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How to Play SWTOR with a Video Game Controller


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Agreed.....I broke 51k GS on 360 last night playing some Kingdoms of Amalur:Reckoning.



I have had 4 surgeries on my mid section, besides bone/joint/muscle issues from 29 yrs of taking steroids for my Crohns Disease. I do a lot of gaming from my bed these days as it doesnt tend to make me hurt like sitting in a chair does.


I had to slow down on TOR due to it causing me to hurt, but something like this could definitely increase my play time.


Thanks OP. :)


Glad to know I'm not the only one that uses gaming as a medical treatment!:cool:


This controller might actually be useful in quite a few ways. Just bought this from Jonathan and created a profile for Kingdom of Amalur, which is where I saw the thread about using it for SWTOR. I'd like to hear from people who've tried this.


How does it fare in comparison to the KB & Mouse? What are the limits or things you wish were different using a controller?


Thanks OP for the info!

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Glad to know I'm not the only one that uses gaming as a medical treatment!:cool:


This controller might actually be useful in quite a few ways. Just bought this from Jonathan and created a profile for Kingdom of Amalur, which is where I saw the thread about using it for SWTOR. I'd like to hear from people who've tried this.


How does it fare in comparison to the KB & Mouse? What are the limits or things you wish were different using a controller?


Thanks OP for the info!


Hi, Tgreywolf! (No folks, I'm not back yet...just stopping in for a minute to drop a line.) To answer your question, some have found they fare better with a controller than they do with KB & Mouse, though the optimal setup for any controller user is as a supplement to your KB & Mouse instead of replacement (chatting, for example, will always be easier with a KB). If you're of limited mobility due to injury or otherwise, though, it is possible to play competitively using a controller exclusively.

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I glanced through the post but did not see anything about my specific question, if I missed it then please forgive me for asking again.


I just purchased a logitec F310, it came with its own software. Has anyone gotten this controller to work with SWTOR, and if so what software did you use. Logitech's or another generic mapping program?


I read the blog, and I think I have the logitech mapping sowtware running at admin level. I also checked to see that I have SWTOR running at admin level. Could not find any info about the F310 or its packaged mapping software anywhere in this thread or Peep's blog.


Can anyone help me out?



edit: I think i fixed it, I had to select the SWTOR application deeper in the the bioware folder rather then the SWTOR launcher app. when creating my profile in the mapping software.

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I glanced through the post but did not see anything about my specific question, if I missed it then please forgive me for asking again.


I just purchased a logitec F310, it came with its own software. Has anyone gotten this controller to work with SWTOR, and if so what software did you use. Logitech's or another generic mapping program?


I read the blog, and I think I have the logitech mapping sowtware running at admin level. I also checked to see that I have SWTOR running at admin level. Could not find any info about the F310 or its packaged mapping software anywhere in this thread or Peep's blog.


Can anyone help me out?



edit: I think i fixed it, I had to select the SWTOR application deeper in the the bioware folder rather then the SWTOR launcher app. when creating my profile in the mapping software.


bump .... i would also like to know info for this.

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From some of the previous comments about SWTOR running with Admin rights, I have a feeling that this may be part of the solution to using the default Logitech software. I will be trying this out tonight, and if not looking at the Joystix solution. Will let you know what I come up with.
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I really enjoy playing the game with a controller. Working on the computer all day long and being able to relax my wrists playing SWTOR with a controller is really nice.


The only thing I dislike though is having to rely on a 3rd party software in order to be able to map my buttons to keyboard simulation.


Working in the gaming industry, controllers are pretty standard as an input device and I am sure it wouldn't be too hard to implement in the game itself.


I would love to see Bioware implement the support of game controllers within SW:TOR.


Great post btw, I used that a while ago in order to test it out. Tried both Xpadder and PGP and they worked pretty well.

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Hey guys! I added some updates to my blog regarding Joystix Pro for anyone interested.


@Sokaku: I recommend you and others follow the link in my sig regarding requesting support for folks with disabilities. It's a thread making a formal request to BioWare to integrate controller support.


To everyone else: please also follow that link. It's a new thread, so even if you voiced your support in the old one, we could still use your help.

Edited by PeepsMcJuggs
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Peeps and others,


Peeps, I know you're away right now, but I just thought I would share a problem I have been having with you so you can add it to this thread and the blog/ instructions if you think it will help, and for any other newbies out there struggling to make this work.


I am a major noob at MMOs, this being my very first one, and I only started playing at Aussie release (1st March). I love gaming, mostly RPGs, but play these on my xbox, so I was really struggling with this game and the controls. I had been wondering if I could play this game with a controller and was overjoyed when I found this thread and your blog, so I set up with PGP, my xbox controller and newly purchased wireless reciever.


I found that some of the commands on the pre loaded profiles worked, but some inexplicably did not. I was able to move, use the standard quickslot but not some of the other commands. I also changed some of the buttons to my liking, and again found that some worked and some didn't.


