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How hard is Hateful Entity

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I would think a good deal easier but it depends greatly on how it was adjusted in 3.0, as some old ops are made more difficult with odd bugs and damage values. I do know it involves cleanses, but the old ops I've seen where cleanses matter you're given a buff to reduce the cleanse cooldown, so I'm guessing it would be the same for this fight?


If its anything like the other entity, there's lots of constant aoe damage going out, but all healers got buffs to aoe healing and all players have larger health pools so that will help a good bit. And with people doing more damage (assuming a competent group), you could probably afford to take 5 healers now instead of 4 (or 6 even maybe if you really wanted to play it safe).


If I'm not mistaken you're on the Ebon Hawk, your best bet on our server for something like a paid run would be a guild like PostMortem impside, or MAYBE Aisthesis for pub side. I'd like to down this fight with Nemesis but part of the issue is its a 16 man fight and we usually don't have 16 raiders available.

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Don't pay more than 10 mil unless you're rich. You can easily 8-10 man hateful now. The fight was never hard people are just bad at staying out of red and understanding mechanics.


Are you sure you can 8m hateful now?........ mmm, i have my doubts.

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Hateful could probably be 8-10manned with Zorz's best and running 2 heals (maybe double merc or op/merc).


For the average pug, you're still going to have a lot of problems with the Hateful. I've done it with two different groups since 3.0 and it still is a punishing fight. Death marks make it so stacking snipers is no longer a valid strategy, but marauders are better now. An average group or average guild will have a lot of problems with this. In our guild which had killed it pre 3.0, we took some less experienced guildies back into it and we had a lot of trouble with them. Standing out of position and not cleansing will still kill you. It just requires situational awareness that not many pugs have and you generally won't find in people who were not actively raiding NiM pre 3.0.

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While 8 may be a bit over zealous 10-11 is definitely doable. 1 tank 8-9 dps 2 healers. If you assume 1 or 2 of the dps can cleanse and some have self cleanses there shouldn't be much of an issue. Also if your cleanse CD is reduced for the older operations then there would definitely not be an issue with death marks. It was possible to under man before 3.0 came out and now with the 5 level difference and amount of hp players have in 192+ gear the damage going out would be much easier to heal. Plus if people weren't standing in stupid the fight wasn't extremely heal intensive. The only issue would be DPS. Obviously you aren't going to 10 man it with randoms on fleet. But randoms on fleet aren't going to be selling the runs either. Edited by TrillOG-
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