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*BUG* Jugg Utility


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The last tier ability Through Pain is broken or not labeled correctly. Several times last night when pvping (having selected Through pain utility) the item did not work. It specifically says immunity to movement impairing effects. Several times in huttball and ahg while it was active I was harpooned into fire and or rooted to not be able to move. Please look into this. Thanks
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Well I'm not 100 percent sure, because BW doesn't have much continuity in it's terminology for these things, I believe that's still working as intended. Movement impairing is probably just roots and snares, it doesn't say knockdown/knockback immunity. Then look at a similar ability on another classes, hydraulic overrides, and it says movement impairing, knockdown and physics (what the **** is physics now??)
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Well I'm not 100 percent sure, because BW doesn't have much continuity in it's terminology for these things, I believe that's still working as intended. Movement impairing is probably just roots and snares, it doesn't say knockdown/knockback immunity. Then look at a similar ability on another classes, hydraulic overrides, and it says movement impairing, knockdown and physics (what the **** is physics now??)


When I see physics, to me it says I should be able to walk off a ledge and not fall; Bugs Bunny style.

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I suppose. Just seems the verbiage immunity from movement impairment needs to be reworded then and or it is a bug. Comments from a dev here would be perfect to define exactly what means and or if in fact it is a bug. In theory it is a pretty good gap closer to hydrolics or force speed to try and stay somewhat in close proximity to your target
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I suppose. Just seems the verbiage immunity from movement impairment needs to be reworded then and or it is a bug. Comments from a dev here would be perfect to define exactly what means and or if in fact it is a bug. In theory it is a pretty good gap closer to hydrolics or force speed to try and stay somewhat in close proximity to your target


We're probably not going to get a dev to post on it but I too would love for them to post or link a "dictionary" for all the different terms they use on the tool-tips or reword the abilities to make them more consistent


Movement impairing = roots and slows


Incapacitating = mezzes and stuns (? *see below)


Knockdown and knock backs = pretty self explanatory you'd think, but it's BW so who knows. I believe "pulls" (force pull, harpoon) are part of this group but not 100 percent sure.


Then we have "controling" per the ability entrench (snipes) and unremitting (juggs). So I guess that means "everything" as I'm familiar with the jugg version.


(*)Then the tooltip for dark stability for assassins. They list them each out individually: stun, sleep, lift and incapacitating. Wouldn't simply stating incapacitating cover them all? This is what I mean about BW and their inconsistent tooltips. If incapacitating isn't a stun, sleep or lift then what exactly does that cover?

Edited by Ridickilis
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