After some mild frustration and fiddling with the SWTOR and PGP settings, I discovered my problem. You (and Errol) have added extra keybindings in your SWTOR game to access more commands with the controller, and I will have to do the same in my game before all these controller buttons/ commands will work. If this is really obvious to everyone else, and I'm just being a major noob, then just ignore this post.


However, as SWTOR is attracting many new players, especially new to MMOs from my in game chats, as well as players who want to use console type controllers if they are more used to these and/ or have physical limitations that mean they have to use a controller, please consider adding the tip about customizing the keybindings in game before all the control options will work. It took me ages and lots of experimentation to figure out why only some of the options were working, including trying all 3 of my controllers in case they were faulty.


I just thought I would point this out to you and others using this thread, as you might think it is something really obvious, but to a major noob like me, who has never used keybindings before, it was a complete mystery. So, as I said, you may want to consider adding a comment about customizing the SWTOR keybindings to match those used in PGP before all the options will work


TL, DR Being a major noob, I didn't know I would have to add a bunch of extra keybindings in SWTOR before the PGP profiles would work properly for me. You may want to add this information to your blog instructions so that other noobs don't get stuck and confused. Sorry if this is a really obvious point.

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I am currently using a modified version of the pinnacle profile here with an XBOX360 controller. I just reinstalled pinnacle, which i originally purchased to play WoW. I had the most success with my PvP Warrior, but i also used it for my feral druid. It was always meant to be an experiment, and i was honestly amazed at how well it worked in the end.


It was funny telling people how i was playing in WoW. Most would immediately dismiss the idea because "keyboard turning" is so utterly frowned upon. What no one could wrap their heads around was my solution for this. I would make the right stick into mouse movement. Within WOW, i would make a macro that essentially held down the right mouse button indefinitely. I would have to hit place the cursor in the center of the screen, activate the macro, then use the controller. Using this method, i could actually turn about a zillion times faster than mouse-users, and i had to dial it back. The only reason i rarely used it for Raiding was the right-clicking issues. There are numerous examples in WoW where you have to click something - capturing a flag or looting enemies. This was such a pain in the *** that i limited my controller use to PvP. Even then, i sometimes had to frantically grab my mouse and click a flag.


I am now adapting the basic idea to SWTOR with a jedi guardian. This is remarkably similar to the arms warrior i am used to, what with the charging in as well as the rage resource. One thing that is ALOT easier in TOR is the lack of stance-swaps. I spent most of my energy learning to stance-dance using the directional pad. Warcraft's macro system made it easy to also make weapon swaps.


My basic control scheme is mostly identical to the OP one here. I like to make the shoulder buttons into shift buttons, and put the targeting functions on the central "start and select" buttons. The main addition I have is to use the triggers as rapid fire repeaters. We all know those moments when you are repeatedly jamming down on a key, hoping to use the ability the very instant it comes off cooldown. Assigning repeat to a key means you just hold it down, and the ability is used the moment its available.

Edited by brusifur
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Mkcontol works very well as well. I have used it as a emulator for every mmo that doesnt have game pad support......



Really nowadays ? You dont have game pad / cpu attached any thing support signing keys ? Really ? what the f@#$% you been doing all this time? Pay attention.....

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Hi, Buffy. I just wanted to drop a quick line and address your concerns. With mine and Errol's profiles, I've included disclaimers that these profiles are meant as templates, not as definitive solutions. These are proofs-of-concept that take advantage of a lot of keybindings that most people use, but aren't bound by default. I've tried to ensure that any default commands I use retain their default keybindings, and any nondefault ones bind to unused key combos, so you should be able to easily add them in SWTOR if you're inclined.


I'd recommend looking at Joystix Pro if you want simple plug-and-play that only utilizes default commands. Their free SWTOR Stix has everything you need without the more complex stuff you see in the other programs.


Hey i have a question. The Xpadder and MiJ work after i set it up.. But i dont know how to set it up when im in SWTOR! Please help, im so confused and i really wanna play this game!



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Hey Peeps,


Thanks for your fast reply, especially considering that you are not 'officially' here right now.


Now that I know and understand your terminology, I found the part in your blog where you did say what I needed to know, I must have just missed it, or skipped over it cause I didn't really understand it. It's not your fault that I don't know what I'm doing, I just added it as a suggestion in case you wanted to make your instructions extra newbie friendly.


Once I figured it out, I added in the keybindings, and customized the set up a little to suit my own needs and preferences. I figured it out in the end, without too much hassle. I will also add that I didn't actually watch the videos you have up to show how to use PGP, so if that info was in the vids, then I apologize. I'm usually pretty good at figuring out how things work, so I just started playing without watching the video. Again, my bad, not your fault.


This is my first MMO, as well as my first 'proper' computer game that requires more than just clicking on the screen (I play some of the casual hidden object games). I'm used to just playing on my xbox with all the commands already set up on the controller, and not having to memorize a whole bunch of keys, let alone adding my own keybindings. It's a huge learning curve, but I'm getting there. And I'm loving the game, so it's all worth it.


