to go as well as interrupt immunity and passive healing in bubble. Also shouldn't be able to be healed in bubble. It should be an anti focus button and thats it. They have enough other tools to deal with other things.


The dot spreading in general was a terrible idea by the devs. I dont know what they were thinking. its not just sorcs, but all dot classes. They didnt need to let them spread dots and have them uncleansible. That is just stupid. They should have been given dot protection like what lethality had. When dots are cleansed a weaker version of the dot is still there. That would have been more than enough.

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I main a Sage/Sorc since launch and I will agree to removing barrier if they also remove Heal specs, healing others isnt fair when i have already put in the man hours and hard work to get their HP down. Its a slap in the face...

They should also remove CCs in the game, its not fair trying to kill someone and then you're forced to stop, remove CCs.

Jumps / leaps and pulls should also be removed from the game, closing the gap should not be an option if you can't do it in real life.

While we're at it lets take away Guards, Taunts and Critical hits, none of that stuff is fair against someone who doesn't know what they're playing against.

Stealth? No way, get rid of it. If i cant see you then you shouldn't be able to see me, it's only fair.

PVP gear needs to go away. There is no reason for anyone to get a boost against me when i have worked really hard for my PVE gear and I Q RWzs to get my Conquest points, I'm competitive and still want to win. Others shouldn't get an advantage just because they are more committed to pvp.

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bubble removal isn't enough they need to be nerfed to the ground. It is absolutely retarded the amount of goodies sorces have to stay alive, even dps sorcs, why the hell is an AOE in a single target rotation? let that sentence sink in


I have all classes


its retarded when I can hop on my sage/sorc and play around with 3 people using LOS and kill 2 of them and maybe have the third one live after I die if my dots don't eat him

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if you make enduring bastion last more than 1-2 GCD without counting the stun that you should have saved, well, good luck with killing any target..


what all the QQ see is baddies overperforming, exactly as with ED/FD or some shadow/assassin.


a lot of sorcs/sages survive the first burst thanks to their barrier, then 90% of the cases you see a nicely placed backpedalled force speed and you know the kill is just around the corner..now maybe you'll need to eat a bubble stun ( not a big deal with all the dots) or a bugged uninteruptible cast, but that's all.


i never felt it was Op, nor playing it, nor having to deal with it. it's just annoying.

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This is the same QQ **** abt Sorcs as it were for Operatives.


Has everyone forgot that Operatives were almost impossible to kill in arenas...OP juggs..etc etc.

Now since ur classes arent the number 1 or 2, u guys are crying.


Sorcs has been discarded for 2 years..now finally they can shine a bit so pls **** and let them..OP or not...they deserve it for some time, not getting almost no love in PvP for 2 years.


Learn to play ur class or roll a sorcs....

Edited by Seph-I-Roth
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All I know, is that the changes to the classes now make it possible for an average gal like me to go heal a zone on anything but a Scoundrel. Yep, you can be a viable PvP healer on a Sage. Finally. I am sorry other people don't like it, but I think it is nice to have a chance. For once your advice is not: "Just... respec to Balanced, will you?!" on the other 2 specs in PvP. :) I have not tried my dps Sorcerer out yet, and probably wouldn't (I don't like DPS role), but I tried my heals, and she was playable. It means a world to me, because, well, I always wanted to try out a healing character in PvP and I found a Scoundrel the hardest character to play by from all classes.


Look, I am sorry about Sentinels/Marauders and Slingers/Snipers. I play them too, and I relegated both to the PvE environments. But I am sure there are ways to help these classes without taking a finally acquired utility to the Sage heals. :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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The self stun argument is getting old. There really is no penalty for barrier. You can heal to full with it, it purges you, and you get bastion after it that absorbs a ton of damage. You don't even have to be in it for the whole time to get a lot of benefit. They over buffed barrier. I'd be fine with them lowering the cooldown by a substantial amount if they got rid of all the other crap it can do. Honestly you shouldn't be able to be healed in it. With all the other tools sorcs have now barrier is just too much.
This, there is no reason they should be invincible and be almost able to heal to full at the same time. Just ridiculous. Even with shield, adrenaline rush, and energy redoubt, I can not compete with that Super Bubble.
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This is the same QQ **** abt Sorcs as it were for Operatives.


Has everyone forgot that Operatives were almost impossible to kill in arenas...OP juggs..etc etc.