Thanks for your help

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Now that I've just had a good look at your blog again, I can see that I had downloaded and played with your newest and most complex profiles, which I would have known if I'd read a bit more carefully. Having had a good look through all of them I can see now that there are simpler ones that would have worked straight away. If you have added these green 'plug and play' labels since my post, then thank you. If not, I'm sorry I missed them.


I can see now that I tried to run before I could walk. Thanks again for all your help.

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Hi thank you for this post and the blog it helped me to play swtor with my xbox controller.


However i installed ventrilo today and when other people are talking it constantly moves my charecter around. it happens with joytokey and/or xpadder running a long with vent. if my cursor is in chat or on google while people talk it types out "dsdsdsds"


can anybody help me trouble shoot this and figure out a fix?

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I've been looking at this and the only issue I'm running into is the camera controls. The right clicking is annoying as all get out. :)


One solution I have in mind, but haven't been able to get to work is:

1. Right-Click Sticky by default.

2. Release the cursor while one of the triggers is being pulled and possible also state shift as usual.

3. Invert vertical axis when cursor is not showing.


I've been toying with PGP and Xpadder, and can't seem to figure it out.


Any ideas?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, everybody! I'm finally done with school, and ready to play! :-) Let me start with answering some of the unanswered posts in this thread.


Hi thank you for this post and the blog it helped me to play swtor with my xbox controller.


However i installed ventrilo today and when other people are talking it constantly moves my charecter around. it happens with joytokey and/or xpadder running a long with vent. if my cursor is in chat or on google while people talk it types out "dsdsdsds"


can anybody help me trouble shoot this and figure out a fix?


If you're still having problems with this, I'll mess around with Vent and try to troubleshoot. Neither of my guilds uses Vent, so I haven't encountered this problem. Have you tried PGP to see if you encounter the issue there?


I've been looking at this and the only issue I'm running into is the camera controls. The right clicking is annoying as all get out. :)


One solution I have in mind, but haven't been able to get to work is:

1. Right-Click Sticky by default.

2. Release the cursor while one of the triggers is being pulled and possible also state shift as usual.

3. Invert vertical axis when cursor is not showing.


I've been toying with PGP and Xpadder, and can't seem to figure it out.


Any ideas?


Check out some of my earlier PGP and Xpadder profiles on my blog. I have them designed so the mouse axes simultaneously right-click so the camera rotates by default, but you can state shift to the third map for free mouse movement. In Xpadder, this can cause the mouse to occasionally right-click on things on the screen, but I've encountered no issues in PGP.


It's not a perfect solution, but if you don't like the toggle, its a good alternative.

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I am trying to use the lastest version of J2K with my X360 controller. I have used the program in the past with no issues but it doesn't seem to work with TOR. I tried reading through past posts but its too much for me lol. Is there something I need to so to get it to work?
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  • 2 weeks later...
I am trying to use the lastest version of J2K with my X360 controller. I have used the program in the past with no issues but it doesn't seem to work with TOR. I tried reading through past posts but its too much for me lol. Is there something I need to so to get it to work?


Chris, the answer you need is in the OP :)


FAQ: "Why isn''t XXXXXX program working in SWTOR?!"



(And sorry for the late response. Been making up for lost time with the family now that school's out!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am new to PC gaming, SWTOR is my 1st online game ever. I tried using keyboard & mouse, but found it difficult because I am not familiar with all the key placements (typing w/out looking). Every one using game controllers & posting helpful info really helped me enjoy this game. I think it shouldn't matter what device(s) you use to play the game and I am a little disappointed on some replies about using game controllers on PC. We all have paid good money to play & we should all enjoy the game no matter what device(s) we use to play it with. Keyboard & mouse or Game Controller... some people like driving Trucks others like driving cars, just enjoy your time on the road and May the Force be with You in all your future travelings.


Controller Mapping: http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u89/602marissa/DualShock_3_swtor.jpg

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People who wants to play this game using a controller should be on the stread shouting and hollering with a cardboard sign and selling pencils from a cup.


What the heck is the issue with you guys?

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As a quick update on my ridiculous summer project: I have my Kinect (to include voice recognition) and Wiimote w/ nunchuk working with my computer via GlovePIE, but I'm still having trouble getting the balance board to stay connected. It looks like it's going to work, though! I'll post a video of playing SWTOR this way once I get everything working :-)


Disclaimer: This is my own little project for funsies. No, I don't intend it to be a competitive way to play the game. All that saber swinging would get exhausting!

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  • 2 months later...

So...I still haven't managed to get the Wii Balance Board to talk to my computer. Maybe at some point I'll revisit this project, but it kept me busy for a good month until I basically stopped playing the game so...it's definitely getting thrown on the backburner. If anyone has successfully attempted pairing their balanceboard with their PC, let me know!


Otherwise, I'm still around to help anyone with any controller questions they have!


(And as a quick reminder, this thread's for assistance only, not to debate the merits of controller use. Please stay on topic.)

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