Now since ur classes arent the number 1 or 2, u guys are crying.


Sorcs has been discarded for 2 years..now finally they can shine a bit so pls **** and let them..OP or not...they deserve it for some time, not getting almost no love in PvP for 2 years.


Learn to play ur class or roll a sorcs....

Sorry if any class deserves a time to shine its Commandos and Mercenaries , they have been the worst classes since....pretty much -forever-. Sorcs have been easy mode since..........forever.

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I main a Sage/Sorc since launch and I will agree to removing barrier if they also remove Heal specs, healing others isnt fair when i have already put in the man hours and hard work to get their HP down. Its a slap in the face...

They should also remove CCs in the game, its not fair trying to kill someone and then you're forced to stop, remove CCs.

Jumps / leaps and pulls should also be removed from the game, closing the gap should not be an option if you can't do it in real life.

While we're at it lets take away Guards, Taunts and Critical hits, none of that stuff is fair against someone who doesn't know what they're playing against.

Stealth? No way, get rid of it. If i cant see you then you shouldn't be able to see me, it's only fair.

PVP gear needs to go away. There is no reason for anyone to get a boost against me when i have worked really hard for my PVE gear and I Q RWzs to get my Conquest points, I'm competitive and still want to win. Others shouldn't get an advantage just because they are more committed to pvp.


Is not that other clases are qqing .. is more that we will be fighting only withs sorcs/sages in few months in pvp.... if i can do 2milions dmg and 700k heal ...... something is wrong

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Is not that other clases are qqing .. is more that we will be fighting only withs sorcs/sages in few months in pvp.... if i can do 2milions dmg and 700k heal ...... something is wrong
Agreed, going sage after playing commando is like going from lifting 220 lbs to 10 lbs. Its just too damned easy.
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The people defending sorcs are simply laughable and plain ridiculous.

Everybody and their mothers plays a sorc now and they dominate the charts in both DPS and healing.

Gimme a break and get real. Easy kills? They are harder to kill than most classes.

Commandos, gunslingers and sentinels would like to have a word with you.

Keep dreaming, they are gonna get nerfed soon, it's an obtuse class and pisses everyone off, except said sorcs (which is mostly everyone).


gear up and try ranked!


By the way, most of us who play sage/sorce are prepaired, and if the game's ranked part is not monitored and the sage/sorce will not come out from the n1 focus target issue, we have other clases as well :D The op ones... And we will switch in no time on them for season 4 if needed. So actually qq'ers like you will sweat any way, just deal with it : ) So gear up your char mate, or change rl T-shirt often - this two options are available.

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Be careful what you wish for. Sorcs have no other DCD.....


Do you really want BW to give them a different one? Yes let them look at the metrics of both WZ and ranked and come up with another 1 or 2 abilities for them?


GL with that...

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In ranked?

Or at 1-59 8v8?

Send a screenshot of your lvl 60 sage or sorce please.

Everybody pouts about ranked, but I sincerely hope you realize ranked PvP is a minority within the PvP subgroup.

Most people play regs and they are sick to tears of sorcs.

Otherwise, rename this subforum 'elitist ranked PvP- normal people need not apply'.

Edited by dragospastiu
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In ranked?

Or at 1-59 8v8?

Send a screenshot of your lvl 60 sage or sorce please.

Shortly after 3.0 hit I used all my non geared lvl 55 characters, just to see how they play. I went from my 56 commando, to my sage and roflstomped -everyone- with him. The amount of stuns / slows / mezzes / invincibility / shields / resist abilities they have are simply outrageous. I went from doing around 700 k damage with my commando, do 1.6 mill with my sage. I always play commando, and know very well how to use that class, I -never- use my sage in pvp, and instantly was wrecking everything. Not to mention 1v1s were a joke with the amount of immunities they have. Next time I am on rep side, sure ill take a screen shot, but until there is a time machine, youll have to wait.
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Shortly after 3.0 hit I used all my non geared lvl 55 characters, just to see how they play. I went from my 56 commando, to my sage and roflstomped -everyone- with him. The amount of stuns / slows / mezzes / invincibility / shields / resist abilities they have are simply outrageous. I went from doing around 700 k damage with my commando, do 1.6 mill with my sage. I always play commando, and know very well how to use that class, I -never- use my sage in pvp, and instantly was wrecking everything. Not to mention 1v1s were a joke with the amount of immunities they have. Next time I am on rep side, sure ill take a screen shot, but until there is a time machine, youll have to wait.


I challenge you (or anyone else making claims that sages/sorcerers are op/easy mode/gods/unkillable) to run a twitch stream and make a video library to show your sage/sorcerer face rolling people in solo, ranked, 4v4 and 1v1 duels as proof of your claims.


I would particularly like to see you (or anyone else for that matter) dominating against competent players solo (solo means without a team to protect your squishy and non-bursty backside).

Edited by Emperor_Troll
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I challenge you (or anyone else making claims that sages/sorcerers are op/easy mode/gods/unkillable) to run a twitch stream and make a video library to show your sage/sorcerer face rolling people in solo, ranked, 4v4 and 1v1 duels as proof of your claims.


I would particularly like to see you (or anyone else for that matter) dominating against competent players solo (solo means without a team to protect your squishy and non-bursty backside).


People don't need to make videos of it. We all see it everyday we pvp. Warzones are over run with sorcs. They are everywhere and there is a reason for that. They Really by far the best ranged dps class. Bubbles, speed, force barrier, spammable heals, best resource management, knock back, root, stun, interrupts, cast while moving, AND they do amazing damage.. Single target and AOE. There is literally no weakness with this class. Also they are incredibly easy and intuitive to play... And fun because they are so powerful.


Compared to snipers and mercs, sorcs are on a completely different level. Either BW needs to give the other ranged classes the same level of utility and survivability or sorcs need to be nerfed hard.

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People don't need to make videos of it. We all see it everyday we pvp..


This, to say it is not a problem is to say that you play a sorc and enjoy their OPness. 4v4s are clearly a different story. Every one sees how they can perform massive AOE damage in 6v6s and have enough survivability to get out of harms way to do it again.


Just got out of a game where their whole team was sorcs with the exception of one marauder. In the three years I played this game I never saw a full team of only one class.


I am sure Bioware could easily run the numbers and see the shift in people playing sorcs, the total damage they are putting out, and the overall deaths of sorcs in warzones vs other classes.

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People don't need to make videos of it. We all see it everyday we pvp. Warzones are over run with sorcs. They are everywhere and there is a reason for that. They Really by far the best ranged dps class. Bubbles, speed, force barrier, spammable heals, best resource management, knock back, root, stun, interrupts, cast while moving, AND they do amazing damage.. Single target and AOE. There is literally no weakness with this class. Also they are incredibly easy and intuitive to play... And fun because they are so powerful.


Compared to snipers and mercs, sorcs are on a completely different level. Either BW needs to give the other ranged classes the same level of utility and survivability or sorcs need to be nerfed hard.


Actually you do need to provide factual proof (best with unedited videos and recorded streams against competent players in all pvp modes) to the developers and intelligent players because they don't work off of hearsay, screenshots or board stats. Anything short of doing these shows nothing but a whine and cry forum post from certain player who like to cherry pick information because they are subpar at playing their class.


You want sages and sorcerers nerfed hard? Then you need to provide unequivocal proof (again unedited videos and streams against competent players in all pvp modes) and documented evidence that sages and sorcerers are op/faceroll easy/unkillable/gods... against every other class in every scenario particularly solo (that means without hiding behind a team to hold you up).

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Actually you do need to provide factual proof (best with unedited videos and recorded streams against competent players in all pvp modes) to the developers and intelligent players because they don't work off of hearsay, screenshots or board stats. Anything short of doing these shows nothing but a whine and cry forum post from certain player who like to cherry pick information because they are subpar at playing their class.


You want sages and sorcerers nerfed hard? Then you need to provide unequivocal proof (again unedited videos and streams against competent players in all pvp modes) and documented evidence that sages and sorcerers are op/faceroll easy/unkillable/gods... against every other class in every scenario particularly solo (that means without hiding behind a team to hold you up).


Ummm no, you're wrong. The proof is in the game. We all play it, we all see it. You can't deny the classes skill set and all the tools they have compared to other ranged dps. That's the proof right there. The proof is in the community outcry against sorcs and how annoyingly unbalanced and unfun it is to play against 3-6 sorcs in every 8v8 match.


And the argument of "L2 Play" is just dumb. It in no way addresses the blatant superiority of the toolset of the Sorc class compared to mercs and snipers.

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